Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 331 Abaddon, let's see where you can go! ! (seeking subscription)

"You have proved it many times." Guilliman smiled brightly.

Hawke stared at the noble face.

It was a face that gathered all the miracles and lights in the world, enough for anyone to offer eternal loyalty the moment they saw it.

Since the birth of mankind, there has never been a single person who has been able to create such a feat as the emperor of the empire.

Even the great emperor is the same.

The achievements of the emperor are also sung by the world.

Hawke, however, took the liberty of thinking that the great pioneer, the Primarch's father, was still a little less than the current Emperor.

The officials straightened their waists, and many of them had tears in their eyes, and tears of joy flowed wantonly along their faces.

A strong sense of pride burned in the hearts of Hawke and many Natal officials.

Obtaining the approval of the emperor is the goal they have been pursuing.

In that moment, Natal's persistence paid off.

The corrupt old-time nobles of Natal have brought sin upon the world.

They had rejected Guilliman's offer of salvation and secretly fought against it.

Worse still, they attempted to kill the Primarch, who was then only Regent.

That was an unimaginable felony.

Every time they recall this history, the Natalians will look heavy.

Natal's ancestors committed terrible crimes.

They must be more outstanding than others in order to wash away those shameful pasts.

"Natal will still prove that we are never afraid. Every Natalian is ready to sacrifice. From the moment of birth, we are always ready." Hawke said.

"Very good." Guilliman said: "Besides the battle to recover Cadia, there are more dangerous battles, get ready, Hawke. The Empire's wrath is about to burn, and the Holy Great Crusade will begin again, Your mission is not over yet. Get ready to fight, and let countless universes await the salvation of the Empire."

"Okay, Your Majesty." An impulse surged in Hawke's heart. Even though he had lived for centuries, he was still as passionate as when he walked out of Natal.

Guilliman turned and walked back to his throne.

When he is sitting on the throne, the screen that cuts to other scenes cuts to him again.

"For the Human Empire, for His Majesty." Hawk raised his hand and shouted.

All the Natalians made the same gesture.

The guests who came from afar then shouted.

Hundreds of millions of voices roared loudly, forming a terrifying sound wave, sweeping across the entire planet, and even the entire galaxy.

No one ordered them to do that.

Doing so doesn't require any commands.

The man who sits on the throne is their king.

It was this man who shaped the present empire, made the stars bow their knees to mankind, and let all evil flee far away from the territory of human life.

It is this man who leads mankind to a glorious and bright future, and people think that he is more sacred than the word god.

They cried out spontaneously as a token of their loyalty and love for the Lord of Men.

Many people cried loudly, just seeing the honor of the Emperor and being in a galaxy with him was enough to make them feel more satisfied than ever.

If all the emotions of human beings were not absorbed by the firewall, I am afraid that the emotions of these fanatical people would set off a huge subspace storm.

Guilliman smiled and responded to the situation with absolute calm and peace. His words echoed through the communication network and in all the loudspeakers.

"Long live humanity."

After all the officials were sent away, under the watchful eyes of countless people, the Emperor Supreme launched a huge force field traction, pushing the huge hull to the edge of the galaxy.

A gigantic warp portal looms around the edge.

Strange witchcraft fire erupted from it, illuminating the dark void.

The fleet sank into it, and waited until the last ship also disappeared into the crack.

The excited crowd stopped.

Their faces were flushed and their hearts were excited.

It was an unimaginable luck in their lives to see the Emperor of the Empire.

It is very likely that they will not be able to get this kind of luck again for many years to come.

No amount of achievement will give them any more joy than they have today.

In a dark void far away from the light of stars, there is a huge Void No. 5 space transfer station suspended.

Before the human empire had established a complete lighthouse navigation system, the empire's ships could only use the astronomical torch from Terra to navigate the dangerous warp space.

Warp navigation in those days was far less stable than it is today.

Every voyage is a dangerous adventure.

People can only sail in relatively safe waterways, and they will break away from the subspace every once in a while and return to the real world to rest.

Civilian ships are far less arrogant than the military ships of the empire, and they can tear cracks across the universe at will and enter the subspace.

In order to ensure their own interests, merchants often choose areas that are relatively easy to enter into the subspace as ports for temporary corrections.

Those space transfer stations far away from the stars were born under such circumstances

Void No. 5 was built quite a long time ago.

At that time the empire had not yet been established.

There was no lighthouse navigation system, and there was no astronomical torch. Of course, the subspace was not as dangerous as it is today.

Even without Geller's position, people can safely navigate the warp.

Around the space transfer station, there is something called the protection axis by the old captains, which is a safe haven built in the real space around the base like a spider web.

Those ships passing the channel will dock in the safe haven, and the crew will go to the entertainment area of ​​Void 5 to have some fun.

The intelligence showed that Void-5 declined during the Long Night Era, and when the empire was established, the space station became very prosperous again.

Some savvy sub-administrators will even spend military money to enhance their weapons to defend the normal operation of the space station.

That prosperity continued until the Great Rift event broke out.

In that crazy, dark time, going into the Warp, even with a full team of navigators, and the best geller field, was an act of madness.

The Warp at that time was like a pot of boiling oil, and ships entering it tended to lose their way.

The lucky ones will appear thousands of light-years away from the target.

The unlucky ones were nowhere to be seen, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

At that time, Void No. 5 space soon declined.

No one dared to cross the star sea to come here.

In order to reduce losses, cargo ships and naval supply ships also stopped communication.

Only ships that need to hide their whereabouts still use this route.

And these also affected the quality of the residents of Void No. 5.

Chaotic places attract only madmen.

Those scholars who know the secrets of machinery and how everything works will only stay in peace.

Their abilities only work in a cooperative society.

In a mad place, they are only the object of oppression.

The good people gradually left, leaving the empty spiral building empty and echoing.

When the empire re-emerged, the lighthouse navigation system launched by Guilliman replaced the old Astronomical Torch.

The safety factor of subspace navigation has been greatly improved.

Ship accidents are becoming less and less common.

The transfer station is also useless.

Some transfer stations were transformed in time, turning them into cheap immigrant ships.

According to a certain trajectory, go back to hundreds of galaxies, and send those imperial citizens who want to leave or travel.

Most of the residents are those who want to enjoy low-cost star service.

Although the speed of the space station is very slow, it has a complete ecosystem and a sound social system.

Guests with a journey of one or two years can still find a job, and when they arrive at the destination minus the fare, they can still have a slight surplus.

This kind of immigrant ship transformed from a large space station is loved by people with insufficient budget.

However, not all space stations will be transformed. Some space stations that are unmanned in the subspace will often be abandoned in the dark void, becoming a gathering place for smugglers, slaves, thieves, prostitutes, and black market merchants.

Those space stations often become lawless places.

Mortals who are easily seduced come to these places in search of the thrill they crave.

Void-5 is such a space station.

It has been dissociated from the social system of the empire and has become a place where filth is hidden.

Those shady goods will be traded here, laundered after complicated procedures, and placed in an imperial store.

Some guys with desire in their hearts come here to enjoy the carnival and chaos, as well as the kind of lust and indulgence that is prohibited by the laws of the empire.

All this corruption continued until the arrival of Calgar.

The Ultramarines Lord's outburst of rage set the entire space station ablaze.

The Ultramarines shot wildly at the fleeing Chaos Warriors, even if it meant destroying the space station.


"Stand up, you bloody coward, stand up and face me."

Calgar continued to growl in anger.

The huge fist pierced through the opponent's defense with ease.

The huge Chaos Terminator slashed over with a battle ax in hand.

Calgar turned to dodge the blow that was unleashed with all his might.

Crackling arcs surround the fists.

He squatted down slightly, and then punched a rising dragon fist from below.

The huge fist smashed the Chaos Terminator's jaw to pieces.

The opponent's head exploded instantly into a rain of blood mixed with metal fragments.

The mutilated body is under the coercion of excessive killing energy. He fell back to the ground with a force capable of crushing the spine.

Calgar moved faster than the body that fell to the ground.

The moment before the corpse fell to the ground, the Chapter Leader adjusted his stance and spun half a circle.

The two bolters under the gauntlet roared like thunder, unleashing a barrage of death on the Chaos warriors around them.

Two more Terminators were torn apart on the spot by blessed bombs.

A roaring power hammer slammed at him.

Calgar deflected the opponent's hammer head with a backhand punch.

Another punch with the momentum of thunder.

The Chaos Warrior died on the spot, and the shattered corpse flew out like a high-speed shell, knocking into the air a few Chaos Warriors who wanted to pounce on them.

Calgar stepped forward, and nothing could stop him.

He and his personal guards rushed all the way to the interior of the space transfer station.

In the back, there are fewer Chaos traitors.

Some metal puppets burning green evil fire replaced them and became the main force to stop Calgar and others.

Those puppets have limbs like humans, but there are two huge chimneys behind them, emitting strange blue light and smoke.

The distorted mechanical structure emitted a terrifying light, and those green eyes were as pure as jewels, but exuded terrifying malice.

They have the same tall body as the original cast warriors, and the arms driven by strange energy have the strength comparable to the most powerful modified units in the empire.

A Primordial warrior wearing power armor was blown away by those terrifying puppets with a single punch, and the whole person flew out.

If it weren't for the powerful repair function of the heart of the empire, he might be killed on the spot.

Abaddon obviously got some brand new gadgets.

Calgar informed the technicians to start the anti-magic stance, but it didn't work, the metal puppets didn't stop, and their strength didn't weaken in any way.

Adding to the headache was their unsolvable ability to reassemble, with Calgar smashing them to pieces with ease with his gauntlet.

Those fragments will soon melt into molten iron in a burst of green flames, and then become a metal golem again.

It's like there's no way to kill it.

In the end, it was Calgar's deputy who figured out a way to use the dimensional device to split their bodies and throw them in two different spaces, only to stop those metal puppets with infinite resurrection ability.

After dealing with the metal golems, Calgar walked to the target room where the scanner built into the armor was located.

The plastic-steel gate is firmly locked.

Although the surface of the door is pitted and mottled with rust, it is thick enough to withstand the impact of a small nuclear bomb.

Calgar could wait for his men to use laser cutters to open the door.

But he chose the simplest and rudest way.

That is to take a deep breath, take a half step back, activate the power fist and the auxiliary impact system, and then punch out suddenly, with a loud noise, the thick plastic steel door becomes twisted.

Dazzling red alarm lights cover every corridor in the hallway with loud sirens.

Calgar made another punch and knocked the entire gate flying, smashing seven or eight traitors inside into a pulp.

When he rushed in, bullets roared like a torrential rain and pierced through the air.

Thousands of ammunition were unleashed in seconds.

The bullets blocked by the energy shield piled up under Calga's feet.

A heavy-duty bolter machine gun with heavy armor and firmly gripping the ground with four brackets was facing the door, pouring ammunition, and the circulating fluid used to cool the barrel produced countless bubbles.

One of Calgar's personal guards directly pulled the trigger of the plasma cannon in his hand, and a dazzling light ball flew by. The upper body and the heavy bolter machine gun of the cultist who pulled the trigger disappeared. The high temperature of the plasma photosphere directly vaporized, leaving only a puddle of molten iron and rising steam.

The traitors in the room were quickly killed.

No sign of Abaddon.

Just two Chaos Terminators and a bunch of bloody traitors.

Calgar could not help but let out an angry growl.

Abaddon escaped several times, causing Calgar to gnash his teeth, seeing it as a disgrace to him.

When he got word of Abaddon's haunting, he saw it as an opportunity to cleanse himself of his shame.

With the help of the empire's intelligence system, he quickly locked Void Five.

Unfortunately, the other party still escaped.

"That damned coward." Calgar growled like an enraged lion.

"My lord, these seem to be star maps, another path leading to the Cadia fortress."

The guard's words made Calga suppress the rage in his heart, and turned to study the things on the black iron table in the room.

There were data sheets and some secure communication cans scattered on the table, as well as a huge map that looked like it was made of some kind of animal skin.

Various symbols are used to represent galaxies on the map, and the brown lines represent subspace roads, connecting various symbols.

Cadia was marked out, and several lines connected it, one of which was a route the Empire had never known.

"Bring someone alive," Calgar said.

A personal guard grabbed a captured cultist and walked over.

"What is this?" Calgar asked while clutching the map.

"I won't tell you anything." The cultist said, "You guys who have been fooled by the tyrant, you will get nothing from me."

"A tough bone, break it," Calgar said.

The two guards next to him nodded, dragged the prisoner aside, and summoned a think tank with mind-reading ability.

It was not long before the captive screamed, full of pain and despair.

Ten minutes later, a personal guard handed the read information to Calga.

ps: To be continued.

I can work hard to speed up the update speed. As for the water problem, alas, 1.9 million words, I can say that I have a conscience. I have been rushing to the plot (and I will add some private goods), and the fights of the protagonist are all tricks In seconds, the harvest is not repeated. It may be that the transitional chapters are poorly written. I try to make a few funny and sickly characters. I try to make the beginning funny and the theme sublimated at the end, so as to improve the reading experience of the old men. .

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