Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 336: Something Impossible to Redeem in the Reincarnation Game (Subscribe)

Hearing Qiu Chen's words, Si wanted to laugh out loud.

It was only a day before the Sacrifice Island dungeon started.

Dare to say boldly that he has mastered the truth of the dungeon.

Is there anything more ridiculous than this! !

Could it be that this guy has lost his mind because of too much pressure?

After all, Si couldn't laugh.

Seeing Qiu Chen's calm and calm expression, he still murmured in his heart.

Did this guy really grasp the truth of the dungeon in a day? ?

"What's the truth?" Lite asked a step earlier than Si

Qiu Chen showed a smile, he put the teacup cover on the edge of the bowl and lightly stroked it, and then blew off the heat before speaking slowly.

"Didn't you get clues from the military base? If you think about it carefully, you may also be able to find the so-called truth."

"Military base?" Lite frowned.

There is indeed a lot of data in the Navy's treatment, but it is basically some complicated experiment reports full of a lot of technical terms and some obscure videos.

Just memorizing it is very laborious. To find clues from so much information, for the players, it is better to destroy the base with props.

Leeteuk was just processing the information, and hadn't been able to find anything useful from the information yet.

"This is sad, isn't it!! The base has the ins and outs of the whole thing, and the truth is hidden in the complicated data, but none of you can understand it. Players have the power to destroy mountains and cities, but they don't know what they are doing. Where does the power come from."

"They think that the power obtained by evolution and props belongs to them, but the fact is that only the brainless people think that those things absolutely belong to them. The knowledge learned by a person may be taken away by time. Isn't the power obtained in the reincarnation game not controlled by the behind-the-scenes?"

Qiu Chen shook his head, pointing out the sadness of the reincarnation game.

Those players have been made useless by the reincarnation game.

Possess power, but do not know the mechanism of power operation.

Qiu Chen stretched out a finger and tapped it in the air.

Under the shocked eyes of Si and Lite, a distorted mirror appeared out of thin air.

The mirror surface is extremely smooth, playing the picture like a display screen, very high-definition, and it has obviously been restored.

The picture shakes, and it looks like the person carrying it is running.

Indistinct movements loomed, as well as the voices of soldiers.

"Quick, the helicopter is over there."

"The wolf calls the tiger, the wolf calls the tiger, emergency, emergency, the target has broken the blockade, the target has broken the blockade."

"Shoot, shoot at the target's head."

"Can't kill them, run, they can't kill them."

Screams and the sound of flesh being torn apart echoed in the darkness.

A hand grabs the shaky camera.

woman's hand.

Slender, fair, and looking well maintained.

She was running and turned the camera on herself.

It can be seen from the camera that the woman is extremely panicked.

She widened her eyes and gasped for breath.

His face was glistening with sweat.

Gunshots and shouts were not far from her.

She was crying, crying because of the horrors.

"No one will believe the truth we have recorded, those tourists who were killed, they were sacrificed, and their souls became the playthings of that monster. The dead walk among us, they have become puppets, seeking more for their masters sacrifice."

"Don't come here, don't come here, don't come here," the woman cried.

There was a weird scream.

Broken corpses flew past the woman.

The woman looked out of the screen and let out a terrified scream.

"No! Don't come here," she yelled in despair, firing a pistol.

The muzzle flash illuminated her face.

Some indescribable object writhed in the distance.

I can't see the specific appearance,

The only thing that can be felt is fear.

The fear contained deep in the genes, the fear that trembles in every cell.

Countless human ancestors have faced it directly, leaving an indelible fear deep in their genes to warn future generations to run away.

The woman put all the bullets in the opponent's body, but nothing changed.

Humanity's most proud thermal weapon has lost its effect in front of the opponent.

The camera was knocked over and the woman was dragged into the darkness by something.

Before the camera was crushed, there was only a shrill scream coming from the darkness.

In the dark noise, the video finished playing.

"We've all seen this video. It just shows that there are monsters on the island. With such a video, you dare to declare the truth you know?" Si showed a little disdain.

Qiu Chen took a sip of tea lightly.

"For you, this is just a fragment that records the events at that time. For me, the information contained in it is far more than that, and the truth can even be found from it."

With Qiuchen's fingers sliding.

It was as if a huge screen appeared in the air, and the picture just now was disassembled frame by frame.

Several of the photos were enlarged to reveal the starry sky behind the woman.

"The woman should belong to the base. Her background still has a starry sky. After the massacre, she was stationed in the Sacrifice Island to investigate. But at this time, you can already see that the moon has become strange and glowing red."

Qiu Chen swiped his finger again to enlarge some of the photos.

"Have you seen it? There is an eye looming in the sky. We didn't see this. Combined with the woman's words, it is very likely that the sacrificed tourists dedicated it to this eye."

"People from the military went to investigate, but they were sacrificed again. I investigated the time when this video was uploaded to the military server, and it happened to be around July. The problem is that there is no year, so it is hard to confirm that it has been a few years. I tend to In the second year, the military imposed a major blockade on it in the second year, and the blockade expanded after a while. Obviously, the island was out of control, and they had to do that.

"From the flames in the background, it can be seen that the base has also been attacked. With another wave of Qiu Chen's hand, the picture on the mirror changed again, and a bird's-eye view of the base appeared. Broken tanks and transport vehicles were everywhere. Several tanks fell to the ground. The military abandoned the island when the place fell. More important than this."

With a wave of Qiu Chen's hand, the picture in the mirror changed again.

At the edge of the island, three rusty nuclear missiles appeared.

Qiuchen switched the dimensional vision so that they could see the cross section inside.

While the exterior remains intact, the detonators inside have been destroyed, which is the main reason why they did not explode.

"The military launched a nuclear weapon to the island, but failed to detonate it, so they had to choose to expand the blockade area. That is to say, the scope of danger continued to expand, indicating that the danger could enter the waters near the island and threaten the fishing boats entering the range."

"What do these explain? Anyone who has entered a military base can guess these." Si said: "Don't pretend to be a ghost, pretend to be sophisticated."

"Then can they guess these?"

The things displayed on the mirror changed with Qiuchen's words.

A cross-sectional anatomy of an aborigine's body appeared on the mirror, clearly showing the blood vessels of those aborigines.

"Such a method!!" Li Te frowned slightly, looking at Qiu Chen who was tasting tea, his eyes showed shock, "It gives people a feeling of looking at a two-dimensional picture from three dimensions."

"Players also have a lot of weird props in their hands, maybe there is someone who can do this."

Hearing his companion's words, Leeteuk shook his head.

"I can guarantee that player items will never have such a thing." Lite said with certainty, "If you ask me if the reincarnation game has an artifact that can destroy the world with one blow, I will definitely tell you, there is. Reincarnation game Is there any data that can be observed thousands of miles away, and I can tell you with certainty. But this kind of thing involving dimensions, the exchange interface of the reincarnation game will never have it, do you know what high-latitude observation means?"

"What does it mean?" Si asked puzzled.

"It means that the secrets of the microscopic world will be open to you." Lite said in a deep tone: "With the development of industrial science, the microscopic field will be the next key field of science. As long as the transformation between energy and matter is mastered, science You will get magical abilities beyond imagination. If there is such a dimensional observer, the difficulty for scientists to enter the microscopic field will plummet. You can clearly see the internal activities of an atom and carefully study its every move, isn’t it? Still can't produce results?"

"Once the basic science is broken through, the applied science will soon catch up and transform the civilization. Reincarnation games will never exchange such things for players. Do you know what it means once such things are exchanged?"

Lite looked at Si with a trace of fanaticism and anticipation in his eyes.

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