Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 286 Entrance to the Small Universe (Subscribe)

"Hasn't the Black Legion been exhausted?" Sanguinius looked up at Guilliman, who was wearing a laurel crown and sitting on the golden throne.

A surge of golden and blue energy arcs radiated from the opponent's body, like a god king shrouded in a halo and ruling many stars.

"It is absolutely impossible for him to gather a large army again so soon. The population of the Eye of Terror is pitifully small. Only those desperate traitors and those fooled cultists will enter it. If you want to add an army that is enough to wage war on the empire , the difficulty is as difficult as climbing the sky."

"He has received new help." Guilliman stood up from the throne and paced back and forth.

Following his movements, several glowing information windows floated in the air, showing Sanguinius the information sent back from the frontline battlefield.

In the image, a tidal wave of black legions emerges from the gap in the rift that emits malevolent light.

Sanguinius frowned deeply on those flesh and blood battleships, all of which were warships corrupted by the warp.

Their depravity can be seen from the outside.

A battleship as huge as a planet is particularly conspicuous.

From the overall structure, the battleship looks like a giant head wearing a helmet.

It is hard to imagine what kind of creature can have such a huge body.

Just a single head is as huge as a planet.

Sanguinius stared at the huge head and felt a great threat from it.

Therein lies the essence of evil.

Various flesh and blood buildings were built on that battleship, pulsating like organs.

Blood vessel-like red pipes maintain those forts and towering bone buildings.

Unimaginable darkness formed a black, fog-like barrier around the head fortress.

When the light spears and torpedoes launched by the imperial ships hit the black mist, they would only stir up flooded ripples, and there was no way to break through that layer of defense.

In addition to releasing various cannonballs and light beams, that weird head fortress can also release two huge rays of destruction from the position of the eyes.

A celestial fortress was hit, and an explosion exploded in an instant, tearing the huge fortress apart.

With this monstrous fortress, the Black Legion has gained an advantage over the Empire in the Void Battlefield.

No longer being directly crushed to death by the empire's void fleet as before.

When Sanguinius saw these pictures, his eyes were also dignified.

The void power of the Black Legion has been increased so much all at once, and the pressure on the empire's side will probably also increase.

"I blocked the relevant news." Guilliman said solemnly: "Otherwise, the news of the comeback of the Great Marauder will inevitably cause a new round of panic."

"Whose help did Abaddon get, and why he was able to gather such a huge army so quickly." Sanguinius asked solemnly.

Guilliman shook his head, expressing that he was not very clear either.

He had some vague guesses in his mind, but it was inconvenient to tell Sanguinius, since there was no confirmation after all.

Mere speculation is pointless.

Wait until he confirms it before telling Sanguinius the truth.

Until then, secrecy is the best option.

"The task of going to other universes is too difficult, there are many crises, and the diplomatic relations of the local indigenous people must be handled well. Ryan is very capable, but he is not suitable to be a diplomat. Russ, let alone let him be a diplomat. Diplomat, I'm afraid the situation will get worse. Chagatai is a good candidate, but he already has a new mission. After thinking about it, you are the most suitable, Sanguinius."

Sanguinius had long known that Guilliman had been preparing to travel to other universes as a backup option for the final battle.

The different universe is no secret to Sanguinius.

In the warp, there are also many demons that do not belong to this universe.

From the universe they destroyed, they escaped to this galaxy through various unimaginable means.

Sanguinius also agrees with Guilliman's approach.

Humans can't always be trapped in a corner of the galaxy, that would be too dangerous.

"Then I will accept this mission." Sanguinius said, "When should I start?"

"The sooner the better, according to the news from Modo, the teams that went to different universes to explore sent back news. Several teams successfully established some forces in the local area, but they encountered great resistance. The local ruling forces Trying to completely unplug the influence of the empire, I have to go there alone to sit in charge, the sooner you get there, the more at ease I will be, after all, we are running out of time."

Guilliman controls every corner of the empire.

The complex intelligence system connects reality and illusion, so that he can clearly know what happened in every place.

He is also very clear about the progress of the project on Modo's side.

Except for Universe 1, which established an outpost.

Several exploration teams starting from Universe 1 also had different harvests.

News from a scouting party had Guilliman doubly concerned.

The expedition team, led by a traveler named Sam, even arrived in DC.

The Justice League, the Lantern Corps, and the existence of the creation level of the Supreme God.

If it can occupy a place in DC, even if it loses to the Four Gods in the future, the empire can still move to DC.

It is also an option to escape to other universes with the help of DC.

Maybe when the time comes, we can see which one is stronger, the so-called Supreme God or the evil god.

To be honest, Guilliman did not have a clear understanding of the two.

God Most High is the omnipotent Creator.

Coincidentally, the four gods also claim to be omnipotent creators.

In the legends of those gods, even a dog can create the world and is omnipotent.

Guilliman recalled the myths he had seen, none of them said that he could create the world and was omniscient and omnipotent.

It's a bit of a joke to determine combat power based on their descriptions.

In a fight, it might be possible to tell the winner.

If it wasn't for the inability to tell the difference, Guilliman wouldn't care, it would be best if he could delay the time.

Guilliman did not like either side.

Whether it is called evil or good, only dead gods are the best gods.

In addition to DC, several other exploration teams have also found clues to forces that can span multiple universes.

These news made Guilliman secretly vigilant.

Even if you have mastered the technology to escape to other universes, it is not necessarily safe.

The dangers of the multiverse are unimaginable.

The Imperium of Man will definitely not be the first civilization to master space-spanning technology.

The top civilizations that participated in the battle of civilizations in the mouth of the Dark Watcher have escaped from this universe with the help of the subspace road they built.

In the multiverse, the civilizations that may be able to span the universe are as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore.

Sanguinius is the best way to handle these things.

He has enough emotional intelligence and ability.

If Russ, the father of wild wolves, were to go, Guilliman would have to consider fighting the gods while fighting a multi-level war with those civilizations.

Guilliman took out a document sealed with double-headed eagle wax from the side of the throne, handed it to Sanguinius under the throne by the servo skull next to it.

The content inside was written by him himself, and it was a document appointing Sanguinius as one of the heads of the different universe exploration factory.

The body of Sanguinius contains the latest technology of the empire.

It is the best choice for him to be in charge of the project of the different universe.

Guilliman dared not hand over all the power to him.

Guilliman knew and trusted Sanguinius' loyalty and kindness.

The problem is that the crisis of the multiverse is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The lessons of the Horus Rebellion are vivid.

No one knows whether there are unimaginable enemies in other universes.

It is not impossible for an existence like Sanguinius to be distorted by those indescribable things and become an enemy.

The greatest danger to survival is arrogance, not weakness and backwardness.

Those who have no awe of the multiverse, have self-confidence, and think that they are invincible will only usher in a tragic fate.

Sanguinius is loyal, but he may not always remain loyal.

And that's the biggest problem.

Proper defense is good for the stability of the empire.

"I will definitely complete the task satisfactorily, Your Majesty." Sanguinius knelt down on one knee and took the document with both hands.

Guilliman smiled. "I look forward to hearing from you, Sanguinius."

Sanguinius stood up, turned around and walked towards a teleportation light hole, disappeared into it and disappeared.

Just a moment later, he appeared on another battleship accompanied by a teleportation flash.

"My lord." The captain saluted Sanguinius respectfully.

Sanguinius looked through the porthole at the radiant Supreme in the distance, and the mechanical throne like a mountain stood on it.

Guilliman was there to guard his subjects like a lonely king.

"Go to Modo." Sanguinius withdrew his gaze, looked at the captain who was connected to the main console of the battleship with a hair-like nerve cable, and gave an order.

"Understood, the target has been set - the Mordo galaxy."

"I have applied for a navigation permit. I can leave the gravitational range of the stars in the solar system in one hour and thirty-eight minutes. The estimated subspace voyage is one hour and seven minutes."

Guilliman's senses were acute.

After controlling the power of the emperor and the firewall, he gained the belief of the entire race.

Even though the distance was far away, he could still see the engines of the battleship where Sanguinius was shooting out a scorching, kilometers-long plasma radiance, propelling the huge battleship to sail in the void.

When the speed of the warship enters 25% in a specific channel, the conventional engine is turned off, and the warship glides in the void.

There is no resistance in the void, and after the acceleration is completed, there is no need to accelerate again.

The battleship will keep flying at the inertial speed.

Guilliman's eyes sparkled as he watched the battleship Sanguinius leave.

Turning on the firewall is only the beginning, not the end, of an ultimate war.

Humans who can ignore the corruption of the warp have the confidence to fight against the gods.

But this does not mean that humans will win.

No general dares to guarantee the absolute victory of any war.

Guilliman couldn't guarantee it either.

Counting the time spent sleeping, he was only born more than 10,000 years ago.

Compared with those evil gods, it is really not worth mentioning.

He didn't achieve a little achievement, but arrogantly thought that he would be able to surpass his predecessors and tear the gods Long Aotian with his hands.

Now the situation has become more complicated.

Yogg Sothos, who was expelled by himself before, is likely to become the man behind Abaddon, the predator, just like the four gods.

There must be a gentle woman behind a successful man.

There will be many evil gods with unpredictable motives behind a successful God of Destroyer.

Yogg-Sothoth, the Outer God, is also known as the Nameless Mist, the ruler of time and space and the one who unifies all things.

One of the three pillar gods in the Cthulhu mythology.

Ontology resides outside all multidimensional universes and possesses infinite intelligence.

Those insane enough can see him through the portal through dreams and gain knowledge.

Guilliman knew it all too well.

In the universe he came from, there is also the legend of the other party.

Yogg-Sothoth is an existence that mortals cannot touch and reach.

Those who received his gifts ended up going mad.

From these descriptions alone, I feel that the force is almost stronger than the Supreme God.

Time and space can no longer bind Yogg-Sothoth.

Any conventional force cannot harm the opponent.

Another tricky guy.

Others don't worry about having too much debt.

He has provoked a lot of omniscient and omnipotent people, so he doesn't worry about it.

Difficult, the four gods haven't killed yet, another big guy comes.

These guys can't wait peacefully in their own universe.

Waiting for your own empire to achieve great success, and then go over and kill them in seconds! !

Both games and novels are deceptive.

Why Mao's own opponents are so perverted! !

I now have a sense of overlooking Dachmond, Superman, and the Lantern Corps in the DC universe.

The small fights of these guys are not worthy of attention at all.

Guilliman sat on the throne, closed his eyes, suppressed the swelling in his heart, and thought about another thing.

Yogg Sothos became a reality.

Does the three pillar gods really exist?

Is the Cthulhu mythology universe also real?

The so-called fictional stories of DC, Cthulhu, and Warhammer are all real history.

Does the Foundation and Marvel exist? ?

Zooming in on some of the patterns, how many of the anime and novels he had read were real.

Whether the time and space where another part of the soul lives is affected by these universes, is it a book from other universes, and whether I can go to the hometown of another part of the soul.

From the few words of the Emperor, Guilliman knew that there were some so-called fictional stories, which were not fiction, but the real history of the endless universe.

Tales drawn from the unreal Warp by gifted writers.

Guilliman has a wild guess about the multiverse.

If it is confirmed, I am afraid that many people will go crazy.

Myths are just nonsense, but the truth brought about by science is the real subversion.

Those stories that have been written are all history that happened.

Then there is a good chance they will happen again.

Life is reincarnated and spirals forward.

It took billions of years for humans to evolve into the bodies we have today.

How much time would it take for a universe with strict laws to evolve to the present level? ?

The universe is as precise as a machine.

Let the planet run in its own orbit, so that life can multiply and live.

It's all just as designed.

as a coded program.

From the moment the Big Bang began, there was a clear thread to the development of the universe.

The light and heat from the Big Bang were cooled to form the most basic molecule, hydrogen.

The hydrogen comes together in a violent and unstable fusion reaction in which other elements are born in turn.

Over the ensuing billions of years, stars stabilized, galaxies emerged, and life soon followed.

Everything is in order.

There are no cases of failure, and it is so perfect that it feels weird.

Why is the world that people live in basically an ellipse?

Why do galaxies appear as flat disks? ?

Why do planets have rotation? ?

Scientists have nothing more than a few explanations for this. Gravity and the influence of gravity have shaped the landforms of these planets.

But never thought about why the universe shaped those planets like this? ?

No one stipulates that the starry sky must have gravity, must have gravity.

People look for the reasons behind the phenomena that have already been caused.

Just like why do humans have such a fragile organ as lungs? ?

Some people will answer that there are lungs because people need to breathe.

Why breathe?

Because people are born to breathe.

Why are we born with lungs to breathe?

Can't let the pores breathe by themselves?

Countless problems have accumulated to explain the single-cell era and the various evolutionary crises that humans have experienced.

All human organs are selected from billions of years of evolution, and they are the organs that best meet the needs of survival.

It's as if the lower body of a human male used to have bones, but in order to improve fertility, it was optimized away.

Later humans chose cavernous hyperemia and nerve stimulation, giving humans the advantage of being able to estrus and mate 24 hours a day throughout the year.

This advantage allows humans to reproduce and grow their race, giving humans the opportunity to become the top of the biosphere.

This is especially important.

With the development of the human brain, it is much more difficult for women to give birth to the next generation than other creatures.

Walking upright changes a woman's pelvis and narrows the birth canal.

Every birth brings endless pain and a mortality rate far exceeding that of other species.

Every human newborn is premature compared to other animals.

It needs to be reared for a year before it can move freely like the young of other mammals.

Humans have a fixed breeding season like other species.

I'm afraid this race has already ushered in destruction.

A large number of newborns born at the same time can squeeze the tribe's time and energy, and thus wear it down.

There were not enough newborns and no way to replenish the tribe's population.

In order to deal with this problem, human beings have chosen another path and no longer have a fixed estrus period.

As long as there is enough food available, there will be a desire to reproduce.

Every organ of human beings is left over from the long evolution.

These genetic information are stored in the chromosomes, and then passed on to the next generation through the combination of parents.

From the fertilized egg, it divides step by step to form different organs and body structures.

The seemingly easy and ordinary development condenses the evolution of more than four billion years of human beings.

The appearance of every organ represents the evolution and selection of human beings.

What condenses is the evolution of more than four billion years of human beings, and even the entire earth's ecological circle.

None of this is a miracle.

But how can the universe, which is more complex than the human body, develop into what it is today? ?

The structure of each atom is incredibly complex.

If you magnify it, you can see a structure comparable to a universe.

All kinds of laws are interlocking, achieving harmony in the infinite micro and macro fields, without any mistakes.

If we talk about miracles, the evolution history of the universe is a real miracle.

There are countless cases where life evolution failed and was eliminated by nature.

The most classic of these is the dinosaur.

This former overlord became extinct because he could not adapt to the post-catastrophe environment.

The bones buried deep in the ground are the best proof that they once existed.

The ecological circle on the earth has to undergo such cruel elimination and selection to form the current ecological system.

But the universe has completed all the evolutions in one step, and no examples of failure have been seen.

Like having a fixed template, it evolves and develops step by step.

Just like the development of the human body, from a small fertilized egg to an individual with blood vessels, bones, internal organs, and brain.

Guilliman thought deeply about this question.

In the end, he came to a conclusion.

That is, there are no miracles in this world.

Human beings can become the overlord of the earth, behind the cruel survival of the fittest in nature, has created such a complicated human body.

The reason why the universe can become the starry sky it is today is that there is a more cruel truth behind it, and it is possible to create a cosmic starry sky that is harmonious in the microscopic and macroscopic fields, reality and illusion.

After the Big Bang, the universe was born.

When will this universe end again? ?

Nothing is immortal.

Even the burning sun will weaken and go out one day.

How can this universe be eternal! !

If it cannot be eternal, what will happen after the destruction of the universe?

To ask more deeply, what was before the birth of the universe? ?

As the emperor said, those stories that are sought after by people may not be stories, but real history that happened one by one.

The universe is a reincarnation, destroyed and reborn again and again, constantly improving various laws, just like biological evolution.

And the era and universe they live in now is very likely to be a lucky era and universe, with no signs of failure.

Those things that have happened are reflected in the warp, and they surge to other universes with the destruction storm, and then they are captured and written by those talented people.

Those wonderful worlds that are completely different from my own worldview may just be the unique evolution of different universes.

It's like there is a huge difference between the earth's ecosphere and the alien ecosphere.

Articles are made naturally, and they can be obtained by chance.

Guilliman remembered an ancient poem he had learned and sighed.

The path of truth has no end.

Just like the evolution of life.

Everything evolves.

Even the silent universe.

How hopeless it would be if that were the case.

Human beings are so small.

All their efforts are insignificant in the face of the vast history of the universe.

Just like the impact of ants on the world.

Those evil gods' pursuit of eternity may also have seen this.

Even if they are faced with the magnificent evolution of the universe, I am afraid that they are just fallen leaves in the river, and they can only be dragged forward.

Guilliman withdrew his thoughts, cleared his mind, and kept himself from sinking into nihilism.

Life has meaning, even if it comes to an end.

Death is the greatest gift of life.

Its existence allows people to learn to cherish time and the people around them.

At this time, a soft electronic sound sounded, and Ferrus was ready for his meeting.

For many brothers, Guilliman has already made suitable arrangements.

Vulcan went to supervise the weapons factory, Chagatai formed a mobile force to protect the alien tunnel, Ryan, Sanguinius and others also had their own arrangements.

Only Wild Wolf and Iron Hand have not clearly assigned their responsibilities.

This must not be forgotten.

"Let him come," said Guilliman, standing up and moving his body.

The teleported flash lit up the clearing in front of the throne.

Ferrus, wearing iron-gray armor, stepped out of it.

Before Ferrus could react, Guilliman had already gone up to him and gave him a big hug.

This move surprised Ferrus.

"Your Majesty." He said, "This is a little rude."

"I'm sorry, I'm too excited, Ferrus." Guilliman let go of his brother before he said, "It's hard for me to describe how I feel at this moment. When I found out that you died in the battle of Istvan's landing field, let me There was a lot of grief, but fortunately, now you are back with us."

Ferrus' resurrection is much simpler than Sanguinius'.

It was only the demons that hurt him, not the soul.

Sanguinius was really soul-stricken.

The power of Horus is no joke.

In a sense, he was already comparable to the emperor.

The only pity is that he can't control that power.

"Is there anything you need to summon me? Your Majesty." Ferrus asked respectfully.

"Of course, I have something for you to do, Ferrus. It's up to you," said Guilliman.

"It makes me feel very honored."

A smile appeared on Ferrus' face.

"You are the most outstanding brother among us in studying the laws of the operation of all things. I have many important tasks for you to do, and they are all things that can determine the future." Guilliman said: "Ferrus , Your importance to me is unimaginable by others. I can imagine that when the gods realize your return, the importance to the empire and mankind, they will inevitably cry like a fart, regretting the original, let you returned to us."

"Such words are a bit exaggerated, Your Majesty." Ferrus said a little flattered: "Compared to other brothers, my ability is not worth mentioning."

"Don't belittle yourself like this, Ferrus." Guilliman said with a smile: "You are unrivaled."

"Please tell me what I need to do to be worthy of your praise, Your Majesty." Ferus said sincerely.

"Look at this." Guilliman stretched out his hand and scratched in the air, and several lines emerged out of thin air, like some kind of projection, which does not exist in this universe.

"This is?" Ferrus looked at the box formed by the lines and asked in confusion.

"The unfinished entrance to the small universe is also an important mission I am about to entrust to you, Ferrus. This matter will affect the retreat of human beings. You must firmly remember every word I say next." Liman said in a deep voice: "Never forget what a heavy burden you shoulder."

I tried my best, but I couldn't write fast. I started writing in the morning, and I only have 7,000 words so far.

When will I be able to become a tentacle monster?

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