Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 313 Want to die? As you wish (please subscribe)

Thanks to the powerful technology system of the empire.

Even on a planet that has only entered the primary informatization, productivity can be quickly formed.

Taking control of the entire planet, various factories have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Space smelters, space assembly factories, ecological farms, fully mechanized production factories, etc.

These factories quickly transform the planet's manpower and resources into tangible military power.

With the support of Sanguinius, Titus quickly assembled the existing ships of the empire to form an expeditionary force to crusade against the Justice League.

Mars has only a few satellites and space stations, and it is not an opponent of the space fleet that has already formed a combat force.

Some heroes who can fly into outer space try to stop the fleet of the empire by themselves.

Just like Green Lantern and Superman did.

It's a pity that the ending of these unlucky ones can be described as bleak.

Under the protection of the anti-subspace force field, the void shield, and the boundary force field, those superheroes attacked the imperial fleet like buzzing mosquitoes.

It was very noisy, but it had no lethality, and was shot to death one by one by the empire in the end.

The space fleet has sealed off all of Mars.

A huge ship is parked in the low earth orbit of Mars.

The light emitted by the plasma fusion energy engine is like the sun.

Looking at the surface of Mars, it seems that many suns have appeared out of thin air in the sky.

Its radiance obscures the stars and the sun, mixing day and night.

There is only a layer of monotony in the sky, a dim crimson light, like blood, heralding something.

Standing on the observation platform of the battleship, Titus could use the radar of the battleship to observe the Martian city on the ground.

Martian Manhunter has been working to restore prosperity to Mars.

In addition to looking around for their surviving clansmen, they also invited some races that can walk among the stars to immigrate to Mars.

After years of hard work, Mars has regained a little popularity.

There are several huge, tech-filled cities.

After the empire ruled the entire planet, some people who wanted to resist the empire also came to Mars through various methods.

Going to Mars is impossible for ordinary people.

But for the people of the Justice League, it is extremely simple.

The Justice League brought many rebels who resisted the empire to Mars to preserve their vitality and wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

The control of the empire is getting stronger and stronger.

Staying on the earth, there is only one dead end.

For this reason, many organizations fighting against the Empire are also happy to rest on Mars.

Facing the attack of the empire, various cities opened their protective shields.

The faint halo enveloped the magnificent Mars like an eggshell.

Titus deactivated the distraction field, and issued a final notice to the Justice League and those humans who fled to Mars.

Ask them to submit to the human empire immediately, and submit to the great emperor of the empire.

A burst out of the Martian atmosphere, deflected by the battleship's protective shield, and the absorbed pulse beam represented their answer.

"They refused to submit to the empire." A military commander looked at Titus with excitement on his face.

With such a stupid resistance, in the face of the torrent of attacks from the empire, the ending is self-evident.

It can be said that this is just a gilded war.

"If you are stubborn, then meet the destruction." Titus waved his arm.

The order to attack was transmitted from the communicator in front of the weapons director to the entire fleet.

Under the data calculation of the thinker system, the turret of the battleship moved slowly, looking for the best attack angle.

After a while, beams of beams lit up, spouting vertical burning beams and meandering streams of plasma downward.

One after another, the enriched nuclear bombs fell with trailing flames.

In just a moment, the surface of the earth is like hell.

The sky collapsed, the mountains and rivers were shattered, and the flames of the tower-like nuclear explosion shot up suddenly, and the shock wave shook the whole world.

Titus watched all this with a blank face.

His eyes focused on the burning city through the billowing clouds.

Those fools screamed in the flames, cursing the inhuman Empire.

They thought they would fight bravely to the last moment, unyielding like ancient heroes, and leave their names.

Unfortunately, they underestimated the firepower of the Empire.

Ninety-nine percent of the rebels would not survive the Imperial blanket strike.

Even the so-called heroes are as vulnerable as ants in the face of real interstellar wars.

This planet with the same name as the Holy Land of Mechanicism does not have a protective shield built with the scientific and technological knowledge bestowed by the emperor.

If it is the Holy Land of Mechanicism, let alone the power in his hand, even if it is ten times more, it will not help.

Unfortunately, Mars in this universe is just the homeland of a group of aliens and traitors.

Deal with these stubborn fools.

Such firepower is enough.

There isn't much to rave about about the campaign for Mars.

The empire has absolute force.

Whether it is a void campaign or a surface campaign, the Empire has the upper hand.

The genetically strengthened flesh and nerves of the Primordial Warrior, combined with the Heart of the Empire, are so powerful that it is outrageous.

Years of training and fighting have allowed them to cooperate with each other tacitly.

The difference between the Justice League and them is like the difference between a group of stragglers and the regular army.

The Justice League and Martian resistance didn't last long.

What followed was just a bloody purge.

It is the Great Emperor's job to forgive those who have betrayed the Imperium.

It's Titus' job to send those guys to the Emperor.

The empire has a variety of means of breeding population.

Even if the entire planet is slaughtered, it can recover quickly within a few years.

The Justice League's entrance is in a huge building in Metal City.

A superhero who knew how to unleash flames was blown in the head by Titus.

The bloody corpse was casually thrown aside by him.

The SS swarmed around him, slashing at those who tried to stop them.

Pierce the enemy line like a spearhead, and kill the magnificent building where the entrance to the Justice League headquarters is located.

"We will never compromise."

"For justice."

Those superheroes are shouting.

These sounds often quickly turned into screams again.

There are dead bodies everywhere.

Facing the imperial offensive, the Martians and those so-called heroes suffered heavy casualties.

"What an evil wave of magic." Constantine, who was mixed in the team, stared at the tall building in front of him, his heart sank.

Barbatos appears to have regained his strength.

Titus glanced at him, then looked away.

"Keep moving forward." He ordered: "Turn out this cancer completely."

The defense force of the building is extremely weak, unable to resist the attack of Titus and others at all.

With the last of the defenders down, Titus and the others made their way to the entrance.

Thanks to the technology and magic of many heroes, the headquarters of the Justice League is set in another dimension.

This is why the Justice League was so confident against the Empire in the first place.

They strike out from another dimension and attack the Empire.

The empire could not find them.

Spatial dimensions are complex and difficult to detect.

As long as you escape into a different-dimensional space, it is generally difficult to find it.

Its Justice League can place the secondary entrances and exits of the dimension in various places within its reach, achieving high-speed maneuvering and appearing elusive.

The empire can only enter from the connection between different dimensions and this universe.

Titus stepped into the entrance of the Justice League, and a strange sense of distortion came.

The subtle difference between the two time and space has caused people to feel a sense of dislocation.

It will give people a mysterious feeling of existence and non-existence.

The gorgeous scenes that pass by at a glance reveal the underlying logic of the universe's operation.

Titus's brain couldn't retain the memory of those things.

After that feeling disappeared, the only thing he could remember were those floating numbers and rotating gears.

Even such memories are fading fast.

As if the truth of the universe should not be discovered.

Even if it is discovered, it will escape from people's minds, far away.

Entering the Justice League headquarters, what he saw made Titus frowned slightly.

Constantine looked pale.

He once entered hell and conspired with those hateful evil gods, just to achieve his own purpose.

He has also conducted all kinds of terrible experiments, just to verify his own magic.

He can really be described in a few words with rich experience.

But the nightmarish scene still frightened him.

The corridors are filled with unholy sights.

There are patterns of poisonous snakes entrenched everywhere. There are also patterns depicting unimaginable, twisted, crazy, mating behaviors of man and snake, with tentacle monsters, and alien monsters.

Those smooth, technological passages and corridors have changed beyond recognition.

Swallowed by the deep darkness.

The light released will be swallowed up within a short distance.

Various portraits painted with blood and unknown liquids were painted on the walls, as well as distorted sculptures made of human bones.

The smell of blood and desire filled the air.

There was sticky blood and scattered bones all over the floor.

The lights of a few dim floor lamps flickered in the gloom.

The ominous and eerie aura makes one's bones chill.

It seems that the actual malice makes people's skin tingle.

This is not hell, but it is more terrifying than hell.

"Barbatos succeeded, dragging the entire Justice League into a dark abyss." Constantine said: "We have to be careful."

"It doesn't matter." Titus said calmly: "It's just a lustful demon. I have cut many of them."

Constantine wanted to retort subconsciously.

But thinking that the other party slaughtered a god like a dog, think about it or forget it.

The other party and oneself are not a conceptual existence at all.

What he said was bragging, and what others said might just be stating the facts.

Eerie howls came from the depths of the Justice League headquarters.

The monsters lurking in it smell the breath of the living.

Constantine saw a monster with bone spurs and tentacles entwined with barbed wire rushing out of the darkness.

The long tongue flicked in the air, and the sticky and foul-smelling saliva was flying.

The limbs are slender, and the sharp nails have a black luster under the dim light.

Constantine felt that the appearance of the monster was somewhat familiar, and a name emerged in his heart, and panic appeared on his face.

It is the first-line hero of the Justice League-Hawkeye.

This is a superhero with the ability to reincarnate.

It is said that he has lived for thousands of years.

However, now he has become a hideous monster.

The distorted figure, madness, and happy face are more disgusting than hell demons.

The former pair of feathered wings turned into bone spurs, dripping with blood, and strange blasphemy runes were etched on the flesh and blood.

The Gold Wing helmet has also become filthy.

The roar of explosive bombs and the unique hissing sound of power weapon force fields sounded at the same time.

The dirty golden helmet of Eagle Man was knocked away by the explosive bomb, and his acting skills and half of his head were blown away by the powerful explosion, and he saw the white brain inside.

A warrior held a power battle ax and split it in half.

Hawkman let out a joyful, orgasmic dying cry, and then died.

Constantine was dumbfounded.

Even being chopped into two pieces can make such a cool sound that the spirit cover will fly.

What the hell is this! !

"Keep going." Titus had no interest in explaining, this was childish, and he had seen crazier ones.

This universe is used as a farm by those horrible beings.

Constantine and others were also confined to a small area, and it was normal that they had never seen the horror of chaos.

Titus asked everyone to go deeper.

As long as the culprit entrenched in it is solved, then everything that is weird and twisted will be corrected by the power of reality.

A group of people continued to go deeper.

Twisted superheroes keep rushing out of the darkness.

The hallway was filled with fire and noise.

Sparks from the bullets bloomed on the armor.

The splattered blood blossomed gorgeously like the flower of death.

Under the leadership of Titus, the group used bolters and power weapons to mow down those twisted heroes like grass.

Hundreds of enemies were killed in successive onslaughts.

Constantine is fairly familiar with Justice League headquarters.

Under his leadership, after several twists and turns, Titus and his party finally broke into the command center of the Justice League headquarters.

They are lucky.

The culprit of everything - Bruce is here to stay.

At this time, Bruce's image has changed drastically.

His face was pale, as if he had applied a thick foundation.

The corner of the mouth was cut open, like a clown's iconic smiling face, exposing those sharp teeth.

He sat on the throne where the corpses were piled up, and stared at the crowd rushing in with a half-smile, half-cry expression.

Even though he was prepared in his heart, when he saw Bruce like this, Constantine was still frightened and staggered two steps.

"Are you crazy? Bruce, all this is your masterpiece?"

"I found a real way, the way to redeem this dirty world, so that Gotham City, and even the whole world, will no longer have a path of sadness and pain." Bruce raised his head, and those black eyes looked through The bat helmet looked at Constantine, and at Titus in heavy armor.

"Is this your path? And with all due respect, as long as you don't cause damage, people in Gotham City can live well." Constantine pointed around, those dirty, filthy scenes , giving him an urge to vomit and run away.

"You think these are unsightly, but that's because you haven't reached my level yet."

"I can't bear such a state."

"Aren't you tired of resting disputes? Conspiring with those evil gods, and bearing the abuse of those ignorant people. What's even more sad is that we are just poor worms raised in captivity. Everything we pursue is in the eyes of others It's just grown food. You think I'm in the abyss, but you don't know that heaven and the abyss are the same place." After Bruce said this to Constantine, he turned his eyes to Titus, "You are the same , a visitor from another universe, a civilization longing for salvation, do you really think you can defeat that eternal future??"

"In this multiverse that has long been in ruins, your efforts are useless. There is no redemption. There is only endless pain and degradation. When you struggle to the end, you find in despair that you can't do anything about the future Only when you find yourself miserable. How about you come here, embrace the great God of Pleasure, and revel to the end of the multiverse.”

"Even if it's a different universe, what you said is nothing new." Titus said coldly: "You disgusting lifeless people are really disgusting, you can be seen everywhere you go , wanting to exterminate you is really a long job."

"Human beings are not the most special one." Bruce showed a cruel smile that didn't belong to him, "Besides, where there is desire, there will be us. You insist on thinking that the creatures in the subspace are opposite to you. You want to wipe us out completely. This is the misunderstanding caused by your short-sightedness. After a person dies, the corpse will rot. Could it be said that fungi are the enemy of life?"

"I have no interest in your debate." Titus said: "The only thing I want to do is to banish you to the eternal nothingness, and there will be no chance to resurrect you in the warp space and the real universe."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Bruce let out an inhuman laugh, mad and full of malice.

He laughed louder and louder until his eerie voice echoed throughout the hall.

It's like there are thousands of people laughing together.

Constantine watched as Bruce, the man who once claimed to be the king of Gotham, became more insane and evil than the clown.

Under Bruce's appearance of justice, there has always been a terrifying darkness that others cannot reach.

The little Bruce who witnessed the murder of his parents had already been distorted in that long hatred.

Bruce hated the chaos in Gotham City, and hated the politicians and gangsters who caused the chaos in Gotham City.

However, he also clearly knows that he is also part of the chaos in Gotham City.

Like a distorted, split mental lunatic, while fighting crime crazily, he continues to widen the gap between the rich and the poor and create more unemployed groups.

Batman rules Gotham with fear.

Use fear to keep those desperate from committing crimes.

Barbatos and Bruce make each other great.

Bruce rose to his feet, growing enormously tall, as tall as Titus.

Obviously, he got some kind of special blessing, possessing the power to fight against Titus.

"Kill 'em," Bruce yelled. "End of their pathetic stupidity."

A loud voice echoed his command.

A horde of twisted monsters ran from those dark corridors and joined the fray.

"Let me see if you have the ability to banish me into eternal nothingness."

Bruce jumped up, and the bat cloak opened behind him, blocking the light in the hall.

Titus also launched an attack after silently saying the Emperor of the Empire.

The electric arc emitted by the power weapon in his hand illuminated his resolute face, and the iron cross halo behind his head released a protective force field.

The heart of the empire provided him with a steady stream of power and detailed data about Bruce.

The battle between the two was as fast as lightning.

It released enough power to break the army and move the mountain.

Gods, as if forced to settle their disputes in the realm of mortals.

With the help of Barbatos, Bruce mastered a power stronger than Superman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman combined.

He also has a pair of sharp claws flowing with strange brilliance, which can easily scratch through steel and rocks.

Titus slashed with his weapon, the blade colliding with Bruce's claws to unleash powerful shock waves.

"I have already mastered the original power of the universe. Even those gods cannot be my opponent."

Bruce's offensive revealed madness, and he didn't care about exchanging injuries for injuries.

Every time he is injured, he will show an excited expression.

The suppressed and twisted soul was shouting excitedly, showing unprecedented hunger and thirst, hoping to get more joy in the battle.

Bruce could feel the excitement even when he was injured.

The sharp blade sliced ​​through his flesh and blood, the pain was so pleasant, it made his nerves tremble.

The sharp claws bit into Titus' shoulder armor, and the poison flowed from the wound to his whole body, and was driven out by the heart of the empire.

"For the Emperor," Titus snarled, swinging his claws away.

He slashed at the opponent with a sword, and a series of sparks were stirred up on the opponent's sharp claws.

The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce, and every move was fatal, and they all went to each other's vital points.

But it is still very difficult to decide the winner in a short time.

On the other side, Constantine faced a much easier battle. He released a pair of magical hands and ravaged the heroine who was trying to attack him.

Even if it was distorted, with tentacles and sharp horns growing out, it could be vaguely seen that the other party's figure and appearance were first-class.

Driven by Constantine, the magic hand played with the opponent's body forcefully.

Rough kneading made it make a sound of pain mixed with joy.

Blood that exudes a pungent smell spewed out amidst the other party's howls.

Looking at the monster who was beaten into blood by himself and rolled his eyes, and his face was spoiled, Constantine's scalp felt numb for a while.

He knew that Barbatos was a very strange existence.

But why not be so weird.

His flesh and bones were crushed, yet he still showed such an expression.

Constantine crushed the monster directly.

But before he could catch his breath, there was a terrible, wet sucking sound.

The mass of corpses that had been beaten to pieces by him twisted and reshaped.

A naked female creature appeared before him.

Constantine swears that even if he had been to hell and crawled in the abyss, he had never seen such a beautiful and disgusting thing.

Needle-like hair brushed across that finely crafted, flawless, glamorous face.

Has a pair of eyes that are as pure as emeralds, full of primitive allure.

The bright red lips are extraordinarily bright, and the only fly in the ointment is the mouth full of sharp fangs.

Her body is a perfect sculpture, light and sexy, but there is only a snow-white peak on her chest.

Repulsive tattoos and piercings on smooth, delicate skin.

The arms are covered with red carapace, like claws like crabs.

The aroma that hits you is cloying and disgustingly sweet, like a bouquet of rotten fruit full of sugar mixed with flowers.

The creature exuded startling allure, with languid, feline grace.

Every movement exudes sensuality, seducing the dark desires and twisted hearts of mortals ready to move.

Constantine stopped making seals in his hands, and stared at the monster dumbfounded.

He knew that the other party would kill him, but he just wanted to try his best to capture every moment of the other party.

Even if the end of life is coming in the next second, he doesn't care.

He was roughly pushed away, and a Primaris warrior threw Konstantin aside, charging and firing at him with his blessed bolter.

When the distance was right, he drew out the dagger at his waist, rushed up, dodged the opponent's claws, and stabbed the dagger into the opponent's throat.

The sweet-smelling blood spurted out, quickly becoming rancid and disgusting.

The monster fell down.

The Primaris warrior turned to look at Constantine.

"Pay attention to mortals, fight these monsters, and always silently recite the name of the great emperor of the empire and the omnipotent emperor. Only in this way can you not be tempted."

Constantine was terrified, and looked at the falling monster, and he was almost dead at the hands of the opponent.

The Primaris warrior ignored him, but turned to kill the other monster.

The battle between Titus and Bruce became more and more fierce. Both sides gained extraordinary power from the people they followed. Their battle no longer belonged to the realm of mortals, but the battle of gods.

The shock waves released by each impact of the claws and the long sword are extremely terrifying.

Titus sold an opening, and Bruce's claws slashed across his belly, slicing through his armor and tearing his flesh apart.

Toxins also traveled along his wounds, poisoning nerves and blood vessels.

Titus let out a cry of pain, but the movements of his hands did not deform at all.

A strong hand grabbed Bruce's shoulder, and the other hand held the sharp sword tightly, piercing it into the opponent's body.

The arcane force shattered Barbatos' essence, trying to kill him once and for all.

Bruce let out a horrific scream.

"It really hasn't changed at all. Apart from talking big, your other skills are so poor." Titus mocked.

Bruce flung himself free from Titus' grip, howling as he put a hand over the torn wound.

He looked at Titus with hateful eyes, and fled down a dark tunnel.

Titus gave chase, and he was in a house in the deepest part.

When Titus arrived, all he could see was a room with flying ash.

Bruce had already fled.

Titus was furious at this, but there was nothing he could do.

The headquarters of the Justice League was breached, and the filthy scene in it was shown to the world, which caused a huge wave of public opinion.

The empire's public opinion department also took advantage of the trend, pointing to the dirty nature of the gods.

It is declared that only the emperor and the emperor can truly protect mankind, and everything else is evil gods and false gods.

It turned out that the people who accused the empire of destroying Paradise Island and the gods of Olympus were silent.

Fanatics were also exposed by those public reports.

Some of the guys involved in felonies were either executed by the Empire or sent to grow potatoes on the moon.

Prometheus galaxy.

Part of the wall of origin that divides the different parallel universes appears here.

This is also the way Dr. Manhattan went to find support.

Dr. Manhattan's abilities are beyond doubt.

He recruited a group of heroes willing to save Universe 052.

Among them are Superboy Prime, Doctor Fate, and the Silver Scarab.

In addition to these top combat powers, there are other heroes who are also willing to come to help.

The scale is not inferior to the Justice League in the heyday of the 052 universe.

In terms of combat power, it is even more terrifying.

Several of them have powers no less than that of Dr. Manhattan.

Like Superman from universe 025.

He has the ability to freely travel through the wall of origin, his whole body is golden, and he has knowledge no less than that of Dr. Manhattan. Those eyes can not only see through, but also see the past and the future.

Able to drag dozens of stars around with ease.

It is already equivalent to a powerful cosmic god.

Dr. Manhattan felt that he, Dr. Fate, Superboy Prime, and the Golden Superman were enough to defeat the winged birdman of the Empire.

At that time, it will not be difficult to strip that guy's hair and counterattack the empire.

It is just around the corner to defeat the imperial tyrant and counterattack the enemy's base camp.

Dr. Manhattan excitedly returns with reinforcements from the Prometheus System's Wall of Origin.

Once back, he learned about the Justice League fiasco by reading cosmic messages.

The Justice League of Universe 052 was completely eradicated by the Empire.

Except for Bruce who was able to escape, the other heroes were either killed or taken away as experiments for the Empire.

Mandela Galaxy.

This is the galaxy where the crown world of the Sautec dynasty, one of the most powerful dynasties of the Necrons, controls eighty tomb worlds.

The Storm King - Imotek sat on his own metal throne, and the high-definition projection in front of him showed a tall human body.

"You and I both know who the ultimate overlord of the galaxy is, and your resistance is meaningless. The star gods are all on the side of the empire, so what can you use against us? Hand over the control core, and you can still live, live Until the day when your delicate body is completely destroyed."

"The First Primarch really lived up to its reputation. It was able to break through the outer defenses of the Sautec Dynasty in such a short time and forced it here. But don't think that I will succumb to the feet of human beings. If you want to get the control core, you can only Step over my dead body."

"I don't want to do that, but if you insist, I will satisfy you."

"Then come on, I'll wait for you here."

Ryan stared at the communication that was shut down, and said lightly: "Let's attack, since he wants us to step over his corpse, then we will do as he wishes."

ps: It’s a little less, I hope the big brothers will give it a few more days, and I will definitely return it

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