Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 326 The Ups and Downs of Count Vampire's Life (Subscribe)

War is death's best tool.

It always takes away thousands of souls with ease.

The sky is gloomy, and there is darkness between heaven and earth. Only the occasional electric light can make the world bright for a short time.

On a steep mountain road, the heavy rain washed away the scorching heat brought by the scorching sun of the previous few days.

In the torrential rain, a group of human soldiers are forming a battle formation against their enemies.

Ferocious battle cries mingled with the sound of swords falling from shields.

This piercing sound is meant to instill fear in a fearless foe.

Despite the shouts, drums, and stomps, there wasn't any sound of steel clashing.

This fight is no ordinary fight.

It is a war between the living and the dead.

Swords slashed at the dead man's arms in the pouring rain.

The occasional bruised blood was quickly washed away by the heavy rain.

The ragged and battered dead scratched at the soldiers.

The dead staggered under the power of witchcraft, slow but powerful.

The exhausted and numb soldiers staggered back under their attack, desperately avoiding their outstretched arms and suffocating embrace.

The stench mixed in the air and poured in from their nostrils, making their stomachs twitch.

They tried to cut off the hands and feet of the dead, and poked each other's heads.

The soldiers fought with all their strength, knocking down batch after batch of dead.

But they seem to have no end, they are still coming.

No fear.

Those bodies with severed limbs were still wriggling, trying to use their teeth to bite those soldiers.

"Hold on, brothers." The tall Fisher slammed a zombie away with his arm shield.

It was a woman, her rotting body wearing a dress that had become strips of cloth.

Half of her face had been eaten clean by maggots.

The other half of the face became dry and smelly.

That eye is rotten.

The white eyeballs swayed back and forth in the eye sockets.

Fisher stabbed the dagger in his hand into the opponent's head, and when he pulled it out, he brought out a series of foul-smelling brains, and then pushed the opponent back violently.

The body unable to support fell into the tide of corpses.

But the woman is not dead yet.

She was still trying to reach out and grab the soldiers, to grab their feet.

The number of zombies is overwhelming.

The dead are hard to kill.

Lord Vlad's army needs no logistics, no weapons.

They don't know tiredness.

Difficult to be completely killed.

More importantly, their arrival will also bring some negative things, such as cold air and dark clouds covering the sky, which will increase the physical exertion of the soldiers.

Soldiers can knock those dead down many times.

But the dead only need to knock down the soldiers once.

As soon as soldiers fell, the dead swarmed upon them, clawing and biting at their struggling flesh until they were transformed into one of the undead.

Fisher and others retreated while fighting.

Their physical strength has been exhausted, but they cannot be avoided.

Survivor residents who escaped from Middenheim are on their way to the nearest town.

Once these dead passed through their line of defense and caught up with the helpless refugees, it would undoubtedly be a massacre.

They must buy enough time for those fleeing.

The fallen soldiers uttered desperate cries.

They were dragged into the tide of corpses, and their screams covered the sound of their flesh and blood being torn apart.

Fisher felt a tinge of despair.

The endless dead will eventually overwhelm everything.

The tiredness on the soldier's face was evident.

The icy torrential rain is constantly robbing them of their body heat.

The undead don't need rest, but they do.

Every soldier is eager to get a short rest, to change the soaked clothes, and to warm up by the fire.

Some soldiers' lips were purple from the cold, and their weapons-wielding arms were unconscious, as if they no longer belonged to them.

"You have to leave here, sir." Lieutenant Callas said, "This place can no longer be defended. You have to take some people out of here and go to Baihe Town."

"So what do you do?" Fisher asked.

"Some people have to stay to block these dead people, otherwise no one will be able to leave." Karas shouted, he was out of breath, and it was obvious that his physical strength was about to be exhausted.

"I can't just leave like this." Fisher said: "We once swore that we would live and die together."

"It's a very lucky thing to be your brother, Fisher. But you have more important things, Middenheim has fallen, and you have to take those living people out of here. Let them Live, don't let them fall into Vlad's hands." Karas patted Fisher's cold shoulder and said: "Let's go, we can't save Middenheim, at least we have to save those people .”

Callas gave Fisher a push, turned again and charged into the muddy field.

He pierced the jumping zombie with his sword, and slammed into another shambling corpse.

Fisher clenched his fists, but he turned away anyway.

Some soldiers also left with Fisher.

The fall of Middenheim turned that city into hell.

Instead of reining in his undead legions, Vlad allowed them to carnage in Middenheim.

Those vampires picked virgins as delicious food.

The fate of being chosen and not being chosen is equally tragic.

The chosen ones will be used as food by vampires.

Those not selected will be thrown among the zombies to be torn apart.

Fisher was an officer of the Middenheim City Defense Force. When he realized that the situation was wrong, he gathered the remnants and escaped with a group of survivors.

The undead army has been chasing them.

The sacrifice of his subordinates bought some time, and Fisher was able to catch up with the refugees with the surviving soldiers.

Every survivor is extremely tired, running around for several days without a moment of rest, even the clothes on their bodies are all soaked, and their physical strength and spirit have reached their limit.

Fate did not favor these poor people.

When they saw a town, they thought they could finally rest.

The undead pouring out of the town drove them into despair.

Vlad's minions ravaged Middenland, bringing the dead back from beyond.

The town has apparently fallen and is in the hands of Vlad's henchmen.

Fisher's eyes were still sharp.

He saw the nobles wearing luxurious clothes and pale faces on the city wall, and behind them, there was a mage wearing a black robe and holding a scepter.

They are all Vlad's minions.

Vampires and Necromancers.

A beast who betrayed humanity and turned to darkness.

The vampires smiled sinisterly.

They have been waiting for a long time, just to taste the despair of this surviving team.

The dead let out a deep roar, the sky began to drizzle, and the air temperature began to drop, becoming colder and colder.

There was a scream.

Fisher followed the sound and saw a woman with a baby screaming in terror and running away from where he was standing.

After a while, Fisher saw a skeleton of the dead breaking through the soil and crawling out.

The appearance of the skeleton caused panic.

Someone wants to escape from both sides of the road.

The dead also emerged from the jungle.

They are everywhere.

Fisher and his party fell into the siege of the enemy.

"All together, soldiers on the outermost perimeter, then men, women, children." Fisher yelled, "Don't panic, unite, don't run around."

The weary soldiers raised their arms and shields, and they rallied together, forming a circular battle formation at Fisher's order, and letting men and women enter into it.

The vampires gave playful looks.

They don't care about these human actions.

The more these ants struggle, the more excited they become.

I don't know if it's out of play, or some kind of perverted idea.

When the deceased was two meters away from the soldier, he stopped.

The dense crowd of dead just surrounded the survivors without launching an attack.

Their outstretched rotting arms and muffled growls reveal their hunger for the flesh of the living.

Fisher saw familiar faces among the corpses.

Callas, his lieutenant, and those brothers who stood behind them.

Their bodies have been torn into disgrace, and the armor on their bodies is also stained with blood and shredded flesh.

Fisher tried not to imagine how much they suffered before they died.

He suppressed his anger, clenched the sword in his hand, and used every second he could rest to try his best to recover from his exhaustion.

The vampires came from the town with the necromancer.

They are very arrogant, just like entering the vegetable garden to pick vegetables.

"It's really good food." A vampire's voice came from the ranks of the dead, making the timid survivors cry even harder.

"I smelled deep despair and pessimism. Tasting this kind of blood, there will be a slight bitterness in the fishy sweetness, but it will make people have an endless aftertaste."

"I love baby blood."

The vampires commented as if they were treating food, making the anger in Fisher's heart even stronger, like a suppressed volcano.

These goddamn brutes.

Even if he went to hell, he would take one of them with him.

The vampires felt Fisher's anger and burst out laughing.

They didn't fear Fisher, and even took pleasure in his rage.

Just as they were about to say something and mock this overreaching mortal, there was a roar in the sky.

It was followed by a crackling sound.

The weird voice made all the vampire nobles look surprised.

They looked in the direction of the sound.

Their keen eyesight allowed them to spot several metal artifacts flying in suspension.

"Is it a magical creation?"

"Which family's emblem is that double-headed eagle?"

The vampire nobles are familiar with those suspended metal creations.

Like a steam airship used by humans.

It just looks bigger, and there is no thick pipe emitting black smoke.

"Don't think that magic can defeat us." A vampire noble said contemptuously: "Wizards, beat it down."

With the help of the wind of magic, alchemists can easily create floating airships.

The vampire nobles felt that those metal ships should be the creation of alchemy.

The necromancers who mastered dark magic raised their scepters, ready to release dark witchcraft to bring them down.

Without waiting for them to make a move.

A mysterious object dragging flames shot out from the flying metal giant and landed in the tide of corpses.

The moment the mysterious object landed on the ground, it exploded with an explosion power that surpassed high-level fire attribute magic.

The flames soared into the sky, and the powerful shock wave overturned the tide of hundreds of meters of corpses.

The zombies at the center of the explosion had been gasified, and none of the mutilated corpses remained intact.

The arrogance of the vampire nobles just now was all frozen on their faces.

The same is true for the necromancers, just holding up their staffs like that, forgetting what they are going to do.

They stared dumbfounded at the rising flames and blown zombies.

This kind of power is much more terrifying than those dwarves' artillery.

"How can there be such a powerful power!!" When a vampire nobleman spoke, his tone was trembling.

Vampires have the ability to restore life far beyond humans.

But in the explosion just now, no matter how strong the life recovery may be, it may not help, and he will be killed instantly.

No one had time to answer the vampire noble who asked the question.

The ship had already docked over the survivors.

Several figures jumped down from above.

Accompanied by the sharp wind, those figures landed with a rumbling sound.

The zombies near their landing point were blown away by the huge impact of the high-speed fall.

Some were crushed to pieces.

A golden figure tightly attracted Fisher's gaze.

The golden full body armor exudes brilliance, and even the head is buried in the helmet.

Holding a huge war halberd, with blue arcs swirling around it, crackling.

The fallen metal giants were very tall, more terrifying than the trolls Fisher had ever seen.

What else would the vampire nobles want to say.

It may be to speak harshly, or it may be to show your identity or win over.

The other party did not give them this opportunity.

The halberd in his hand slashed across, instantly cutting the rows of zombies into two pieces.

That halberd was extremely sharp, cutting iron like mud.

The dead were cut to pieces like weeds.

The vampire nobles showed horrified expressions as they watched the horrific killing.

Some clever vampires turned and tried to flee.

But he was forced back by the companions of the golden giant.

They were equally powerful, wielding weapons of blazing arc that sliced ​​through the dead and vampires with ease.

These men showed unimaginable combat prowess.

Vampires, necromancers, the dead are chopped up and killed by them.

Fisher's gaze couldn't even keep up with their speed.

In just two or three minutes, the army of undead that drove them to despair was hacked to death.

Except for the kneeling vampire nobles and necromancers, all other enemies were killed.

The broken limbs were scattered all over the place, and there was no complete piece.

There is one vampire nobleman stupid enough to challenge the other.

But it was split open by a blow, and even the magic inscription sword in his hand was cut off.

The whole process was simple and neat, it seemed as simple as crushing an ant to death.

The last crawling zombie had its head crushed by the golden demon god, and the battle was declared over.

Fisher stayed where he was, swallowing.

The same was true for the other soldiers, who couldn't turn their minds around, and all stood there stupidly.

They were all frightened by the performance of those metal giants.

There were only three metal giants, but they slaughtered tens of thousands of undead.

Or in just two or three minutes.

This kind of killing efficiency is faster than mowing grass.

Just now, he was commenting on the survivors, and the blood-sucking noble knelt on the ground as if he was treating food, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Those companions who dared to resist had been hacked to death.

Killed with one blow, without even screaming.

The necromancers kneeling on the ground looked at the three metal giants as if they had seen a ghost.

When did the world have such a powerful character! !

I'm afraid that the domain of the gods will not be able to find such a brutal guy.

"Thank you for your help." Fisher's voice was a little trembling, but he stood up immediately and thanked the other party.

"Where are you from?" Valyrian took off his helmet, revealed his flawless face, and communicated with the other party in fluent local language.

Fisher looked at Valyrian's appearance and was absent-minded for a moment.

Compared with these nobles, the giant in front of him is more noble.

Obviously, the identity of the other party must be extraordinary.

"Midenheim," Fisher replied.

Valyrian glanced around the group of survivors, and asked tentatively, "Has it fallen? Has it been completely occupied by vampires?"

Fisher nodded.

"After Jerick, the leader of the White Wolf Knights, was transformed, many of the dead were also awakened by Earl Vlad's dark mage, and finally broke through Middenheim. There should not be many living people there. Are you going there? ?”

Valyrian nodded, "We need that city, you take them and move on, the town a little further away has not been destroyed by the undead."

Fisher looked at the three metal giants, and thought of Earl Vlad's horror, and hurriedly persuaded him: "You should not go to Middenheim, Vlad is protected by a strange witchcraft, and there is no way to kill him. .If you go there, you will only lose your life in vain. Come with me and find a safe place to wait for the reinforcements from other electors. At that time, we will discuss how to deal with those monsters in the long run."

"Take care of them," Valyrian said before turning away.

Fisher watched as the metal giants took the vampire and necromancer away.

A flash of light erupted from them and disappeared into thin air.

The roaring aircraft in the sky also accelerated and left this area.

From the arrival, the war, to the end.

The whole process only takes a few minutes, which is amazingly fast.

When the aircraft disappeared into the sky, Fisher and others felt like they had a dream, which was unreal.

If it weren't for the remains of corpses scattered beside him, I'm afraid he couldn't believe that what happened just now really happened.

"Who are they?" A soldier came up and asked.

"I don't know either." Fisher shook his head. "However, I have a feeling that our turning point may have come. They may really be able to regain Middenheim."

"There are only three of them, how could they be able to fight against Vlad? That guy is immortal." The soldier next to him questioned.

Fisher looked in the direction of Middenheim, gritted his teeth, and looked at the veteran next to him, "You are responsible for taking them to the next town, I will return to Middenheim to have a look, if they regain there, we can also take the first place." Know the news in a short time."

"Will that be too dangerous?"

"No, I'm safer alone, and I can escape in time when I meet those dead."

After explaining those things, Fisher got on his horse and prepared to return to Middenheim to take a look.

Few people know Vlad's true origin.

Vlad has been active in this world since the rise of the first and most powerful necromancer, the master of all undead, the most powerful human mage ever, the god of death - Nagash.

In ancient times, there existed several ancient kingdoms with a long history.

Vlad was a nobleman of a powerful kingdom called Laenia at the time.

At that time, Nagash relied on his amazing talent to learn dark magic and created a life elixir that could live forever.

With the help of the elixir of life, in exchange for the support of the nobles, he seized the throne of his brother and created the nine volumes of Nagash.

The Nine Volumes of Nagash is the supreme classic of the undead system, which records various powerful undead spells and is also a powerful magic weapon.

Eager to rule the world, Nagash used necromantic spells to launch wars against other city-states, and was finally defeated by the united nations and forced to flee.

In order to cover Nagash's escape, his loyal subordinate Akhan was severely injured by the coalition forces, and was secretly taken away by the king of the Kingdom of Lenia to study the secret of eternal life.

Laenia's queen, Neferata, also yearned for immortality, and secretly contacted Akhan.

Neferata was a beautiful woman of the generation, and Akhan fell directly. Not only did he hand over the life elixir, but he also taught the undead spells with his own hands.

After coming and going, the two of them lit up a fire and burned a green hat for the king of Lenia.

The furious King Lenia poisoned Neferata, and Akhan tried every means to resurrect him, making him the first vampire.

Later, Arkhan killed King Lainia, and he was killed by the king's men.

Neferata, whose husband and lover both died, took control of the kingdom with the elixir of life and transformed those cronies into vampires.

Vlad is one of them.

After the Kingdom of Lenia was destroyed, Nirad and other vampires fled to Nagash's territory and joined the opponent's camp.

During this time, Vlad acquired his most important artifact.

A ring that can be revived infinitely.

Vlad quickly spotted the problem.

Nagash's ring is a tool used to enslave vampires.

In order to get rid of the opponent's control, he chose to live in seclusion after Nagash was backstabbed by the Ratman, trying to find a way to remove the negative effect of the ring and retain the function of infinite resurrection.

After he succeeded, he changed his name again and wandered around the world, learning more dark magic.

His journey ended in Sylvania.

Vlad married his wife Isabella there.

Inherited the title and territory of the old earl.

He secretly transformed the nobles of Sylvania province into vampires and eliminated those who were unwilling to be loyal to him.

When the time is right, he unleashes dark magic to awaken the dead in an attempt to seize greater power.

Vlad stood on the tallest building in Middenheim, admiring his great masterpiece.

The former leader of the White Wolf Knights - Jerick stood beside him.

Except for those who served the vampires and those who were still alive, the other living people in the whole city were dead.

Vlad graciously spared Middenheim's Elector.

The other party knelt in front of him like a dog, begging for the right to live.

This scene made him feel very good.

Vlad, who was standing on a high place, narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the breeze blowing.

What a pleasure.

that power.

supreme power.

Overlook all beings and control their destiny.

Vlad raised his Wailing Sword, an eerie light wrapped around it.

He chanted an ancient, evil spell.

A strong wind blew up in the sky, and black clouds covered everything, making the whole city gloomy.

Powerful dark magic power spewed out from his body.

Lightning danced on the tip of his sword.

Soon, electric lights that meandered and crawled like snakes appeared in the sky.

There was lightning and thunder, and countless dead people howled.

The earth shook.

Vlad's spell also reached its climax, and his voice was harsh and piercing like a scream.

He draws power from nature and everything that grows around him, transforms it into his own magic, and infuses it into that terrible strange rune.

The evil blade of the Wailing Sword made the screams of the dead, releasing a strong evil aura.

As the runes lit up one by one, Vlad slammed the Wailing Sword into the ground.

The strange light centered on him and spread out in all directions.

"Resuscitate," he yelled.

Flowers withered, trees withered.

They were stripped of their vitality to support Vlad's dark magic.

Middenheim's dead staggered to their feet, the earth trembling at the undead's loathsome touch.

The dead climbed out of the grave one by one.

Together, they formed an endless army of undead.

"The whole world will be in my hands." Vlad stretched out a hand and said intoxicatedly, "I will use this legion to control the whole world."

Jerick looked at the countless undead and nodded.

Who can resist such a powerful legion? ?

Vlad's wife, Isabella, also smiled, her bloodstained fangs adding to her beauty.

Vlad's men tried to compliment their lord.

A skyfire fell from the sky and their compliments were stuck in their throats.

Flames hundreds of meters high soared into the sky, illuminating the dark sky.

The whole world shook.

Buildings were shattered in that terrible shock wave.

Vlad and his men were blown away by the shock wave and fell heavily to the ground.

If it weren't for the strong vitality of the vampire, he might have died tragically on the spot.

Vlad got up and looked at his tattered clothes, the corners of which had been scorched.

There was confusion in the eyes of the vampire count.

who I am?

I was there?

What should I do? ?

After a while, he came back to his senses.

He climbed to a tower that had been reduced to ruins, and saw the current state of Middenheim.

The scene in front of him made him unable to think of that splendid human city.

The whole city has been destroyed.

Flames were burning everywhere, billowing smoke.

His innumerable army of undead, struggling in the sea of ​​fire, was burned to coke and ashes.

The ambition to conquer the world had just sprouted, and it was ruthlessly pinched off like this.

Which god unleashed its wrath on Middenheim? ?

Vlad stood on the ruins, looking at Middenheim in flames, the expression on his face changed several times.

Just now, he was ready to seize the entire empire and accomplish his great cause.

Now his legion has been completely reduced to charred and fly ash by the explosion and flames.

In just a few minutes, Vlad experienced heaven and hell.

Vlad felt like fate was playing a joke on him.

When he was most proud, everything about him was instantly erased.

Vlad raised the Wailing Sword in his hand and looked towards the sky.

Can turn a city into ruins, who else can do it except those gods of the highest heaven! !

He just wanted to swear that he would spend the rest of his life taking revenge on the god who fooled him.

But unexpectedly saw those metal creations flying down from the sky.

Perhaps there was something else hidden about the destruction of Middenheim.

It is not the gods who do this, but the metal creatures.

Jerick and Isabella climbed out of the ruins and walked to Vlad's side.

They were also in a state of distress, and their clothes had been scorched in many places.

"What happened?" asked Vlad's wife, Isabella.

"I don't know." Vlad stared at the metal creations in the sky, they came quickly, and finally stopped above Middenheim.

His strong sense of danger told him that the visitor was not good.

Before he could make a decision whether to evacuate or deal with the opponent, dozens of flashes lit up.

A warrior in heavy armor came out of it, holding a huge sword.

A warhammer held by one of the warriors.

That look made Vlad's eyelids twitch.

The hammerhead was bigger than his head.

If you were knocked on the head, you might not be able to find a complete piece.

Vlad looked around, and finally set his sights on the leading warrior in golden armor holding a halberd.

"You are" the vampire count - Vlad said, wanting to ask who the other party is.

Before the question was finished, the soldier in the golden armor rushed forward.

There is no intention of talking to the earl.

After all, Vlad has also fought for many years, and saw the opponent's figure move.

He just wanted to pick up his Wailing Sword to resist the opponent's attack.

Before Vlad could raise his sword, he felt as if he was flying.

The sky was still spinning, and I even saw my lower body standing in the ruins.

The opponent's speed was so fast that Vlad couldn't react at all, and was cut in half directly.

Vampires such as Jerick and Isabella screamed.

However, Valyrian spun, pierced the other end of the vampire, and directly crushed it with the power field.

The other Primordial Warriors also rushed forward, using the power swords in their hands to chop those vampires to the ground.

Before Isabella could react, her arm was chopped off.

The pain made her scream.

The other party showed no mercy, and punched her in the abdomen, making her scream stuck in her throat.

Isabella's face turned from pale to bluish red, even vampires can feel pain.

The beautiful vampire fell to the ground and hunched over.

Jerick was pinned to the ground, and with a bang, the bricks on the ground shattered.

The whole head is embedded in it.

Other vampires were either killed or captured.

The Von Carstein vampire family that captured Middenheim was controlled by Valyrian and his party.

These vampires have an advantage over ordinary people.

But in front of the Primordial Warriors and the Forbidden Army, they are nothing.

What took the most time to capture Middenheim was not fighting, but traveling.

Valyrian was not thrilled that he had captured Middenheim.

He even doubted what he was doing! !

As the most outstanding creation of the Emperor, he fought a group of ignorant fellows in a world with only medieval technology.

If such a thing is reported back to the Wanfu Group, it will inevitably be ridiculed by several colleagues who can chat.

"The conditions in Middenheim are very good, and our outpost should be established here." Valyrian issued a new order for the mechanical priests to establish an empire base in the ruins of Middenheim.

He had to speed up, in order to complete the exploration tasks required by the Empire, and in order to be able to quickly go to the East to inspect the Emperor's fragments.

The empire has special confinement techniques for witchcraft, psionics, magic and other unnatural creatures.

Vampires are created by Nagash's necromancy spells and life elixirs.

Belonging to unnatural creatures.

Just enough to be used in the special prison of the empire.

"Who are you?" Isabella screamed as she was thrown into jail.

She couldn't accept what happened.

Just now, she was the vampire countess who made the human civilized society fearful.

Now, she's a sad prisoner with a missing arm.

So abrupt, there is no foreshadowing and cushioning.

No one answered Isabella's question.

Those metal giants in helmets don't care about them.

The dead Vlad was also thrown into the cage, as if they knew the count's ability to resurrect.

In addition to them, there are several vampires and necromancers in the place of detention.

Isabella tries to find out the identity of the enemy.

However, the unlucky ones who were captured before them were not clear.

Those people just asked about their identities and the situation of Middenheim, and then ignored them.

They also don't know where those steel warriors came from, and why they would intervene in this war again! !

Unable to find an answer, Isabella could only stare at Vlad's remnant body, praying that her husband would be resurrected soon.

Udi was shocked by what he saw.

So much so that in the next few days, he was out of his mind.

The shock that those steel warriors gave him was too amazing.

The powerful undead army turned into fly ash within a few breaths.

Earl Vlad, who made the other electors despair, became their prisoner.

The terrible vampire crisis was thus easily resolved.

It makes people feel like they are in a dream.

Udi got a task, that is to recruit those ordinary people, let them come to Middenheim.

This may be why those metal warriors are willing to take him.

There have to be enough ordinary people busy with these little things.

The Elector of Middenheim was lucky to survive.

Of course, he was no longer the Elector, nor the ruler of Middenland.

Witnessing that the entire Middenheim was reduced to ruins, and seeing the innumerable army of undead being wiped out with one blow, the Elector wisely chose to become an ordinary person.

That way at least you can survive.

Fisher found a few horses lost during the previous retreat on the way, and rushed to Middenheim day and night.

When the majestic fortress of Middenheim came into view, the overwhelming undead army had disappeared.

Those magnificent towers and forts have also been reduced to charred ruins.

It is hard to imagine what kind of battle it took to create this appearance.

Gone was the blasphemous blood emblem banner that belonged to Lord Vlad, replaced by the golden double-headed eagle banner.

It was the same as the emblems etched on the armor of those flying vehicles and those Iron Giants that Fisher saw on the way.

For this result, Fisher has a sense of anticipation.

Those Iron Giants were amazing.

They don't look like beings from the Mortal Realm at all, but rather like killing demon gods who came out of mythology.

Retaking Middenheim from the vampires might not be too much trouble for them.

Fischer rode closer to Middenheim and felt further the devastation of the great battle.

Several sections of Middenheim's city wall collapsed, and most of the buildings inside were destroyed, with charred corpses of the undead everywhere.

The city is looking for someone to clean up and rebuild.

Fisher thought it might be time to bring the survivors back.

They belong here.

A rest stop somewhere in the different universe tunnel.

[Scarlet-level alert, the rest stop has been blocked, and all employees are not allowed to enter without permission. 】

[Scarlet-level alert, the rest stop has been blocked, and all employees are not allowed to enter without permission. 】

[Scarlet-level alert, the rest stop has been blocked, and all employees are not allowed to enter without permission. 】

A loud and piercing siren sounded.

The sound of mechanical pistons kept ringing, the alloy door carved with complicated runes and electromagnetic patterns fell, and the sizzle sound of the force field starting.

The central control system closed different areas in turn to isolate employees in order to reduce casualties.

Only half an hour later, accompanied by the powerful roar of the engine.

White jump motorcycles galloped from the tunnel.

Their speed is beyond imagination.

With the help of space dimension, force field traction and many other technologies, these jet motorcycles are no longer simply flying, but continuous and instantaneous jumps.

This is a huge burden for the driver, and only those elite fighters who have been carefully selected can control this kind of motorcycle.

The motorcycles were parked outside the rest stop that triggered the scarlet alert.

The sound of bolter bolts being pulled and arcane weapons being activated continued.

They are the emergency team tasked with resolving unusual situations.

Chagatai jumped off his enlarged jump motorcycle and stared at the rest stop in front of him.

'"Call out all the monitoring data to see what kind of demon it is." Chagatai said.

"My lord, it may not be a demon." The subordinate whispered: "It seems to be a strange object in the depths of the subspace. The relevant construction personnel did not dispose of it according to the containment procedures, and brought it back to the rest station, which triggered a scarlet-level alarm."

"Transfer related videos to my personal database." Chagatai said, "Build a data model and analyze the characteristics of the other party's rules."

ps: There is another chapter tonight, the number of words is variable.

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