Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 352 Qianshang Shiyin hacked and exploded Shura Hall (subscribe)

Drowsy, dark.

The whole world is shrouded in thick dark clouds.

It was so dark that it felt very depressing.

Even in the daytime, the world is still gray.

People who live here have forgotten how long they haven't seen the sun.

There are some young children who never see the sun even once they are born.

Ever since a force formed by S-level players appeared in their world.

Here is shrouded in darkness.

The darkness of the sky and the darkness of their hearts enveloped them together.

People can only live in cities built with reincarnation game technology, and their work focus has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

That is to serve the faction established by that S-level player.

Offer slaves, women, wine and food to that power.

No one dared to resist that terrible force.

Even if someone becomes a player, they dare not resist, but instead want to join in and become a master.

This organization is Shura Temple.

A terrorist organization that terrifies countless players, and they will tremble when they hear the name.

The headquarters of Shura Hall is built on the highest mountain in the world.

A magnificent palace like a mountain is located on the top of the mountain.

The palace is magnificent and magnificent, with unimaginable luxury.

In the central main hall of many halls, a young man wearing a white shirt and blue jeans with a handsome face like a monster is sitting in the main hall.

He couldn't see his true face clearly, and the terrible blood entangled him.

It's like a terrifying blood god coming out of a sea of ​​blood.

Only those eyes full of majesty and indifference can be seen.

This young man is the founder of Shura Temple.

A man called taboo by countless players, a man who makes players tremble and tremble.

When the children heard his name, they were too frightened to cry.

This young man is Shura.

No one knows his true origin.

All he knew was that he had only spent ten years, step by step from an unknown kid to a Shura who made countless players tremble.

Single-handedly formed the top force in the reincarnation game, Shura Temple.

There are five heavenly kings, nine war gods, and countless top players under his command.

Let countless forces and players tremble.

Many top players were silent, and they were too afraid to speak out casually because of Shura's terrifying aura of self-importance.

When Shura was angry, his corpse lay for thousands of miles, and the blood could stain the sky is the evaluation of Shura by many player forces.

At this time, a man ran in hastily.

As soon as he entered the gate, he vomited blood continuously.

Shura stared at the man who vomited blood, his gaze turned slightly cold.

A heavenly king walked to the man's side, and released a medical beam using props, which made the man breathe a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" asked the heavenly king.

"The dungeon controlled by our Asura Palace, the rule zoo has been invaded by the empire." The man said in horror: "The adult who is in charge of guarding the depths of the zoo was besieged by those people. escaped."

"We haven't troubled those intruders yet, but they came to the door first, and they didn't know what to do." Murderous aura emerged from Shura's words, and the murderous aura shot up from his body, as if it was real.

"My lord, what should we do?" One of the five heavenly kings, Mie Tian Wang, stood up and asked.

"What else can I do!! Whoever offends me will die." Shura said every word.

He stood up, murderous aura soared into the sky, and exploded, as if the sky was falling apart, and the dark clouds in the sky were dispersed.

"Call all the members of Shura Hall to support." Shura's pupils exuded endless killing intent.

No matter who dares to provoke Shura Palace, they will have to pay a terrible price that they cannot bear.

Even if it is the sky, he dares to point his sword at the sky.




Several Heavenly Kings and War Gods all stood up, and a terrifying aura erupted from their bodies.

Following Shura's order, all the members of the Shura Hall who were on vacation all over the world released their murderous intent and rushed to the main hall one after another.

In the bustling city full of traffic and feasting, an imposing figure rushed out of a hotel, his aura unreservedly fully displayed.

Shura issued an order, this is to start a big war.

Even a king-level figure would not dare to delay.

He didn't even have time to put on his clothes, and rushed out with only a bathrobe on.

Along the way, the heavenly king was very irritable.

Anyone who dares to stand in his way cannot bear the blow of his wrath.

Like a wild bull, he rushed out of the way abruptly.

Players and people along the way watched the king rush all the way to the airport, and then took a plane from the airport to the headquarters.

Everyone was shocked.

What kind of thing makes a king-level figure act like this.

Regardless of the image, he ran wildly in a bathrobe.

"Asura Palace is about to attack, I don't know which force will suffer again."

"There are so many Asuras out there, I'm afraid the sky will collapse."

"It's over, these guys don't know how many more killings they will make."

Several old players sighed in a low voice.

The terrifying prestige of the Asura Hall was earned all the way! Fight all the way out!

Even the player forces in other worlds know that they can't provoke Shura Palace at will, for fear of attracting crazy revenge from Shura Palace.

As soon as Shura came out, the corpse would lie for thousands of miles, and the saying that blood can stain the sky is not only spread in this world.

But it is mentioned in many forces.

The gathering of so many Shura Hall members will surely be a shocking battle.

Under the mobilization of the Shura Order, tens of thousands of top players wearing the unique badges of the Shura Palace rushed from all directions to the headquarters of the Shura Palace in the shortest possible time.

Everyone looked solemn and dignified, exuding an astonishing murderous aura.

According to Shura's order, they will also turn into beasts, bringing fear and death to the enemy.

Nothing can stop their steps.

Anyone who violates Shura Palace will die.

there is no doubt about it

Wait until your subordinates are assembled.

Only then did Shura come out from the main hall.

The moment he stepped out of the palace gate.

All the members of Shura Hall knelt down, shouting Shura's name.

"Anyone who offends my Asura Hall will die. Come out." Asura's voice was low.

He just wanted to order an expedition to wipe out those damned imperial invaders.

Let them know that the Shura Palace cannot be offended.

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a crisp and sweet laughter.

The laughter was full of frenzy and madness.

"You are so good, you are all gathered together."

A girl in a black complicated gothic dress floated above the headquarters of Shura Palace.

Her appearance was extremely handsome, and her pitch-black pupils added a touch of bewitching beauty.

The two bare white feet just stepped on the air.

Holding a giant long-handled sickle several times larger than her delicate body.

It is the tone of shallow poetry.

The dungeon battle doesn't need her.

Those monsters that hold the original power of the universe can only be resisted by the original fighters and the elite troops of the empire.

The task of Asakami Shion is to prevent the minions of the reincarnation game from interfering with the main force of the empire.

"Who are you?" Shura's tone was so cold that the air was condensed with frost, and a murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"The dead don't need to know the name of the concubine. You monsters who have been completely distorted by the game of reincarnation have been declared by the empire to be irredeemable. In the name of the great people who are loyal to the concubine, the concubine will give you purification."

"Arrogance." One of the five heavenly kings, King Slaughter, stood up and yelled angrily at the girl in the sky.

He made a move.

As the top player of Shura Palace, King Killer mastered all kinds of terrifying props.

Destroying the city with one blow is nothing to him.

All the power from King Slaughter exploded.

A terrifying force turned into a world-destroying dragon with monstrous force and blasted towards the girl standing in mid-air.

Qiangami Shiyin just raised the sickle in his hand and swung it violently, and the world-destroying dragon disintegrated in the air.

"You're done, it's my turn."

Qiangami Shiyin took a step forward, her figure dissipated in the air, and in the next second she appeared next to King Killer.

With a wave of the giant sickle in his hand.

One of the famous five heavenly kings was chopped into more than a dozen pieces.

Bright red blood gushed out and splashed on the floor.

"In the name of my lord, purify." Asakami Shion said to herself in a gentle and sickly voice.

Asakami Shion is already an S-level player, but her strength not only comes from the level and props of the reincarnation game, but also has the blessing of the empire.

Her combat power far exceeds that of S-rank players.

With the help of the shuttle function of the space dimension, she harvested the enemies like a god of death.

The members of the Hall of Shura, who were once high above and looked down on all living beings, ushered in a terrifying doomsday that has never been seen before.

Whenever that morbid laugh rings out, so will the giant scythe.

No matter what kind of props it was, it couldn't stop the terrible scythe, it was cut into two and exploded.

Every member of the Asura Hall was chopped into pieces, and their internal organs and intestines were spilled all over the floor. Blood mist was splashed into the air.

The surviving Shura Temple members wanted to escape.

Qianshang Shiyin was much faster than them, using the spatial dimension to block their way of escape.

Like a shepherd dog of the flock, as long as the flock wants to deviate, she will drive it away.

The bodies of those who tried to escape using flying props exploded in the air, bleeding out.

The chest was cut open, the abdomen was cut open, and the whole person bloomed and shattered like a flower.

"Feel the grace of my lord."

"Hey, the cut is not complete enough, I have to continue to work hard."

"One hook, one stroke, it becomes four petals."

"The intestines are so long, he screams really nicely."

Accompanied by morbid laughter and cute voices, those members of Shura Hall were slaughtered.

From start to finish, it lasted two or three minutes.

The members of the Asura Hall who were still murderous just now have turned into a pile of minced meat.

Intestines, brain flowers and liver intestines can be seen everywhere.

The five heavenly kings and the nine gods of war have all been cut into pieces. I'm afraid their mother won't be able to get the pieces together when they come.

Shion Asakami stood in the center of her masterpiece, raised her head and smiled sweetly at Shura.

That delicate face is so beautiful, like the perfect masterpiece of the Creator.

"It's your turn." Qianshang Shiyin said in a low voice: "Let this concubine think about it, what kind of method should be used to make you bloom more beautifully."

A trace of panic appeared on Shura's face.

The arrogance, arrogance and confidence that everything is under control just now have disappeared without a trace.

The terror and sickness of the opponent made him feel great pressure, and he no longer cared about maintaining his strong demeanor.

"Maybe we can sit down and talk." Shura said, "We are not necessarily enemies."

"It's really boring, why don't you resist to the end!! It can be a little fun that way." Qianshang Shiyin said with some disappointment: "I will give you a suggestion, anyway, you are dead anyway, why don't you be more stubborn, in that case, I It looks better when cut."

Shura stared at the beautiful girl, and then he made a move.

The speed reached the extreme, and the aura on his body also climbed to the extreme.

The terrifying blood radiates from his body, making him even more extraordinary.

The name of Shura can only be used by the top who climbed out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

Asakami Shion smiled, and rushed towards the other party with a sickle in hand.

That battle was earth-shattering, and even in the outer area of ​​Shura Hall, everyone could feel the terrifying fluctuation of power.

After the war subsided, a few brave guys secretly went to the headquarters of Shura Temple.

The former Shura Hall has been destroyed.

Only the pieces of wreckage and broken arms remained in the magnificent palace.

The peerless powerhouse*-Sura was chopped into hundreds of pieces, and his head was hung at the gate of the palace.

Upon hearing the news, all the players were dumbfounded.

When I saw the gathering of the Shura Hall just now, I felt that the sky was falling.

Now, the sky did not fall, but the members of Shura Hall were slaughtered.

The S-rank player was beheaded and placed at the gate of the palace.

Such a move is undoubtedly a warning.

While they were discussing, a group of officials who claimed to be the empire came to them in an aircraft.

All are asked to forget about other false gods and devote allegiance to the Holy Emperor of the Empire.

Many players are naturally reluctant to accept dominance.

They have extraordinary power and props, so why should they bow their knees to those officials.

Until Asakami Shion reappeared and chopped a troublemaker into pieces, deterring those pretentious and pretentious players.

The news of Shura Hall's destruction spread quickly.

If it was in the past, it would definitely cause a big sensation.

The complete annihilation of a force formed by an S-level player is definitely a major event that shakes the entire reincarnation game section.

Now it doesn't cause much trouble.

The empire has launched an all-out war on reincarnation games.

The destroyed player organization is not just Shura Hall.

Many established forces have also encountered their own difficulties.

Under the choice of being loyal or dying, many forces were forced to surrender to the empire.

These forces were all included in the intelligence team managed by Qiu Chen, who formed local legions to fight with the main force of the empire.

Asakami Shion, who performed outstandingly, was also nominated to be the head of the local army.

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