Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 266 Angels and Demons (Subscribe)

The woman wearing the wild cat mask stared at Bruce Wayne, her eyes were like autumn water, even if she couldn't see her face, she could see the woman's charm and the wildness and charm of a wild cat woman from her eyes.

Bruce didn't care about the woman's gaze, with a smile on his lips.

He is bound to get this dagger.

No one can compete with the Wayne family.

The woman couldn't see Bruce's expression.

But she knew that the bid of 500,000 US dollars was already her limit.

"You win," the woman said. "It's yours, bastard."

"Thank you, I like the adjective bastard very much, it is perfect to describe a dude like me." Bruce smiled: "You made a very wise decision, for people like me, money is of no use. I'm not interested in money, and I don't like money."

"Master, you should restrain yourself a bit, it's too much to spend money like this," said the butler beside him.

"Why should I restrain myself? My money can last for several lifetimes. The money I spend now is not as good as the money I earn." Bruce said nonchalantly, "If you don't spend more, when will the money be spent?" !!!"

The arrogant words of the man caused all the people who participated in the auction to discuss in low voices.

Even wearing masks, they recognized each other's identities.

The biggest and richest playboy in Gotham City, Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne's family business controls everything in Gotham City, and it is the top group that is second to none in the entire world.

There are countless industries under the Wayne Group, involved in shipping, infrastructure, energy, entertainment, media, medical retail, finance, technology, military, aerospace, aviation and other industries.

As long as there are human beings living, the shadow of the Bruce family industry can be seen.

The whole family is like a huge snowball swallowing gold, rolling forward and growing.

The Wayne family is the richest and most powerful family in the world.

When the new president is elected, he even has to ask about the power of the consortium represented by the Wayne family.

More than half of MPs need the support of this consortium.

The resources and funds that Bruce can control are the top in the world.

Problems that can be solved with money are not problems for Bruce.

Questions that can embarrass Bruce on this planet can be said to be rare.

On the surface, he is the helm of the Bruce family.

The well-known dude.

Living a life of spending money like water and getting drunk.

He is the speaker of the most powerful consortium in the world.

In private, Bruce also has an unknown identity.

He is the iron fist of justice-Batman that makes countless gangsters in Gotham City fear.

Founder of the Justice League.

With a body of steel, Superman, who is known as a god, is his best friend.

Wonder Woman, who has a relationship with the gods of Olympus, has an inseparable relationship with him.

Neptune, who controls the ocean kingdom, is also in this Justice League and is his comrade-in-arms.

There is also the steel frame with the most advanced technology, and the extremely fast Flash.

These are all unique superheroes with great powers.

In addition to these superheroes, the Justice League also has a group of second-line superheroes who are less popular and less powerful.

Power, wealth, Bruce are all men standing on top of this world.

In the true sense, the body of a mortal is comparable to a god.

Hearing this, the housekeeper had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​persuading his young master.

There really isn't much to say.

Two million dollars is a wealth that ordinary people can't earn in a lifetime.

But to the young master, it's just a drop in the bucket, useless data.

The money of the Wayne family can't be spent in a lifetime, it can't be spent.

The rest of the auction didn't have much to offer.

Bruce didn't sell any more, just sat and watched other people's auctions.

In fact, it wasn't Bruce's prodigal to spend two million on that dagger.

That dagger helped him somewhat.

The kingdom of Sumer Bara is said to hold the power of magic.

There was a good chance that the dagger contained the magical lore he wanted to study.

Magic is a force to be reckoned with in this world.

Shazam, Constantine, these guys all have the power of magic and witchcraft.

After going through several crises, Bruce Wayne felt that his armor really needed to be strengthened.

Superman, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman have too much power, and if they get out of control, the threat is too great.

There are also those unknown mysterious worlds, which also have threats.

As the founder of the Justice League, Batman also needs to have the means to restrain them.

It's time to add a little more than technology to your Warframe.

The auction ended and it was already late at night.

Bruce walked out of the auction house.

The housekeeper took a step ahead of him to start the car.

The woman who lost the competition just now followed Bruce out quietly.

Her movements are very gentle, and she has a special magical power that makes people ignore her existence.

Just walked out like that, but no one looked at her.

When there was no one around, the woman made a move. Her speed was as fast as lightning, and a faint phantom appeared in the air.

At the same time, under the influence of a mysterious force, the street lights went out all of a sudden.

Darkness overwhelmed Bruce.

A soft hand reached out to the dagger he had just bought.

Bruce's senses were also extraordinary, and he reached out to stop him.

When he was young, Bruce visited fighting masters from all over the world to learn various martial arts.

Qigong, Judo, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Brazilian war dance, etc. are all proficient.

"Selena, that's enough. Do you still want to taste the taste of being hunted by me?" Bruce protected his things and looked into the darkness, his eyes could see things in dim light.

The tights highlighted the woman's protruding figure, the black stockings on the feet added a touch of femininity, and there was a cat face mask on the face.

Bruce can naturally recognize who the other party is.

It was his old enemy.

Gotham City is well-known, the thief who likes to steal jewels-Catwoman.

The magic of ancient Egypt gave Catwoman superhuman senses and vigorous skills, and she can sneak into any place by virtue of her stealth.

Bruce wasn't worried at all.

The two sides have played against each other many times.

He knows Selena's methods well.

Even if the other party can hide in the shadows, he can still detect the other party's location.

Magic is not everything.

"That thing should have been mine." A female voice full of magnetism that made a man's bones tingle came from the darkness, erratic.

"The highest bidder wins, this is the rule of the auction house." Bruce smiled and said, "I'm sorry, it has already been bought by me."

"Watch your stuff, Bat, this isn't going to end like this."

"Then you have to be prepared to enter the police station." Bruce teased.

Realizing that there was no way to succeed, Selena did not continue to pester her, and turned around to escape into the darkness.

The street lights flickered a few times and then returned to normal.

Bruce didn't chase each other either, but returned directly to Wayne Building.

He knew very well that if Selena tried to escape, no one could catch him.

The Wayne Building is the tallest building in Gotham City and a symbol of the Wayne family's wealth.

Bruce took the elevator directly to the top of the building.

The top layer gathers high-tech that human beings can own and use.

Part of it belongs to the mother box of life, the alien civilization technology of the underwater world.

With his connections and resources, Bruce has mastered these technologies and applied them to serve his own just cause.

The dagger was placed on a scanning machine by him.

Those special runes are displayed on the screen, and the database is compared and analyzed.

Bruce intends to use scientific means to study magic, and then add some new gadgets to his armor.

"A small town in North America hopes that Wayne Group can rebuild a qualified power supply network for them. The existing power supply network can't meet their living needs, and frequent power outages lead to food spoilage. It's just that they are located in a remote area. It would be very expensive to rebuild and it would be difficult to recoup the cost. My advice is to give up. The existing power network is enough to give us an edge over our competitors. Those people should learn how to take better care of food instead of asking others to do it for them get more."

"This is a batch of lists about optimizing the employment of members of the Wayne Group. Some inefficient and inefficient departments and employees will be laid off directly. The relevant compensation plan will be carried out in accordance with the law. Do you want to look at the list, master."

"Some workers in Gotham City sat in protest at the gate of the factory, demanding that Wayne Group continue to employ them. The Ministry of Justice has filed a lawsuit against them, asking them not to interfere with the normal operation of the factory. If they violate it again, they will be required to pay compensation."

The butler reported to Bruce something about the group's operations.

Bruce waved his hand, "These business matters are up to you. Let me see what happened in Gotham tonight!! Hope those bugs and rats don't make trouble."

Only by following the rules can the market prosper.

The Wayne Group has developed into the behemoth it is today, and there is no need for him to pay attention to it anymore.

As long as there is no big mess, the Wayne Group is unshakable.

Everyday chivalry has become Bruce's daily routine.

For the safety of the people in Gotham City, Bruce really did his best.

Bruce couldn't imagine how bad this city would be without Batman.

As soon as the system monitoring the entire Gotham City was turned on, it started broadcasting tonight's news.

[At around 7 o'clock tonight, there were multiple shootings in the Brown neighborhood, and it was suspected that local gangs were fighting for the territory. 】

[Smuggling boats were found at the pier, and some gang members smuggled women for illegal transactions. 】

[Psycho-addictive drug found in Paradise Bar]

With the help of intelligent AI, Bruce controls every move of Gotham City.

The screen shows the evil happenings in Gotham City tonight.

Bruce checked, shaking his head.

This city is rotten to the root.

Batman as a symbol of Gotham City must not disappear, otherwise it will be the disappearance of order and chaos.

In darkness, there must be a ray of light.

Bruce knows that he has to persevere, and only by persevering can he save Gotham City.

Justice must be done.

Sin will be severely punished.

One day, Gotham City will once again become that honest Gotham City.

After a brief meeting, the Blood Angels and the Space Wolves each determined their lines of attack.

They will attack from different directions, and the final destination is Prospero, the den of Magnus.

The cruiser strategic strike ship belonging to the Space Wolves - Wolf's Hammer sailed smoothly in the void.

The huge engine was kept running at a low speed, and the output power of the energy pile was also adjusted down.

Frigates are displayed around it.

A large group of fighter planes are swimming in the bottomless void, shuttling back and forth in a vast area with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers, looking for deep space mines and missile traps.

The battleship Wolfhammer was surrounded by tall towers, bulwarks, and sloping gun turrets, and its huge ram pierced the empty void.

The thick void shield rippled like tulle, and the generator hummed.

The bottom crew shouted and ran, and the supervisor whipped those who wanted to be lazy with a whip.

Tech-Priests maintain the ship's workstations, keeping the ship up and running and making sure all systems work flawlessly.

The divine brain placed in the huge nutrient tank squirmed, and the connected nerve cables also swayed in the nutrient liquid.

The energy distribution nodes with flashing lights vibrated slightly, and the surging energy flowed along these nodes to various areas of the battleship.

The servitors were bound to their terminals by cables.

Their spines or faces are knotted with a large number of pipelines, and the patches of gray skin that emerge from them are the last remnants of their humanity.

They are sinners condemned to death without wisdom.

Under the auspices of the priest of Mechanicus, he performed lobotomy surgery, inlaid metal limbs, reprogrammed the brain domain, and became a half-dead slave.

Trapped forever on the machinery that keeps them alive, performing the numb and dull tasks over and over again, in order to atone for their sins of betraying mankind in the past.

The Empire has never been kind to traitors, and that is how they all end up.

Incarnate as a demented servant, burning like a candle for the empire until the last moment.

The space inside the ship is huge.

A huge arena is located inside the battleship.

The wolves are drinking and fighting here.

For most of the Space Wolves, their daily life consists of drinking and fighting.

Two warriors are fighting in the arena, trying to decide the winner.

The others cheered for the two fighters while pouring down their drinks.

Among the crowd, an extremely tall wild wolf warrior sat on the main seat.

The opponent was wearing a set of burly Terminator armor.

The servos of the joints hummed menacingly in low, regular rhythms with his various movements.

The surface of the ceramic material is covered with blessed runes deeply carved one by one.

The white bones as trophies kept shaking on the huge shoulder armor, making crisp crashing sounds.

The back of the armor is covered with a bear fur blackened by gunfire and full of bullet holes.

The warrior's face shone like tanned leather, studded with rings of metal.

Wrapping the full jaw are two tufts of sideburns that are as black as night.

The beard and hair are as shiny and clean as the hair of a predator.

This warrior is none other than the wolf of the Fourth Great Company of the Space Wolves, and the master of the wolf is Harvick.

"Defeat him, Gascar." Harvick shouted for the fighters in the arena.

Many wild wolves also howled, and metal wine glasses made sounds when they collided.

"Enough, it's time to work." A voice came.

The Wolves' entertainment ended with the arrival of the Rune Priest.

"The hunting preparations have begun." Agam was wearing a black sacrificial armor like a forge, and his broad face with a resolute expression was hidden under the ancient skull-like mask.

The cheering wolves fell silent, like a pack of wolves about to hunt.

Their eyes shone with desire.

The Sons of Russ were never afraid of battle.

They longed for revenge on Magnus.

"What did you find?" Harvick frowned slightly, his yellow eyes were shining with clarity and vigilance.

"The reconnaissance system found something." Agham called up the data device of his helmet and connected it to the mechanical equipment in the hall.

A projection appeared above the heads of the wolves.

As the brooder clicks through data, lights flicker to trace tactical projections.

A brown-red planet jumped into the field of vision, and it continued to grow under Agam's control.

"Gangwa galaxy." Agam said: "There is only one world. According to the records of the empire, there is a galaxy with life. Nine satellites, one of which is our target. The first node in this star area is also The first fortress we shall smash."

Images kept coming, and Harvick stared at them.

The yellow eyes sharpened.

"Orbital Defense?"

Agam shook his head, "Not found."

"A defenseless lamb??" Harwick smiled cruelly, "Facing the bite of wild wolves, they can only face death."

Harvick stood up, exuding the breath of a hunter.

He stared at the constantly zoomed-in picture, and the surface of the planet came into view.

A dark brown with dirty orange streaks, it looks like a rusted iron ball in space.

The size of the planet continues to grow, the detection device enters low-Earth orbit, and the scenery under the clouds unfolds in front of the wolves.

Beneath the clouds are lights, lights arranged in geometric shapes.

A huge, unimaginable city is revealed.

The most eye-catching thing in the city is the crystal pyramids.


With high-definition optics, it is possible to see the slaves and demons serving the wizards.

Harvick grinned cruelly.

He stepped towards the heavy gilded door, calling in a low growl.

"Let's go, wolves, it's time to let those witchcraft know the consequences of betraying the empire."

The target planet only has a few space stations and weapon platforms.

After a wave of attack, they were reduced to burning wreckage.

Space Wolves' warships conduct a wave of orbital bombardment of the ground.

No protection from void defenses.

Even with the help of witchcraft, it is difficult to restore the fate of failure.

The traitor commander of the ground air defense array stared in horror at the densely packed red dots on the screen.

Each dot of light represents an Imperial ship.

Now, the red dot blocks the entire screen.

The number is huge, covering the sky and the sun, making it difficult to count.

The piercing sound of the auspicious bird issued a warning of being locked on by enemy artillery.

Thousands of weapons were aimed at the city.

Energy weapons, kinetic energy cannons and bombing cannons have been activated.

Standing on the ground, you can see the rays of energy accumulated in those muzzles.

Shining, like the light of stars.

Those warships floated silently in the space, the iron-gray hulls looked cold in the icy space, like the messengers of death, without any temperature.

The Wolfhammer attacked first.

Its huge weapon system flashed, piercing the scorching ice-blue beam downward.

Subsequently, other members of the fleet also opened fire.

Flames swept across the sky, and the entire planet was engulfed in flames in an instant.

The sky throbbed under the pressure.

Intense light erupted from the night sky entering dusk, making the dark land bright again.

Low-hanging clouds are lit from the inside out.

What followed was a terrifying roar of atmospheric discharge, like thunder without lightning.

Multiple sonic booms from supersonic shells shattered the cemetery silence.

Lava bombs level cities and fill ravines.

Light spears fell one after another, burning the buildings and turning the earth into glazed glass.

The majestic, wriggling, eerie building was wiped out in a tall mushroom cloud.

The earth trembled with man-made thunder.

The relentless assault of the Space Wolves on the ground was like the relentless hammering of hammers.

Tower-like nuclear bomb flames soared into the sky, and mountains and rivers collapsed.

Cannon fire washes the ground, cleansing all possible resistance forces.

When the city was reduced to ruins, all the crystal towers were shattered.

The large-scale landing troops entered the battlefield after the bird divination instrument could no longer detect any threatening targets.

The empire's warplane roared down and landed on the ground, turning into a giant steel behemoth, just like the mythical Titan of Destruction.

Thick beams of destruction were released from their arms or chests, engulfing the ruins of the entire city in a sea of ​​flames.

With flashes of light, the Empire's double-headed eagle banner appeared on the surface of the planet Gangua.

Roaring tanks, missile boats, and gunboats roared out.

Daemons and psionic wizards bewilderedly gathered from all over the ruins in an attempt to counter the invading Imperial forces.

Multicolored lightning bolts and supernatural fires surge across the sky.

The torrents of the warp turned into unnatural storms, and the earth trembled at the wizard's efforts.

Blazing bolts and searing beams streaked through the air.

Shrieking shards of glass flashed down like a torrent of glistening light.

Molten gold surged through the streets.

The end of the planet has come.

The traitor's death fate cannot be changed.

With the roar of the wolf, Harvick, who came out of the teleportation beam, shot a wizard in the head.

Block the opponent's vicious spell at the throat, so that he has no chance to say it.

The wolves made their way through the burning ruins, and nothing could stop them.

The knights controlled the mechs and became a reliable support for the wolves.

Wherever the imperial double eagle flag goes, there is only destruction.

Pieces of crystal buildings were destroyed.

Colossal cannons leveled walls and pyramids, destroying anything that would give away their presence.

The wizards gathered together, and they drove demons and slaves to fight.

But what they faced was overwhelming artillery strikes.

Rockets shot up into the sky one after another and landed on the hiding places of the marked enemies, drowning their screams in the explosion.

Black smoke that covered the sky poured into the streets, and a thunderous explosion tore everything apart.

Wizards died by bullets, and demons were banished back to their worlds.

The Fourth Great Company led by Harvick was composed entirely of Primaris warriors.

They've done a whole new upgrade.

Traitors who have turned to the Lord of Changes cannot be their opponents.

The ruler of the city summoned a terrible demon in the center of the city by means of a strange and bloody ritual.

The flame-flaming red body is as huge as a mountain, wearing a crown of thorns and eyes like a blood moon.

Wielding a giant sword in his hand, he resembles a mythical demon of destruction.

The earth shook because of its appearance, and scorching air waves rolled.

The demon roared deafeningly, eager to harvest souls.

However, its roar did not last long.

In front of the wolves, any enemy will be torn apart.

Harvick led the pack into the attack.

With the help of the titans, the terrifying demon was slain.

Smash the demon's body with bolts, melta beams, and power weapons.

When the demon fell, the planet Gangua also announced the fall of the Empire.

The traitors ushered in a bloodbath.

Corpses lay in every corner of the city, fragmented.

Their screams echoed through the warp.

Traitors cannot gain the Emperor's protection.

Their souls will be the playthings of the demons, tortured, and corrupted into twisted creatures like the demons.

When Harvick declared victory, there were only burning flames and ruins on the planet, and the stinking corpses of traitors.

And this is just the beginning, the empire's encirclement and suppression of the psychic empire created by Magnus is comprehensive.

Every planet that has ever betrayed the Empire will be treated the same.

The Space Wolves kept winning, and the Blood Angels had some problems.

Dante faced a cunning opponent, Ahriman who was entrusted by Magnus.

Ahriman knew very well that with their current strength, they were not qualified to fight an all-out war with the empire.

Magnus is not Guilliman, even if he masters a star area, the situation of the army will not improve much.

He was so caught up in his grand scheme that he had no interest in running it.

The psychic empire, which claims to bring salvation to mankind, can't even gather a few well-organized fleets.

Dispersing the existing forces in various galaxies can only delay the empire's offensive, and there is no way to change the fate of failure.

The empire's technology and industry have grown too far.

Under the confrontation of the same force, there is no possibility of victory.

Only by gathering together, with the help of force superiority and witchcraft, can we contend with the empire.

For this reason, he mobilized the void troops from all the outer galaxies and gathered them together to form a large-scale legion.

Ahriman didn't care much what happened to those defenseless planets.

As long as it takes a while, Magnus completes the nine-story pagoda ceremony, and his task is successfully completed.

Using spells and information from the devil, Ahriman analyzed the Blood Angel's route and set up an ambush at the opponent's target location.

The Blood Angels fleet has just passed through the Veil, returning to a cold and dark reality.

A fierce attack fell on the huge battle fleet of the Blood Angels.

The attack came very suddenly.

Most of the ships have not turned off the Geller force field, and the defense of the void shield has not been raised to the highest level.

In just a moment, several battleships were torn apart by the artillery fire, and a big explosion occurred in the void, turning into countless fragments, and being engulfed by inertia, they flew into the depths of the universe.

For a moment, crazy shouts resounded in the communication channel.

Furious, the captain and the Blood Angels fought with all their might to discern where the threat was coming from.

Was the warship accidentally strayed into the asteroid belt and was hit by a meteorite, or the fleet was extremely unfortunate to break into the sphere of influence of a hostile force?

Bird divination instruments and radar towers quickly found out the truth for the Blood Angels, and the fleet that escaped from the warp was exposed to the guns of the enemy army.

Dante quickly realized from the vast amount of information that all this was by no means accidental.

The warships that attacked the Blood Angels all had baroque hull structures, and these features exposed the identity of the enemy.

It was the traitor force led by Ahriman.

The other party was obviously waiting for work, calculated their exit and time, and waited for them to deliver it to their door.

The traitor warships were properly deployed, covering and suppressing the Blood Angels battle group that had just rushed out of the warp, and what was even more terrible was that they were attacked from both sides.

For a while, the Holy Blood Angels fell into a bitter battle.

"Steady the front line." Dante uttered, encouraging everyone. He fixed his eyes on the screen in front of him, quickly analyzing the strength of the enemy and thinking of ways to break the situation.

The core of the enemy formation is a crystal fortress comparable to a planet.

The overall appearance is like a huge red crystal eyeball.

The Crystal Fortress was created by Magnus in the Empyrean using the crystals of the Altered Realm and the energies of the Warp.

Magnus named it Tizca's Revenge.

It is to remember the revenge of Prospero being burned in the past.

Taking advantage of the unstable foothold of the Blood Angels, the Thousand Sons Legion launched round after round of fierce offensives.

Battleships continue to explode and turn into burning stars.

The Blood Angels quickly calmed down.

Dante commanded the captains to launch a counterattack, forming a defensive formation.

At the same time, let the holy blood and other celestial-class warships store energy, preparing for a world-class attack.

Container-sized torpedoes shot out from the macro cannon, cutting through the void and hitting enemy warships directly.

Fighter squadrons fought bravely, rushing towards the enemy's line like a dense swarm of insects.

The crimson spear of light flashed brightly in the dark deep sky.

The ship's guns roared like thunder.

The loyalists tried their best to break through the enemy's encirclement.

The Thousand Sons Legion has been plotting for a long time.

This ambush is not so easy to break through.

The void shields of one imperial battleship after another were pierced, and the collapsed and cracked decks, together with the screaming crew members on them, were thrown into space.

One war engine after another shut down and fell silent.

Numerous torpedoes carved with profane runes hit the Imperial warships.

The seething power of the Warp turned the bridge and ammunition depots into flames.

Dante issued various orders non-stop, trying his best to restore the decline.

Ahriman ordered a frantic attack, and at the same time summoned demons to wreak havoc on the Imperial ships.

The empire was defeated until the Holy Blood fired a beam of destruction capable of illuminating the dark universe, destroying the traitor warships along the way, and the battle was finally reversed and moved in a direction favorable to the empire.

The world-destroying beam was blocked by the fortress of vengeance called Tizca, which resembled a giant eye controlled by Ahriman.

Under the urging of Ahriman's powerful magic power, the bright witchcraft tentacles intertwined layer by layer, forming an indestructible shield, which blocked the destructive blow of the Holy Blood.

This kind of witchcraft consumes a lot, and even the Crystal Fortress is difficult to release repeatedly.

What's even more frightening is that the Holy Blood can't be released only once, other battleships are also preparing for an attack that can destroy the stars.

The energy piles of those celestial-class battleships are still continuously supplying energy to the main weapons.

Ahriman was also very annoyed in his heart. He assembled so many fleets and was still in an ambush.

The Imperial Fleet still showed terrifying strength and reversed the situation of the battle.

If the fight continues like this, they have no chance of winning at all.

It is simply impossible to stop the Empire's offensive on Prospero.

Dante, who regained control of the battlefield, pursued Ahriman fiercely.

Intensive artillery fire bombarded the giant eye fortress, and after breaking through the shield, Dante used teleportation to launch a gang battle, preparing to capture Ahriman alive and wash away his shame.

He had just come out of the subspace, and before he had made any achievements, he was attacked head-on by the enemy and suffered heavy losses.

If it gets out, I'm afraid the sons of Sanguinius will lose face.

With the flash of space-time structure, Dante stood on the ground of the crystal fortress.

The crystal fortress exudes luster throughout, and every part is made of crystal.

A crystal reflecting terrifying visions.

Dante saw the scene where he jumped gang and was killed by Ahriman, and the scene where Sanguinius died on the Vengeful Spirit in the past.

The fortress is full of hostility, and it is trying to disturb the minds of trespassers.

"Ignore the sights, they are false," Mephiston warned.

Many Sanguiniuses nodded, and they formed a defensive formation with Dante at the center, looking at the crystal corridors warily.

Under the leadership of Dante, they walked towards the depths of the fortress, intending to capture Ahriman alive.

Tzeentch demons and traitors attack from those vision crystals.

The dense witchfire and filthy energy hit the Son of Sanguinius head-on, and the crystals burst one after another, with the power no less than that of a high-strength bomb.

The Scarlet Warriors were also in ambush, firing soul-burning psychic bullets.

The battle broke out in an instant.

Dante rushed to the front and directly launched Black Rage, using it to enhance his fighting intuition, and kill the enemy group.

After completing the second original casting upgrade, Black Fury is already under control.

The fighters of the Blood Angels can release Black Fury according to their needs.

In situations of extreme anger, a lack of sanity is inevitable.

In order to kill more heartily, Dante abandoned his daily battle sword and used a two-handed battle ax instead.

He had to chop Ahriman alive to vent his anger.

Whether it is a demon or a traitor, it is difficult to stop his power with an axe.

Mephiston followed closely behind him, unleashing psionic power far surpassing those wizards, tearing those guys apart.

Dante, his Holy Blood Guard, and Mephiston and other think tanks killed all the way to the ground.

The bodies of the traitors were lying on the aisle, exuding a scorching smell.

Entering a hall, Dante saw the instigator of the ambush, Ahriman.

A few scarlet warriors stood beside him, already his last guards.

"You shouldn't have come here." Ahriman looked at Dante who came in through the gate and said, "You could have won this counter-ambush victory, but now, the situation may be a little different."

"Killing you, or sending you back to Terra's prison, is the victory of this war." Dante said with a battle ax in his hand: "There is no change, you are doomed."

"In this case, it is too early." Ahriman said with a smile: "You have obtained Guilliman's new technology and gained stronger power, do you think you will definitely be able to defeat me?"

"Try it, and you'll know." Dante jumped up, and the tomahawk in his hand slashed down, and the jumping arc crackled.

A scarlet letter warrior brandished a weapon to meet him, but he was split open on the spot, and the ashes of the soul imprisoned inside also flew away.

Holding the scepter, Ahriman smiled, and a powerful pulse of spiritual energy gushed out of him, enough to distort the most steadfast laws of physics.

A bolt of fel lightning shot out from his hand. After Dante dodged, a blood guard behind him was hit by the lightning and turned into coke in an instant. Neither the power armor nor the shield could protect him.

Ahriman wanted to release the second bolt of lightning to completely eliminate Dante who was knocked into the air.

"Death to the traitor," shouted Mephiston, who, as the Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels, had fought many demons.

In terms of spiritual energy, he is one of the strongest in the empire.

Mephiston unleashes his will and psychic energy, and entangles Ahriman.

Dante, who was knocked into the air, stood up again, raised the battle ax in his hand, and walked towards Ahriman who was fighting against Mephiston.

"It seems that you have no chance to win." Dante said.

"Not necessarily." Ahriman said: "It's not that you are the only one who has helpers. You shouldn't be here, otherwise I can't win. It's a pity that you are here, and you are destined to die here."

Dante didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, he raised his battle ax and looked at Ahriman.

A demon in splendid attire, with twin heads around his neck and gorgeous wings emerged behind Dante. It was Tzeentch's cunning demon - Carlos the Weaver of Life.

In the fierce battle just now, no one thought that he had already been lurking here, just waiting for the moment when Dante let go.

Carlos' scepter released a blue flame, and nine runes intertwined into a chain to lock Dante.

Many emotions in his heart turned into his own shackles, and the unimaginable pain caused Dante to kneel on the ground, and the battle ax in his hand fell off.

"Poor creature in the trap." Carlos let out an arrogant and conceited laugh.

"I said you would die here, Dante. Quickly, kill him, Carlos."

Ahriman, in turn, clings to Mephiston, who wants to rescue him, and prepares him to watch how his Chapter Master dies.

Dante let out an angry roar, and the powerful battle engine was analyzing Carlos's captivity witchcraft for him.

Power is boosted to maximum.

However, it will take some time to resolve such witchcraft and get out of the opponent's control.

Carlos pointed the scepter in his hand at Dante who was kneeling on the ground, "You will die."

Before the words fell, a crack appeared on the battlefield.

Before Carlos realized what happened, the huge demon body rose into the air and slammed into the distant wall.

"You're going to die here, devil." A voice was ethereal and full of pity.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the figure where Carlos was just now, with disbelief and suspicion in their eyes.

What if the master is strong enough to beat the Supreme God? ?

How about Legion of the Lantern? ?

Invincible after beating Gotham City? ?

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