Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 243 Protracted War (for Subscription)

Andy stared at it for a moment, then turned his attention away from the intelligence data of the void battlefield.

The power of the Empire in the Void cannot be underestimated.

It is difficult for the plague god's minions to break through, let alone achieve any constructive results.

The plague god's attack was blocked on the edge world of Ultramar.

It prevented the opponent from destroying other galaxies, and suppressed the crisis within a controllable range.

Andy turned his gaze back to the battlefield, where the enemy was retreating into the fog.

Soon, they will attack again.

The war here has been going on for three years.

Andy has already figured out the rhythm of the enemy's attack.

The Empire and the enemies of Chaos continue to see-saw on various planets in the fringes, using technology and faith to fight against the magic of the warp.

"My lord, the enemy has completely withdrawn from our range of fire." The adjutant came up.

His hazmat suit was covered in rancid sludge.

The goggles were also filthy.

A dead fly had been swat down on the heavy military uniform, leaving a pale, pus-filled smear.

"Get ready to switch defenses." Andy glanced at the communication sent by the headquarters, and said.

Hearing this, the soldier next to him showed a pale smile.

They have been soaked in muddy water for more than three months.

Eating, drinking, and sleeping were mostly in the muddy trenches.

For safety, they did not take off their dirty military uniforms whether they were eating or sleeping.

What I ate was a tasteless high-calorie nutrient solution.

They don't even take off their military uniforms, so they use the food port to connect those nutrients and inhale them directly.

The long battle has pushed their physical and mental strength to the limit.

The Son of Sarah needs a rest before he can fight again.

The plague is no joke.

With just one bite, those flies can infect an entire army with a plague in seconds.

They endured these harsh conditions and persisted in the muddy trenches until the arrival of the replacement troops.

This battle is destined not to be decided in a short time.

The plague god wants to overwhelm the empire with disease.

This is no easy task.

And it is not easy for the empire to completely expel the minions of the God of Plague.

Cultists, traitors, and radicals dissatisfied with the status quo of the empire are also growing the power of the plague god, supporting Mortarion's plan.

The two sides have maintained a tug of war.

Sustaining the war on the edge of the world.

Soon, the soldiers who changed defense came from the ruined city.

They were the Catachan regiments who had just experienced a break.

Like the Sara Corps, they also wear heavy military uniforms, and the outer part of the military uniforms is covered with exoskeleton armor, so as to isolate the epidemic area and avoid excessive reduction in personnel due to the plague.

The Sara Corps had withdrawn from the line, their exoskeleton armor and vehicles all filthy and muddy.

Fighting against the plague god's minions, the most uncomfortable thing is not their offensive, but the poisonous plague rain, flies and invisible diseases.

A breath of unpurified air may bring enough viruses to wipe out an army.

In the early stage of the invasion of the Plague God's minions, many troops encountered such things.

The plague was transmitted through flies and the air, and transformed a corps in just a few days, turning them all into walking corpses.

Andy took his troops to the center of the ruined city.

The ruins are still protected by void shields, but the staff inside are still wearing heavy overalls to avoid being infected by the plague.

Cities are much cleaner and drier than outside.

Many troops that retreated temporarily hid in those charred buildings to rest.

Their vehicles are scattered on the street.

It's also full of sludge.

Even those knight mechas are like this, they are extremely dirty and look extremely sloppy.

Andy sat in the troop carrier, and she occasionally saw the resting soldiers.

Here, even when sleeping, they need to wear heavy military uniforms to avoid being infected by the ubiquitous plague.

In the center of the ruined city is a building made of complex metal structures, covering a vast area, like a giant city.

A bright beam of light is like a huge pillar supporting the sky, and it emits a strong blue-white light like a fluorescent tube, which is very dazzling.

When Andy and others approached the building, they heard a roar.

The whole earth was shaking, and the little stones were shaking.

That building is a huge teleportation device that maintains the space channel to the Celestial-class battleship, allowing the troops of the Empire to travel to and from the planet and the battleship without the need for a drop pod.

A huge energy supply device is installed underground, absorbing stable geothermal energy to maintain space passage.

The vibrations of the earth were caused by those huge devices, shaking the entire formation.

Andy sat on the troop carrier, staring at the building, even though she had come and gone a few times, she would still be shocked by the building.

This is a miracle of human technology.

After the Imperial Regent took power, Imperial Technology began a comprehensive reform.

This spatial device that can maintain a stable passage is also a product of reform and innovation.

For veterans of the Empire's former troops, these things are simply subversive.

Completely changed their inherent perception of war.

Those generals would occasionally talk about some past events.

They can only land on the surface with the help of the empire's transport plane.

This process is very thrilling.

You need to avoid the enemy's anti-aircraft fire and fighter jets to have a chance to establish a battle line on the ground.

In every landing battle, there are at least 10% casualties.

Seriously, group destruction is not uncommon.

And now, with the maturity of the empire's teleportation technology.

The empire has basically abandoned transport planes for landing operations, all using space teleportation to transport ground forces.

It is not that simple to enter the channel and return to rest on the battleship.

It is necessary to go through a complex security process to pass through the security channel.

The disease spread by the enemy has supernatural activity.

Therefore, strict quarantine procedures are required.

This is a very important job.

Both Andy and her troops need a thorough cleansing before the plague can be eradicated.

They were asked to drop all weapons and equipment.

In a sterile, closed space filled with the pungent smell of disinfectant, take off your clothes and wash every part of your body.

It is then inspected to confirm that there are no problems before being sent to the next procedure.

In addition to the medical quarantine procedures at the real level, there are exorcism ceremonies conducted by state religion and demon judges.

Every soldier was required to drink the holy water he had prayed for and sing the Emperor's Psalm on the spot.

This is a necessary safety check procedure.

Medical procedures can only check the body for lurking plagues.

But the plague god's methods are not limited to these. The plague can not only harm the body, but also the soul, which is its terrifying aspect.

Many patients are in good health, but their souls have fallen into darkness, becoming the minions and containers of those monsters.

After completing all the inspection work, Andy and others put on simple clothes and lined up towards the transmission channel.

Quartermasters will disinfect and clean their equipment and weapons, and if they are not tense, they will be sealed and wait for their reuse.

If you are nervous, you may be assigned to other regiments.

This is a necessary fit.

If the equipment is brought back, more energy and resources will be required.

In order to optimize the use of resources, commanders are tough on this matter.

The equipment and personnel of all regiments are separated to ensure absolute safety.

The channel is very bright.

The servo skull is suspended, and from time to time, one or two soldiers will be randomly checked to check their identity information.

Automatic turrets and machine guns moved back and forth in an orderly manner, and radar devices locked on all soldiers within range.

"Go forward, line up and go forward." The law enforcement officer wearing a full set of protection and holding a law enforcement stick stood aside to maintain the order of the passage.

At the end of the passage, people walked into the light hole emitting strong light one by one.

The light hole is like a giant gluttonous beast, devouring the surging crowd.

After completing the complicated inspection procedures and waiting in such a long line, Andy was exhausted by the time he reached the light hole at the end of the passage.

She doesn't want to understand how the complicated machinery works, and how these mysterious machinery can create a stable space channel that can lead to the battleship.

She just wanted to go back, rest for a while, and then continue to devote herself to the battlefield.

The pungent smell of ionized ozone rushed to Andy's nose, she didn't care about it, and just walked straight towards the light hole.

The free static arc made goose bumps all over her body.

A very special feeling covered her whole body.

The moment she entered the light hole, she felt that time had stopped flowing.

It's like the feeling of the flow of time returning to zero.

Instead, there is a very wonderful sense of leap.

The feeling of being outside of everything and beyond.

Her eyes became dark.

That feeling quickly faded, though, and the light reappeared.

"Go forward and don't block the people behind." A cold voice came.

Andy followed the voice, and the law enforcement officer wearing a helmet stood on a high platform aside, telling her to continue walking.

She has come to a huge domed hall.

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