Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 269 Regret? It's too late (please subscribe)

Hidden in the dark, silent.

When the prey relaxes or reveals a flaw, one-shot killing is the most proud tactic of Midnight Ghost.

Only a handful of people can escape Curz's sneak attack.

The lion is just one of those people.

He reacted immediately.

The activated long sword in his hand blocked the claw's attack trajectory, blocking the opponent's attack.

The sharp claws collided with the long sword, and there was a sound of gold and iron.

The arcs of the disintegrating force field intertwined with each other, making a hissing sound, and then a strong shock wave erupted, kicking up the surrounding smoke and dust, and blowing out the flames.

Curz's nightmarish face appeared in front of Ryan, haggard.

The dry black hair was messy, unkempt, and smelled of burnt. It seemed that he had suffered a lot during the bombing just now, and even his hair was burnt.

Besides, his pale skin clings to the muscles and stretches over the protruding frame without any sense of plumpness.

The completely black eyes revealed unique cruelty and hatred, just like the hatred of the ghosts of hell towards the living.

The thin lips were raised, revealing a smile that only a madman would have.

The slender teeth and dry gums added a sense of terror.

The lizard-like tongue glistens off the yellowed fangs, making one shudder.

"Long time no see, brother." Curz's voice was like a ghost, cold and poisonous, coming from the depths of hell, making the blood of mortals cold and disgusting to the Primarch.

"You are not my brother." Ryan roared like a lion, and the long sword in his hand slammed hard, forcing him back, "Now is the time of reckoning, Curz."

"Hahaha, liquidation?? Liquidate the corpse sitting on the throne? Or liquidate the madness of the past? You are going to fight the gods, and our father is also a member of the gods, are you going to kill him? Become a new Horus?" There was a terrible madness hidden in Curze's voice, with mockery and sarcasm.

Curze's attack was like a ghost, no one could guess where the next blow would come from.

Ryan blocked one of Curz's swings, but the other side was exposed, and a flaw appeared.

It is very insignificant, but for the Primarch, such a flaw is enough.

Midnight Ghost strikes without hesitation, biting the enemy like a poisonous snake.

The gleaming right claw pierced the gap between Ryan's shoulder armor and neck guard, biting into his flesh and blood.

The pain spread from Ryan's shoulder, but his expression didn't change at all, as if it wasn't his own body.

He seized the opportunity and punched Curz in the face.

Midnight Ghost was thrown back by the huge force, and blood flowed out of his nostrils.

Curze screamed, his back arched, and he fled into the darkness like a beast.

Ryan stared at the damaged shoulder armor.

The built-in nano-repair is restoring the Warframe to original condition.

The superpower of the original body can quickly repair the wound, and the high blood coagulation factor stops the wound within one breath.

The flesh and blood squirmed, and the wound healed in a moment.

It gives people an illusion, as if the wound has never appeared.

The armor has also been repaired and is as smooth as new.

Ryan flashed a smile.

Guilliman pushed technology back into humanity's erstwhile golden age.

This suit of armor and enhanced flesh and blood is the best proof.

With these, he was already in an invincible position.

There was no way Curz could beat him.

"Koz, you are still so pathetic." Ryan stared at the deep darkness, looking for the figure of the other party.

He knew that this was the ability of Midnight Ghost. Curz could hide in the dark and reduce his sense of existence.

Such abilities come from that part of the subspace, and even the laws of reality will be deceived by Curze.

Ryan held the long sword, his ears were searching for the slightest sound, and his eyes scanned the shadowed ruins.

The armor was turned on to maximum power, trying to penetrate this unnatural darkness.

Even the subtle heartbeat of the other party can be detected by him.

"How ridiculous the fate you once insisted on, succumbing to those incomplete fragments like a weak coward, claiming to be guided by the future."

Ryan stimulated Midnight Ghost with words, trying to make the other party show his flaws.

Curze's voice came from the darkness.

It was so illusory that it was impossible to confirm his true location.

"You think you have escaped your fate, but don't you think that what you do is also controlled by fate? Even your resistance is just a part of a puppet show, dancing on the thread of fate controlled by others Are the dark gods really the most terrifying? Lions, in the depths of the vast starry sky, at the far end of time and space, human beings are not worth mentioning, and our resistance is not worth mentioning."

"That is a manifestation of your weakness and incompetence." Ryan walked on the ruins, his footsteps sounded with the crushed gravel, "I learned the truth from the mouths of those ancient survivors, I knew the insignificance of human beings, and I also knew the insignificance of civilization. What lies ahead. This is the meaning of battle, brave men breaking down barriers and allowing civilization to move forward."

"Self-comforting words, human beings can't change anything."

Curze is like a monster made of darkness and air.

Empty, empty places.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared.

The sharp claws grabbed the lion's chest.

The faint firelight reflected in the distance illuminated that perfect but depraved face.

Ryan activated the built-in energy shield of the armor, deflecting Curze's attack, and stabbing the opponent's chest with the long sword in his hand.


The blade did not have the sense of reality of piercing flesh and blood.

Curz disappeared again in front of Ryan.

What a loach! ! Ryan frowned, Curz was so able to escape! !

Ryan didn't have any loss, Midnight Ghost's ability to escape was the strongest among all Primarchs.

Lurking and assassination are Koz's favorite methods.

"Start the cage, start the full-channel search, and when he reappears, deprive him of his ability." Ryan used his nerve-connected thinking to send a message to the battleship, asking technicians to assist him.

It was never a one-on-one fight.

Lane wouldn't be that stupid.

His job was to catch Curze, not for an honor duel.

After giving the order, Ryan held his breath and walked among the ruins, using his keen senses to find Curtz.

At this moment, Ryan is very familiar, as if returning to the Caliban era.

He is still a knight, hunting those horrible existences in the forest.

Many people don't know how to find traces of everything left.

As a hunter, Ryan is familiar with this.

Nothing is without trace.

Just because mortals can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The disturbance of time, the mixing of breaths, and the slight distortion of the spatial structure are all traces of the existence of everything.

The big universe recorded it, hidden in the background of the starry sky, like a record from ancient times.

In ancient times, human technology was not yet developed.

In order to retain the sound, they invented an old-fashioned phonograph, which uses the vibration principle of sound to leave scratches on smooth objects, and then reuses the scratches to play the sound.

The universe is like a big record, everything and everything will leave its mark on it.

If you can master a certain method, you can see what happened in the past.

Ryan's heart skipped a beat, then he picked up the bolt gun on his waist and shot at the ruins with nothing left.

The huge power of the explosive bomb caused the gravel to splash, causing a mess all over the place.

Curz rushed out in embarrassment, and fled into the darkness under Ryan's slash.

"You have nowhere to escape." Ryan said, "Koz, your tricks can't fool me."

In the pursuit and hunting, the two sides entered an abandoned palace.

The collapsing cobblestone smashed against the altar, shattering a corner of it.

The walls that still stand bear grisly murals of dead skeletons, fang-toothed monsters, and winged demons.

Ryan keenly sensed a breath of subspace.

It was once used to worship evil gods.

"Have you felt it!! The breath of the gods, admit it, Ryan, your efforts are useless. When the order collapses, when the civilization is broken, those guys will immediately fall into the arms of the gods, and human beings are hopeless Now, the darkness is dormant in the heart of every individual, just waiting for the right time to break out of the body."

Lane tries to lock onto Curz's position.

The surging subspace ocean currents interfered with his hunting, making it difficult to find the traces left by Curze.

"Man's greatest enemy has never been the gods, but himself. Guilliman thought he had saved the race, but soon he would be dismayed to find that those officials who shouted loyalty became corrupt, and brave warriors became Arrogance and arrogance. An obedient subject is no longer satisfied with what he gives, but demands more. He will find that everything he does is meaningless, people are like hungry gluttons, never satisfied .”

"You talk too much nonsense." Ryan once again locked onto Curtz's location, and he shot in that direction, then raised his sword and rushed over.

The bomb forced Curz out, and the blade of the sword was as fast as thunder, directly hitting the traitor's vital point.

Curz dodged the bomb attack in embarrassment, and blocked Ryan's attack with his sharp claws, but he was quickly caught by Ryan and kicked down.

The Midnight Ghost wanted to run away again, into the darkness.

This time, he didn't succeed.

Curz showed a look of astonishment, he didn't know why his ability failed

He looked around and found that at some point in time, there were several beams of light standing in the area where he and Ryan fought.

His powers were disabled and he couldn't hide in the darkness.

"The game of peek-a-boo is over, Curz." Ryan knocked Curz down, and stabbed down with the long sword in his hand. Under the resistance of Curz's claws, he pressed down inch by inch, and finally pierced into his left forearm. and nailed him to the ground.

With the disgusting sound of blood tearing and armor cracking, Curze gave up his arm.

Stab Ryan's throat with the remaining claw.

Ryan gave up the sword in his hand, dodged his attack, controlled his arm, and slammed it to the ground.

A short sword appeared in the lion's hand, and he thrust it into Curze's other hand, pinning it to the ground again.

Then he straddled the opponent and slammed his fist into the face of Midnight Ghost.

One punch, two punches, three punches.

With every punch, Ryan tried his best to hit that depraved and disgusting face.

They inherited the noble genes of the same person, with perfect, noble faces.

They were supposed to be brothers supporting each other.

But now, Ryan only has disgust and pity for Koz.

This pathetic lunatic.

"This is something I've always wanted to do, you fucking betrayed us, screwed everything up, you killed Ferus, and you fucking wanted to kill Vulcan, me, and Guilliman, holy Gilles."

When Curze lay there bloody and bloody, with broken fangs.

Ryan stood up.

He retrieved his long sword and put the tip of the sword at Curze's throat.

"You can kill me." Curz mumbled, "End everything."

Ryan stepped on his breastplate again, and the thick breastplate was dented.

"I don't need you to teach me what to do, recognize who you are, Curz, you are a traitor and a waste. You are destined to spend your life in prison, and you will witness what you thought impossible become reality. Put you away That superior arrogance, those mortals have weaknesses that countless subspaces love, but they also have virtues that the gods hate."

"Arrogance ruins you, and it ruins everything we have ever worked hard for. Those mortals are the most powerful, and they are stronger than us. When this universe is in darkness and there is no light, even when we are desperate, they Still trying to live, choose to fight."

You can mock their ignorance, mock their ignorance, but you cannot deny their strength. They are so tenacious that not even the gods can defeat the tenacity of humans with their might. In the face of unimaginable suffering, they will choose to persevere, cling to their companions and lovers, and bear the unbearable weight of life. They will draw their weapons at the enemy, even when they know that death is certain, they never hesitate. "

"You are the most pathetic one, Curz, those weak men and women will not be like you, possessing the power of a demigod but weak enough to kneel at the feet of those monsters and succumb to the so-called fate. Curz, you are a Sorrow, your sorrow comes from your cowardice. You are weaker than a mortal, you dare not draw your sword against those seemingly powerful enemies, you will only weakly bully those ignorant and weak people, creating fear for them, Create a feeling of being strong."

"You have become sentimental. Emotion is a weakness." Curz opened his bloody eyes, filled with hatred. He broke free from the dagger, jumped up, and stabbed the lion's body enduring the severe pain.

Ryan grabbed Curze with both hands and smashed him to the ground, the marble was shattered by the heavy impact.

Curz got up again, like a Xiaoqiang, on all fours, attacking like a wild beast.

But he couldn't shake the lion, and was grabbed by the powerful arm again, and lifted into the air, like a toy, and hit the ground again, the gravel splashed, and the sound resounded through the ruins.

Lane dragged him again and threw him out, onto the boulder base, smashing the boulders.

Curz was dying, but he still wanted to get up.

When Ryan walked in front of him, Curz showed an ugly smile, as if he still didn't admit his fault.

This move angered the lion.

He lifted it up again, grabbing his throat with one hand and his foot with the other, and slammed it into his knee.

Armor split like bamboo, and the Primarch's spine was snapped alive.

The sound of breaking resounded across the battlefield.

Curz made a painful sound, lying on the ground and moaning like a wild dog with a broken bone.

Ryan stared at the traitor brother who had been beaten to death by himself.

The ship's gunboat was called.

After a while, the sound of the engine echoed in the burning ruins.

A cage built for the Primarch was brought down by the gunboat.

"You will be sent back to Terra, Curze, imprisoned at the feet of your father's statue, but you will never be forgiven and forgiven."

Coz couldn't say anything.

Still he screamed and groaned from the pain of his broken body.

Ryan stuffed it into the cage, and watched the mechanical priests activate various force fields in turn, binding it tightly in it.

The cage was transported back to the battleship in low Earth orbit.

Ryan let some imperial troops stay to maintain order after taking Curz.

Those nobles thought the nightmare was over.

However, the subsequent reforms and purges brought them into an even more terrifying abyss.

Ryan didn't care about this. He summoned a fleet and prepared to return to Terra with Curz, a traitor.

Prospero's Crystal Palace.

Wizards and those summoned demons stood before the huge throne.

The huge machinery built by the Dark Mechanicum made a rumbling sound, shaking the wasteland of Prospero.

Under the maintenance of those dark mechanical believers who are immersed in dark knowledge, it is running smoothly.

Extracting the souls of those psykers, transforming them into the energy needed for the nine-storied pagoda ceremony.

A powerful pulse of psychic energy emanated from the entire Prospero system, shocking the entire galaxy.

Human soul projections in the Warp, ignited by that psychic pulse like torches, glow brightly.

Countless demons howled, anticipating the climax of the ritual.

Humanity will truly merge into the Warp.

It will be an unimaginable gluttonous feast.

But at this moment, Magnus in front of the throne did not have a good face.

He stared at the many wizards and demons in front of him, and let out a continuous roar.

The voice containing anger shook the entire Prospero, and the torrent of magic became chaotic, and all kinds of witchcraft were suppressed under his will and could not be performed.

The wizards and demons shuddered at Magnus' wrath.

No one dared to offend the Scarlet King.

I dare not refute any words of the other party at this time.

Otherwise, they will see what is the resistance of ants.

Magnus can easily destroy them, and it doesn't take much energy compared to destroying an ant.

Even if he possesses powerful psychic energy, it is useless in front of Magnus.

"Ariman, you trash." Magnus moved his huge body, his blue wings waving behind his back, his voice was filled with extreme anger, every word shook the ears of wizards and demons like thunder , making them look pained.

Ahriman, who was resurrected by the power of Magnus, was even paler.

Kneeling on one knee before the throne, the mighty wizard dared not speak up, letting the Scarlet King wrath.

He was beheaded directly by Dante.

Souls were also banished to the Warp.

Life Weaver - Carlos is more unlucky.

he died.

The kind that is dead in the true sense and cannot be resurrected with the help of subspace.

Sanguinius' arcane spear destroyed all his demonic essence.

Carlos will never return unless the Lord of Change pays his price.

Ahriman did not recognize himself as a member of Tzeentch's family, and believed that he was independent and free.

However, this does not prevent him from being a follower chosen by Tzeentch.

As long as the pure essence is not crushed, it can be revived.

After venting the anger in his heart, Magnus sat back heavily on the throne with a gloomy expression and extremely cold eyes.

"What are you going to do to defend yourself, Ahriman. You have done so much crime without merit."

A bit of bitterness appeared in Ahriman's heart.

He lowered his head, not daring to meet the eyes of the Cyclops.

"Originally everything was under control, Dante was also bound, lost his weapon, and was only one step away from being executed, but at that time, Sanguinius appeared."

"This reason cannot clear you of incompetence, Ahriman, you have betrayed my trust." The Primarch of the Demon said in the ancient Prospero language, "You should have blocked a powerful enemy for me, but now, instead Make me waste my strength trying to save you."

Magnus didn't want to waste his energy saving Ahriman.

He still hasn't forgiven Ahriman for the scarlet letter incident! !

Now I'm doing things like this.

This chief think tank is really out of sight, out of mind

But facing the siege of the three armies of the empire, Magnus also knew that he needed to unite every force in order to be able to resist.

"I beg your forgiveness, my lord." Ahriman bowed his head and said respectfully.

"There is no forgiveness, you must be responsible for your own mistakes. Ahriman, you have one last chance. If you cannot perform to my satisfaction in the following war, then you will suffer. This psionic siphon The machine may need a being with powerful psychic powers to satisfy its hunger."

Magnus' words filled Ahriman with a tinge of fear.

The psionic siphons used to perform Nine Tower Rituals are capable of drawing the soul out of living beings as the equivalent of prying the power of the Warp.

It's just that this process is not a good thing for those who are selected to be fuel.

It can be seen from the pain to the distorted face and the screaming hapless ones all the time.

The stronger the power, the more terrible the suffering on this soul siphon will be.

Ahriman had to fight for himself.

He didn't doubt that Magnus would really do that.

To be honest, he couldn't afford the consequences like that.

After teaching the failed heir, Magnus set his sights on the current predicament.

The appearance of Sanguinius caught him unexpectedly.

Considering the opponent's performance in the battle of Terra, Magnus rarely put away his arrogance.

He knew very well that he had no certainty of victory.

The Realm of Change was also invaded by the Emperor at this time.

A large number of bound warriors, led by the living saints, invaded the Crystal Plains.

The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce.

Now that he has lost Carlos, the Weaver of Life, the support he can get from the ever-changing field is also much less.

Some demons said they would continue to support Magnus' plan.

If the nine-storied pagoda ceremony is successful, all human beings will be transformed into psykers.

Think about what a grand occasion this is.

Human beings will become the dependent race of the Lord of Changes.

Let the ever-changing field far surpass the other three fields.

Such a fruitful result is enough to earn promotion and appreciation for the demons involved.

Great interest is the key to their persistence.

Magnus was also quite proud of this, and he had prepared this plan for a long time.

It took a lot of work to forge the nine-fold crystal tower in the warp, and to attract enough psykers to Prospero for them to feed the huge psionic siphoning machine.

Nine-storied pagodas have been arranged at various nodes.

It can be said that there is only one step away from the final success.

Only now, the empire's aggressive offensive has added countless variables.

Prepare to evacuate in advance.

If the nine-storied pagoda plan fails, Magnus will definitely give up the plan without hesitation and choose to leave.

He knew very well what Sanguinius was here for.

Definitely at the behest of that bastard Guilliman trying to capture him back to Terra.

Magnus' face darkened even more as he thought of Guilliman.

The name reminded him of the humiliation on Pharos.

The scars caused by that time have not been repaired until now, but they were covered up by him with illusion and armor.

If you peel off his battle armor, you can see the shocking scorched wound.

The Emperor's power was contained in it, and those scorched wounds always gave him a burning pain.

No matter how powerful his sorcery tried to heal those wounds, it was of no avail.

Those wounds are like the blessings of the gods, and unless the gods die, they will not fade away.

There is only one way to heal these wounds, and that is the death of the Emperor, otherwise relief is impossible.

Magnus pondered for a long time before looking up at his subordinates.

"The empire's offensive is coming fiercely, and the Dark Angel is even moving his troops straight to Prospero, and will arrive soon. But the ceremony of the nine-storied tower will take more time to complete." The one-eyed glanced at everyone, and the majesty of it made everyone He bowed his head, not daring to look directly at him, "You must persist long enough, otherwise we will fall short."

"But the power of the empire is too strong, how can we stop it??" Sharo the wizard stood up, "Their orbital bombing alone is enough to drag us into the abyss of destruction."

Magnus nodded, that was indeed a question.

"The current plan is to temporarily send Prospero and the Wizard Star into the gap between the subspace and the real universe. The gap is between reality and nothingness, and their battleships will be useless. Labyrinths and illusions are set up on the crystal tower, delaying their time, what we are after is not victory, nor driving them out, but the success of the nine-storied tower ceremony."

"As long as the ceremony is successful, it doesn't matter if the Wizard Star and Prospero fall into the hands of the empire, because everything is already doomed. They won a temporary victory, but what we have won is eternal fruit."

Many wizards looked at each other, as well as the demons surrounding the power of the elements, all nodded.

For the Lord of Changes to be able to control the entire galaxy.

They have only one path to success.

Stone Fortress.

Azrael, Boris, Ezekiel and others gathered in the Strategy Conference Hall.

There are no furnishings of any kind, and the walls, floors, and ceilings are all black bedrock.

The only exception, perhaps, is the gate made of steel pine.

It was the tallest tree ever grown in Caliban in ancient times, hard as steel.

After the destruction of Caliban, these trees were gone, and even the tree species had been destroyed in the old war.

The faint light is scattered by the brazier placed in the strategic meeting room.

In the center of the hall was the dim light of a holograph.

The virtual world picture is suspended on the icy track.

The data of Prospero and Wizard Star flow in their respective regions.

The Dark Angels gathered the existing data to analyze and judge the entire battle situation.

"We were deceived." Azrael spoke first, "Another deception, the fallen angels used false news to trick us here."

"They are very cunning, otherwise they would have been annihilated by us long ago." Boris said, "But no matter what, we have to complete this mission. Magnus' conspiracy has been fully revealed. This damn madman wants to Dedicated the whole of humanity to his master."

"We can all feel the great darkness shrouded in Prospero, the souls of human beings are being lit up, and they will pave the way for the invasion of demons. If we can't solve him in time, then human beings may usher in An unprecedented disaster." Ezekiel also said: "Those demons will follow those souls into every human world, causing endless killings, thus allowing the subspace to further erode the galaxy."

Following Ezekiel's words, Azrael's expression also became serious.

The main purpose of his trip was to capture the fallen angels and Lord Cypher, who was rumored to appear here.

But now, according to the information he received, Azrael knew very well that his oath had to be moved back a bit.

They had to deal with Magnus first.

Otherwise, Magnus will poison the entire human race.

This idiot created the stupidity of Magnus 10,000 years ago and ruined the salvation of mankind.

Now, he created the same crisis.

"They hid the Wizard Star and Prospero, and hid them in the Rift Space." Azrael slid his finger, and the holographic projection in front of him brought Prospero and the Wizard Star closer, "We have no way to use the teleportation technology." into the rift, and there's no way to orbit bomb it."

"We can carry out airborne operations first, use the airborne capsule to drop to the surface, destroy their ritual towers, and pull them back to the real universe." Boris suggested, "In that case, you don't have to worry about this problem. There is no subspace With the help of power, the planet Prospero will be corrected by the laws of the real universe, dragging it back to the real realm.”

Azrael nodded, "This is also what I want to say. The power to allow the two planets to enter the rift space comes from the Wizard Star. We have to enter the Wizard Star first, destroy those ritual towers, and let the two planets return. to the real universe. Then launch a full-scale attack on Prospero and completely crush the enemy."

"The Blood Angels and Space Wolves have gathered enough power that the enemies along their path are no longer a threat to them. Their strategy to reclaim the fallen planet will also reduce the blood rituals of the cultists and indirectly weaken the Warp Impact."

"Now, the Dark Angel's mission is to attack the Wizard Star, paving the way for a full-scale attack on Prospero. As long as Magnus is forced to the real realm, we have a chance of victory."

Many high-level dark angels all tacitly did not speak.

Into the rift space battle, they are all ready to sacrifice.

Azrael didn't say anything about the dangers of this trip. Those who could participate in the meeting were experienced beings, and it wasn't the first time they had fought against the demon Magnus.

In the following time, Azrael arranged the airborne tactics, analyzing from the existing intelligence where are the important places that need to be occupied and where the ceremony is located.

After the arrangement was completed, everyone left one by one and returned to their respective companies to prepare for the battle.

Azrael traveled to the depths of Blackrock Keep to see if he could get a solution against Magnus from the Darkwatch.

If the lion was still in the Stone Fortress, facing the Demon Primarch would definitely not be such a hassle.

But after the lion got the news about the Primarch of the Night Lord, he immediately left the large army with the elite squad, and there is no news until now.

Azrael knew that only the Primarch could stand against the Antigen.

Especially in places like space-time rifts, there is no way to use orbital bombing and titan siege tactics.

If it is against Magnus, it will basically end in total annihilation.

The Dark Watcher has rarely communicated with the Dark Angels for a long time, and only reminded them or took action at some critical times.

This situation improved only after Guilliman arrived.

In order to fight against the common enemy and quell the chaos in the Warp, the Darkwatchers and the Imperial Regent reached an agreement and established an alliance.

Azrael knew that this mysterious race that had been staying in Blackstone Fortress guarded the seal of a powerful evil god, ensuring that the other party could not escape.

They must have the means to fight against Magnus in their hands.

The news that Guilliman was about to return to the world of the Throne of Terra seemed to fly to every corner with wings.

Countless people were excited by this, so excited that it was difficult to keep calm.

A huge welcome ceremony is in full swing.

The traitors who mingled with the royalist faction agitated the people of the royalist faction.

Let them feel aggrieved by this, and think how a traitor is entitled to such a grand ceremony.

However, the Forbidden Army publicly stated that they would accept the upgrade of the original casting surgery to welcome the changes of the new era.

These remarks made the plans of the traitors fall behind, and the faction supporting Guilliman won an all-round victory.

The Custodians serve as the Emperor's bodyguards, the executors of his will.

For thousands of years, he has faithfully performed his duties.

Their attitude is decisively important.

Most Royalists have always considered themselves fighting for the Emperor, and fighting for their own interests only incidentally.

But the attitude of the forbidden army undoubtedly gave them a big slap in the face.

He has allowed it all, but you guys are the ones who are not dead-hearted, calling the law of the ancestors to be inviolable every day.

In the name of the emperor, he wanted to regain his power.

The public statement of Marshal Valano of the Forbidden Army directly collapsed the royalists who had been rampant before.

The fooled civilians saw that the emperor's personal guards chose to stand like Guilliman, and naturally gave up all kinds of stupid remarks before.

The attitude of the Forbidden Army was not clear before, and those people were filled with righteous indignation, and each of them wanted to support the empire and drive out the traitors.

The faith of the emperor is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Hearing that in the past Guilliman was so human-faced and beast-hearted, and wanted to seize the throne and drive the emperor out of power, he would naturally get hot-headed.

But it wasn't until they calmed down that people came to their senses.

In fact, the Emperor has long been an existence of faith.

He who sits on the throne cannot govern the entire empire.

It's always been someone else's endorsement.

In this case, it really doesn't make much sense to step down or not.

Guilliman did not deny the Emperor's faith, but doubled down on his support.

After all, they don't seem to have any reason to oppose Guilliman.

The momentum was majestic, and the royalists who once wanted to riot and capture the Taira Administration Council disappeared just like that.

It's like a castle built with sand on the beach, which is wiped away when the waves beat.

Teresa, who was hiding in the dark, gritted her teeth with hatred, and her great career was stillborn like this.

The Imperial Prime Minister gave several orders to the law enforcement agencies to find out the traitors who contributed to the flames this time.

Teresa's former behind-the-scenes pushers have been targeted.

Law enforcement officers, with the assistance of the Black Organization, hunted them down.

Teresa has become a street rat at this moment, those subordinates who once vowed to follow her to change the world and smash the evil dictatorship for the people of the empire.

Either she ran away, or she decisively surrendered to the empire and sold her.

Fortunately, the forces of justice against Guilliman are strong enough.

It allowed her to escape Terra and the solar system on a stowaway ship.

Away from Terra, after entering the Warp.

Teresa, her followers and the man who helped them escape gathered on the bridge, trying to sum up this failure and accumulate experience for the next time.

"It's a pity to fail this time. If the imperial army hadn't betrayed their emperor, we wouldn't have failed." The man said in a regretful tone.

Teresa showed a hateful expression, which looked a little distorted and terrifying.

"Those ignorant fools who know nothing of Guilliman's ambitions, one day, they will regret it. Their Imperial Regent is making enemies, using the fear of the so-called evil god to fool his people."

"Victory will be ours," said a man as young as Teresa.

"They know nothing about the real gods. All things will be destroyed. Only under the protection of the gods can they escape the final destruction. Human beings are the most valued family members of the gods. This is an honor. As long as human beings devote themselves to Then they will be detached and get rid of the suffering in the world." The man was like a devout believer. After finishing speaking, he looked at Teresa, "Although you failed, you have no respect for the gods. Piety has touched them. You are entitled to be part of the gods, Teresa, it is an honor, and the envoy wants to see you. Perhaps you can get eternal life from the other's hands."

"In that case, it would be my honor." Teresa said.

The man led Teresa and the others to a magnificent prayer room on the ship with countless serpentine runes engraved on the gate.

Teresa was smiling. She couldn't wait to meet the envoy who had always supported her claim. She also valued eternal life.

, Let those fools cry, she will live to see the destruction of the empire, standing on the ruins and laughing at those who followed Guilliman.

When the door of the prayer room slowly opened with the hum of machinery, the smiles on the faces of Teresa and her followers froze.

They were born in the era after Guilliman's reforms.

The mighty Imperial forces keep all enemies from Terra, from their lives.

The cruelty and horror of chaos and aliens are just a few words in the textbook.

And now, Teresa finally faced the most terrifying truth of the universe.

In the face of this dark truth that covers everything, the darkness of society and the horror of dictatorship she thought were just shadows in the sun, not worth mentioning.

Guilliman protected them from the threats and poisons of Chaos, allowing them to live in a safe environment far from these horrors.

At this moment, Teresa felt countless regrets in her heart.

Seeing the envoy in the prayer room walking towards them, Teresa let out a desperate scream.

At this moment, how much she wished that there was an imperial army that she once hated and supported Guilliman's dictatorship beside her.

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