Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 289 Justice is a fart

The flames of war were burning, and the gloomy sky was dyed red.

The rumbling explosion shook the ruins of the hive capital.

Every time the lasers and missiles hit the ground, countless rubble and wreckage would be thrown up, causing large pits to appear on the ground.

The double-headed eagle flag of the empire is flying, very bright.

The star knights are advancing towards the pyramid with the assistance of intelligent control firepower units.

The closer you get to those black obelisks, the more you can feel the oppression from the soul.

The Librarians of the Astral Knights felt like fish stranded on the beach, unable to establish a channel with the etheric ocean of the warp.

The closer they got to the obelisk, the weaker their spiritual power became, and sometimes they lost their spiritual power directly.

The star knight's attack also put enormous pressure on the space undead.

More and more undead structures are constantly being put into the battlefield, and high-level units that usually don't appear on the battlefield are also put into the battlefield.

Some giant sculpture-like statues appeared on the battlefield, several times taller than ordinary undead soldiers.

Judging from the lines on their appearance, there are more details, obviously, they are more advanced than ordinary undead soldiers.

Belongs to the level of the commander.

Now, they have also been thrown into the battlefield, and it is conceivable that their strength has been exhausted.

There are a lot of space undead on the planet Valf 4.

It is not enough for them to hold so many obelisks and pyramids on the surface.

In addition, the star knight's attack is also extremely fast.

They have no time to mobilize troops from other regions.

Teleportation techniques are also limited.

Coupled with human's anti-space transmission technology, they are even more trapped in the dilemma of having no soldiers to use.

Seid let out a roar, manipulated the fearless to shoot wildly, and activated the power claws, and those undead soldiers who dared to approach him were mercilessly caught by him.

The pale metal torso of the Necron was as fragile as paper in his hands.

A scarab was torn apart by Seid, and it shot out strong sparks.

With heavy steps, he trampled over the opponent's wreckage.

A wall covered in dried blood in the ruins collapsed.

A huge pitch-black figure drilled out of a bottomless cave.

It swung its claws, and its single scarlet eye was mad and malicious.

The pitch-black figure was as huge as a knight titan, and its surface was covered with complex geometric patterns, far more than ordinary soldiers.

Seid made out its geometrically textured steel surfaces and joints through an intrepid array of observations.

He knew that the geometric patterns on the surface represented the rank of the Necrons.

The more lines, the higher the status. When the body is transformed, the technology used is better, and the wisdom left behind is more.

The whole body of the huge undead is composed of complex structures.

There is also a gemstone that emits red light inlaid on the chest.

Look at at least a lord-level necromancer general.

There is also a weapon that can emit Gauss rays under one of the claws.

Several star knights were pierced by it.

The sharp claws are attached with a force field.

The huge primordial bodies of the star knights were easily torn apart by it.

Even the ceramic armor was shattered by the force field on the claws, turning into flying shards.

"Asshole." Seid's voice was full of anger when he saw his comrades die.

The heavy fearless body started to run, every step was so heavy.

The ground trembled slightly.

The power claw hit the sharp claw of the undead general.

The collision of the force field burst out a strong shock wave in an instant, forcing the two sides fighting back.

Seid felt the violent shaking, and the balance system issued a rapid warning sound.

The opponent was also knocked back a few steps.

There was no communication between the two sides, and they fought together again.

Every move is to attack the opponent's vital parts.

When the paws of both sides were entangled again.

The undead general wanted to use the other claw to attack, but Ced took the first step, pointed the laser cannon in the other hand at the opponent's chest, and fired a cannon without hesitation.

The scorching light beam failed to directly melt the opponent's metal body, but directly knocked the opponent into the air, and hit the stone pillar in the distance, setting off a huge explosion and dust.

Seid rushed over, and before the opponent got up, he pierced the opponent's chest with his sharp claws, dug out the opponent's processing core, and let him die.

There is no way for dead undead soldiers to be teleported back to the furnace. Once they are knocked down, waiting for them is the fate of death.

As the astral knights advanced, there were mechanical wreckage shooting electric sparks everywhere.

Shattered parts intertwined with ancient relics and wreckage littered the canyon floor.

Chapter Master Lothar has also given up his bolter, activated the power sword he carried, and led the brothers of the chapter to break up the formation of the construct in a swift and fierce battle.

The offensive of the Star Knights is unstoppable.

They quickly reached the vicinity of the first black obelisk.

The obelisk is suspended more than ten meters above the ground, exuding an extremely depressing death zone.

In such an environment, it is difficult for even Primordial Warriors to persevere.

The Astral Knights set fire to destroy the black obelisk.

When the obelisk was shattered, their oppressed souls also felt a bit of relief.

"Continue to destroy the obelisk." Lothar shouted.

By destroying the obelisk, other troops can join the battle.

The high-level undead lord who was driven to a desperate situation also flew out of the pyramid carrying the anti-gravity throne.

Their thrones are equipped with cannons, a powerful complement to the Necrons' meager frontal firepower.

As soon as he came out, he knocked down many star knights with his excellent firepower.

Let Lothar and others have to find a cover to avoid their crazy attacks.

It's a pity that their appearance can't change the situation of the battle.

Lothar has intelligent control fire units hunting them specifically.

The number of intelligent control firepower units of Mechanicum far exceeds that of high-level undead lords.

Missiles and laser beams quickly pierced those guys' anti-gravity thrones.

Facing the terrifying firepower of humans, the high-level undead guarding the pyramids can only drink their hatred, as their thrones turn into burning wreckage and flying debris

Lothar divided the team into several teams to perform different tasks, destroy the black obelisk, and let the large forces of the empire descend.

He led a group of warriors into the pyramid.

The pyramid is not only the tomb of the dead, but also the palace of the dead.

The pyramid didn't seem to recover long before it was thrown into battle by its users.

The geometric patterns in many places have been dimmed and cannot play their original role.

Some parts have even broken down and haven't been repaired.

Lothar's team encountered some obstacles inside the pyramid, but they were quickly resolved by them.

The team continued to divide one team after another to occupy various areas of the pyramid.

Lothar has his own considerations in doing so.

Handing over the pyramid built by the Necrons to the Mechanicus will definitely reap a wave of goodwill.

Those motor oil guys always liked the weird stuff.

Lothar and others walked all the way in, and the structures of the Necrons along the way were completely destroyed.

Soon, he and his team entered the interior of the pyramid.

There is a huge hall inside.

Sitting in the hall is the French king of a dynasty.

The Norwalk dynasty has many vassals.

One of the vassal dynasties is guarding the fourth planet Valf.

I saw humans coming in.

The Dharma king's eyes were full of fear.

The number of human beings far exceeds that of the space undead, and in the past, technological means could be used to erase this gap.

Now, they don't even have this advantage.

In front of human beings, they are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"It's hard to imagine that you have grown so quickly and become a powerful civilization capable of destroying the Necrons."

Lothar glanced around, and after finding no other threats, he looked at the King of France on the throne.

"Is this your last words??"

"It's really arrogant." The Dharma King's voice was very hoarse, and the human's tone made him very angry, but it couldn't do anything.

"It's less than one ten-thousandth of what you used to be." Lothar raised the bolt gun in his hand and pointed it at the King of France on the throne.

The other party wanted to say something.

Lothar lost his patience and pulled the trigger.

Accompanied by a burst of explosions and shock waves, the throne was shattered into pieces, and the Dharma King also ushered in the end.

At the same time, news came from various teams.

All the black obelisks were destroyed.

The pyramids were also taken over.

"The task of the Star Knights has been completed, and the controller of the area has been killed." Lothar said, opening all the channels.

"We are still a little bit closer." The leader of the Golden Son said: "Those obelisks are too scattered, and it will take a little more time."

Victory in the Valf IV campaign was doomed from the start.

With so many Primaris warriors, the Necrons had no chance of winning.

Without the Obelisk, the Empire's Astral Legion and Titan Legion were unleashed on the ground like a tidal wave.

After two days, the planet was declared liberated and cleansed.

Human beings who survived being enslaved by the Necrons were also cured.

After finishing all this, Lothar heard another news just after returning to the Storm.

The Lion Lion will take the command of the crusade against the Necrons and formulate an overall strategy.

Soon, the other party will come to the front line in person.

This is undoubtedly an exciting news.

Being able to be commanded by a Primarch makes people feel like returning to the era of the Great Crusade in myths and legends.

On the other side, Calgar, who was ordered by the Emperor of the Empire, and many heroes of the Empire also set off to fight against Abaddon near the Eye of Terror.

The new power in the hands of the opponent has already caused many imperial worlds to fall.

If it is not controlled, the situation that has just improved is likely to rot in an instant.

The battle for Gotham City ended quickly.

As always, the superheroes got what they wanted, storming the Roboute Mansion.

The problem is that the opponent's purpose is not to defend Roboute Building at all, but to set a trap to ambush the most powerful member of the Justice League - Superman Clark.

Relying on kryptonite, the invincible Superman-Clark was knocked to the ground by a surprise attack by Lex.

Supergirl tried to save Clark as fast as she could, but she was still a step too late.

Clark, who was injured by kryptonite, was taken away by Lex.

Supergirl can only be incapable of furious at the ruins.

The superheroes storm the Roboute Mansion without finding the many corporate executives they were looking for.

If you can catch the high-level, you can exchange those guys for Clark! !

They have been attacking for so long, but the opponent has already left.

In the central room, there was only one white man.

The other party was wearing a robe like a wizard, sitting on a chair, watching Batman, Blue Beetle and others break through many barriers and walk into the room where he was.

"Who are you??" Batman looked around the wide room where there was only one person, his face became gloomy.

This time, they were played too badly.

So many superheroes were killed and injured, and Superman Clark was taken away.

Roboute House is still an empty shell.

Not a single valuable boss can be caught.

Those guys are really mean and shameless.

"You can call me Sam." The man said with a smile on his face: "All superheroes can come here as guests, and everyone in Roboute Company welcomes it. I just don't know why they want to destroy the property of Roboute Company in this way."

Bruce used his bat armor to lock the opponent's face, and after a while, he retrieved the opponent's detailed information from the Wayne Group's database.

The other party was a bartender before, disappeared for a long time, and suddenly appeared again recently.

There is a brother named James.

"Don't play tricks, Sam, tell us where the top executives of the Roboute Company have gone?? Your conspiracy is doomed to fail. Give up. This free and beautiful world will never fall into your evil hands."

The corners of Sam's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mocking smile.

"It's the freedom and beauty of your superheroes. All I see is sin and depravity, and a bunch of hypocrites."

Hearing what Sam said, Batgirl came out.

"People like you can't understand how much superheroes have paid to protect the world? You will only stubbornly think that superheroes are blocking your steps to rule the world."

"What did you pay?" Sam stood up. He was once a member of the foggy world and possessed extraordinary abilities. After being selected as a member of the exploration team, he underwent physical enhancement.

The many heroes on the scene are not his opponents at all if they fight alone.

"Did you pay cheap sympathy? Or pay superior arrogance?? Human society doesn't need you at all, don't you have any self-consciousness at all?? Show hypocrisy, but never solve the real problem , as long as your interests and so-called justice are triggered, you will destroy others."

"Robot Corporation selflessly helps every group in this world. Education, medical care, people's livelihood, every field, they are so selfless, just to save this race. Even if it is a bunch of lowly social garbage, as long as he is willing Reach out for help, and Roboute will give him a chance to be a man. And besides enjoying the applause of those idiots, what are you doing?? You will only maintain a society that turns people into ghosts."

"Men sell their dignity for money, and women sell themselves for money. Those in power are unscrupulous, high-ranking people indulge in pleasure, but people at the bottom live like animals, fooled and deceived by you people."

"You don't understand justice at all. We maintain this kind of world, but it's all for the good of ordinary people." Batgirl said: "Robot Company deceived you."

"Your justice is nothing," Sam mocked.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, this stubborn guy should be subdued first, and then pry the information out of his mouth." Blue Beetle made a suggestion using the communication channel.

"That's right, there's no need to waste your tongue on this kind of stubborn guy." Green Arrow shot three arrows in an instant, sealing off the possible direction of Sam's movement, and then shot three more arrows towards the vital point.

Only the world maintained by righteous superheroes is the greatest protection for ordinary people.

Work hard to enjoy a good life.

If you don't want to work hard, who can you depend on! !

Who lives in this world without stress.

The meaning of life is to be found by oneself, not by others.

Think about how he was born to inherit tens of billions of family assets, and he spends his days among supermodels and women who are greedy for his money, living a boring and empty life.

It wasn't until he became the Green Arrow who guarded Star City that he found the meaning.

That is to protect this society from being destroyed by those lunatics.

Sam dodged Green Arrow's attack with a blink.

"Go to hell, hypocrites."

He pressed a button in his arms.

This is also his mission to stay here.

Just to confirm that these so-called bullshit heroes came here to activate the final trap.

Throw them all near the sun.

Kill these superheroes, and the Roboute Corporation can reshape the world.

What the world needs has never been a superhero, but a strong system that can truly equal people.

Let the old system guarded by superheroes and scum be destroyed.

Let this world where people turn into ghosts disappear.

With the flickering of space, the Roboute Building that has been occupied by superheroes disappeared.

There was only one big hole left on the spot.

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