Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 292 The Crisis of the Different Universe Tunnel (Subscribe)

Wonder Woman shook her head, but didn't answer Bruce's question.

She didn't have an answer either.

The power of the Olympian gods is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and they can control the fields of fate and time that humans cannot touch.

Even they couldn't find who Robert's company was hiding.

Where did she go to find Clark for Bruce?

Seeing Wonder Woman's appearance, a kind of anger rose in Bruce's heart.

I really want to rant loudly, but I can't find out why Clark is walking around here.

As soon as the words were about to come out of his mouth, Bruce realized that he was in a mess.

Hastily suppressed the tyranny in his heart and forced himself to regain his composure.

Roboute Company is powerful, so I should be mentally prepared for this kind of thing.

"Is there really no clue at all?" Bruce asked again unwillingly.

Wonder Woman shook her head, "Not at all, the other party blurred the line of fate, and the gods couldn't find Clark's location. Clark seemed to have disappeared from the earth."

"I see." Bruce said in a deep voice: "If you can't find Clark, let's put it down for now. The other party deliberately targeted Clark, but didn't kill him on the spot, so he probably won't kill him so soon. Let's go faster and find out who is behind the scenes, and we will definitely save him."

"Clark's arrest is worrying, but I'm also worried about you, Bruce, you don't look very good." Wonder Woman looked at Bruce, and she could feel something wrong in him.

The deaths of the Bat-Family and Catwoman were hard for Bruce to accept.

Wonder Woman is worried that Bruce, who has always been under a lot of pressure, will collapse.

That's the end of Justice League.

Superman is the combat power of the alliance.

Batman is the spiritual pillar of the alliance.

It was Bruce's efforts that kept the Justice League from collapsing due to the previous crises.

"I'm fine." Bruce shook his head and looked at Wonder Woman, "I can adjust myself."

"Really?" Wonder Woman saw a tawny light in Bruce's pupils.

The light disappeared quickly, and she had disappeared before she had time to react.

Only those eyes revealed determination.

Did I read it wrong? ?

Bruce stood up, relaxed his muscles and bones, and walked to the place where he kept the bat armor.

"Are you going out?" Wonder Woman asked.

"I'm going to find some helpers." Bruce said: "Robert's company has a mysterious origin. It can recruit such well-known villains as Lex and dare to confront us head-on. The manipulator behind it is definitely the most terrifying opponent in our history. We have to Only with the help of every available strength can there be a glimmer of hope of defeating the opponent."

"Then who are you looking for?"


Bruce didn't look back, just walked out.

His words made Wonder Woman frown slightly.

Bruce wants to cooperate with the lunatic Joker.

This is not a good sign.

Bruce didn't pay attention to what Wonder Woman said.

At this moment, all he could think about was how to get revenge.

He wanted to find out who was behind the scenes, dismantle the other's ribs one by one, peel off the nerves of the limbs little by little, and pull out the throat from the mouth.

He wants the mastermind behind the scenes not to survive, not to die.

Only in this way can he comfort his family and lover.

Walking into the room where the battle armor was stored, several mechanical tentacles pushed the bat armor to Bruce.

When he turned around and opened his hands, the battle armor also opened, just enough to accommodate him.

Bruce didn't move the whole time, letting the mechanical tentacles arm him while he thought about the clown.

As his old enemy, Bruce is well aware of the ability of the clown.

Before the rise of Roboute Corporation, the Joker and Batman were the marks of Gotham City.

In Gotham City, no gangster would dare to provoke the lunatic Joker.

It's a pity that with the rise of Roboute Company, the crazy clown can't fight against that extremely cruel force.

Freeze Man, Crocodile Man and the Gotham villains were all transformed into mindless slaves by the other party.

The insane clown, who made all the gangsters and residents of Gotham City fearful, was forced to flee.

The clown being caught by Robert Co. and being caught by Batman are two completely different concepts.

Bruce will not break the laws of this country.

His ancestor was one of the founding fathers, and the Wayne Group is also the most successful company in the world.

This predestined Bruce not going to kill the Joker without a legal trial.

During his fight with Batman, the Joker wasn't worried about what would happen to Bruce.

What's more, the clown is not afraid of death, he has always been eager to use his own death to prove that chaos in this world is normal.

The problem is, the Joker doesn't want to die at the hands of Roboute \u0026 Co.

Dying at the hands of the Roboute Corporation meant nothing to a lunatic like him.

Only dying at the hands of Batman, the guardian of Gotham, is the clown's pursuit.

This proves that the world is in chaos.

Bruce knows what the clown wants to do, but he has always adhered to his principle of not killing, and he is determined not to let himself take the last step.

The two fought for a long time, but there was no winner.

If it weren't for the appearance of Roboute Company, the two might have continued to fight.

Choose to work with the clown.

First, he valued his ability. If he didn't have any ability, he wouldn't be able to fight Bruce for so long.

The second is the madness and confusion of the clowns. The Roboute company can restrain the clowns only by relying on numbers and technology.

The Justice League will provide equipment and assistance to the Joker, so that the Joker and Roboute will be on the same level.

With the craziness of the clown, it will definitely throw Roboute's company into chaos.

Standing on the observation window of the Invincible Truth, one can overlook the entire large fleet.

Ryan stared at the fleet that was handed over to him, densely covering the starry sky.

The light flickering in the distance made Ryan not sure whether it was the light from the battleship engine or the real starlight.

Such an army is enough to smash any enemy's resistance.

Behind him, officers of all ranks following the expedition sat quietly in their seats, only the static sound from the floating window echoed in the meeting room.

Take back your gaze.

Ryan turned his head to look at the senior military officers who had already sat down.

The atmosphere in the meeting was slightly tense, with tension showing on the faces of the Astartes and the mortal officers.

The head of the Star Knights, Lothar, was also in the meeting.

Ryan is the commander in chief responsible for annihilating the recalcitrant forces of the Necrons.

He was a Primarch of the First Legion and a blood relative of the current Emperor.

Ryan's green eyes are piercing and sharp, like lasers that can burn people's hearts.

When not fighting, Ryan will wear a simple white robe with a gold chain on it, which will highlight his tall and strong perfect figure.

Now, he wears a war robe and an armor made of the latest technology.

Ornate golden scrolls are carved on curved ceramsite panels depicting the golden double-headed eagle of the Empire.

He walked towards the people in the meeting and didn't stop until he was seated.

The two mechanical priests inserted the prepared data crystal into the reader.

Ryan glanced at the information window floating in front of him, which contained the current counterattack against the Norwalk Dynasty and the opponent's detailed information.

"Replacing the Necrons and other aliens and seizing all the domination of the galaxy is a plan that His Majesty has already formulated. For this reason, any issue about the benefits of the war can be directly vetoed. The only purpose of this war is to completely end The Necrons, headed by the King of Silence, hand over all the dominion over the Necrons to our ally King Sotay."

Ryan typed a series of control commands in the information window in front of him.

Micrologic quickly processes the Primarch's written instructions.

With the soft buzzing sound, the information window floating in front of everyone changed again.

Several three-dimensional galaxy interfaces appeared in front of everyone.

The system shows the Empire's fleet in green, while enemies are shown in red.

In a corner of the Ultimate Star Field, everything turned red.

There are still a few places flickering, which are the fighting areas.

"The overall strength of the Norwalk dynasty is not too strong for the empire." Ryan said. "Their only threat is the Star God shards in their hands. Those shards contain infinite power. Any slight will pay a heavy price."

"For this reason, we need to seize the Star God Fragment as soon as possible. Based on the information provided by our allies and some information obtained from our own exploration, we speculate that the most likely place where the Star God Fragment is located is the Crown World of the Norwalk Dynasty- Dehu No. 6."

"As long as the Star God shards are taken away, the Norwalk Dynasty will no longer have the possibility of a comeback. It will be bit by bit crushed by the empire's troops and annihilated in the vast starry sky."

Having said that, Ryan paused briefly, scanning the crowd.

The faces of many war leaders showed a thoughtful look, evaluating Ryan's words.

Ryan's finger slid, adjusted the projection, and focused on the Dehu 6 galaxy and surrounding galaxies.

In order to show the current battlefield situation more clearly, Ryan also asked the projector to display the subspace with black and red dotted lines.

"The exorcism dead zone of the undead has been greatly expanded so far. The Dehu No. 6 galaxy of the Norwalk dynasty is also the most important node in the exorcism dead zone. The subspace near it is almost dead, and the psionic spells Auspicious and auspicious devices are no longer available in these areas."

"Even psykers will be squeezed and hurt when they enter these places. If ordinary people enter these places, their souls will soon wither due to the loss of nourishment. Galactic warfare is also a very reluctant thing."

"For this reason, we must remove the obelisk node and weaken the dead zone of exorcism." Ryan said while sliding the projection, and several galaxies that are very close to the planet Dehu 6 were pointed out, "These few The galaxy is the most important node in it, if it can be destroyed, the power of Exorcism Death Zone will be reduced by at least 90%."

"The power of the Exorcism Death Zone is beyond imagination, and these planets are located in the core area of ​​the Exorcism Death Zone. If you want to capture them, the price you have to pay may not be any different from a full-scale attack." A navy The lieutenant general spoke.

Ryan stared at the other party, and when the other party finished speaking, he nodded.

"The problem you mentioned is a key point. If we use conventional battles, the price we have to pay is equivalent to a full-scale attack. The ruler of the Norwalk Dynasty-the Scarlet King is not a fool. He will not sit by and watch us If the large army destroys these important worlds, he will definitely mobilize his troops to stop us. To fight in the exorcism dead zone, the space undead have a greater advantage than humans. The longer the battle in the exorcism dead zone, for the empire The more unfavorable it is, the soul cannot be nourished for a long time, and our soldiers will fall into a state of exhaustion and self-doubt, and in the end they will even collapse."

"A few carefully selected small troops may be able to perform miracles and accomplish tasks that large troops cannot,"

Ryan looked at the node planets emitting red light and said his plan.

"Would it be too risky for the team?" Lothar asked: "The original cast fighters are very powerful, but if they face the wave of metal, they will be overwhelmed by it, not to mention they are also responsible for destroying the obelisk." task."

Lothar has experienced the battle of the Valf galaxy.

Although they won the victory, they also realized the power of the Necrons.

A few teams want to seize several important node planets of the other party. It is too risky to do that.

It is tantamount to sending those teams to die.

"They don't need to destroy the obelisk, but just send the weapon to the target. If they are lucky, they may not even need to start a war." Ryan waved his hand, and the star map projection disappeared, and a metal pillar covered with electromagnetic lines The image appeared in front of everyone.

"This is a geomagnetic reverser. After activating it, it can reverse the magnetic field of a planet within a few hours, intensify geological activities, and cause continental plates to disintegrate and reorganize. Even the magma in the core of the earth will erupt. With the help of this thing, it is enough to destroy the local obelisk."

The location of the obelisk is very clever.

They are all important nodes located in the leylines, so that the power of the obelisk can be maximized, distorting the entire planet into a huge anti-subspace force field.

The geomagnetic reverser will disturb the local magnetic field and cause changes in the nodes of the earth's veins.

The construction method of the obelisk was given to the Necrons by the star god.

The major dynasties have mastered the technology of building obelisks, but if they are allowed to improve, it will not be that simple.

The obelisk can form an anti-subspace force field, and can also form a subspace augmentation force field.

At the beginning, Abaddon used the obsidian magic crown ceremony provided by the Word Bearers to reverse the Vigilante, and reversed the anti-subspace force field into a subspace-increasing force field, using the principle of reversing the leylines.

Ryan doesn't need any subspace augmentation force field, he only needs to disrupt the original anti-subspace force field, weaken the exorcism death zone, and allow the imperial army to drive straight in.

Ryan's words made everyone discuss in a low voice.

The whole plan has strong feasibility.

After a while, a consensus was reached, and they expressed support for Lane's plan.

"Since you agree to this plan, let's get ready." Ryan crossed his arms, stared at the many army officers present, and then pointed to the projection of the Dehu 6 galaxy and said: "When there is a weakening phenomenon in the exorcism dead zone, we will You have to seize the opportunity like a hunter and hit the opponent's heart directly."

Numerous suspended celestial-class warships in the Modo galaxy constitute a huge world community.

Every celestial-class battleship is a world, with a complete circulatory system that is enough to keep a species alive.

Unfortunately, the world is not a good place.

They are all full of war style.

The towering pinnacles have no flowerbeds, only cold muzzles.

There are no commercial activities in the intricately developed steel buildings, only soldiers with guns.

Jaghatai and Sanguinius set off from Terra together and arrived in Modo.

They witnessed countless warships hovering in the void.

Cruisers, battleships, celestial-class battleships, etc., the list is endless.

Guilliman seems to be filling the entire Mordo galaxy with battleships.

Sanguinius and Jaghatai both marveled at what they saw when they leaped out of the Warp, it was amazing.

The two of them stood in front of the observation window, and when the ship jumped out of the warp, they opened the observation window.

This is a very dangerous move, and the unclean subspace energy has not completely dissipated.

The crew had to cover their eyes to resist the otherworldly fire that gushed from the rift.

Only the two demigods could gaze undividedly into the flowing flames and see the majestic vistas of Mordor.

"He is the best among us." Chagatai said again without hesitation, the words he kept repeating elsewhere.

"Even during the Great Crusade of the Emperor on the Stars, it was impossible to muster such a force. Now, Guilliman has put it here on a defensive mission. I condemn him for wasting troops, or It's time to be in awe of the power he wields."

Sanguinius also had some exclamations.

"Let's go, we are all about to meet our mission." Chagatai walked to the deck, Sanguinius stared at the countless battleships in the void for the last time, and turned his head to follow his brother.

His wings were folded behind his back, and his ornaments jingled.

The mechanical sage in charge of Modo received the two Primarchs and brought them into the Modo Different Universe Tunnel.

The tunnel is extremely magnificent, and standing by the station alone looks extremely small.

The rivets on the pillars that support the tunnel are much larger than humans.

The tunnel is no longer a product of humans, but a creation of giants.

The trains running in it are also huge.

A train occupies multiple tracks.

The width of the front is more than 100 meters, and the height is 30 meters.

This unimaginable behemoth is no longer a train, but a moving metal mountain.

The sheer size of the trains creates a distorted sense of proportion for many of the workers who are about to be sent to work.

The cab on the front of the car only occupies a corner of the huge front.

Big enough to accommodate dozens of members.

But compared to the unimaginably wide and flat front of the train, it is still insignificant.

In addition to the cab, there are many turrets standing on the front of the car, and each turret is equipped with two large-caliber artillery and various anti-infantry weapons.

Billowing steam spouted from the exhaust ports on both sides, illuminated by the blue light reflected from the front of the car.

Inside the front of the car is a plasma reactor.

Sanguinius and Chagatai were assigned a room on the top floor, and they were accompanied by several heads of the base and several supervisors in charge of the supply station.

They introduced the current progress of the different universe project to the two original bodies.

The number of people involved in the different universe project is extremely large.

These people need to consume a lot of materials, and these materials are transported by train.

So far, the tunnel-passing warships are fine, and it is the only area connected to the empire at present. The Outpost of Different Universe 1 is a completely corrupted universe.

In such a universe, it doesn't make much sense to send battleships there.

Purify the entire universe? ?

The resources of the empire are not so many.

For this reason, it has always been cheapest and most practical to use trains for transportation.

"The No. 2 cosmic tunnel line and the No. 3 cosmic tunnel line are under intense preparation, and they are expected to be opened within five to ten years." A female supervisor reported: "Overall, the tunnel process is relatively smooth."

"What threats did you encounter during the development process? Tell me in detail." Chagatai asked.

He came here because Guilliman commissioned him to protect these tunnels.

Guilliman hoped that he could form a fast and mobile emergency force to deal with emergencies in the tunnel.

Different universe tunnels are built in the depths of the subspace.

The superficial layers of the Warp have broken away from conventional understandings of time and space.

The depths of the subspace are even more strange areas that ordinary people can't imagine, and all the conventional cognitions of human beings are useless here.

No matter how perfect the tunnel construction technology is, it is inevitable that various emergencies will occur.

"Currently, the abnormal situation in the tunnel has been divided into three levels by us, green level, orange level, and scarlet level. In the case of green level, you only need to follow the rules and regulations compiled by the development department. Casualties can be avoided. The Orange class requires the use of special forces, and the Scarlet class requires the intervention of the Sisters of Silence and the Gray Knights."

"So far, there have been a total of 21 scarlet-level incidents. Each time, the workers basically did not obey the rules and were bewitched to bring those inanimate people into the supply station along the way. After the scarlet-level incident, the accident site It will be closed, all personnel involved will be wiped out, and will be opened for continued use after cleaning.”

"The number of orange-level incidents is much higher than that of the scarlet-level incidents, but the casualties are not as exaggerated as the scarlet-level incidents. The personnel involved generally only need psychological counseling or transfer out of the tunnel for a period of time before returning to normal."

Chagatai was silent for a moment before raising his head, "Are there still sites that have encountered scarlet ranks that have not been purified and opened?"

"There are three." A military-looking supervisor stood up and said.

"Then my destination will be the nearest unopened site." Chagatai said.

Hearing this, several people in the carriage looked at each other in blank dismay.

"My lord, that's too dangerous. Every closed site needs to be purified by the nun of silence and the gray knight before it can be used after special procedures. If you go rashly, you may be attacked by monsters. Please be sure to integrate the team first. Again."

Chagatai waved his hand and interrupted the other party, "Don't worry about me. I have traveled in it and understand how powerful these monsters are. But I also need to know what kind of enemy I have to deal with, and what kind of enemies are there in the security work of the tunnel?" If there are any mistakes, I can form a mobile team in a targeted manner."

"If you haven't even seen the enemy, it's just talk on paper and useless. Let me get off at the nearest abandoned site, and I'll take someone to see the situation."

Chagatai was very tough, and several executives showed a look of bewilderment for a while.

They looked at Sanguinius aside.

Unfortunately, let them down.

Sanguinees didn't have the idea of ​​persuading his brother, but showed a smile to several executives.

"Don't worry about him, he can take care of himself."

Hearing this, several executives could only let Chagatai do what he did and prepare an elite team for him.

The personnel on the train are all useful, and they are assigned to each area for rotation.

It is already very good to be able to draw a small team to protect Chagatai.

If it weren't for his original body status, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to enjoy this kind of treatment.

After all, the rules and regulations of the Universe Development Department are extremely strict, and the deployment of personnel is very secret, and once the order is ordered, it will not be changed, so as to avoid being found by the devil.

Sanguinius also inquired about some information about other universes.

It's a pity that everyone in the carriage is responsible for the tunnel.

They also don't have the right to know about things in different universes.

Sanguinius didn't get any useful information, so he could only suppress his restless heart and prepare to go to the Outpost of Different Universe No. 1.

According to his own plan, Chagatai got off the car ahead of schedule.

"Go forward for a certain distance, and you will see the abandoned site. Master Chagatai, please be careful. If you encounter an emergency, you can press the emergency button, and the emergency team will arrive for rescue within five to thirty minutes. ’” said the female supervisor.

"I understand." Chagatai nodded, then turned and got out of the car.

A well-equipped squad of primordial warriors followed closely behind him.

It can be seen from their coat of arms that the identity of this squad belongs to the Exorcist Chapter.

In the days before Guilliman's return, the Chapter had known the truth of the Warp and was determined to fight the Daemons.

Of course, their approach was very extreme, and was once considered by the trial court to be a possible betrayal.

One of the recruiting rites of the Exorcists is called "Controlled Demonic Possession."

Under strict supervision, each monk will be possessed by those relatively weak subspace creatures for twelve hours before being expelled.

The Exorcist Chapter uses this method to test the purity of recruits and to increase some resistance to demons, just like vaccination.

After the different universe project started, the exorcist battle group was also selected as one of the battle groups to guard the tunnel.

They are all shrouded in armor with a dark red body, a bone-white double-headed eagle painted on the chest, and black patterns on the shoulder armor.

Complicated incantations are engraved on the armor, runes are also engraved on the weapon in his hand, and the arc of the force field is crackling.

They automatically formed a protective formation.

Soldiers holding strong shields walked around Chagatai.

In the event of a crisis, they will put up a strong shield to protect the Primarch.

Chagatai didn't say much about it.

Before coming to Modo, he received the latest reinforcement.

To be honest, if there was something that could threaten him, it would be impossible for the soldiers of the Exorcist Squad to resist him.

Chagatai didn't talk about it, but enjoyed their protection.

After all, if it is said, it is undoubtedly a kind of underestimation of the dignity of these soldiers.

The road to the abandoned rest station is not very long.

Relying on the footsteps of the Primarch and Primaris warriors, they arrived in half an hour.

Smooth metal pillars stood at the entrance of the rest station, making crackling sounds.

The pulsating arc jumps in the air, filling the air with a smell of ozone

The rest station has been sealed off by a dense mass of killing force fields and anti-subspace force fields, preventing the contaminated monsters from affecting the normal operation of the tunnel.

In addition to the column, there is a troop garrisoned.

Equipped with various heavy weapons.

The arrival of Chagatai and others aroused their vigilance, and the huge muzzle was aimed directly at them.

Here, no matter how careful you are, you can't go wrong.

Who knows if there will be demons who have the ability to change shape.

After the transfer of secret orders, Chagatai and his party gained temporary trust and were allowed to approach the rest station.

The guards did not let down their vigilance because of this, and their guns were always aimed at them and the group.

If there is any movement, it will shoot directly.

All are demon-killing bullets aimed at the soul.

Looking at the densely packed muzzles of the guns, Chagatai even doubted whether he could retreat in front of these muzzles.

"Why didn't you clean up the monsters inside?" Chagatai asked, looking at the soldiers of the Exorcist Squad beside him.

"A large number of anti-subspace force field devices that weaken the demons are placed on the periphery of the occupied rest station, continuously weakening the demons until they are forced to retreat, or they are forced to lose the nourishment of the subspace ether and starve to death. It's just This process will take some time. If the demons are not weakened to a certain extent, if you rush to clean up the rest station base, it is very likely to cause casualties, and even let the demons escape into the tunnel, causing a new round of destruction. This is Asia. In the depths of space, demons can use much more weird abilities than in the real universe, if there is any problem with the protection of the tunnel, the crisis will be catastrophic."

"For this reason, we will only take the safest approach, even if this approach will waste some time, it is worth waiting for."

Chagatai nodded, this is a saving grace.

This should also be taken into account in the formation of mobile units.

Not only to pursue fast, but also to pursue slow.

Combine speed and speed for maximum effect.

Walking to the side of a force field column with a height of five or six meters, Chagatai glanced at the direction of the rest station.

Nothing was seen.

Only closed rest stops can be seen.

There are some traces of being smashed out on it, and some blood.

Other than that, there is nothing else.

"Is there a way to see inside?" Chagatai asked.

After a while, a guard handed him a data pad.

The data pad is connected to the camera inside, as well as some fist-sized observation robots that were sent in.

Chagatai checked the situation at the rest stop through the data board.

Everything inside was vandalized, there were mutilated limbs everywhere, and profanity smeared with blood.

Staff rest dormitories, canteens, security areas, all have monsters roaming around.

They make all kinds of piercing howls.

Fragments of uniforms belonging to workers can be seen from the body full of tentacles and eyes.

Chagatai flipped through the video, looked at the guard and asked, "Can I go in?"

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