Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 236 Ninety percent win at the beginning (for subscription)

There were so many people at the party that the entire underground space was packed to the brim.

The girl's angry voice echoed through the party.

It made countless people angry.

I can't wait to take up arms immediately and go to war with the empire, for freedom and justice, and for a beautiful new era.

The meeting place was an abandoned chemical plant.

It has been abandoned for thousands of years, and many large-scale equipment have been corroded by rust and crumbling.

The interior of the factory is very dilapidated, the only advantage is that it is spacious enough.

There are nearly a thousand believers gathered here, which can be easily accommodated.

The composition of these believers is very complex.

Some are down-and-out aristocrats, some are quite talented poets, and some are businessmen with status and status in the past.

They gathered here to denounce all kinds of terrible crimes of the Empire.

Vent the dissatisfaction and anger in my heart.

"Now the Chidixing government has entered a state of war, and the minions of the corpse emperor in various hives are already hunting us down. The gods are also ready to descend, let us start a war against the evil imperial forces. The dictator is Unable to suppress the revival of free will, the ghost named freedom and justice wanders in every corner of the empire, and it will come back eventually." The girl raised her arms and said hoarsely, "They want to defeat us, but they just We are dreaming, we who are protected by the gods will surely win the final victory."

"Long live the gods, we are a tenacious organization, unquenchable wildfire." A man raised his arms and shouted.

"Yes, we will fight until the last moment. Long live the gods, we will surely usher in victory. All dictators are paper tigers." A woman in the crowd also shouted.

The crowd all shouted frantically.

His face was red, and his tone was extremely excited.

"The god-favored one has come."

A voice made the rioting crowd suddenly calm down.

An old woman in a black robe came out of the darkness. Her hair was shaved, and her head was covered with runes praising the gods.

"God's favored one."

"God's favored one."

"God's favored one."

The frenzied crowd gave way.

Escorted by a group of young men with fanatical faces, the old lady came out slowly and walked to the podium specially built for her.

The devotees kept quiet because of the old woman's arrival.

The reason why they dared to fight was because of the courage given by the old woman.

The old woman walked to the podium, raised a thin fist, and said with strength and determination beyond ordinary people: "Destroy the human empire, destroy the dictator, the galaxy belongs to the gods."

"Destroy the human empire, destroy the dictator, the galaxy belongs to the gods."

"Destroy the human empire, destroy the dictator, the galaxy belongs to the gods."

"Destroy the human empire, destroy the dictator, the galaxy belongs to the gods."

This group of crazy believers of the gods yelled in unison the call sign that has been repeated countless times, and each time it is deafening.

"My lord, let's perform the ceremony." A believer said, "The filthy Chidi planet needs the power of the gods to wash it with blood. Those dirty and stupid minions of the corpse emperor are defiled this ancient planet and deprived people of their freedom and happiness. We need The help of the gods, only the gods can save us."

"Yes, destroy the hateful corpse emperor, defeat those damn dictators and tyrants. My family has served the empire for three thousand years, but they mercilessly sweep us away as garbage. What a sad thing. This country It has been distorted to the point that even loyal, hardworking, and righteous servants are rejected, and those hateful hooligans have been sent to high positions, leading the entire empire to destruction."

A man squeezed out and said loudly.

From the dirty silk clothes with the family crest on his body, it can be seen that this man was once a noble descendant with ancient blood, enjoying a good life.

It's a pity that he looks very down and out now.

Hair is greasy and turned into clumps.

The clothes on his body were also full of oil and mud.

Those crimson eyes were like hungry wolves, and there was no trace of the elegance of the nobles of the past.

"The corpse emperor and Guilliman's hypocritical liars have deceived human beings. Chaos is not as terrible as they say. In the distant past, our ancestors worshiped these ancient gods and obtained faith and power from them." Another A woman stood up and said through gritted teeth: "The empire is stigmatizing those ancient beliefs in order to fool those ignorant people and stabilize their rule."

"The truth of the 10,000-year Horus Rebellion is not what they said at all. Horus, who liberated the entire galaxy, was hated by his father, and those warriors who yearned for freedom and equality helped Horus, and they set off a great storm. The rebellion movement was about to break the terrible rule of the corpse emperor and usher in a beautiful new era for mankind. However, Horus failed in the face of those insidious liars. He was said to be a traitor, and a great hero was spurned and abused. Those The gods who longed to help mankind obtain happiness were also poured with all kinds of sewage by them, and they used shameless means to erase all records of Horus, wanting to completely break the backbone of mankind's pursuit of freedom."

"But liberty is the birthright of every human being, and we must fight for it. We must welcome the gods and clear the name of wronged warriors."

"Defeat the corpse emperor, defeat Guilliman."

"Embrace the future, welcome hope."

Under the brainwashing of these remarks, the believers became extremely fanatical.

They showed hatred in their eyes, wishing they could destroy Taila now and pull the corpse emperor out to whip the corpse.

The old woman nodded, and she looked at the fanatical girl just now.

At this time, the girl's face was flushed, and she was very excited at the thought of dedicating herself to the great cause of the gods immediately.

"Greta, let's perform the ceremony, let us welcome the glory of the gods." The old woman looked at the fanatical girl and said in a concentrated voice. "It is no longer possible for human society to overthrow the corpse emperor's rule by its own strength, nor is it capable of preventing the human empire from going crazy."

"We need the power of the gods to come to the galaxy, cleanse those damn thugs, kill the minions of the corpse emperor, and create a free and equal new world."

"Yes, my lord," said the woman, "let us give ourselves, faithful believers, and let us pave the way for those great warriors. A new age is coming, and mankind will be saved through us."




People shouted frantically, in unison.

As soon as the girl waved her hand, several cultists with profane runes carved on their bodies came out of the darkness.

They held a holy grail in their hands, which was full of bright red blood.

"Drink this holy blood and let the power of the gods merge into our bodies." The girl said, "Our flesh will become a container for the servants of the gods, allowing them to descend."

Made of metal and marble, the orbital temple with huge propellers installed is magnificent and incomparably huge, and it is located in the void.

There are a total of eight such temples, far away from the light of the stars, surrounding Chidixing.

Every god known to the Word Bearers is enshrined in the Orbital Temple.

The Word Bearers have no fixed gods, they are loyal only to Chaos.

They considered the gods to be manifestations of Chaos, and for this reason each god had a place in their palace.

Erebus also recently added a new god.

One of All - Yogg-Sothoth.

Through prayer, Erebus' nightmare symptoms were slightly relieved.

Still, those horrific sights made him miserable.

Erebus felt no malice.

His pain came from his awareness of the existence of Yogg Sotos, not that the other party intentionally hurt him.

Like the thunderstorms of nature, they are never subjectively malicious.

But the existence of these things has cost countless lives.

"The forces of the warp are converging, and those ignorant mortals are acting according to our plan, and they are sacrificing themselves."

Another leader of the Word Bearers Legion, Cole Pharron, observed the fluctuations of the Warp Aether, and said to Abaddon's loyal think tank, the Void Prophet - Ashur.

"This is exactly what we need." Ashur stared at the celestial zodiac in front of him, showing a cruel smile, "With the help of the power of the Great Rift, the entire galaxy will be distorted, and the unborn and many warriors will obey the Warmaster's orders." The will will board the Red Earth Star."

He could feel the universe pulsating beneath the surface of reality, like a precision machine.

Physical space and subspace are one.

They are two sides of a silver coin.

On the one hand, the movement of celestial bodies is maintained in an orderly manner by basic force, space-time light cone and other boring laws. This is an orderly world.

The other side is based on emotions and souls, those occasional thoughts and lost ancient memories, that is the world of disorder.

It is fate that chaos will swallow reality.

No matter what kind of things will go from order to disorder, this is an eternal law.

Now, they are about to witness history.

The destruction of the Nachmond Corridor will begin on Chidi.

The human empire will enter the countdown to destruction.

The deaths of those cultists on Chidi turned into screams and poured into the subspace, and the converging torrent hit the ether storm that had already been hooked.

A horrible scene happened.

Huge blue-white giant stars that accounted for 95% of the mass of the galaxy flickered and then dimmed.

The long night has come.

Every loyal soldier of the empire on Chidi star felt the trembling from the soul, as if something was standing behind them, blowing air on their necks.

Shadows shuttled through the Hive City, and the darkness gathered at the edge of the fire surged upwards, covering the walls, devouring all forms, and dissolving all light.

They cried, howled, and roared, and those horrible sounds were like a gust of wind passing through the snow-white skulls left in the wilderness.



"We've returned."

"We are by your side."

"The end has come."

The first servitor screamed.

Then came the second, and then the third.

The lumens flickered and went out, and the squirming shadows spread like a flood that broke a bank.

In the abandoned factory under the Styx hive capital, Greta and the old woman knelt on the ground piously, watching a gloomy figure take shape from the darkness.

"The messenger of the gods." The old woman yelled frantically.

"You will receive Mercy and become part of our Lord."

The monster in the darkness came out, and the flickering candlelight reflected on it.

The monster has asymmetrical eyes and four arms curled over a slender torso.

Each arm ends in a clawed hand.

The lower body is a cross between a snake and a worm.

The body is a nerve made of scales and thick blood vessels.

The large part of the face is composed of multiple jaws, with sharp teeth like steel needles.

The multiple eyes were filled with pure malice, and the sound of steel needles rubbing against each other made the dark underground space extremely terrifying.

The appearance of the servant of God subverted the fantasies of those who were still alive.

Accompanied by the tragic screams, the bodies of those believers who drank the holy blood began to shatter, and demons walked out of their bodies one by one.

The crimson blood and broken human limbs stained their bodies, making them look extremely terrifying.

Chaos brings only lies.

The only thing that can be bestowed on people is the habituation and patience of pain.

What the Emperor gave was painful.

However, the truth of the gods is even more terrifying.

Guilliman's description of Chaos was less terrifying and malevolent than what they saw as the truth.

There were screams of remorse, but it was too late.

The demons devoured the flesh and soul of these ignorant idiots with ferocious laughter.

Terrible darkness poured from the ground of each hive.

Those fools who are self-righteous, see the truth of the empire clearly, and want to embrace a new era with better air, are outrageous no matter where they are.

They constantly magnified the shortcomings of the empire, twisted and answered Guilliman's thoughts, and self-righteously saw the entire galaxy clearly.

They are humble and cowardly and hate the empire, but they are eager to use the power of other forces to obtain the so-called freedom and new era they want.

Darkness swallowed everything, including the cowardice of these fools.

The priest went mad in the dark, and the machine slave was in chaos.

Those huge machines were destroyed by monsters emerging from the darkness.

With the disappearance of the sky light, pieces of prism-shaped shield light disappeared, leaving only the empty sky.

Many advanced technologies of the empire have been assembled, and the shield covering the whole world has been closed just like that.

The Chaos side didn't use a single shot, just relying on the assistance of the traitors, they accomplished this feat.

The moment the light of the shield disappeared, subspace cracks appeared in every part of Chidi Star.

Countless demons and traitors poured out from it, attacking those hive cities.

Caught off guard, the imperial troops lost their positions one after another and were forced to retreat all the way to the inner cities of the hive capitals.

Fortunately, the imperial troops were well-trained and did not cause any chaos or casualties, and even the civilians had already been moved away.

The Chaos side has been victorious all the way, conquering cities and conquering territory, and the momentum of advancement is extremely fierce.

When Hong Suo heard the news, he was also taken aback.

He himself didn't expect it to be so smooth.

Bypassed the terrifying void defense system.

The army of chaos pierced directly into Chidi Star like a sharp sword, causing the defense lines of the human empire to collapse.

At the beginning, the empire lost more than 90% of its positions.

This inappropriate flying dragon rides on the face, is he sure to win! !

The capture of Terra and the elimination of the corpse emperor are just around the corner.

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