Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 344 Sanguinius Goes to Death (Subscribe)

"Buy some steam machinery and equipment, and sell them elsewhere, and you will definitely make a lot of money. The only fly in the ointment is that those people only accept coal, minerals and other things for trading, and do not accept the currency of the empire. If you want to buy theirs Mechanical equipment is quite troublesome."

"It's good if you can make money. If it's troublesome, there will be fewer people doing it, and you can make a lot of money. If it's easy, there will be more people following the trend, so you won't make much money. It's still easy to get some coal and iron ore. It’s just that the transportation is a bit troublesome. I know there is a road, along the way, we can buy coal and iron ore, and there are also big customers who can eat the steam machinery and equipment we bought. The problem is that the road is a bit risky, and there are often robbers and beastmen Haunted. If you have the guts, we can cooperate and earn 50% of the income. I can guarantee that I will definitely make a lot of money. I have no other advantages as a person. The only advantage is that I insist on the idea that everyone who has money can make money together."

"Of course we have to cooperate and rely on friends when we go out."

"At that time, if we can think of a way to sell these mechanical equipment to Rick, we will earn more."

"Why do you say that!!"

"Didn't you get the news?"

"What news?"

Fisher focused and pricked up his ears.

"Rickland has gathered a lot of nobles, and they all led troops there, planning to attack Middenheim!! They must be short of armaments, and this is an opportunity to make a lot of money."

A businessman said mysteriously.

"Ah!" Another businessman exclaimed, looked around nervously, saw that no one was looking at them, and then asked in a low voice: "The crusade against Middenheim? Why did those nobles do that? "

"Do you still have to ask? Those mysterious people in Middenheim are too much. They want to take away the fields and properties of the nobles and distribute them to those mud legs. How can those nobles accept it?"

"Oh, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, how can such a thing be done!! In this case, the empire will be ruined!! Without nobles, who will expel the beastmen? Who will expel those monsters? Relying on those will only cause nothing Do you understand the farmer??"

"Who says it's not!! The people in Middenheim are good at everything, it's just that they don't think about it well, and it will probably be turbulent for a long time in the future."

"How could they do such a thing!! Those vampires have just been beaten away, and they have had a hard time living in peace, and now they are going to mess up again."

"I can't help it. He is very ambitious, and people like us can only take one step at a time. While you can still make money now, hurry up and scrape a little more, and you won't know what the world is like in the future!!"

"Is there anything wrong with them giving the land to those farmers and cutting taxes so that those displaced people can live?"

Fisher, who had his back to the two businessmen, didn't want to speak at first, but he felt something was wrong when he heard it.

Those people drove away the vampires and undead, and distributed the fields to the poor.

What they did was obviously a good thing, but they were slandered by these guys like this.

Two businessmen heard voices of questioning.

Turning his head to look over, he saw that it was a man in military uniform.

One of the businessmen didn't want to cause trouble, so he apologized and said with a smile: "We are talking too much, we are talking too much."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and took out a few imperial silver coins, intending to hand them to Fisher.

This set of movements is familiar, and it is obviously not the first time to do this.

Fisher is also familiar with this set.

But that was in the past.

At that time, everyone was doing that. If you didn't do that, people would think you were an outlier, a fool, and didn't take money if you had money.

Things are a little different now.

Those people are very strict with the military management.

Once it is revealed that he has accepted bribes, he may be directly dismissed from office and expelled from the army.

Several army non-commissioned officers have been raped.

He lost his job and was expelled from the army.

Those people don't care if there are non-commissioned officers serving them.

Whoever dares to trigger the regulations they set will let him go, and then choose one of those recruits to take over the position.

Fisher didn't want to be chased away.

He still has his ambitions unfulfilled.

"You guys have to make it clear, is there anything wrong with this?" Fisher said relentlessly, "Midenheim is getting better, don't you see that?"

The other companion of the businessman may be impatient, or he may have some background. He has no fear of soldiers like Fisher, so he said: "The nobles have the power of the territory and the responsibility to protect the territory. These are the long-standing traditions of the empire. , has been passed down for so many generations, is it really appropriate to say that it is abolished now? These are the wisdom left by the ancestors. If we discard these things, does it also mean that we have abandoned the glory of the ancestors. "

Fisher laughed angrily at what the other party said.

Such things can also become the wisdom of the ancestors! !

"That kind of tradition is backward and ignorant, and should have been abolished long ago." Fisher refuted the opponent with the words of those mysterious people, "Those in power should consider the interests of all people more than the so-called tradition. Those The so-called rules and customs are supposed to make people's lives better, and if it violates this, then it's time to abolish it."

"The traditions that have lasted for thousands of years are all backward and ignorant. Then you are saying that all of us, including our ancestors, are backward and ignorant. With all due respect, such words are really arrogant. Did you Are you not an imperial man? Why do you want to humiliate this ancient empire, all the people in this ancient empire and their ancestors. You must have been a soldier of Middenheim before, but now you are humiliating the empire like this. What a shame! A new master will forget the glory of the empire."

"Being the minion of those mysterious people, to resist the tradition of the empire, to trample on the dignity of the empire and the glory of your former compatriots, does it make you feel honored?? With all due respect, in the past, people like you should have been handed over to Law enforcement officer, I may also get fifty copper coins as a reward for exposing traitors to the Empire."

The businessman graciously picked up some small problem in Fisher's words and magnified them.

Fisher was blushing.

He obviously didn't mean that.

The other party insisted on giving him such a big hat.

"They established a whole new system, respecting civilians and slaves, allowing them to gain power and participate in the construction process. Everyone is happy and cheering for such a thing. Go and see those farmers and laborers. I never Haven't seen the smiles on their faces today, they are genuinely happy with their work because they know that everything they create belongs to them. You can say something like that!! Why would you represent What about everyone? Don’t you agree with those traditions that exploit others? Is it against the glory of the ancestors??”

The businessman retorted: "What you see is only the appearance, their disguise, their deceit. Those untouchables who don't know anything will only make mistakes, and their cunning and despicableness are beyond your imagination. They will sell to you." Your products are mixed with inferior products, and they will pretend to be honest and honest to deceive you. Their favorite thing is to secretly play tricks and screw up your business. If they don’t get any benefits, they won’t let you get them. , they're rotten, oozing bad."

"Those who recovered Middenheim and expelled vampires and undead are doing wrong now. If they achieve meritorious deeds, they will become the emperor of the empire, beat those bad nobles with whips, and protect good people like us. I might call them heroes and great men. They defend those pariahs, which only makes me think they are unreasonable. Don't you, sir, don't mine gold mines, but go to the garbage heap, Going to the toilet to find gold??"

If Fisher is allowed to fight the Beastmen with a weapon, he will definitely perform very well.

He is obviously not good at talking about things.

In a few words, the other party has nothing to say.

The other party's point of view is simply ridiculous, but he can't find a way to refute the other party.

Aristocrats are born noble, this cognition has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and there is no problem in comparing it to a gold mine.

Fisher's face was flushed, and he raised his voice: "Then why did you come here? You look down on this place, why do you still come here!! This is the paradise of the untouchables in your words, and it is the home they built. You scorn it They are delusional about earning money from them. If you want to earn their money, then you should respect them."

"Contempt is my attitude, and making money is my duty." The businessman said: "Even if I insult those people in front of them as fools and pariahs and slap them in the face, they may hate me at first." , and even wanted to kill me. But as long as I take it out, they will beg me to give them a chance to work. As long as I give them a little discount and discount on the goods, they will fly up like flies. By that time , They even justified me for insulting them. This is the nature of those untouchables, if you don’t believe it, you can release these words and see if it’s like that.”

Fisher blushed and shouted angrily: "Get out, get out from here. I will report to the higher authorities and expel you. If you look down on those people, you will never earn money from them." penny."

"Even if you drive me away, I'm telling the truth," the businessman said loudly. "The untouchables are the untouchables, and they'll never get on the wall."

"What you say is bullshit."

Another steady, suppressed anger sounded.

The people who were arguing looked at the past.

Another soldier in the uniform of a double-headed eagle, carrying a finely crafted musket, a musket, and a long sword, is wearing a cloak.

It looks no different from a knight.

"Am I not right?" The businessman asked back, "Sir, do you have any other ideas? Or do you want to be like that one, and want to use force to make me submit?"

"Those peasants are despicable and shameless. Who forced them? You forced them. You bullied them for being ignorant, exchanged the food they worked hard for a year with worthless and inferior goods, and took away their labor with complicated contracts. The result. They can only learn to be cunning, acquiescing that all your words are deceitful. The wives and children are hungry. I have also seen those unlucky people who have been cheated by you. Not only did they not get paid for a year of work, they even owed you money. If they can’t learn to be cunning and despicable, how can they survive? .You turn into wolves, but you don’t allow others to pick up sticks. How can this world be so reasonable??”

The soldier walked up to the merchant and grabbed the soft silk garment.

"How did such exquisite clothes come about? Isn't it just by fooling and deceiving the untouchables that you can make money!! Did you grow food? Did you grow mulberry? Or did you weave the clothes yourself? I'm afraid that even the principal of your business is cheated from the untouchables you say. Isn't it that you can make money by relying on the connections of the nobles!! Strip your original identity, people like you are afraid You can’t even live. What qualifications do you have to talk here.”

"You!" The exasperated target was replaced by a businessman.

"Get out, don't let me catch you talking like this again, or I'll break your legs, pull out your tongue, and hang you on the city wall. Your tricks work elsewhere, not here Make. You can try if I dare to do that!!"

The soldier stroked his sword hilt, showing a sinister smile.

The businessman turned pale with fright, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

The companion next to him hurriedly pulled him to prevent him from really angering the other party and being hanged on the city wall.

The two hurriedly gave the money for the drink, and then ran out in embarrassment.

I was afraid that if I ran a little slower, I would be hanged by the other party.

Fisher had a good opinion of the soldier and offered to order a glass of ale for him.

"I'm from the Middenheim City Defense Force, Fisher, who are you?"

"You can call me Udi, I belong to the auxiliary army of the Expeditionary Army, and I just joined the army recently." Udi said: "Nice to meet you."

"Me too," Fisher said.

In the palace of Middenheim.

Valyrian and several mechanical sages are chatting about the construction of outposts in this world.

They encountered problems that other expeditions did not.

That is the world without oil.

Using probes, they have scanned the entire planet.

The huge planet doesn't even have oil deposits.

Instead, a lot of ore veins were found in a mess.

Many veins contain the power of the Warp.

As long as it is opened, it will become the mithril, mithril, psionic plastic material and so on sought after by mages.

This means that they cannot extract the various chemical materials they need from oil, and the energy must also pass directly from the age of coal to the age of the oil industry and enter the age of nuclear fusion.

That's why they will choose to sell steam equipment.

You have to get enough minerals to proceed with the next step.

The popular steam machinery powered by firewood and coal in this world is like a toy to the exploration team.

Valyrian had to admire the brains of those people in this world.

Firewood is used to boil the water and the pressure of the boiler is used to drive the gears.

They made steam tanks, steam land ships and other equipment.

Of course, the steam mechanical equipment in this world is completely unreasonable from a purely physical point of view.

The problem is that the close integration of this world and subspace allows it to ignore the laws of physics to a certain extent, as long as it is not distorted too exaggeratedly, it can be used normally.

It is a bit similar to the various black technologies of the superheroes in the 02 universe, or the WAAAGH force field of the green-skinned orcs.

The existence of subspace makes many unimaginable fantasies come true.

There is no need to question this.

"If you sell steam machines, it is very likely that the aristocrats who are trying to crusade against us will become stronger. Is there really no problem in that?" the noble scholar asked from the side.

Out of enthusiasm for knowledge, aristocratic scholars naturally abandoned their position as an aristocratic class, and thought about issues from the perspective of a group of foreigners who tried to deprive the aristocrats of their hereditary status.

"Don't worry about this. Those mechanical equipment are just improvements to the existing steam equipment, not a subversion. Compared with the great empire, they are nothing worth mentioning." Dax, who had been traveling all the time, also came back.

After discovering the dimensional stone vein in that remote village, he has been guarding there, repelling several waves of ratmen's attacks in succession.

For this reason, Dax has a few more records to brag about.

He fought thirty Ratmen assassins from the Eshin clan alone, cut off all their heads, and hung them on a shelf.

Single-handedly, one person hacked through five underground fortresses and six strongholds of the Ratman, and the rat troll was chopped down like wild cauliflower in his hands.

Chop all the way with a machete, raise the knife and fall with the hand, raise the knife and fall with the hand, and your eyes will not dry up after a day of chopping.

These achievements made Dax proud.

For some reason, Dax only likes to show off his achievements as a rat-chopper, but has little interest in other monsters.

He didn't even bother to record the trolls and beastmen.

After killing, he simply forgot about it.

On the contrary, he killed a few ratmen, but he remembered them clearly.

If Valyrian hadn't called him back, I'm afraid he would still be immersed in it, unable to extricate himself.

The exploration team has also carried out research on the Dimension Stone, planning to follow the practice of the elves to manufacture energy stones and use them as energy reserves.

Naturally, a large number of dimension stones are needed for research, and at the same time, they are used as psionic materials.

Warpstones are very dangerous for human mages.

The chaotic energy contained in it can easily distort their minds and souls, causing them to fall into a dark abyss where they cannot extricate themselves, and eventually they are dominated by the power of chaos and become containers for the lifeless.

As far as the empire is concerned, the problem is not very big.

The empire has established a complete theoretical system of subspace, and has a set of mature and efficient theories to analyze chaotic energy and transform it into harmless spiritual energy that humans can use.

If a psychic energy system can be established using the Dimensional Stone, the speed of development will be greatly improved.

Some materials that cannot be obtained through physical technology can be replaced by spiritual materials.

It is also of great help for the exploration team to enter the era of fusion energy.

Among the many exploration teams, Valyrian's team can be said to be one of the most harsh conditions.

Not to mention getting help from the native world, not even oil.

They not only need to systematically train a group of workers who can be used, but also find ways to bypass the era of the oil industry.

As for the equipment for transmitting the construction base from the mainland of the empire! !

This is a bit outweighed.

Many more expeditions set off.

Sending supplies across the universe is also a huge burden for the empire.

For this reason, the exploration team is generally required to establish an outpost first, and use the old roads and trails of different universes to travel through the universe.

Waiting for the tunnel to be repaired by the Different Universe Project will establish stable communication and even be included in the political map.

The Valyrian squad's contact with the Empire was limited to the exchange of information.

It is not a simple matter to use the roads left by those ancient races to cross the universe. Casualties are easy to occur, and it is not surprising that they are completely wiped out.

If the exploration team does not have a firm foothold in the local area and has enough manpower, it will generally not attempt to return.

Valyrian and others didn't even build a base.

Don't say go back.

Even the communication consumes the energy they originally carried.

This is a huge expense.

Now many airships and heavy vehicles have chosen to stop to avoid too much loss.

The noble scholar smiled, "Actually, you are also quite strange. You clearly have an emperor, but there are no nobles. On the contrary, you still hate the existence of nobles."

"Nobles will hinder the development of the empire, and individual interests must never override collective interests, unless he is willing to give up all the conveniences brought by human society and become the enemy of human society." Valyrian rarely explained to noble scholars for a moment.

"Now, our most important goal is to figure out how to establish an outpost." Valyrian said: "Perhaps, a group of qualified brainless machine slaves can greatly speed up our speed."

"Manufacturing machine slaves requires neural equipment and prosthetic parts. Now we don't have many materials on hand. Is it a bit too extravagant to use them to make machine slaves?" A mechanical priest used the thinking module built into his skull to carry out According to the analysis, it is a very loss-making thing to use precious imperial parts to manufacture machine slaves.

Valyrian smiled.

"Why do we use the mechanical parts of the empire to make machine slaves? This world is so closely integrated with the subspace. We can use some localized methods to make machine slaves, such as connecting those guys to steam equipment, and then cooperating with energy Stone keeps them working day and night, speeding up construction."

"For this, it is feasible to a certain extent, but we still need to study some local materials to manufacture qualified products." The mechanical priest said.

"Didn't we capture a batch of vampires?" Valyrian said with a smile: "Many vampires are transformed by humans, and their physiological structure has certain similarities with humans. We can use them as test subjects. Those criminals can also be transformed into machine slaves, and let those criminals work hard for the empire."

"There are also those nobles who want to attack Middenheim. They need to know the price of fighting the empire." The noble scholar also made a suggestion.

He was quite excited.

He completely forgot that he was a nobleman not long ago.

"It should be so." Valyrian agreed: "Fighting against foreign enemies does nothing, and fighting for power is quite active. Such behavior is unforgivable. When they are assembled, I will go to Rickland in person and deal with them." posed problems."

"That couldn't be better." Dax laughed. "When your lord arrives in Altdorf, the faces of those nobles will be very exciting. I even want to see the appearance of those winebags and rice bags who are scared into incontinence."

"The biggest threat in this world does not come from those ordinary people. We can't waste too much time. We must unify mankind as soon as possible." Valyrian said: "It is the best choice to use powerful force to violently crush them. Turning the rebellious nobles into machine slaves will definitely deter those who have evil intentions and try to defy us, and it can also further speed up the construction and strengthen the empire's control over the world."

The vast ocean of ether changes rapidly, and countless weird and fantastic scenes flash rapidly.

Just one glance can suck a person's soul into that terrifying abyss.

Countless lifeless people crouched in the ruins of the reflection of civilization, hiding on the weird and rugged cliffs, hungry.

Their roars mixed with the sound of subspace torrents turned into strange screams, which were blocked by Geller's force field.

A magnificent fleet sails in it.

The Invincible Truth is the flagship of this fleet.

It is very stable, and the storms of the warp cannot shake it a bit.

The only consequence of the Inanimate's attack was a few whispers of impacted data from the machine slave.

In the Primarch's study room, Kakar buried himself in the records of history that would shock countless people of the empire.

That sad history was told by a Primarch himself.

The scars of that era were exposed.

Let people realize that even if it is a Primarch, there are moments when it is beyond its power, and there are also mistakes that regret it.

"I have received many requests from Luthor, Zahariel and others. They humbly begged me to let them return to the Great Crusade. But at that time, I ignored those messages again and again. If I didn't pay so much attention to my That poor dignity and the face between brothers, maybe everything will be very different."

"Luthor and the Dark Angel warriors I banished back were eager to prove themselves every moment. My neglect left them in deep despair, without a ray of light. Until a The rebellion in the foundry world gave Luthor hope, and more importantly, Horus, who had not yet rebelled at the time, also planned to personally go to suppress the local rebellion."

"After Luthor got the news from Horus, he decided to bring a large army to support and win glory and dignity. The counter-rebellion on that planet gathered Horus' Shadow Moon Wolf and Typhus' Death Guard."

Hearing this, Kakar couldn't help interrupting Ryan's memory.

"According to historical records, the Death Guard seems to be the subordinates of the rebellious Mortarion."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kakar felt a little regretful.

With the original body's extraordinary memory and thinking ability, there is absolutely no possibility of being wrong.

It's just that the Legion of the Death Guard does belong to Mortarion.

Is there any other reason he doesn't know?

Lai didn't care about Kakar's faux pas, but said in a contemptuous tone: "If you had experienced the Great Crusade, you would know who the Death Guard Legion really belonged to. If it wasn't for Mortarion's Primarch name, I’m afraid they will become a fringe figure of the Death Guard. Let’s record it truthfully, such traitors don’t need to leave them any dignity.”

Kakar nodded and added a note to the side.

{Mortarion's control over the Death Guard is far inferior to that of his subordinate Typhus, and certain revisions to the historical data are required. }

"The counter-rebellion went very smoothly. Luther and them successfully quelled the rebellion. Horus held a celebration banquet to reward the fighters of the three legions who fought bloody battles. I was furious when I got the news. What Luther did made me feel Feeling shame. How naive I was at that time, thinking that no matter how humiliating those Luther and others, they must remain absolutely loyal to me and not allow any of my orders to be violated."

"They led troops to the rebellious forge world, and I felt my majesty was once again challenged. When they were holding a celebration banquet, I broke into the banquet. The soldiers of the three legions were frightened by my anger , Except for Horus, they all knelt down. I questioned Luther in public why he disobeyed my order. Luther admitted his mistake to me and hoped that I could forgive him and let him join the Great Crusade again, earning An honor. At that time, without listening to any explanation from him, I threw him back into Caliban again, and took Caliban's fleet away so that they could never leave Caliban again."

There was a hint of self-mockery on Ryan's face.

"At that time, I was like a poor angry child. They were loyal to me, fought for me with their lives, and dedicated their years to me, but I was so shameless that I took their efforts for granted."

"People always think that the Primarch is perfect and rational. This idea is extremely absurd. Not only will we make mistakes and quarrel like ordinary people, but we will also compare and mock each other. As long as there are mistakes made by mortals, we will almost all make them. It's even more serious, which is ironic."

"The emperor endowed us with extraordinary bodies and incomparable wisdom, and also made the mistakes we made more severe than ordinary people. Narrator." Ryan stared at Kakar and issued a warning: "Never be superstitious Individuals with great power, whether they claim to be gods or something else, are the same, nothing is perfect, they all make mistakes, make mistakes like mortals. My brother has always been reluctant to admit that he is a god, just For this reason, when he stands in that position, he will know that the so-called gods are not special or great, and calling themselves gods will only breed arrogance."

"The Horus rebellion, the entire subspace was surrounded by a storm of destruction, starship ships could not move an inch, and could not receive any news from the star field. At that time, I could not find Terra, and there was no news of Terra, even in the subspace There was no way out of it, and it wasn't until Guilliman built a beacon using xenomorph technology that we were able to leave the Warp and come to Macragge."

"In Macragge, I made another mistake, also because of my pride, my arrogance. At that time, the Night Ghost - the Primarch of the Night Lords Legion was wandering in his ship, and I captured him for a long time. , failed to catch him. Out of consideration for my face, I chose to hide this matter from Guilliman until I caught Midnight Ghost, and then said this matter. That time, I almost died for my dignity. I killed my own brother, and almost severed the brotherhood between us."

"What happened?" Kakar asked.

"Midnight Ghost escaped and fled into Macragge. In the city, he was like a duck to water, wreaked havoc, and assassinated me and Guilliman. We were killed by the bomb he set Yes. At the back, in order to catch him, I did not hesitate to carry out an extermination strike on the place where he was hiding, and then caught that damned bastard. However, Guilliman and Sanguinius did not agree with my approach. The three of us It was a stalemate. I thought about returning to Caliban and uniting the broken Dark Angels again. Just when I was about to return, I accidentally got the news that the Emperor was not dead, and Terra was still holding on. I I had to shelve the idea of ​​returning to Caliban, so I could find a way to cross the storm of destruction and go to Terra for support."

"We spent a lot of time breaking through the destruction storm. It was a terrible disaster. It was a crazy move by the gods to try to destroy mankind. We broke through barriers and finally reached the source of the storm."

"The source of the storm of destruction? Where is it?" Kakar asked.

"Planet Devon, the place where Warmaster Horus fell, the starting point for the gods to destroy the great cause of the emperor, and it is also an opportunity for us to turn defeat into victory. There, Sanguinius made his choice to save the fragmented The Empire. His selflessness gave us a chance at victory, allowing the Emperor to save humanity from the gods and the Empire from destruction."

"What kind of choice?"

"He chose to die."

To those warriors who follow, Guilliman is sacred.

For those saved, Guilliman was great.

For Selego, who has experienced the Battle of Heaven and the Great Fall, Guilliman is crazy.

Even facing the bloody God of War-Kane, Selego has never felt that kind of madness.

This madness is pure and extreme.

Everyone who saw and felt was terrified.

Terrified that the madness will consume you.

Guilliman controls the power of the entire empire.

Countless Imperial technicians and mechanical priests serve him.

With a single sentence, he can mobilize the resources of millions of planets to realize his plan.

He has terrible mobility.

For the well-established goals, he will quickly put them into action.

For example, changing a warlord for an orc.

He is pushing forward in an orderly manner, so far, everything seems to be going very smoothly.

Dawn has sent back news, contacting the chosen orc warlord.

The other party declared his loyalty to the empire "quickly".

Guilliman didn't fall behind either.

Guilliman has mastered all the knowledge about the Old Sage's production of biological weapons stored in the Black Library.

With the help of a group of villains in white robes, they gathered various resources and knowledge, built a bunch of mechanical equipment with a strong Martian style, and prepared to complete the biological weapon plan that the ancient saints failed to complete in the past.

Located on the surface of the celestial-class warship of the Emperor Supreme, the mechanical throne like a majestic mountain is only the terminal of a huge system.

To some extent, the entire Emperor Supreme celestial-class battleship is part of the Mechanical Throne.

Guilliman was able to build and control the Warp Firewall through complex mechanical devices.

In the era when human spirits are interconnected and the imperial system has begun to be promoted, the Emperor Supreme also serves as the central system and central database.

Now this huge celestial-class battleship ushered in another important mission.

That's mastering the WAAAAAAAGH.

WAAAGH is a mental ability unique to green-skinned orcs.

The Old Sage established a secondary network independent of the subspace through unknown means to avoid the dangers brought by the subspace, trying to use it as a trump card to reverse the battle of heaven.

It's a pity that they self-destructed before they succeeded, and the rest escaped to nowhere.

What Guilliman has to do now is to complete this vision of the Old Ones,

Under the Mechanical Throne, countless mechanical devices have been assembled together.

Selego stood behind Guilliman, horrified by the scale of the machines.

As huge as a mountain range, the countless panels on the continuous giant equipment dance with binary codes, and the pointer of the gauge swings back and forth.

The huge reaction column crackled, and the energy matrix released brilliance.

The curly and entangled materialized electric charge light ball was sent into those flasks after being filtered by the activated sawtooth, dancing and jumping in it.

Flickering electric sparks bounced between the giant machines that maintained the flow of energy.

The huge equipment inlaid with silver rune circuits hummed, and the never-ending pistons were reciprocating back and forth, pushing those mysterious and special liquids into the designated pipes.

In the center of these devices is a huge energy pool emitting green light.

Very faint, but very pure.

Tens of thousands of orcs are imprisoned in cages, and their bodies are connected by countless devices.

They revel in the illusion created by the tech-priests, unleashing the WAAAAGH.

In addition to creating illusions for them, those devices also have a use to deprive them of their WAAAAAGH.

The indicator light of the brain array flickered.

Huge data streams poured into the huge divine brain, were analyzed, disassembled, reassembled and output again.

Input the obtained results into the information window in front of Guilliman.

"The analysis went very smoothly. If there are no accidents, the reverse analysis of WAAAAGH can be completed in a month. At that time, this equipment can be used to inject enough WAAAAGH into the orc warlord to make him eligible to seize the position of the orc emperor. "The mechanical sage at the side reported the results to Guilliman.

Guilliman remained silent, just staring at the jumping data in the information window.

After a while, he spoke.

"The wisdom of the ancient sages is really unimaginable. Through the principle of transforming emotions through the subspace, a secondary subspace is established outside the subspace. The idea and design are on top of my firewall plan. This may also be a good way to get rid of The method of the subspace."

ps: I have to go out, it may not be updated at night. I have to go out tomorrow, and tomorrow may be a little later.

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