Lightning flickered in the thick dark clouds.

It was as if there was an unknown force trying to break through the thick cloud cover.

A green poisonous fog enveloped the entire planet.

This planet has been dragged into the garden of a loving father.

Demons play in it.

Everywhere is covered with squirming flesh and blood hyphae.

The walls of the building are full of filthy slime and excrement.

It can only be seen from some corners that this is the world that once belonged to the empire.

Unfortunately, those traces have almost disappeared.

Only those rusty metals can make people realize that this was once a developed industrial world.

On the planet's surface, stands a magnificent, decaying plague factory.

It was built out of the ruins of the original human cities.

Even those cultists who turned to the God of Plague could hardly survive in this factory.

All viruses and plagues known to mankind are gathered here.

Bells rang around the plague factory.

A corrupt clock tower is still faithfully fulfilling its mission.

The evil sorcery of the Warp keeps those decaying machines going.

The bell tower has another meaning.

It is part of Mortarion's Chronological House.

A vast network of corrupted empires is taking shape.

Every time the bell rings, it represents the fall of an imperial world, and many innocent people died in this terrible war.

Many demons looked up and continued to work.

A line of plague bearers passed such rotten wood from one hand to the other.

Light the fire beneath the cauldron of Nurgle.

A dark green flame was burning the cauldron.

The hot soup is rolling in it.

From time to time, green bubbles surged up from the bottom of the pot, bursting with a bang, spraying out a stream of green poisonous mist, which floated into the air to increase the plague content in the air.

Kurgath, who had finished communicating with Mortarion, took the big spoon from the rotten, bloated hands of the septicemia.

Keep stirring the plague.

Nurglings screamed excitedly around the factory.

The Plague Band sings of Fatherly Grace.

The whole world is filled with joy.

Demons have no worries.

They live under the protection of a loving father and spread the gospel of a loving father.

Kugas ignored them and concentrated on boiling the plague.

He kept moving his hands, but he was thinking about many things that happened in the conversation just now.

Mortarion had gone mad.

He attacked Typhus, just so his plans could go ahead.

This is a very excessive behavior.

A loving father does not like his children to struggle like this.

Kougas felt a tinge of sympathy for Mortarion again.

His brother Guilliman became more and more successful, and the Empire of Man was rising, forcing the gods to join forces.

This would undoubtedly make Mortarion feel frustrated, uneasy, and humiliated.

Just like himself, he became the most favored person because he ate the plague cooked by his loving father without doing anything.

Kugas also worried that his performance would not be worthy of his father's grace.

Mortarion was desperate to defeat Jaghatai, to preserve his fragile dignity.

Kugas hopes to prove his ability by helping him.

Dedicating the five hundred worlds of Ultramar to my loving father will definitely make him happy.

Kugas put away his thoughts and continued the cooking process carefully.

The contents of the cauldron are terrible, even he can kill.

This is the crucible of Nurgle, concocting the world's most vicious plague.

Every spin, every bubble that pops, counts.

Kugas is like a demanding scientist, carefully formulating the plague.

Every swing and measurement is impeccably precise.

But a small puff of steam erupted, forming a dead head on the surface of the soup, and the potion was officially completed.

"It's done." Kugas whispered: "Quiet, keep quiet, little cuties, the greatest masterpiece of the Plague Garden is about to be completed."

Many demons fell silent, and the laughter and laughter disappeared.

The entire plague factory fell silent, and even the flies stopped buzzing.

The eyes of all the demons were focused on Kugas.

"Now, it's the last step. We have to extract it." Kugas said: "We have to be careful enough to kill those demigod plagues, as well as us demons."

The Plaguebringers came up, carrying a huge, dirty test tube.

The head of the test tube has a cork.

Innumerable fly runes are engraved on the tube wall, densely packed and emitting light.

Kugas gripped the test tube with a pair of tweezers and placed the opening on the decoction.

The decoction in the crucible spun.

Violated the law of gravity and started filling the test tube.

After a while, the green soup was submerged in it.

The soup swirled at high speed in the test tube, changing from green to colorful colors, and then becoming transparent again.

It looks unremarkable.

"It worked." Kugas looked at the test tube in his hand, his yellow eyes showed excitement and ecstasy.

But in the next second, Kugas was a little worried.

This thing should work.

Thinking of this, Kugas pondered for a moment. He picked up the test tube pretending to be a plague, and stared at the pathogens in it with yellow eyes.

He reached for the tweezers and carefully opened the cork of the test tube with the tweezers.

Panic spread among the Nurglings.

They can sense threats approaching.

Some demons also ran away from Kugas in fright.

Kugas carefully dropped a drop.

The effect is immediate.

A smoky circular wave of gas sweeps in all directions from where the liquid hit the ground.

Everything it touched turned to charred black rot.

The Nurglings and demons who failed to escape in time turned into pus amidst the screams.

Even their souls were rotten and devoured by the plague.

"The effect is very good, even the soul cannot escape the damage of the plague." Kugas nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, the poisonous fog that enveloped the factory rolled up.

The flesh and blood hyphae squirmed, dominated by a powerful will.

A gigantic figure of the Great Unclean One appeared in the mist.

The opponent looks very similar to Kugas.

Bloated and fat body, round head with rotten but hard antlers.

But Kugas didn't like each other.

The name of the visitor was Rotigus, an old enemy who competed with him for the favor of his father.

Rotigus was the second favorite of the loving father, after Cugas the first.

Rotigus participated in the Battle of Terra during the Horus Heresy and was one of those summoned into the physical universe at the time.

Known for his "benevolence," this dreadful Great Unclean One responds to the entreaties of mortal beings, though in a twisted way.

He will rain on places that lack water, but those rains carry deadly insect eggs, and the areas that rain will be plagued by plague and disease until their souls collapse and are transformed into plague corpses.

He will bless the dying people, and let them fall into the torture of the plague that is hard to die, neither human nor ghost, neither dead nor alive.

"It seems that you have completed your plan." Rotigus revealed his figure in the thick fog, "Unfortunately, everything you did is meaningless."

Kugas stared at Rotigus, which was made up of the mist of the disease, showing dissatisfaction, "I don't need you to take care of my affairs, Rotigus, I only obey the orders of my loving father."

Rotigus showed a mocking expression, "The gods are fighting for the last time to determine their position in the alliance, and the loving father asks you to come back. The changers, the joyful and the bloodthirsty are all gathering their own Army, whoever gets more advantage, gets a higher position in the league."

"Guilliman's webway plan has been activated, and his army is getting stronger and stronger. The gods have decided to join forces as they did with the Damned to destroy the entire real universe and drag every planet that has not been polluted into the sphere of power of the Warp, in order to maintain eternal Chaos."

Kugas whispered: "We are completing an important goal. If we can successfully drag the five hundred worlds of Ultramar into the Garden of Nurgle, then the influence of the loving father will far exceed that of other gods."

"The five hundred worlds of Ultramar are not important anymore. The father's order is for you and Mortarion to withdraw. The gods need to join forces. The previous invasions have proved that Guilliman's army and Mortarion in the real universe Power is not something that one god can fight against, and separation will only make us lose more thoroughly." Rotigus said: "The horn of the end has already sounded, and when the gods have determined their respective positions, they will launch a general attack on the real universe .”

"To be honest, Kugas, your wisdom is not as good as the favor you have received. Your plan for Ultramar is too narrow. I have a more perfect plan. If it succeeds, the human empire will be like Poor bastard infected with the plague, dying on the verge of death."

Rotigus stretched out his rotten finger, the mist rolled in the air, and a woman appeared in the picture.

"Guilliman's underestimation of chaos is his greatest weakness. He has too much trust in human nature, but he doesn't know that sometimes, a single truth is enough to make those people who trust him go to his hostile side."

"This woman is the beneficiary of Guilliman's reformed education system, but she will be one of the seeds of corruption."

"But this is also our greatest opportunity. The foundation for brilliance will also be the cornerstone for destruction. The two complement each other. These human beings are happy to get the truth, but they don't know that the truth is the most terrible poison in this world."

"Your underestimation of Guilliman is outrageous, Roshantis. Do you think a Primarch comparable to the Damned would be defeated by means like yours?" Kugas chuckled, as if hearing It's like some big joke.

"Let me tell you what will happen, Rosantis, those fools who listen to your demagogy will be hanged on the gallows, and then they will all be hanged, this is their fate."

Roshantis didn't take what Kugas said to heart.

"This plan is long-term, just like the rot of an apple starts from a small spot. Today's attempt is just to leave a small crack in the solid empire that is enough for moisture and miasma to enter. We It can continue to instill these toxic thoughts into human beings, and eventually the entire empire will collapse."

"Although my plan is long, your plan is doomed to fail. Withdraw from Ultramar, Kugas, and evacuate with nothing. We must all obey the loving father. His orders are supreme and his gifts are endless. , more inclined to generosity than anger, but He will not allow to be overridden."

Anger appeared on Kugas's face, "I will go back before the war horn sounds, and I will go back with the spoils. Luo Tishansi, you will never be able to get the title of Nurgle's favorite."

"That's not certain." Luo Tishansi showed a hint of slyness, and then his figure disappeared.

Kugas could only be angry at the air. He stared at the plague in his hand, knowing that he had to prove something.

Otherwise, what qualifications does he have to retain the title of the Most Favored Father.

There has never been true peace in the galaxy.

There are wars erupting all the time.

Much of the world of Ultramar enjoys relative peace.

But in the fringe world, the war between the empire and the god of plague is heating up day by day.

Gatan Fortress belongs to several defense groups in Ultramar.

This is a fortress of war built using the latest technology of the empire.

Presenting a hexagonal rhombus, the diameter of the central cylindrical area reaches 100 kilometers.

The diamond-shaped building has a diameter of more than three hundred kilometers, and it is an out-and-out colossus.

Tens of millions of people are stationed here.

The huge star destroyer is located in the cylinder, once fired, it is enough to easily destroy a planet.

One-third of the population stationed in Gatan Fortress is the army, one-third is logistics support, and one-third is the residents who provide services for the imperial expeditionary force.

Gatan Fortress is actually a mobile military world, just like the old Cadians were trained to become warriors from the day they were born.

The residents living on the Gatan Fortress also all have good military literacy and are a backup source of soldiers for the imperial expeditionary force.

Gatan Fortress also has a powerful escort fleet, they are suspended around the fortress, like a lion group, with Gatan Fortress as the core, hunting the enemy in the galaxy.

Even though Chagatai has seen many giant structures of the empire.

But when facing Gatan Fortress, I was still surprised.

This huge imperial army set out from the core industrial galaxy of Ultramar, and used the warp space to jump to the frontier world, preparing to join the grand war with the God of Plague.

It was Phekris who was in charge of commanding the fleet. After learning that Mortarion was leading the fleet to attack the Ultramar galaxy, Guilliman transferred Pheklis and Ventris back to the Ultramar star field to fight against Mortarion, and planning a big surprise for Mortarion.

Jaghatai was stopped while hunting Mortarion.

Phikris can't just sit back and waste time on inspections, let alone sit back and watch the perfect hunting plan be destroyed.

Inside the Gatan Fortress, Chagatai, who was invited to the fortress, went through complicated inspections to ensure that he was not polluted and parasitized by the subspace before he was allowed to enter the Gatan Fortress.

Phikris was waiting for him in the internal strategic conference room. After leaving the Imperial Regency, he has been serving as the commander of this fleet, promoting the plan of the Imperial Regency.

A strong hunter will make all the preparations before the hunt begins.

Phikris sees the Imperial Regent as that kind of hunter.

After learning of Mortarion's possible invasion of Ultramar, a plan against the Primarch began.

Mortarion had danced to Guilliman's baton from the moment he arrogantly unleashed war on the fringes of Ultramar.

The combat power of the servants of the God of Plague is not considered the most powerful among the gods, but they are the enemies the empire is least willing to face.

Those plagues, fog, and poisonous rain all day long are the biggest headaches for the empire.

If Ultramar hadn't undergone a comprehensive reform, I'm afraid it would have already been reduced to the plague god's paradise by now.

Of course, the situation is still not very optimistic.

Hundreds of billions of people were displaced and forced to move away from the battlefield.

The economic loss caused by this is even more difficult to calculate.

Guilliman left a weapon against Mortarion in Ultramar.

Phikles and Ventris had planned to lure Mortarion in and defeat him.

It's just that Mortarion is a primarch after all, with extraordinary wisdom and strategy.

Neither Phikris nor Ventris found a suitable opportunity to use the weapon to give the guy a special surprise.

They could only slowly gather information about the opponent, guess Mortarion's intentions, and try to create opportunities to hunt the opponent.

"Is this the weapon my brother left behind?"

Chagatai stood in the strategy room.

As yet another returning Primarch, he was warmly received by Phikris.

Even Guilliman's huge plan, which was unknown to others, revealed a little to Jaghatai through the mouth of Phikris.

"Is this the weapon my brother used to defeat Mortarion??"

Chagatai looked at a long curved sword protected by a shimmering protective force field in the strategy hall.

Numerous electromagnetic circuits and sacred runes are depicted on it.

It's huge, and it's not a suitable weapon for a mortal.

It's a little too big for a space fighter.

If it is used by a Primarch, it is just right.

"Yes, my lord. This sword is called the sacred blade. For a long time, the demons believed that the warp was their private property, but they were wrong. The warp belonged to every creature with a soul. Mysterious The property of disorder can be applied by all, as long as it is within the appropriate scale."

"The holy blade is forged using the method of forging subspace weapons. The only difference is that it is not filled with extreme malice, but pure belief in the emperor and human anger. This force will destroy all Demons," Phikris said.

Jaghatai stared at the so-called holy blade, and he could feel the power in it.

He remembered the weapons his brothers had used during the Horus Heresy.

Obviously, the sacred blade in front of him was cast using the same method.

Possesses incredible power.

Like the Dionysian Spear that Russ used to use.

It wounded Horus so badly that he almost died by one step.

The Holy Blade possesses the same power, and it only takes one blow for Mortarion to repeat the fate of Horus.

"It's a very good weapon," Chagatai said.

"We have tried it, and these weapons can easily kill demons, even if they have the evil power of the warp and the blessings of the gods. Compared with these holy weapons, they have no advantage. Tech-priests are Trying to apply this technology, if it can be extended to other long-range weapons, it will be the biggest reliance of our expedition to the Eye of Terror."

Fekris turned off the force field, he held the inactive weapon, held the sacred blade in both hands, and handed it to Jaghatai.

"This is the best one. It has extraordinary power. It only needs to assassinate Mortarion, and he will lose everything."

"You want to give it to me?" Chagatai took the long sword and rubbed it with his hands.

"Someone has to deal with Mortarion. Your execution of the plan is more perfect than our execution of the plan. After analysis, Mortarion has a strong inferiority complex. Among the many Primarchs, he is one of the few who failed to defeat the local warlord. The one who unites the world. He is extremely sensitive to what others say and insults, which is his weakness."

Phikris turned on a hologram.

"Mortarion launched an attack on more than a dozen galaxies. He is arranging a huge ceremony. If successful, he can distort the star field near Ultramar and drag it into the warp."

"You know his every move like the back of your hand." Chagatai said.

"Humans have their own warlocks, think tanks, and the Eldar are also providing us with information. Moreover, there are human allies in the warp. Guys do business. The Warp is good for daemons and traitors, but we can use the Warp to our advantage as well."

"We collected their information from various channels to judge their purpose. Mortarion's strategy is very secretive and deeply hidden, but he still exposes some shortcomings. In this galaxy, this galaxy, our psychic intelligence agency has detected The strong smell of decay, the pollution of the entire starry sky is emanating from these few galaxies."

Phikris clicked on several planets in the projection, and then he clicked on a planet emitting green light, "This is Ix, and the psychic energy fluctuations emitted are the strongest. After discussion and existing information Based on our analysis and conclusion, we all agree that there may be an artifact on this planet that belongs to the Plague God, which is the Plague Crucible, which is said to be used by the Plague God to boil the plague.”

"Ix is the key to Mortarion's plan, and there may be the most important target there."

"You want me to solve Ix's matter?" Chagatai asked.

Phikris nodded, "Yes, it is very important there. If the Lord is willing to take troops there, he will make a gesture of destroying Ix. Mortarion will go to Ix to stop the Lord in order to protect his plan. , or he will fail, and a man like Mortarion will not suffer defeat willingly."

"Very good analysis." Chagatai nodded. "If this is the plan, then let's implement it. The conflict between me and Mortarion will be resolved in Ix."

"My lord, please don't launch an attack so quickly. Once Mortarion thinks he has failed completely, he may choose to escape. We must let him see a little hope of victory. When the lord was besieging Ix, Wen and I Tris will clear his peripheral nodes and weaken the plague god's influence in the real universe."

"I understand," said Jaghatai. "During the Great Crusade, I mastered and used such tactics. In the old days, I called them lures."

"It's better this way," Phekris said. "The prison for Mortarion is ready, and hopefully we won't return empty-handed this time."

"Don't worry, I will catch this traitorous brother as a gift for me to meet Guilliman, the father of your genes." Chagatai said confidently.

Devon planet.

The huge imperial fleet is assembled here.

Several Eldar Seers and Eldar Harlequins also gather here.

A heavyweight is involved in this operation.

That's the big buffoon from the buffoon comedy troupe.

At this moment, everyone was watching Guilliman, waiting for his order.

"Let's start the ceremony, summon the archangel." Guilliman said softly.

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