Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 341 Constantine (Subscription)

Heavenly Father wears a floor-length white robe.

The strong and powerful body bulged out the robe, and the muscles in the exposed arms were knotted.

His short hair and beard were all white, his resolute and vicissitudes face was bitter, and his eyes were fixed on Titus who came in.

The dark red blood dripped down Titus' blade and stained the smooth and clean floor.

Titus was indifferent to the hatred and anger in the Father's eyes.

"I gave you a chance. Your arrogance and ignorance caused this disaster. Your people died because of your stupidity."

"You invaded this universe, but came to accuse us of resistance." Heavenly Father snapped.

Titus lowered the blade to the ground, folded his hands on top of the hilt, and stood like a medieval knight.

"We represent the interests of mankind and bring purification and redemption to this world. It is your recalcitrant behavior that has brought disasters. You foolishly maintain this rotten, stinking world and participate in activities that try to subvert us."

"You monsters from hell, you brought nothing but war and death."

"That is what you think."

"You will get retribution in the end, and your cruelty will fall on yourself one day."

"That's for the future." Titus raised his weapon again, "Now you have two choices, one is to bow your knees and surrender to the great emperor of the empire, the other is to be beheaded by me, your body will be destroyed To be hung on our warships to announce the fate of hostilities against the Empire."

"Aren't you willing to reserve even a bit of dignity for the dead?" Heavenly Father took out his scepter, ready to fight.

Titus said in a contemptuous and mocking tone: "Why should you leave dignity to the enemy? Any act of resistance is unforgivable. Your stubbornness has already caused the casualties of my subordinates, but now you still want to Preserve dignity after death?"

The body of Heavenly Father radiated light and grew taller.

His eyes were shining brightly.

He knew very well that there was no point in talking any further.

As a heavenly father, it was impossible for him to kneel at the feet of what he thought was an intruder.

The Heavenly Father who possesses the power of the stars is definitely one of the strongest beings except for those supreme beings who only exist in legends.

Heavenly Father can stand shoulder to shoulder with Superman and tie with Darkseid.

His power comes from this ancient land.

As long as he stands on the creation star, he can mobilize infinite power.

Dazzling divine radiance emanated from his body.

Pieces of ancient characters floated in the air, exuding brilliance.

Those words surround the immortal body of the Father, representing the blessing of the will of the world.

The terrifying coercion made countless dark clouds appear in the sky.

Violent thunder poured out, intertwined into one piece, shining in the sky like a dense group of snakes.

The power of the stars is dazzling, coming like a surging ocean.

The entire temple was creaking, and it was almost collapsed by the extremely powerful force of the Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father turned into a giant exuding divine power.

With just a few gestures, you can smash the stars and crush everything in the world.

He is the king of the gods.

A god-king with immortal life and invincible strength.

His will makes the stars tremble.

His power can make stars go out.

"Pay the price." Heavenly Father uttered a loud voice, holding a scepter like the God of Judgment described in mythology, giving judgment to sinners in the world.

The Father stepped across the distance between the two, slamming his scepter down on Titus.

The power contained in this blow is enough to shatter the stars, it can be called shocking, and it possesses divine power beyond imagination.

When the weapons of the two collided, an extremely powerful shock wave swept out, rushing in all directions like a raging ocean wave.

Amagi was trembling, and the ground was trembling.

Those splendid buildings were all shattered under the impact of the two, like a natural disaster that destroyed the world.

The Heart of the Empire is running on overload, providing Titus with a steady stream of strength to resist the Father.

The pulsating brilliance of the power sword in his hand became even brighter.

Countless electromagnetic lines all glow under the energy wash, and the energy shield of the body protector transfers all the power of the heavenly father into the subspace.

"Your resistance is pointless." Titus stood still, the Father's attack failing to make him retreat an inch.

The turbulent and vast power of the stars radiated from the body of the heavenly father, making his eyes glow, burning like flames, exuding a terrifying aura that only the leader of the gods has.

But Titus remained motionless, standing like a rock in the turbulent waves of divine power.

The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce.

It's like two gods are fighting.

The aftermath alone can destroy everything.

Titus blocked the Heavenly Father's scepter, turned around and pierced the opponent's chest with his sword again.

However, little effect was achieved.

The body of the Father is no longer physical.

Power swords can shatter targets at the subatomic level, but they cannot destroy energy that is no longer a substance.

The blow exposed Titus.

The Father seized his opportunity, pouring all his divine power into the scepter, and struck Titus' helm with one blow.

The hardness of Titus' helmet is beyond all the materials that can be created in the distant universe, but it is manufactured by imperial technicians sorting molecules one by one through accelerators.

It has a hardness comparable to that of a neutron star.

However, this blow of the Heavenly Father is enough to destroy the stars, and the power contained in it is extremely terrifying.

The hit helmet exploded directly.

Titus flew out, smashing several huge stone pillars nearby, leaving a huge pothole.

If he hadn't accepted the third stage of original cast strengthening, and was about to step into the fourth stage, I'm afraid that this blow would kill him on the spot.

The Heavenly Father exuded a terrible light, and stood beside the pit like a dwarf god, staring at Titus, who was still panting.

"Mortal, you possess infinite power, but you underestimate the gods."

"The strength is really great." Under the astonished gaze of the heavenly father, Titus got up again, "Now it's my turn."

[Successfully analyzed the power of the stars, building a confrontation model]

[Activating the forbidden magic force field, activating the suppression biological force field, is cutting off the connection between the target and the subspace. 】

[Building a maze of thinking logic is suppressing the target's thinking ability and suppressing the target's soul power. 】

A series of reminders sounded in Titus' mind, letting him know that it was time for him to fight back.

The Heavenly Father, who wanted to continue to shoot, felt weak for a while and couldn't continue.

It is becoming more and more difficult to drive with the power of the stars, as if in a quagmire, it is difficult to move an inch.

The terrifying wave of divine power disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Xeon God, who was still shining just now, turned into an old man panting heavily.

The divine power disappeared without a trace on his body.

It made him seem to have aged a lot at once.

Just waving that heavy scepter had already cost him half his life.

"What's going on? My strength?" Heavenly Father looked at his wrinkled hands, with confusion and confusion in his eyes.

how so! !

Endless confusion arose in the heart of Heavenly Father.

He didn't understand how this could be! !

What about the vast and infinite power of the stars, which is enough to shatter everything? ?

"This is the fate of resisting the Holy Emperor." Titus jumped up from the pit, and hit the Father's shoulder with an elbow.

There was a cracking bone cracking sound, which made people feel scalp numb.

Half a shoulder was shattered by Titus' blow.

Bone and flesh mixed with everything, blurred.

The leader of the gods uttered a scream of pain, staggered back, and then fell to his knees.

Bright red blood flowed from the broken body.

The immortal body was shattered.

A little bit of divine brilliance flows out of the blood, which is as crystal clear as a blood-colored top-grade gem, and contains an extremely terrifying aura. It can create several powerful superheroes and allow them to obtain extraordinary divine power.

Now it's dripping on the floor as if you don't want money.

Heavenly Father looked desperately at Titus who was walking towards him, opened his mouth to say something, but was choked by blood foam, and could only utter indistinct syllables.

Titus removed his shattered helm.

Heavenly Father's star-exploding blow just now shattered his helmet and half his face.

Metal fragments mixed with flesh and blood, and were torn off with his movements, revealing the bloody face.

Heavenly Father looked into those eyes, there was no pain, no joy of victory in war, only indifference and peace.

The opponent's face recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Granules squirm over the wound like maggots.

It is hard to imagine what kind of creatures can cast these demon gods that exist for killing.

"Do you have any last words?" Titus walked up to the kneeling Father and asked.

cough! cough! cough!

Heavenly Father wanted to laugh, but coughed, and blood sprayed from his mouth.

A sad smile appeared on his face.

He peered through the shattered portal.

Tiancheng was dilapidated, and those exquisite and magnificent buildings had been turned into ruins, billowing black smoke rising, covering the sky.

Countless protoss corpses were bleeding, lying there with despair and unwillingness before death.

It all came about because he was trying to stand up to the Empire.

"I curse you," said the Father. "One day the pain you have inflicted on this world will fall upon you."

Titus cut off the head of the Father with a single blow.

The other party's curse before death made him feel a little ridiculous.

"When did our suffering ever end?"

Titus turned and walked out of the once magnificent temple that was ruined by the battle between the two of them.

The fighting has not stopped.

Genesis Star is just one of the goals.

There are still some rebels who need to be removed.

gotham city.

Huge projections suspended all over the city are broadcasting the news of the Empire.

"Holy light, the omniscient and omnipotent Emperor of the Empire, His eternal radiance shines on our way forward, here is the Imperial Daily, bringing you today's latest news."

"Frontline reporters have sent back today's news. Since the victory in the Prometheus galaxy, the terrorist forces who tried to destabilize the empire have been severely attacked by the empire. The imperial army upholds the principle of eliminating all evil and defending the achievements of the civilization that the people of the empire have worked so hard to build The concept of military strikes against the creation star forces participating in the Prometheus galaxy has achieved excellent results, effectively defending the dignity of the empire, and deterring those enemies who tried to destroy the achievements of the empire's construction."

"Now, let's connect with the frontline reporter - McCann, and let's find out the latest situation on the frontline."

"Hello, McCann."

"Hello, host."

"How is the situation on the frontline now? The audience in front of the screen is looking forward to you bringing them the latest news."

"Hi everyone, I'm McCann, a front-line reporter. I'm standing right now on the battleship Glory of the Imperial Expeditionary Force. Behind me is the hostile force that participated in Prometheus, the Genesis Star where the New God Clan is located. Now it can be seen that the war is over, only some final battlefield cleaning is still going on, and the main force of the Imperial Expeditionary Force has left and rushed to the next battlefield."

"From the looks of it, it was another great victory. The expeditionary force launched an attack on the Genesis Star with a thunderous offensive, successfully wiped out the terrorist forces headed by the Heavenly Father, effectively defended the interests of the empire, and protected the human race in the universe. Survival. McCann, do you have any other news for the audience?"

"We were fortunate to be able to interview an imperial military personnel, and he was Colonel Maolong who was in charge of the ground campaign. Now, let's switch to Colonel Maolong."

"Hello, Colonel Maolong."

"Hello, host."

"Can you please express your thoughts on this battle? Colonel Mao Long."


"Let's introduce this battle in detail for the audience, Colonel Mao Long."

"After the battle of Prometheus defeated a group of rebels who tried to subvert the empire, we became aware that other forces were secretly supporting the movement to subvert the empire. After detailed investigation and evidence collection, we finally determined that the Genesis Star was involved in the subversion of the empire. In the process of action, we decided to take military action against it. In order to uphold humanitarianism, we issued a notice to the Genesis Star in accordance with the standard procedures of the empire, asking them to surrender unconditionally within a limited time."

"It seems that they did not choose the surrender of the empire. What a pity, they would have had the opportunity to bask in the glory of the Holy Emperor."

"Indeed, they are stubborn and don't cherish the opportunity at all. They refused to accept our surrender conditions and tried to resist to the end, eventually forcing the empire to take coercive military measures. The fierce battle caused us a lot of casualties. According to post-war statistics, Seven Astartes soldiers who were the vanguard were killed in battle, seventeen were injured, and even the commander was seriously injured, and he is still receiving treatment, but they all sacrificed for the great cause of the emperor. glory above."

"What about enemy casualties?"

"To be wiped out by our side."

"Very well, thank you Colonel Mao Long for accepting our interview. This connection ends here."

"The Battle of the Genesis Star fully demonstrated the determination of the Imperial Expeditionary Force to resolutely defend human civilization, dealt a severe blow to the hostile elements, and truly fulfilled the old saying that those who violate the empire will be punished even if they are far away. The expeditionary force will still fight bravely and wipe out all the forces involved in subverting the empire."

"This special military operation against the Genesis Star also made us fully realize the invincible heroic posture of the Empire. Presumably, in the near future, human beings will be able to safely travel between the stars under the protection of the Holy Emperor. Don't worry. Any danger. The glory of mankind shall live forever, and the glory of the Holy Emperor shall live forever."

"Now, let's turn our attention back to the field of people's livelihood. Recently, some people have reported that the severely cracked down on individual heroism has once again shown signs of sprouting. The imperial law enforcement agency stated that individual heroism should not be tolerated. It must be integrated into the collective, and all issues should be resolved through legal channels." .”

"Relevant experts also expressed their views on this. In this era, everyone is equal, and the social division of labor is becoming more and more refined and complicated. Due to personal limitations, individual heroism cannot solve the increasingly complex era. problems, and to a certain extent cause harm.”

"This society must be able to deal with crises, instead of always relying on some heroes to solve them. It must improve the social system and effectively solve the needs of every group."

"It seems that your era is over." Constantine, who was sitting at the long table in the bar, watched the news and said in a mocking tone, "God is dead, and everyone is dead in this era."

"The drink costs a total of 135 imperial credits. Are you paying now?" the bar owner said.

"Please, you are the Lord of Hell anyway, don't be so stingy, just treat me as an invitation, okay?" Constantine said.

"Giving money for drinking is justified."

The bar owner raised his head, his yellow-brown erect pupils revealed his extraordinary identity.

It was the former Lord of Hell, Lucifer.

The empire's crusade against the fourth dimension is becoming more and more terrifying.

Many ancient domains of the gods have been shattered.

So is hell.

The gods who dared to resist to the end died.

Only those who surrendered to the emperor and left their mark can survive.

These are the saddest times, gods and demons enslaved by a mortal emperor they have never met.

The empire sent a group of demons into this world, replacing Lucifer and others.

Simply put, they are unemployed.

Lucifer can only manage the bar he opened in the world to earn money to support his life.

The empire has strict extraordinary management regulations.

Non-official psykers of the empire are not allowed to use any form of supernatural power in the city, otherwise they will be sentenced, arrested and imprisoned, and used as hard labor.

"Haha, alright, alright. It's as if a big shot like me would owe you money for the drinks." Constantine shrugged helplessly and swiped the credit.

"Let a bastard like you get shit luck." Lucifer lowered his head and continued to wipe the wine glasses.

Before the empire came, Constantine was a thief and a liar in his eyes.

After the empire came, he transformed himself into an adviser to the empire, and led the empire into the fourth dimension like a dog leg.

Let the gods who used to collect debts from him be scared out of their wits.

Now it is even more prosperous. It is said that there are several opportunities to study in the mainland of the empire, and this guy got one.

After returning from school, the future is limitless.

ps: Considering the issue of review, in order to avoid my news article involving other articles, it will be shorter, and I will post a long chapter with 4,000 characters in the evening

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