Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 273 Abaddon's Wrath (Subscribe)

The lights in the strategy conference room were dimmed.

The swirling light outlines a holographic projection that covers the entire bridge.

Softly mapped blurry images of Black Legion battleships and fortresses.

The dynamic data showed the current situation and the strength of the army to everyone participating in the meeting.

The Lord of the Red Pirates - Huron sat in his place.

Examine the power they currently have.

The traitor of Chaos, who once made many troops of the empire fearful, now looks a bit embarrassed.

The heavy battle armor is full of signs of damage.

There are also more and more mechanical metal inlaid on the face.

A hideous wound across his face made him look even more terrifying.

His fingers tapped the table in front of him, anger, surprise, and self-doubt poured out from those violent eyes.

As the master of the Maelstrom, the military strength of the Red Pirates controlled by Huron is second only to the Black Legion.

Huron also became a member of the empire's must-kill list.

Unfortunately, that represents the past.

The current Red Pirate has been seriously injured, not only has no chance to recuperate, but has been weakening all the time.

In the Battle of Chidi Star, the Chaos side suffered heavy casualties, and almost lost all their blood.

Most of the important generals also died tragically on the Chidi star battlefield.

The last Blackstone Fortress was also ordered by Huron to crash into Chidixing, allowing them to win that battle.

The Vengeful Spirit was taken by the Empire, and it is said that it was sent into the interior of the star, and has been completely destroyed.

After paying such a heavy price, I thought that the closure of the Nachmond Corridor could be used to severely damage the empire and destroy the kingdom of the corpse emperor.

Abaddon once made a plan to conquer the dark side of the empire.

Prepare to seize half of the empire, and then attack Terra to kill the Corpse Emperor.

However, what happened next threw a bucket of ice water on them.

The Battle of Nachmond Corridor was purely a hoax.

From beginning to end, it is a bureau of the empire.

Calgar was simply a born liar.

The way the bastard was trying to save the Nachmond Corridor fooled them all.

Let Abaddon, Huron and others all make wrong judgments,

The Nachmond Corridor is believed to be the lifeblood of the Empire.

Without the Nachmond Corridor, the destruction of the empire was inevitable.

In order to win this battle, they put all their strength into their hands.

The result can be imagined.

The huge legion was battered on Chidixing, with corpses strewn all over the field.

It was useless to spend such a heavy price to win the Battle of Chidi Star.

The empire built a lighthouse system in an all-round way, using lighthouse navigation to bypass the crisis caused by the absence of the Astro Torch, and also improved the traffic efficiency and safety factor. The speed of the fleet has increased several times compared to the past, and basically there will be no crisis.

Every time there is a war in the real universe, the loyalists flocking to Huron and others once realized what is called the iron fist of the empire.

Now they can barely achieve some inconsequential victories only if they are united.

The Cadia Fortress campaign was won, the Vigilante campaign was won, and the Red Earth campaign was won.

But the more he wins, the worse the situation becomes.

Back then, when Cadia had not yet fallen.

Hearing their news, those mortals turned pale.

When it comes to war, Chaos warriors mow mortals like grass.

Now, when they heard about them, those mortal officers screamed, for fear that they would run too slowly and not get the merit medal.

Those soldiers were wearing exoskeletons and wearing personal shields, just like steel bastards, they couldn't be cut.

Blackstone Fortress is gone.

Vengeful Spirit is gone.

Most of the warships left over from the Great Expedition have been buried in the naval battles of the Chidi Star Battle.

The No Invasion where Huron and others are located is a lucky few.

It is just a destroyer, born on Mars thousands of years ago.

The former Sons of Horus arrived during the Siege of Terra from their original masters, the Seventh Legion Imperial Fists.

Its former captain was Selekhan, one of the Marauders of the Black Legion.

A calm and calculating officer with a talent for fighting in the void, died in the battle of the Imperial Army during the Battle of Chidi Star.

Fortunately, the Invincible was able to enter the warp according to established emergency procedures.

This behavior allowed it to escape from the fate of destruction.

They lost many ships in the Battle of Chidi Star, and the remaining ships were scarred even if they were not destroyed.

The Black Legion controls a large number of demon furnaces, however, these furnaces also need to be fed with resources before they can be used.

The current military strength and support speed of the empire make it difficult for them to plunder various resources from various worlds of the empire.

Only resources become precious.

For the maintenance of ships, only those severely damaged ships can be dismantled, and parts can be obtained from them to repair those less damaged warships.

In the huge strategic meeting room, no one spoke.

Hong Suo, who commanded the Battle of Chidi Star, had a gloomy and terrifying face.

He invested all the accumulation of the Black Legion and the Chaos forces of all parties for thousands of years.

In the end, he found that he was severely slapped by the other party.

His subtle tactics became a joke, part of the opponent's calculations.

It has become a powerful pusher to weaken the forces of chaos.

The deceitfulness of Guilliman and Calgar is astounding.

They cheat everyone.

Hong Suo suspected that even those imperial troops who participated in the Battle of Chidi Star didn't know that the battle was a hoax.

Every time he replays, he can see the flaws of this scam from some details.

If you carefully scrutinize the information from all parties, you will find that Chidixing's scam is nothing more than this.

But at that time, no one saw the problem.

They were all blindfolded by the easy victory.

Victory is on everyone's mind.

The plan went so smoothly, a large number of demons entered Chidi Star through witchcraft.

The momentum is like a broken bamboo.

The imperial defenders retreated one after another.

Only one step away from victory.

Successive victories made everyone extremely excited.

Completely unaware that I had fallen into a trap.

Hong Suo was once immersed in his own world.

Reminiscing that he was about to obtain an unprecedented honor, his blood was surging rapidly, and he was extremely excited.

When the deception was unraveled, all he was left with was bitterness and hatred.

The other party played him with applause like teasing a child.

What a shame.

The sound of heavy footsteps broke the silence of the strategy conference room.

Abaddon, who was wearing thick power armor, walked over.

He was wearing that set of power armor that weighed several tons, it was stained with blood, and the shoulder armor was full of sharp spikes.

The sideburns on the top of the head were tied together and stood tall on the smooth head.

Everyone didn't show any excitement because of his arrival.

Under the current circumstances, no one can be excited.

The empire, which was thought to be about to fall apart, is now thriving as if it has been reborn.

Powerful imperial forces swept across the Quartet.

A large number of territories have been regained, controlled, and transformed.

How sad that they have nowhere to go but in the Eye of Terror, the Great Maelstrom.

Abaddon's plan to conquer the dark side of the empire has completely failed.

After the Battle of Red Earth Star, Calgar commanded the imperial troops to pursue them fiercely. They lost every battle and lost all strategic points.

The sphere of influence retreated to the vicinity of the Eye of Terror and the Great Vortex.

Even near the Great Rift, it is difficult for them to achieve a partial victory over the Empire.

The combat power shown by the huge fleet and ground troops armed to the teeth made them feel desperate.

Abaddon made his way through the crowd and sat on his throne.

The Invincible has become the battleship of the Black Legion.

Followers of the Dark Mechanicum also symbolically built the Throne for the Marauder.

"Magnus has been captured, and the former rebel primarchs have basically been arrested by the empire. Only Angron, the primarch of the world eater who followed the blood god, is still active."

In the Black Legion's intelligence network, Alpha and Curze's life and death were uncertain, and Abaddon didn't mention them, just as if they were dead.

"They are liquidating the remnants of the past rebellion, even the Primarch, and they will never let us go. Everyone will be liquidated, and no one can shake Guilliman's resolve."

"We are in the Eye of Terror, and when they come here, they are just looking for death. Those soldiers will become believers of the gods in madness and chaos, and become sharp swords stabbing at the empire." Huron said: "We hold the Eye of Terror and The maelstrom will be invincible."

"Fulgrim and Perturabo were captured in the Eye of Terror. Their strength is increasing rapidly. The Eye of Terror has no way to protect us forever. Once the Empire finds a way to avoid the pollution of the subspace. They will definitely Don't think that lunatic Guilliman will let us go when the sword stabs at the Maelstrom and the Eye of Terror."

Abaddon's words made everyone in the meeting look at each other, and no one continued to speak.

When it comes to Guilliman, no one is as calm and arrogant as before.

The other party's performance made them finally recall the fear of being dominated by the emperor in the past.

The unparalleled strategy and strength made them feel suffocated.

Where are they going to find a Horus blessed by the four gods to fight against this Primarch comparable to the Emperor.

Abaddon rubbed his sharp claws before speaking again.

"This sentence is presumptuous, and it involves your beliefs and choices, but I have to say it. The war between the gods and the emperor is not over yet, and they have no resources. We have to find new power to fight against Guilliman."

"We have to go to Fabius' lair. There are some things we need there. If it goes well, we will get the help of another force, which is strong enough to counter Guilliman."

No one objected to this.

In the past, there might be voices of opposition. Abaddon's words can be said to be a blasphemy to the gods they worship.

But now there will be no more, Guilliman has beaten all dissatisfied.

If there is no foreign aid, they will lose even more bleakly.

"What does Fabius have in his hands?" Huron asked.

"Sacrificial things." Abaddon said in a deep voice: "Sacrifice to a sacrifice that surpasses all existence. If we can get it, we can use the power of that existence to fight against Guilliman. Only gods can kill other people." A god."

"Guilliman is not a god," said another warlord, with a huge skull hanging from his body and a huge book bound to him.

The covers of the books are made of human skin, written with distorted symbols, and words that have been lost in distant times.

Abaddon took a look at the fellow, a Thousand Sons wizard who hadn't responded to his genetic father.

"Then you can try to defeat him." Abaddon was moved by the other party's refutation, stroked the sharp claws on his arm, and said indifferently: "As long as you can hurt Guilliman, you will receive the favor of the gods." Beloved. I witnessed with my own eyes that he used his power to fight against a will that rivaled the will of the gods, and he even won. Couldn’t such strength be called a god?"

During the battle on the Vengeful Spirit, Erebus unsealed himself, freeing the ancient, near-eternal outsider.

This is the killer blow.

God-level power is enough to destroy everything, even the soul will tremble under such power.

However, Guilliman expelled the outsider, eliminated the terrifying power invisible, and resolved a terrorist crisis.

After that incident, Abaddon had to admit that Guilliman already belonged to the level of gods.

None of them could defeat Guilliman without the gods taking action.

The failure of those great demons fully proved this point.

Guilliman had grown into a being worthy of the Emperor.

Unless the four gods join forces again, a Horus that accommodates the power of chaos appears again.

Otherwise, no one can stop Guilliman.

Urum, the abandoned world of Eldar crones.

Several space stations are suspended in orbit, alert to possible enemies.

This was once the base camp of Fabius, the ancestor of genes.

Abaddon wasn't too impressed with the guy.

The fact that the opponent cloned Horus made him brood.

Even if he gave the other party the right to join the Dark Crusade, it didn't mean that Abaddon wanted to see this bastard.

The cloning of the other party is an outright sacrilege.

Not killing that bastard was already a manifestation of Abaddon's restraint.

By the time the Worry-Free arrived, the defense system had kicked into action on its own.

The cyborgs didn't know the Black Legion, nor did they know Abaddon.

They only obey the orders of their master - Fabius.

Fabius had long since fallen into the hands of the Empire, and was sent to Terra with his Gene-Father.

They opened fire on the ships of the Black Legion, drawing Abaddon's wrath.

A world with so little power now defying his will.

Abaddon ordered the destruction of all living things in this world.

After a brutal battle and slaughter, the Black Legion took control of the entire planet.

Those distorted cyborgs were no match for Abaddon and the others, torn apart by bombs and chainswords.

Abaddon was able to step into the twisted, cursed, life-desecrating laboratory.

What Yog-Sothoth wanted was in there.

The perfect body that can carry strength and will.

Allowing the influence of the other party to enter this universe, push the entire universe into a cancerous place bit by bit, and become an unimaginably terrifying place.

That horrible, unspeakable outsider will eventually devour everything.

Abaddon walked in, and when he saw the scene inside and the perfect body that outsiders needed, the Great Predator let out an angry growl.

Back then, he shouldn't have let Fabius survive.

Not in good shape today.

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