Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 329 Bloody Harvest (for Subscription)

If a man has the power to conquer the universe.

If his will can make the stars tremble and the sun go out.

If he can make those so-called immortal and immortal beings fear it.

Who can stop people from raising his throne to the sky and becoming a true god! !


Kiss of Death, World Destroyer Witch, reincarnation game SSSSS level player, commander of Purifier Legion - Shion Asakami.


An organization like the Salvation Society will inevitably breed fanatical believers in the Holy Emperor.

This point has already been mentioned in several meetings.

Imperial technicians even wrote it into the manual.

Qiu Chen has long been accustomed to those people calling himself an envoy of God.

But he still didn't expect that the existence of the Salvation Society could give birth to such a sick and delicate girl who combines terror, beauty and fanaticism.

Kiss of Death, Black Witch, Unknown World, Killing Angel, these weird and bloody titles all belong to the girl in front of her.

The reason why she has these titles is because the girl in front of her will often slaughter players who are in the same instance as her without warning.

One of the things she did recently was to kill all the players in the entire world.

According to some players who escaped, the whole world was soaked in blood, dead bodies and stumped limbs were everywhere, bloody, cruel, and terrifying.

While chasing and killing those players wielding the Death Scythe, which was bigger than her body, the girl laughed wildly, declaring that she wanted to purify the world.

Qiu Chen who heard the news was numb.

He immediately felt that the news was fake.

This girl was the first believer he recruited, named Asakami Shion.

At that time, Qianshang Shiyin was still a weak, poor girl next door.

It belongs to the type that can cry for three days with one punch.

When Qiuchen met Qianshang Shiyin, the other party was crying in the dungeon holding his brother's body.

Her momentary act of kindness killed her brother who was dependent on her and had been working hard to take care of her.

Based on the idea of ​​guiding the confused girl, Qiu Chen enlightens and guides the girl to join the Salvation Society.

"Be strong, child, this world is twisted and sinful, your crying will only make this world more crazy, and make those who created this world more proud. You have to learn to laugh, and learn to smile to make those fallen People chopped to pieces."

"Join the Holy Redemption Society, under the enlightenment of the divine light, the all-knowing and omnipotent savior, embark on the road of redemption of the world. One day, His will will redeem the world, your soul, my soul, and the souls of the world. "

Qianshang Shiyin, who was holding her brother's body, stared at Qiuchen who was like a magic stick. Tears hung on her delicate and perfect face, which could be broken by blowing bullets. Looking at it made people feel pitiful, and couldn't help but want to protect it. .

Who would have thought that in the past few years, the other party has changed from a weak girl to a sick and delicate witch who kills people like hemp.

She also acquired an extremely terrifying talent, Angel of Killing.

Angel of Killing: Able to ignore the concept of dimensionality, causing damage to all existence, and constantly recover one's own health, stamina, and mana from killing.

Perhaps because of her brother's death and Qiu Chen's enlightenment, Asakami Shion's character changed drastically, becoming crazy and cruel.

Especially after obtaining the Death God's Scythe, she became extremely extreme. Once she did it, she would definitely kill someone.

After becoming an A-level player, in the name of the Lord, he slaughtered the players in the entire world and seized control of a world.

Compared with the confused girl in the past, today's Asakami Shion has become the epitome of killing and terror.

The evaluation of the surviving players who have experienced a copy with Asakami Shion is that they would rather stay with the monster than her.

There are still certain rules for monsters to kill, and this lunatic kills purely based on his mood.

One second he was still smiling, and the next second he would chop you into eighteen pieces.

It is said that eighteen yuan is eighteen yuan, and it will be counted after cutting.

Qiuchen is only a B-level player, which is even lower than Qianshang Shiyin's player level.

Unlike Asakashi Shion, who has devoted himself to the cause of the empire and strives to upgrade in order to obtain information, his focus is more on recruiting players than upgrading.

Empires have armies dedicated to war.

Thinking of the berserkness of Titus in the past, Qiu Chen had no motivation to upgrade at all.

What's the use of being promoted to a high level! !

In front of those imperial warriors, it was nothing more than a question of how strong a knife was.

Second knife? ?


Although Qianshang Shiyin's level is higher than Qiu Chen's, Qiu Chen still has absolute confidence in subduing the opponent if he uses his hands.

Watching Qianshang Shiyin who ran from her own world to the world of yh1102402072 and asked to meet the savior, Qiuchen collected her thoughts and said, "I'm sorry, I won't convey any such words for you .”

"Why!!" Qianshang Shiyin asked in a weeping voice, "I just want to meet the holy and great savior."

"I just want to stay by His side forever, forever. Why not!!" The voice of Qianshang Shiyin was filled with a maniacal smile and morbid joy. She twisted her perfect, petite body, just It seems that just fantasizing about that great, divine existence will make her reach an indescribable state.

Because I can't get in touch with the Emperor of the Empire either! !

Qiu Chen shouted in his heart.

Even if a person like him who traveled to another world and was recruited by the empire can contact the highest status figure in the empire, he is only known as the living saint-Lord Celestine.

The Emperor of the Empire who is said to be holy above all else.

Qiuchen is mostly seen in video data.

How could someone like him be able to get in touch with a big man like that, with his eyes fixed on the heavens and the universe! !

Qiu Chen did not express his true inner thoughts.

"Because our work has not been completed and our mission has not yet ended, what qualifications do we have to meet Him? Only those souls who died to save the world will return to His kingdom after death and bathe in the eternal glory. Glory."

Qiu Chen lightly raised the opponent's hand, and the golden and blue marks appeared on Qianshang Shiyin's slender and white wrist.

"Can't you feel his will? He is watching you, Shiyin. His will is everywhere, his gaze is everywhere, he examines every soldier fighting for him, and watches every Officials who serve His will. Only those servants who are loyal to their mission and dedicate themselves to the ultimate cause can stand by His side."

"Then when is the end of the mission?" Qiangami Shiyin impatiently waved the giant scythe in her hand, and she drew a huge black crack in the sky.

Such a terrifying scene made everyone nearby scream.

The player who saw the crack in the sky also looked horrified.

If it fell on them, they would be dead with just one blow.

"I don't know." Qiuchen said frankly: "Maybe the moment of death is the final end. Remember your mission, Shiyin. Before everything is over, our only reward is to be loyal to him , a sacrifice to Him, a devotion to Him. We are walkers in His way of redemption, extensions of His will."

Hearing this, Qian Shang Shiyin showed a trace of frustration.

"I have prepared a world for him."

"He will see it." Qiu Chen said: "But you still have to remain humble. Only in this way can you serve Him better. A world is unimaginable for mortals, but it is insignificant for Him .Imagine you conquered a world with just a little help. And how many worlds were conquered for him by the armies that fought for him!!"

Qiuchen felt that he had the potential to be a master.

Fool people one set after another.

Of course, most of the rhetoric was obtained from the population of the empire.

They have an unimaginable fanaticism for the emperor.

I firmly believe that the emperor will take them to conquer the heavens and the universe, and conquer every place that can be seen.

Shion Asakami fell into silence.

Qiu Chen thought she was persuaded, and just wanted to chuckle, but the other party said: "So, is one world not enough?? Then I will continue to work hard, Master God Envoy, I will become His most outstanding subordinate, Give him the most of the world. That way, his eyes will fall on me more."

Asakashi Shion showed a charming smile, thinking of the favor that the Lord would bestow on her because of her achievements, made her flushed and extremely excited.

In the name of the Lord, purify the dirty world.

Qiu Chen: . .

Shit, is there such a big difference between the brain circuit of a sick girl and a normal person! !

Let her do what she wants.

As long as she doesn't make a fuss about seeing her Lord, that's fine.

Qianshang Shiyin walked away satisfied with the answer she made up in her head.

She is going to enter the game again, use the fastest speed to upgrade herself to become an S-level player, and dedicate more worlds to the great Lord.

Dungeons are extremely dangerous for other players, especially after becoming an A-level player, many dungeons will easily enter a dead end without a solution.

But for Asakami Shion, who has a proton detector and a large number of props, the dungeon clearance is only a waste of time.

What's more, she still has the protection of the Lord on her body.

Qiu Chen didn't stop Qianshang Shiyin either.

Don't think that Qianshang Shiyin is a fanatic and think she is not smart enough.

Asakami Shion is currently one of the three players who have provided the most information among the players he has recruited.

She will only show fanaticism to the one god mentioned by the Salvation Society, and she will be extremely cruel and cruel to other things.

Who would have thought that the world-destroying witch known as a lunatic would be a fanatic of a certain god! !

After dealing with Qianshang Shiyin, Qiu Chen took out a dungeon selection card.

Ready to enter the game and recruit other players.

When the empire thoroughly understands the origin wall technology of the 02 DC universe, it is very likely that it will develop a device that breaks through the time and space barriers of the reincarnation game.

Let the staff of the empire go to different worlds to recruit players without entering the game.

At that time, the empire will have some head-on confrontation with the reincarnation game.

When the dungeon selection card came into contact with the watch, it turned into a little bit of light.

The watch also vibrated at this time.

[Congratulations to the player who has obtained the qualification for the reincarnation game dungeon - Sacrificial Island game. The player chooses to start the game and can choose the time to enter the dungeon. 】

"Go in now." Qiu Chen said.

The voice just fell.

A ray of light emanated from the watch, engulfing him and soaring into the sky, submerged into the tumbling dark clouds, and disappeared into the sky.

Seeing the rays of light emanating from the manor, many players had different thoughts.

Qiu Chen's rise is extremely fast, far exceeding that of ordinary players.

Most of the time, he will take the initiative to enter the game, and the non-reincarnation game will pull him in after the break time is over.

If this continues, the opponent will create the historical record for the fastest player in the world to be promoted to A-level.

"It's best not to come back alive, or you will really feel very distressed. This world is already crowded enough."

The interior of a luxurious manor.

The glamorous lady surrounded by several strong and handsome men muttered to herself looking at the video sent back by her subordinates.

"What's the point of leveling up soon!! Why don't we just get stuck at A level like us and fail to get up?"

A muscular and strong man who was being whipped with a whip said in a delicate voice.

"Pump harder."

"Hiss, I'm so excited."

Qiu Chen didn't know the outside discussion.

After the light dissipated, he had already appeared on a beach.

The fishy sea breeze brushed over his body.

The side is already densely packed with players.

It is estimated that there are about a thousand people, all of whom are B-level players.

"Is it another bloody harvest!!" Qiu Chen thought to himself.

Bloody Harvest is the official term for the Empire.

Food crops that have been cultivated to a certain level can no longer provide enough harvests and will be harvested to make room for new food crops.

The entire universe is a plantation field, and those players are all food crops grown.

When they can no longer provide a harvest that satisfies the behind-the-scenes, they will be sent to a dungeon that is extremely difficult to be harvested.

Clear out the growing soil for other seedlings.

This practice of reincarnation games is called bloody harvest by the empire.

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