Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 321 Ancient Ruins (for Subscription)

Abaddon, who was standing on the high platform, looked at Vashtor, who was talking eloquently.

The abyss-like eyes of the Great Predator have the ability to penetrate everything.

Vashtor is a powerful deity.

It doesn't mean he can deceive Abaddon.

Abaddon, who can integrate many traitors, possesses wisdom no less than that of the Primarch.

There are countless warbands in the Eye of Terror, each with their own ulterior motives.

Only Abaddon could bring them together into a usable Legion.

More importantly, he did not inherit the arrogance inherent in every Primarch.

He spent 10,000 years patiently defeating powerful enemies who could fight against him one by one.

It disintegrated the defense of the empire and created a situation that was beneficial to itself.

Abaddon thought he had gone further than the erstwhile genetic father, Horus.

He would not risk the vicissitudes of the warp by placing the key to victory on the dark gods.

Those guys are eager for Abaddon to conquer the entire galaxy, and even the universe, and dedicate more wars and deaths to them.

But he didn't want Abaddon to win without begging for help, and he didn't want Abaddon to win under the enslavement of other dark gods.

They are always interfering with Abaddon through mortal and demon puppets, trying to make him their disciple.

Abaddon knew this well.

He knows that if he wants to defeat the Empire, his enemies are not only the loyalists, but also the dark gods who try to use him as a pawn.

When he witnessed the end of his genetic father, he secretly vowed that he would never become their pawn.

Vashtor's petty thoughts cannot be fooled by the Great Marauder.

Abaddon could see a sinister, grand ambition lurking in Vashtor's heart.

The other party must be planning to get something in the chaos of the galaxy! !

Loyalty offered for liberty is not the whole story.

Realizing this, Abaddon smiled.

But what does that matter? ?

What does it matter if Vashtor is ambitious! !

This is the normal state of chaos.

Betrayal, cunning, disorderly, vicious.

As long as the other party can use it for oneself, this is enough.

Loyalty was lost when the Sons of Horus turned their backs on the Empire.

Hon Suo, Huron, what is the difference between these guys and Vashtor! 1

They only join him out of fear and self-interest.

When there are greater interests and fears, the so-called loyalty of these guys is very doubtful.

"Then let's go to that place, I can't wait to get that artifact." Abaddon said in a low voice: "If it can really hurt all existence, I really want to use it to cut that bastard's body , Let’s see if it’s really immortal.”

"You will get your wish." Vashtor let out a mechanical laugh, and the oracle he regarded as the host was deteriorating.

The flesh and blood body was transformed into metal, the nerves became cables, and the breath smelled of fire.

Vashtor is changing the guy.

It is always difficult for mortals to resist the power of the gods, and they will change involuntarily.

"I hope so." Abaddon said in a deep voice.

Letting Yogg-Sothoth's minions and the imperial dog bite the dog, while he left to seek a chance to rise again, was definitely the most correct decision Abaddon had ever made.

Finding Vashtor, the so-called God of Forge, gave Abaddon's army a complete upgrade.

With the help of Vashtor, a large number of ships that had sunk in the depths of the Warp were dragged out again and shaped into their warships.

Some technologies that existed in ancient times were also taught by Vashtor to the followers of the Dark Mechanicum.

Sages who seek dark truths rejoice in the knowledge Vashtor shares.

According to Vashtor's own statement, it is the embodiment of technology, dark crafts, innovations, and inventions in the warp.

Any technological innovation will provide him with strength.

If the empire hadn't built a firewall, the technological innovation of the human empire would have made him extremely powerful.

It's a pity that Guilliman's practice of building a firewall not only prevented the four gods from continuing to draw power from humans, but also prevented Vashtor.

With the help of Vashtor, in addition to mass-produced puppet soldiers, there are various technological innovations.

Refresh Abaddon's Legion.

Capable of fighting the minions of the Empire and Yogg-Sothoth.

In order to strengthen the sailing ability of the fleet, Vashtor built soul-inducing pillars on large ships, allowing the ships of the Abaddon Legion to have a faster speed and to quickly reach their destinations with the help of the chaotic subspace.

Abaddon gathered scattered rebel warbands, renegade chapters, and other strange forces along the way, leaving the minions of Yogg-Sothoth in search of ancient ruins.

They follow different gods and have different styles.

The only thing they have in common is their hatred and hatred for the empire.

Abaddon showed great tolerance for their beliefs and allegiances.

As long as they swear an oath against the Empire, they are acceptable.

Among them are not only some nobles who are still resisting in the border areas, but also Alpha, Fallen Angel and other members.

Formed a very considerable force.

Coupled with Vashtor's puppet warriors, the power in Abaddon's hands is enough for him to regain his lost dignity.

He vowed to show the man who pretended to be Horus the wrath of the Marauder if he got the weapon.

Guided by the light beams released by the spirit pillar created by Vashtor, the fleet entered the warp again.

Use the Warp to travel to ancient ruins beyond the galaxy.

With a crack exuding an ominous light was opened.

The powerful ships cast by the hands of Vashtor filed in and went to the mysterious ancient ruins.

Abaddon, who left the factory, came to the viewing platform of the ark, where he could see the bright galaxy flickering.

He was once an important player in determining the fate of the galaxy.

But with the awakening of Guilliman and the arrival of Yogg-Sothoth, he became a marginal role.

But he was not defeated.

Yogg Sotos will pay the price of looking down on the little guys.

The plasma engines normally used by those warships are as bright as the suns, exuding strange rays of light, pushing the warships into subspace.

Vashtor retrieved the ships from the Warp, but did not completely cleanse them of the contamination.

He just used his ability as the god of casting to gather those polluted ships together and carried out a comprehensive upgrade.

This infusion of terror gives ship captains a degree of control over their ships.

But the alien and demon infestation in those ships is far from over.

Every assembled ship is extremely huge, comparable to stars.

Users need to use these ships while cleaning up the original owners of the ships.

This is also a part of testing them.

If you can't even conquer your own ship, what can you use to fight against the human empire.

Abaddon stood on the viewing platform and stared at the metal monsters covered in flesh and blood. Driven by the engine, they sank into the radiant gap and entered the subspace.

Behind him stood the warriors who served the Dark God, awaiting the command of the Great Reaver.

"No one can defeat me." Abaddon said firmly, looking at the shining stars, "No one can humiliate me."

I have seen the Emperor and the Primarchs walk among the stars, and I have seen them build the Empire with extraordinary power.

I have seen betrayal, father against son, brother against brother.

I have dazedly opposed the truth of the Emperor, and I have steadfastly despised the truth brought forth by the gods.

Some see me as a traitor.

Some see me as a loyalist in the dark.

No one knows the real answer.

I don't know either.

The long ten thousand years have made me almost forget my original mission.

The only thing I remember is my identity as a sinner.

Thousands of years ago, the angry lion fell under Luther's sword, remorse and pain let us regain our sanity.

We have committed unforgivable crimes.

We have betrayed our race, our lord, and that which we were sworn to protect.

When the blood of the lion was spilled, I didn't taste the joy of victory, only the pain of repentance.

The evil god's wild laughter echoed in the subspace, and it also echoed in my ears.

They ridicule the ignorance and ignorance of human beings.

If I followed Coswayne to Terra and died there, it would be such a happy thing.

But there is no if in this world.

We made bad choices.

Doomed to bear the guilt for this.

When the lion fell, my hometown, Caliban, which once raised me, also broke down.

The tide of the warp turned into a terrible storm, sweeping everything.

The Dark Watchers came from another time and space and took the lion away.

I was thrown to a corner of the galaxy by the wave of the warp, and it took a long time before I was able to return to the starry sky.

I try to return to the wreckage of Caliban, the Stonehold, and seek redemption there.

The results made me despair.

There is no redemption there, only hatred and enmity left over.

The Dark Angel is torn apart.

Lane was taken away by the watchmen, and Luther was imprisoned deep in the Stone Fortress.

The surviving Dark Angels lick their wounds alone, hating those former colleagues who betrayed them.

When I was lost, those dark watchers appeared again.

They told me it wasn't all over yet.

The Lion King will eventually return again.

Humanity still has one last chance.

When the trumpet of the final battle sounds, the ashes of the embers will burn again, sweeping up and igniting the entire universe.

The heroes of humanity will return to fight in the name of loyalty for the final battle.

The Wardens have entrusted me with a dark and unhonorable mission.

That is to recognize the true nature of humanity's struggle with the Warp.

Then send the truth back to the Empire.

Only by knowing why to fight can human beings have the possibility of victory.

I chose to accept.

To atone and redeem those mistakes.

For a long time, the Emperor was placed on the Golden Throne by his most trusted Warmaster, and one by one the Primarchs left the Imperium.

Humanity has lost its guidance.

Stumbling forward, feeling its way, ruled by a bureaucracy that has forgotten its past.

I was also active around that time, avoiding the capture of the dark angels and completing my dark mission.

At that time, I was not acting as loyal.

To lure the fallen to rebellion, to incite the ignorant against the Empire.

Use the Dark Angels to achieve my ulterior motives.

In order to succeed, kill those loyalists who try to defend the empire.

There is no honor in such a mission, and it is doomed not to be forgiven.

But this is the only way I can atone for the terrible crimes I have committed.

The war between intelligent creatures and subspace has been going on for a long time. It is not an easy task to sort out the relationship and find the ultimate source.

More importantly, those answers must come at the right time.

Exposure too early will plunge humanity into greater chaos and confusion.

Many people will hate the subspace, thinking that it is the subspace that brings chaos and disaster.

Such thinking is wrong.

The nature of the Warp is not evil, it is the hands that wield it.

In a sense, we are the Warp, and the Warp is us.

Both are unified and independent.

Everything is meaningless.

Gods, emperors, and the truth pursued by philosophers and the truth preached by priests are meaningless.

Lorgar thought he had grasped the truth of the universe.

If he would delve further, he would find that the truth of the gods is as false as the truth of the Emperor.

The so-called truth is that there is no truth.

Those gifted with psychic powers can see their own reflections in the Warp, and can see the strong emotions of creatures transformed into forces that form part of the vast etheric ocean.

Just like nature.

When a person dies, he becomes part of the ecosystem.

The carcasses are eaten, decomposed, and become food for other plants and animals.

Is nature evil?

Of course not.

Human beings are only a part of nature, and returning to nature is a normal thing.

The Warp eventually accepts all, the noble and the base.

One thing many demon-corrupted won't admit is that whispers echo their own desires

The Whispers of the Warp aren't evil, it's the real beings who harbor malevolence.

The Warp is not something external and cannot create desire within us any more than fire can create fuel by itself.

I have read the ancient, non-human books of Caliban, and visited many abandoned ruins.

Knowing many unknown secrets and truths.

For example, the birth, destruction and end of the universe.

The real world is born out of the ocean of ether.

The cycle of life in turn replenishes the barren Warp.

The two form a perfect circle.

Until the first beings longed for eternal life.

Try to use those powers to prolong a miserable life for yourself.

Create some meaning for your own life.

They refer to themselves as gods, omnipotent beings, or some other nonsensical name.

People can glimpse the shadows of those existences from those ancient myths if they want to.

I have been trying to find more information, trying to find out how the mortal beings became those so-called gods.

This kind of work is futile.

The galaxy is vast, and the universe is also vast.

However, it is difficult to find this kind of individual who transcends life in the mortal world and incarnates as an eternal god.

The closest thing in the galaxy to this state is the ruler of humanity, and to that one I owe my allegiance, the Emperor.

I thought about sneaking into the palace, observing the emperor's state, or learning some truth from the other party.

However, Terra's tight defense made me unable to find a chance.

The Custodians will never give me this chance.

They will kill me and dismember my body before I can shout out my purpose.

I have tried many schemes, even plotted quite a few rebellions, to weaken Terra.

These plans were ultimately thwarted by the Loyalists.

The Empire is on the decline, sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire of war.

People are more and more united by the Emperor's side, fighting for the salvation that will not come.

In addition to Terra's tight defense, those on other routes are also blocking me.

The struggle in the dark places of the galaxy is very chaotic.

Many people make various plans around the Emperor.

A group of former loyalists work to bring their monarch back to life.

Some of them even go so far as to guide Abaddon to obtain the sword Drachanion.

During the Battle of the Webway, the sword that sealed the end of the empire was taken away by the Golden Jailer, the son of the Water Thief.

Get as far away from the Empire as possible.

It gave the emperor a chance to breathe and allowed the empire to continue.

But those people hoped that someday in the future, Abaddon would complete the task of destroying the empire and use the magic sword to completely destroy the emperor's remnant body, thereby freeing his soul and making him one of the Chaos Gods in charge of supreme authority.

This is a crazy approach.

But there are many people who are secretly working hard to achieve this goal.

In addition to making the Emperor a god, there are many plans that are being secretly pursued.

Some are driven by Imperial Loyalists, others by Cultists of Chaos.

The first Marshal of the Custodians, Valdor, was doing something similar.

One of the former Big Three of the Empire.

In a time when the Emperor was silent and Malcador was gone.

He is the only Empire Builder who can still walk in the world.

He also has his own secret mission.

I don't know the details of Valdo's mission, but he should agree with me.

It is to find a way to completely solve the chaos of the warp.

After Guilliman recovered, the surviving empire miraculously escaped from the abyss of near-destruction, and once again moved towards glory.

I don't know how Primarch Thirteen did it.

He even made the emperor completely give up the path of no return of becoming a god, and used his powerful soul to crash into the realm of the four gods, buying him more time.

Such things are beyond comprehension for those who know the truth.

What kind of magical power does Number Thirteen have, which is worthy of the Emperor's big bet, entrusting the entire human race to him.

I can guarantee with my life that those so-called gods are as shocked and incomprehensible as mortals.

The Emperor is only one step away from becoming the Chaos God who wields supreme power.

That is something that countless gods and demons dream of.

But was given up by the emperor.

Guilliman led the rise of the empire and let mankind see hope for the future.

But it doesn't help me with my job.

The Emperor left.

Guilliman has no intention of becoming the new god.

Instead, they use firewalls to enclose humans.

Just when I thought things had reached a dead end, Abaddon surprised me yet again.

That is Vashtor.

The god who was imprisoned in the war of civilizations longer than before the Battle of Heaven.

I smell the stench of that guy's ambition.

It aspires to gain the same authority as the four gods and become the real protagonist in the eternal chaos.

Perhaps it was this guy's ambition that caused him to be imprisoned and sealed.

Anyway, I finally found a target that I could observe.

I infiltrated Abaddon's team under the name of the Fallen Angel.

This thing is not very difficult.

There are fallen angels who seek their freedom, seeking their imaginary way of redemption.

There are also some fallen angels who have been completely polluted and formed war gangs to join forces with Abaddon and his ilk.

I don't care about their loss, and even deliberately contributed to this result.

Only if there is enough chaos, can I walk through it with ease, get what I want, and get out of it.

If I'm lucky, I'll grasp some truth about how mortal beings become the all-knowing and omnipotent Chaos God who holds supreme and eternal authority.

Having said so much, maybe you will be confused who am I?

To be honest, I am also confused about who am I?

My real name has been erased from this dark, heavy mission.

I have been dealing with those weird things, and I am about to forget my original appearance and past memories.

If you insist on asking my name, then I will tell you.

I am the Hound, looking for clues hidden in a decaying universe.

I am the shadow, wandering in the unknown dark corners, watching every event happen.

Loyalists and traitors alike will call me by another name - Lord Cypher.

Don't try to find out where I am, and don't ask who I am.

I am me, I am you, I am him.

I am everywhere.

I watch you.

The hub cities of the webway are majestic, stretching and bending from countless dimensions.

Numerous turrets, weapon platforms surround the magnificent city buildings.

The fighter plane passing by at high speed stirred up the special mist of the webway, smashing the strange mist-like creatures that formed.

The soldiers of the empire were patrolling back and forth with weapons in hand.

A strange scene is happening in the city.

In front of the huge statue of the Imperial double-headed eagle, the living who are regarded as enemies of the Empire gather here.

Those monsters had twisted shapes, like nightmares born from ancient nightmares.

They hissed like venomous snakes.

The judges of the empire stood not far away, chatting in low voices.

Such a scene can't help but make people wonder whether these judges have fallen.

Only those who understand the inside story will understand that these inanimate beings are completely different from the inanimate beings that the empire is fighting against.

These inanimate people all have the brand of belonging to the emperor of the empire.

Once betrayed by humans, they will be blown to pieces within the time of the emperor's thought, even with their souls.

Maca is also one of these demons.

Looking at the sculpture belonging to Guilliman in the distance of the city, Maca let out a low growl of resentment.

It shifted its gaze cunningly before the Imperial Inquisitor noticed its anomaly.

Stroking it on the forehead brings a trace of burning sensation.

Maca was full of resentment.

One day, it will imprison that bastard Cherubel in the empire's devil prison, and let him suffer all kinds of torture.

Apart from Guilliman, Cherubel is the object of its greatest hatred.

If it weren't for that damn bastard, I would never have fallen into where I am today.

Cherubel provided Guilliman with the Summoning Rune, which summoned Maca.

Since then, Maca has ushered in the most tragic demon life.

In addition to providing intelligence to the Empire, they also have to be the training object of the Empire's psykers.

What a shame, what a shame.

The only happy thing is that after the empire built a firewall to block the connection between the living and human beings, he can still get some food from the empire.

Those fools who try to betray the Empire will be stripped of their citizenship.

Be food for demons like Maca.

In addition, there are also captive alien creatures, etc., which will be sacrificed to them, which can be regarded as an alternative reward.

Maca scanned everything around him.

They are grouped here for a reason.

The order came from Corax, brother of the Emperor of the Empire, Lord of Shadows.

The primarch, like his brothers, was responsible for an important business of the Empire.

The task of Corax is to form the subspace intelligence system and ensure its normal operation.

This intelligence organization gathers all kinds of intelligence from the Warp for the Empire.

The way Corax came onto the scene was very much in line with his abilities.

Quietly and without warning, Corax suddenly stood in the field like that.

When Maca noticed the majestic body in black armor, it almost made it jump in fright.

Such abilities are frightening.

Maca suspects that the Lord of Shadows could slaughter the demons and humans here without knowing it if he wanted to.

When the leading Inquisitor saw the Primarch, his pupils shrank.

Even with the Imperial Heart implanted, he didn't notice the Primarch's arrival ahead of time.

He has the ability to make everything ignore him.

"Are you ready?" Corax asked.

"Everything is ready, a new batch of lurkers has been selected, and they have been strengthened with branding and contracts." The leading judge said, "According to several tests by the Mechanician, there is no problem."

"What about inter-universe communication?"

"It has been solved. The technicians have specially researched a communication system for us. It has been tested in universe 01 and universe 02, and communication tests have been carried out in the universes that several exploration teams have arrived. There is no problem."

"Very well, I don't want to see the same failure again," Corax said.

Maca listened very clearly from the side.

The hatred for Cherubel also deepened.

The incident of Cherubel's escape made the empire more vigilant, and injected more control marks and various devices into the demons who were about to be sent to other universes.

Cherubelle was the first demon to be controlled by Guilliman.

Also the most aggressive demon.

Before the defection incident, no one thought that Cherubel, who seemed to follow the emperor wholeheartedly, would defect when he entered a different universe.

Without a trace of hesitation.

Entering a different universe, he fled while the empire's equipment was still being adjusted.

Cherubel entrapped many demons including Maca by himself. Making the empire more vigilant against demons, no matter how well they behave, will not help.

"Go ahead, send them to other universes," Corax said.

"Understood, my lord." A mechanical sage said.

In the city, a huge mechanical device is already in operation.

The gears etched with electromagnetic lines rotated.

The pale beams were woven together to form a beam that shot from the city into the depths of the webway, sinking into the mist.

This machine can open the gap between the subspace and the real universe, and use the compatibility and repulsion characteristics of the two to throw demons into the depths of the subspace, and then send them to another universe.

Maca watched the opening of the machine, and a huge light door emerged in the city.

That is the embodiment of human ambition.

They are trying to get their hands on the universe of the heavens.

Like 10,000 years ago, the Empire will conquer every world and universe they see.

And a demon like him will become the other party's spy, bringing back information about each universe for them.

In front of the golden double-headed eagle, the heavens and the universe will all burn.

Maca has no ability to resist.

He is firmly bound by a contract.

Under Corax's will, he walked into the huge door of light.

For the first time, those universes that have no idea of ​​their future destiny will contact the Empire.

Soon, they will usher in the judgment of fate.

There are countless stars in the sky.

However, it is impossible to fill that boundless void.

The stars are sparsely embedded in the void.

There is a large gap between each other.

The gap between the galaxies is particularly terrifying, and there may be tens of thousands of distances, and even hundreds of thousands of light years cannot see a single star.

Those areas remain absolutely frigid.

Not a trace of warmth.

If an unlucky guy is thrown in such a place, it only takes a few milliseconds to deprive him of the heat that keeps him alive, turning him into a cold corpse.

A place like this is supposed to be untouched.

Not even the craziest space traveler would waste fuel going to a place like this.

However, today, after countless years, this icy void welcomes guests again.

Fluctuations appear in the dark space.

The light of stars from an unknown time ago is bent in the ultra-wide field of view.

The real space vibrated violently, twisting and stretching at the same time, and finally was torn open like a gaping wound.

The strange light flickered and extinguished like a flame, burning the outer shell of the real space.

Matter is stripped away, and a gap between reality and illusion appears.

Aether poured from it, releasing eerie rays of light.

A large number of flesh and blood warships rushed out from it.

It's like a weird warship created in a nightmare. It is impossible to have a logically tight and reasonable realistic space.

It took a long time before the crack was closed again.

The magnificent fleet from afar is suspended in the void.

It was Abaddon and his party.

Abaddon stood on the viewing platform, and he saw only a dark void and stars so far away that it was impossible to imagine.

The harsh siren sounded at this moment.

Scarlet warning lights glowed inside the ship.

"We are at the edge of the event horizon of the black hole, and we are only tens of thousands of kilometers away from entering the event horizon of the black hole." A technical priest hurried over, "We have to change course immediately, once we enter the event horizon of the black hole, it is very difficult to leave. Trouble."

A black hole is a type of star death outcome.

After the thermonuclear reaction ran out of fuel, it could no longer support the heavy weight of the shell.

Under the weight of the shell, the core collapses.

Matter is constantly squeezed toward the central point until it forms a star with infinitely small volume and infinite density, which becomes a so-called black hole.

Due to the extremely strong gravity of the black hole, the escape velocity within the event horizon is greater than the speed of light.

Once trapped, the possibility of escape is slim.

Even with the existence of the warp, the massive gravity of the black hole will tear apart ships trying to enter the warp from reality.

In a region far away from stars, there will be black holes.

The only explanation is that someone deliberately built a black hole here.

Abaddon didn't reply, he just turned his head to look at Vashtor, with doubts in those deep eyes.

His hand was on the magic sword, if Vashtor dared to play any tricks.

Abaddon asked him to try the pain of the former Emperor being penetrated by Drachanian.

"This is just an illusion, the ruins are protected." Vashtor said.

"Is there really any device that can run for hundreds of millions of years?" said the sage of the Dark Mechanic Cult beside him.

"Don't underestimate those ancient civilizations, their exploration of the path of truth is deeper than yours," Vashtor said.

"Then how should we find that ruin?" Abaddon asked.

"Go to the center of the black hole."

Vashtor's words silenced Abaddon and the crowd.

Going to the center of the black hole, this kind of thing is simply courting death.

"If you don't have the courage to put all your eggs in one basket, how can you get the artifact you want." Vashtor saw Abaddon's hesitation.

"Don't lie to me, otherwise the price you have to pay is absolutely unimaginable." Abaddon watched Vashtor's eyes become dangerous.

"I never disdain to deceive others with lies." Vashtor said: "If I want to entrap you, why should I build warships and soldiers for you."

Abaddon withdrew his gaze, looking at the holographic projection suspended in front of him.

The black hole area in front of the fleet has been marked.

The trajectory of the Ominous Ark turns red.

Hasty warning runes kept popping up above the projection.

"Let the other ships stand by while we enter the black hole," Abaddon said.

"My lord, wouldn't that be too risky." The mechanical sage next to him said, "Once we enter the horizon of the black hole, we will be trapped in it. The flow rate of time will also change, and it is very likely that we thought that only the past In a few seconds, tens of thousands of years have passed in the real universe."

"Don't talk too much, go in." Abaddon's words were full of majesty, making those who still wanted to persuade him tremble.

No one wants to face the wrath of a great marauder.

Anyone who does that ends up bleak.

On Abaddon's orders, the fleet halted.

Only the Ark of Omen, which was the flagship, started to accelerate, broke away from the fleet, and rushed towards the black hole as if committing suicide.

Faced with the loud alarm sound, all the technicians trembled.

Some even closed their eyes in horror.

The act of heading toward a black hole is tantamount to suicide.

Infinite gravity will tear them apart, tearing everything down to elementary particles.

Abaddon also clenched the handrail beside him, staring closely at the approaching black hole.

The speed of the ominous ark is constantly accelerating.

Even if the engine of the ark has stopped accelerating.

The gigantic ark was pulled toward its center by the black hole's gravitational pull.

The alarm became louder as the distance approached.

When the Ark entered the horizon, it ushered in the climax.

An eerie silence and absolute darkness followed.

It's like the calm after reaching the peak.

Abaddon had an illusion of time standing still.

It was like being thrown out of time for an instant, frozen in a certain moment.

This feeling came and went quickly.

The light resurfaced.

The darkness disappears.

The observation deck is also lit.

The scene that caught his eyes made Abaddon slightly open his mouth.

The ancient ruins that had been silent for hundreds of millions of years appeared in front of him.

It is hard to imagine what kind of race built such a building.

Even if the gods in the myth came to reality, I am afraid that there is no way to build such a building.

The ruins are majestic to an unimaginable degree.

It was an orbiter built around a blue dwarf star.

The Ominous Ark, which was as huge as a planet, seemed as small as a grain of sand in front of that huge building.

Nine continuously rotating rings form a structure connected end to end.

According to the results of the scan, the blue dwarf star has a radius of 27155700 kilometers.

To create an orbit around this star, one can imagine what kind of project it is.

Even gods can’t do such a thing, only the Creator can do it.

So much material can only be obtained by dismantling other planets or stars.

Megastructures themselves have huge flaws.

It must be able to withstand the gravitational force of the star evenly.

Just the slightest mistake can cause the giant to be gravitationally shredded and smashed into the star.

"Is this the power of ancient civilization?" A sage of the Dark Mechanicus next to him stared at this majestic building dumbfounded.

To be able to build such a building, it is not an exaggeration to say that that civilization is a god for all staff.

"The battle of civilizations affects the entire universe. In the era when many civilizations coexist, such a building is not a surprise. I have seen crazier civilizations, connecting countless star systems together to form a Great Wall of protection .Or create countless black holes, and build a barrier that divides even the subspace. In that era, only you can’t think of it, there is nothing that terrible civilizations can’t do.” Vashtor looked down Said calmly.

Compared with the battle of civilizations, the current galaxy is nothing more than a small fight in a remote corner.

"It's really amazing, take me to find that artifact." Abaddon saw this magnificent building, and believed in Vashtor's words. Only this powerful civilization that can transform the universe at will can Left behind weapons capable of fighting Yogg-Sothoth. "I can't wait to get that artifact and return to the galaxy to let them know that the Marauder will not be defeated by them."

ps: It’s hard to update so early, and I have to go to a party, otherwise I will have to be tough.

Come back tonight and continue to update

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