Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 311 Research on Lantern Ring (for subscription)

Wonder Woman's death has saddened many superheroes.

As one of the founders of the Justice League, Wonder Woman has won the favor of many heroes with her beauty and strength.

Her tragic death plunged many superheroes into grief and hatred.

Many heroes swore to make the Empire pay.

However, they have not yet had time to mourn their deceased companions.

The continuous big actions of the empire made them feel that the end was coming.

Those unconfirmed gossip were quickly confirmed by the Empire.

Huge towering structures were soon erected on Earth, even in low-Earth orbit.

The majesty is incomparable, extending from the ground to outer space.

Those tall towers can not only point out the direction for the empire's warships to sail in the non-material space, but also radiate the will of the emperor, connecting every human being living outside to the whole of the empire.

What is even more frightening is that the tower creates an area that the fourth dimension cannot affect.

Many superheroes derive their powers from the fourth dimension.

The Flash, Shazam and more.

Their powers come from fourth dimensional beings or structures.

Shazam has been blessed by Zeus, Hercules and other gods, which is the main reason why he is called Captain Fantastic.

The gods of Olympus are defeated, and the title of Captain Shazam is also dead in name only.

The power of The Flash and these speedsters comes from the Speed ​​Force Wall.

The Wall of Speed ​​Force is also known as the Wall of Origin.

This wall is said to seal Petua, the creator of the multiverse.

It is also the boundary that divides the parallel universe.

Each parallel universe has its own wall of origin.

The abilities of many superheroes, as well as the power of the gods, and even those magical items are inextricably linked to the wall of origin.

The wall of origin has an extremely mysterious power. Anything in the universe will be stuck to the wall as long as it touches it. If there is life, it will be fixed there unconsciously like a vegetable.

The wall of origin is also located in the fourth dimension.

Once the empire blocks the fourth dimension, the end of the gods and heroes will come.

Many will lose their strength and become weak mortals.

Heroes no longer possess extraordinary size and strength.

Within the radiation range of the tower, many superheroes can no longer exert their superpowers, and they are no different from ordinary people.

Previously, such a device had only appeared in the Roboute Building.

But now, the entire planet and even the nearby void areas are shrouded.

The behavior of the Empire made many superheroes of the Justice League panic.

Without superpowers, how can they fight against the empire? ?

Of course, not everyone lost their power.

Some wizards obtained through their own efforts and learning can still use their power normally.

The towers of empire limit more to superheroes who suddenly gain power in an adventure.

They don't know anything about magic and their own power, and they only get the power because of some luck or accident.

Now that the empire has taken away those super powers, they have nothing to do.

Shazam, who had become a mortal, sat in his seat with a frightened and restless face.

The power of magic that could be used easily in the past, but now I can't feel it at all.

There is a sense of emptiness in the soul, empty.

Even the power of the first Shazam was only obtained by the blessing of the gods.

Not those powers that are mastered through one's own study.

With the defeat of the gods in the hands of the empire, those bestowed powers naturally disappeared.

The same is true for heroes who borrowed the power of the gods like him, all of them lost their power.

They are the worst.

As long as the other heroes are not close to the radiation range of the empire tower, nothing will happen.

"Don't worry, Green Lantern and Dr. Manhattan have already gone to find reinforcements. Soon, we will be able to return to Earth and defeat the Empire." A superhero comforted Shazam and said, "At that time, we will find a way to get yours back." strength."

"Hal has been away for a long time, and there is no news. Is it because the Green Lantern Corps is unwilling to interfere with the affairs of the earth?"

"Impossible. The Green Lantern Corps is an organization responsible for protecting the peace of the universe. Everyone is a noble person with justice and benevolence in their hearts. They won't do that."

Several superheroes talked constantly.

Batman stood aside, hearing what they said, his face was expressionless, and he didn't speak.

Howl's Lantern Ring is on him.

When Hal said that he would go back to rescue the soldiers, he planned to assassinate the other party and seized the ring.

With the help of that cryptic word, Bruce uses the Ring of Light to connect to the immaterial realm, stealing power from across the emotional spectrum.

He could feel that his soul had been sublimated, and an indescribably terrifying power was waiting for him to pry.

He watched these superheroes and felt their weakness and incapacity.

Without their super strength, they are useless.

Against the empire, you can only rely on him.

"When will the next step be?" Bruce asked in his heart.

"At any time, the great king of Gotham, the whole world will surrender at your feet. That so-called empire can be destroyed with just one thought from you."

A strange voice echoed in Bruce's mind.

"The goddess of love will protect you, Bruce, as long as you serve her sincerely, you can get everything you want, ten thousand kingdoms that obey you, ten thousand beautiful maidens, resurrect those lovers you care about .If you want it, you can get it.”

"I have no interest in God." Bruce frowned and said, "Your God and I are just allies."

"Such discussions are meaningless, whether it is an ally or a believer, they are all the same."

"Let's get started, I can't stand the cowardice of these guys anymore," Bruce said.

"No! How can you do such a thing??"

Sea King-Adam roared in despair, howling like a raging lion.

His wife's body was brought back by those damned Imperials.

There was no more expression on that beautiful face.

The shocking wound told Adam silently how she fought desperately at the last moment of her life.

"No!" Adam wailed.

Superman on the side showed grief, he saw too many companions who were killed.

Watching them being placed on the anatomy table, dismembered little by little, and became samples for imperial research.

How much goodness do those damned demons have to take away before they are willing to let it go.

Imperial researchers were unimpressed by the murderous gazes of Aquaman and Superman.

They amputated Mera's finger and removed the ring that was bound to her flesh and blood.

Several mechanical priests used the equipment to scan and analyze it.

ps: I rushed back, but I still couldn’t catch up, so I wrote a little bit.

I really can't socialize anymore, it feels like a waste of time.

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