Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 302 Omega's Plan (for Subscription)

The black radiance emanated from Marvell, like a demon god who came out of an evil story and bewitched the world.

His eyes were burning with black flames, exuding a terrifying aura.

Wriggling flesh is endowed with a chaotic will.

Those tentacles and the teeth and eyes growing in them also flowed on Marvell's twisted body, looking extremely weird and terrifying.

Marvell is the first generation of Captain Marvel, who stood up against tyranny and was called the greatest hero in the universe by many civilizations.

Protect the weak civilizations and stop those powerful civilizations from acting recklessly.

Before surrendering to Yogg-Sothoth, Marvel had mastered unparalleled cosmic power.

Freedom to survive in outer space, absorb and manipulate abilities without the aid of any equipment.

One hand can lift more than ten tons of heavy objects.

He is also proficient in swordsmanship and fighting, and has excellent military qualities.

It can be said that he is a perfect example and a moral standard.

It was such a person, but in the end he chose to surrender to outsiders because of fear of death and being forgotten.

After being blessed by Yogg-Sothoth, his power is even more terrifying, holding the power to destroy the stars.

He beat those heroes.

Dedicated his own native world to Yogg-Sothoth.

Marvell's eyes glowed, and two beams shot straight at Calgar.

[Detecting annihilation energy, starting the analysis program. 】

[The energy purity is too high, the third-generation original casting body can't resist, activate the anti-subspace deflection protection force field. 】

[The anti-subspace deflection protection force field is activated, correcting and distorting the laws of physics, and it is being calculated and analyzed. 】

A faint light curtain was released from Calgar's armor.

Transferred the energy of the beam released by Marvel to the warp, and eliminated the devastating blow that could smash everything.

Calgar rushed up, the gloves in his hands crackling.

The power arc wraps around it.

It can tear enemies apart at the atomic level.

Even with a body of steel strong enough to withstand nuclear bombs, it will be torn and shredded by the power field.

"Let your god die, beast." Calgar growled. "And, today you will die here, and in the near future your god will fall in its temple."

"Arrogance, life in the mortal world dares to be disrespectful to God." An energy lightsaber appeared in Marvell's hand, and he swung at Calga, causing waves of energy shocks on the opponent's protective force field.

"Fear in despair.."

Calgar shut up the opponent with a violent attack, and swallowed back what he hadn't finished speaking.

After several consecutive confrontations, Marvell staggered, causing him to lose his balance briefly.

Calgar took his chance and landed a punch on the shoulder bone.

Marvel swung back, unleashing a blast of energy, trying to push him back, but was again blocked by Calgar's armor.

"Damn it." Marvell spat out sticky black and red blood, and Calgar's punch was so powerful that he was injured.

Feeling his own injury, Marvell's eyes burning with black flames showed anger, "How dare you hurt me."

Calgar remained silent, raised his hand and pulled the trigger, releasing the large-caliber explosive bomb equipped with the glove.

Bolts blessed by the Adeptus Mechanicum possess the power to kill the Immortal.

Marvell dodged the barrage attack in embarrassment.

But a bomb hit his body.

Fragments from the explosion sliced ​​through his body, granulated wounds writhing and trying to heal.

However, the explosive bombs of Primordial Warriors are all made with the latest technology.

When it explodes, the sharp fragments can reach the molecular level, and carry a special magnetic field, which can prevent the cut molecules from reuniting.

"Is this eternity?" Calgar's tone showed mockery, "It doesn't look very good."

"Die," screamed Marvell, thrusting his hands forward so that beams of energy converged and shot out from his hands.

Calgar was like a black hole, and Marvel's attack didn't do anything.

The light beam sank into the force field light shield, and quickly disappeared.

This scene made his face a little ugly.

His own attack didn't work, making the big words he said before a laughing stock.

As Guilliman's confidant, Calgar enjoys the most advanced resources and technology.

His battle armor is expensive, and the protection is naturally of a high standard.

Marvel can either go all out and use the huge energy to paralyze Calgar's armor shield and overload his shield generator before he can attack Calgar himself.

Or he has to have the power to overturn the entire Warp.

The deflector shield directs the energy beams released by Marvell into the warp, like a dam that deflects the flow of water.

No matter how powerful the flood can be, the impact on the dam is minimal.

The short guard did not confront directly, but skillfully removed the impact, diluting all of Marvell's attacks to the subspace.

The subspace has no concept of size, and the universe is just a bubble suspended in the ocean of ether.

It doesn't matter how many attacks Marvel unleashes.

If he could overturn the warp, he would not have succumbed to Yogg-Sothoth.

"Just this kind of power?" Calgar said, and continued to attack. The iron fist's offensive became more and more ferocious, and the air exploded.

The extraordinary body bestowed by Guilliman and the armor made of the most advanced technology gave Calgar the capital to despise these enemies.

Other Primaris fighters also wrestled with Marvel's men.

"You will pay for your arrogance." Marvell roared, but spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Whether I pay the price or not is up to you. I have something to tell you. You shouldn't have boarded this ship, idiot."

Calgar swung away Marvel's lightsaber and landed a punch on the opponent's head.

Half of his face was shattered on the spot.

The eyeballs protrude, and the whole face is extremely frightening.

Marvel let out a cry of pain.

Calgar lifted it up abruptly, and threw it out again. The huge force dented the metal bulkhead that was several meters thick.

Marvell tried to stand up, the broken bones all over his body made him miserable and spit out blood continuously.

"You may win this ambush, but I guarantee you will die here, bastard." Calgar stepped up, and the Phoenix girl on the side tried to launch an attack, but he was knocked away by an explosive bomb.

The fragments of the explosive bomb split the opponent's body, and the whole person flew out, lying on the ground dying.

"It's time to end." Calgar walked across the field to the collapsed Marvel.

Let Abaddon go, if this guy is allowed to run away again, then he really won't be able to face His Majesty.

Other cancerous monsters tried to save their master, but Primaris warriors fought hard to hold them back.

Each of them wields extraordinary strength, but Primaris warriors are also well-trained and created with the most advanced technology.

Calgar lifted Marvell's head and looked into the other's eyes full of hatred and resentment.

"I said, I will kill you." Calgar said every word: "To destroy the empire is doomed to be wishful thinking."

Calga charged up, intending to smash the opponent's head with one punch and annihilate the opponent's soul.

Want to resurrect, next life.

Just when he was about to make a move, a terrifying shock wave set off beside him.

Calga, who didn't have time to react, flew out directly, like a fallen leaf lifted by a strong wind, and slammed into a control console.

When the heavy armor-covered body fell to the ground, it made a loud noise and fell to the crew members who were still standing on their posts.

Their mortal bodies faced such an impact, like an egg being hit by a high-speed bullet.

The screams of pain resounded through the bridge.

Some were mutilated with blood and flesh, turning into lumps of rotten meat, and those who survived by chance had broken bones and tendons, and were covered with scars.

The bright and bright light made the Primaris warrior's helmet automatically adjust the brightness.

The mortal crew turned their heads one by one, not looking at the center of the light.

That strong light is enough to blind people.

A god with a stalwart body stepped out of the light.

The black wings trembled slightly on the back, as noble and lustrous as if made of black gold.

The noble face is unforgettable at a glance.

That is a real god.

The black armor flows with the brilliance of the black sun, and is forged by ancient techniques that have been lost for a long time.

It is covered with many runes, flowing with mysterious power.

The most eye-catching thing is the emblem in the center of the chest.

The emblem is outlined by countless eyes, implying that the eyes are omnipresent and watch everything.

It's hard to imagine that the side of the cancerous monster would have such a perfect existence.

The body is like a sculpture of a master craftsman, and the face is perfect and impeccable.

Marvell, who was lying on the ground, showed an ecstatic expression, he got up, and then bowed his knees.


The visitor stared at Marvell, then withdrew his gaze, not caring about him.

Calgar struggled to get up. He stared at the other person's face, his expression changed again and again, and he uttered a taboo word.


The image of the opponent is exactly the same as Horus, the biggest traitor in the history of the empire, the only difference is the pair of black wings on the back.

"Impossible, you should have been completely destroyed by the Emperor."

Calgar stood up, with surprise and uncertainty in his tone.

"The Horus you know is indeed long gone. I am the new Horus, the incarnation of Yogg-Sothoth."

Horus' voice was low and rumbled like thunder, echoing in everyone's ears.

"In the name of the past, do you think you can repeat the chaos of the past?" The armored medical system repaired his damaged body, and the heart of the empire was running at high speed, but the situation seemed very bad.

[The target is being parsed and cannot be parsed. 】

[Redefining, establishing a data calculation model, and requesting more calculations. 】

[The request is approved, the calculation library is redistributed, the calculation formula is extracted, the data structure model is established, and the analysis target program is restarted. 】

[Analysis progress: 1% 2% 30% 40% 99% 0. 】

[The parsing failed, the target cannot be parsed. 】

[Suggestion, look for opportunities to escape. 】

Ignoring the Imperial Heart's voice in his head, Calgar recharged the armor, activating the nano-restoration device inside, repairing the damaged energy and electromagnetic lines.

Horus watched Calgar with a hint of interest.

"It's really brave. In front of me, you can still pick up a weapon."

"It seems that you are the god that guy serves." Calgar glared at him, "If you want to destroy the empire, step over my corpse."

"If you insist, I don't mind that." Horus taunted, and he moved, and a warhammer appeared in his hand out of nowhere.

There are no fancy skills or tricks, just a simple but killing blow.

The warhammer exploded out of thin air and hit Calgar.

The momentum is heavy, and it has the potential to split the mountains.

The Heart of the Empire and the armor instantly entered the overload operation mode, and each system was exchanged for efficiency and power at the cost of shortening its service life.

The jumping electric arc on the glove is as real as it is, dazzling and dazzling.

The shield also became solid, as if it had materialized.

Accompanied by the loud noise that shook the eardrums and the shock wave that sent everyone flying, Calgar flew upside down again.

The huge body broke several metal cylinders with a diameter of several meters.

The cables inside were all exposed, crackling, and the current shot like sparks.


Calga vomited blood on the ground, his gauntlets shattered.

The internal organs of the whole person feel as if they have been displaced.

A mysterious force stirred in his body, destroying the self-healing function of the Imperial Heart.

Bones were broken, internal organs were shattered, and many gaps appeared in the battle armor.

Faced with such a terrifying blow, the original cast body that has been upgraded three times is also difficult to stop.

The blood flow in the chest is endless, and the coagulation factor fails.

cough! cough! cough!

Calgar coughed and was in pain.

He still wanted to run, but his body no longer obeyed the instructions of his brain.

His roar turned into a hoarse cry, containing pain that could not be suppressed.

"This is the fate of arrogance, short-lived species in the mortal world, you can't understand my strength at all."

Horus stood at the position just now, and said in a mocking tone.

Horus was interrupted by several bolts and plasma heat rushing towards Horus.

The mysterious force field guarding him screeched and flickered.

Several high-enrichment directional blast anti-matter grenades were thrown at his feet.

The annihilation of the cube forms a black hole that shreds everything nearby.

Horus' complexion changed, and he escaped from the coverage of the antimatter grenade while screaming in pain.

"Quick, protect the commander." A Primordial warrior made a mournful voice.

Calgar became confused and unable to speak.

His perception became fragmented.

The SS and crew rushed to Calga's position in a desperate attempt to take him away.

Horus roared furiously amidst the onslaught, and the damned mortals had no awe for him.

He launched an attack like a gust of wind, swinging the warhammer in his hand, smashing the warriors in thick power armor to pieces.

One by one, the brothers risked their lives and died generously, just to give Calga a chance to escape.

They were killed one by one.

Cancerous monsters attack with their masters.

"Quick, lock us, find a way to break through the space blockade, the commander is injured." The mechanical priest called the Celestial-class warship as the backup flagship, asking to take Calgar away.

The warriors formed a human wall, centered on Calgar, to protect their lord.

"Hang on, we'll take you away right away, my lord."

A voice sounded beside Calga, excruciating pain.

"You must survive."

Horus's offensive became more and more ferocious, and the heads of several soldiers were blown into blood mist with one blow.

Nothing can stop him.

The fighters protecting Calgar were knocked down one after another.

A body was blown into the air, and the armor bearing the imperial double-headed eagle emblem had been cracked and was stained red with blood.

When it landed, it had lost its breath of life.

The battle was brutal.

The warriors dragged Calga, moving towards safety.

The mortal crew also took up arms, ready to die for the cause to which they were loyal.

Calgar coughed, vomiting blood with each cough.

He is dying.

The hand of death was stroking his soul, ready to take him out of the real world.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty." Calgar's lips opened and closed, and blood foamed continuously from his mouth.

"No, we lost him."

"Take him away first."

Countless voices are intertwined, pain, sorrow, and despair are intertwined like a big net, grabbing everyone's heart.

Darkness enveloped Calgar.

He saw an ugly and terrifying starry sky.

Countless weird eyes were looking at him, and those sticky tentacles stretched out from the darkness, winding and twisting like poisonous snakes.

Weird manic laughter echoed.

That was Yogg-Sothoth's will.

"You will be mine."

A terrifying roar sounded.

"No!" Calgar yelled, but he was in the dark, and this was the opponent's domain. "My soul belongs to my genetic father, the emperor of mankind."

In the distorted realm, no one listened to Calgar's voice, only the laughter of the gods.

Countless tentacles entangled Calga, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

Soon, he was trapped by the tentacles.


His Majesty.


Calgar's spirit utters its last desperate cry.

The sound of glass shattering sounded, and the dark starry sky was like a broken dam, unable to stop the terrible torrent.

The light shines from the cracked gap, extremely bright.

The golden and blue sun shattered the twisted darkness, the tentacles twisted in pain in front of the light, and hundreds of millions of eyes were also burned by the light, making a cry of pain.

"Calgar." A majestic voice sounded.

A will of unimaginable grandeur descended upon his bonds with the countless citizens of the Empire.

"Your Majesty," Calgar cried.

The other party did not respond to him, and countless rays of light rushed towards the distorted starry sky.

"Get out, every human soul belongs to me, and every warrior who dies for me will be protected by me."

"Get out, your authority is invalid here, leave his soul world."

Calgar's soul was seized by that will and escaped from that weird starry sky.

Then, Calgar felt a strong will to push the soul back into his body.

"Mechanical, repair itself."

A faint voice echoed around Calgar, full of majesty.

The originally stagnant battle armor started to run again, and various systems came back online.

Horus, who was slaughtering the Primordial Warriors, felt that something was wrong, and some power was being transmitted from his own defeat as the anchor.

He ran, trying to decapitate the enemy before that will dragged him back into the real universe.

However, the golden and blue radiance diffused from Calgar's body, forming a stagnant force field, making it difficult for him to move forward.

Calga who had fallen was suspended, and his body was burning with golden and blue flames.

The battle armor was restored as new, the wounds healed, and the broken bones were connected together.

The cancerous monsters let out horrified cries.

Horus also had a look of surprise on his face.

Calgar stood in the air, the dazzling light holding him up.

Slowly turned one direction and became upright.

The monsters felt the scorching heat of the flames, but the humans didn't feel it, and instead recovered under the light of the flames.

The armor's cables grew and reconnected as their skin healed.

An unbearable radiance radiated from Calgar's body, as if there was a sun in his body.

The intense light made the eyes of the cancerous monsters feel unparalleled pain.

"Go back and tell your subject that this place doesn't belong to him." Calga opened his eyes, and there was light flowing in them.

"How is it possible?" Horus gripped the hammer tightly, "Who are you?"

"I am Calgar, the Emperor's Commander, his General. I am the Ultramarine, sword and shield of the Emperor."

Horus looked into the other's eyes.

A terrifying creature was watching him through those eyes.

The other party is still far away at the other end of the galaxy, but the other party's will has come here.

"Don't try to scare me." Horus raised his warhammer, with infinite power surging from his body, how could he lose to a human.

The will of Yogg-Sothoth is unstoppable.

"Meet the wrath of my lord, offending the great Yogg-Sothoth is the greatest mistake you have ever made in this life."

Horus jumped up and charged Calgar.

The warhammer in his hand shone with black light.

This time, however, he did not gain the upper hand.

Calgar's iron fist blocked his hammer.

When Horus was stunned, Calgar punched him to the floor again.

With a loud noise, Horus was smashed to the ground.

Calgar followed suit and smashed him hard.

He also grabbed Horus' ankle from behind and slammed it onto the metal floor with a loud bang.

Then, he threw it flying and hit the wall.

"Is Yogg Sothos like this?" Calgar taunted, and he charged at him again.

"Damn bastard." Marvell shot again.

This time, there was no saving him.

Calgar dodged his blow and smashed the opponent's head off with one blow.

The first generation of Captain Marvel ended with an ending that the world could not imagine.

Horus was grabbed by countless tentacles that emerged out of thin air, and disappeared directly in front of everyone.

Losing the commander, the remaining cancerous monsters were knocked down by Calgar and others, and some of them left the battlefield in time.

In the sea battle in the starry sky, the empire suffered huge losses.

However, the cancerous legion was also damaged a lot.

Finally forced to withdraw from the battlefield.

The ambush was declared over.

Both sides suffered casualties.

Calgar repelled Horus, killed Marvell, and swung his iron fist for a big kill. When he won and the people cheered, he fell down and fell into a coma.

The matter of His Majesty's manifestation was spread by the survivors.

Let the morale that was already low be lifted.

The fleet is far away from Terra, but His Majesty's eyes are always on them. This is undoubtedly exciting news.

Terra low earth orbit.

Guilliman's flagship is suspended here, forming a binary star system with Terra.

Sitting on the Mechanical Throne, Guilliman revealed a thoughtful expression.

In fact, he didn't pay attention to the situation on Calgar's side, but found out that someone was going to take away human souls, so he found out that Calgar was almost beaten to death.

Now that there was still a shortage of people, Guilliman naturally couldn't let Calgar die. After snatching him back, he directly pushed him back into his body.

"The opponent's container turned out to be Horus." Guilliman recalled the incarnation of Yogg-Sothoth who was beaten violently with the help of Calgar's body.

The appearance of the other party is exactly the same as that of Horus, the only difference is that there is a pair of black wings on the back.

Obviously, this is definitely a rip-off of Sanguinius.

In his confession, Fabius said that he collected the genetic codes of twenty Primarchs and tried to create a genetic creation more perfect than the Emperor's masterpiece.

The guy who was used as a container by Yugo-Sothos is obviously Fabius' masterpiece.

"I hope it's not too difficult." Guilliman patted his head with a headache.

Several space exploration teams established communication with the Empire, and he also completed the task of exploring the five universes.

Now it's time to explore five galaxies.

Guilliman asked the sages of the Mechanicus to formulate plans, train personnel, and strive to complete the exploration mission across the galaxy as soon as possible.

Subspace is extremely dangerous, beyond the imagination of the world.

In the past, the empire used subspace navigation to follow those clear and detailed channels.

Navigating in warp space is similar to sailing across the ocean.

If you rush into unfamiliar territory, it is very likely that the ship will be destroyed.

The unknown is the greatest fear.


As a watchman, Dalia stood on the high platform and watched the imperial train slowly enter the station.

Accompanied by the hiss of steam and the sound of mechanical pistons, the hatch of the train slowly opened.

Human soldiers in full armor stepped out from inside, behind them were the prisoners in custody.

There are many kinds, from different races.

There are even some dark elves among them.

The faces of the aliens who were driven down were all panicked.

I saw human soldiers in the corridor and machine slaves with weapons.

The chances of prisoners escaping from here are almost zero.

Several Dark Eldar communicate in their language.

The Comoros were destroyed, and the Dark Eldar no longer had the power to confront humans head-on.

Many satellite areas were breached by humans, and many Dark Eldar were captured.

Even those Haemonculi who survived the terrible disaster in the Comoros became captives of humans.

Once a master sadist, now bound hand and foot, locked with other lowly aliens.

"What are they going to do to us?"

"Who knows??"

"Maybe he was caught here for execution."

"Human beings are always so barbaric, do they only threaten others with death??"

"If it weren't for being a prisoner, I would have shown these idiots what is the cruel art of killing."

The Haemonculi masters whispered.

Even if they were reduced to prisoners, it would be difficult to change their arrogance and arrogance.

The human soldiers drove the prisoners into a huge square and ignored them.

This allowed some thoughtful prisoners to see an opportunity.

Humans might just leave them here to fend for themselves, otherwise why would they not stay guarded in the square.

When the bell rang, what they saw made them scream.

A giant dragon made of silver-white metal crawled out of the darkness to devour their flesh and soul.

The few Haemonculi masters who said that human beings tortured captives were crude and unartistic, made their already pale faces even paler in fright.

As old nobles, they naturally knew something about the Star God.

Vampires of the stars, gods of the material world.

Humans didn't take them as captives at all, but as food to feed the star gods.

The Nether Dragons quickly noticed the Dark Eldar.

On the face made of metal, there was a cruel expression.

Back then, the Eldar followed the Old Sages to wage war against them, but the Star Gods suffered a lot.

Devouring the flesh and soul of these guys is far more exciting than devouring other races.

Sensing the malice of the Nether Dragon, the Dark Eldar screamed with extreme fear, just like the screams of dying gladiators in the arena of Comoros in the past.

Dalia stood on the high platform, watching the Nether Dragon's eating expressionlessly.

In the past, she must not be used to this kind of practice of doing whatever it takes to succeed and sow trouble for the future.

But seeing the emblem on the Nether Dragon, she had no confidence to object.

A human emperor who can force the Nether Dragon to sign a slave contract, even the emperor can hardly compare with him.

What Guilliman did was beyond the imagination of a person at her level.

The opponent's plan is like a cocoon, intertwined layer by layer.

When others are suspicious or even arrogant towards him, they have already been trapped in the net unknowingly.

In the dark tunnel, a lonely figure is shuttling.

A faint light flickered in the tunnel, and it could be seen that the other party was holding a book in his hand.

The cover of the book bears the name written in gilt script.

【Legend of the Dragon Slayer】

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