Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 355 Where Should We Go? (seeking subscription)

Lucius' tone was full of panic.

Such emotions have not appeared on his face for tens of thousands of years.

Even if he was killed and dismembered, Lucius was full of excitement.

Now, there was genuine fear on his face.

He couldn't feel the slightest joy from the other party.

Only endless grief.

Whether it is victory or injury, it is grief.

Like a man who has committed endless crimes and longs for redemption.

"It's time to settle everything, Lucius." The voice of the visitor was very low. Although the face was covered with scars, it was hard to hide the nobility in it.

His expression was full of pain, suffering for the blood flowing in the extraordinary body, and suffering for the boundless sins he had created for his body.

The one who came was a clone of Fulgrim.

Now he's given himself another name, Redeemer.

He will redeem the terrible crimes that the Phoenicians have committed.

Several Chaos warriors held up their weapons and guns, hesitating.

I don't know if I should make a move.

That face, exactly like their father's, and that same sense of oppression made him sway.

Even though they have joined the camp of the evil god of chaos, their loyalty to the original place of the gene is still engraved in their bones.

"Father." Lucius no longer had the usual madness, but said with pain on his face, "I beg you to stop."

The sight of a Fulgrim clone didn't change his mind.

He spoke in such a painful tone purely because he was nearly paralyzed by the Fulgrim clone and suffered severe pain all over his body.

The other party came over step by step.

Several Chaos Warriors retreated again and again, and retreated to the side of Lucius who fell to the ground.

"Istvan's blood debt must be paid after all. Do you still remember Tarvitz?" Fulgrim's clone walked into the light, and Lucius, who watched to the end, whispered: "My memory The images of Isstvan III keep appearing in the movie, that was the first betrayal of the Emperor, you killed tens of billions of lives, and the psychic screams caused even surpassed the Astronomical Torch dominated by the Emperor. "

Planet Isstvan III was Horus' first battle to purge the loyalists.

After receiving the blessings of the gods on Devon, Horus and the subspace creatures reached a cooperation agreement.

Horus is responsible for overthrowing the Emperor and becoming the new Lord of the Galaxy, with the power of the gods behind it.

This agreement is full of lies.

The gods said nothing about the consequences of Horus's power.

The arrogant Horus did not think about why the gods helped him.

He was frustrated by the Emperor's departure from the Great Crusade.

As soon as he became the Warmaster, he was restrained by the newly established Terra Council.

"I was born with extraordinary power, this great potential is imprinted in my body and mind, but I can get to where I am today, relying on more than that. I forged myself on the iron blanket of fighting and killing Formed, yet all that I have worked so hard to achieve over the past two centuries will be seized by inferiors, who have not shed their blood and sweat in the dark corners of the galaxy. What justice is there? The fruits of my conquest will be handed over Let the lowly take over. So what reward will I get when the war is over?"

Horus, who was severely wounded by his former subordinates, once said to his narrator.

The arrogance and rebellion in it are clearly revealed.

He was furious that the Emperor had left the Great Crusade, hid in the palace, and introduced the Council of Terra as an institution to replace the Council of War.

Arrogantly thinking that he is the most suitable successor to the Emperor.

How can those damned mortals take their own power! !

When he was sent to Dawen's temple, when he saw the so-called truth and the future, he betrayed the emperor without hesitation.

On Isstvan III, Horus, Angron, and Fulgrim, the four Primarchs joined forces to purge those loyalists from their respective Legions who were loyal to the Great Cause and to the Emperor.

Isstvan III was the beginning of the fading dream of the Great Crusade.

It was the beginning of the fratricide of the Legions Astartes.

The carnival of the gods also began at that moment.

The dream that the emperor created for mankind was also slowly shattered from that time until it was burned to ashes.

Tarvitz was the First Captain of the Emperor's Children Legion at the time.

He is one of those loyalists.

In the end, he died on the planet Istfan III.

In addition, there is the fearless veteran - Rylanor.

One of the Council of Four Kings, Loken, the commander of the Tenth Company.

And another member of the Council of Four Kings, the commander of the Second Company, Torgadun.

And more than one-third of the Astartes monks of the four legions.

Due to their loyalty to the Emperor, they were targeted for purges.

Lucius was originally listed as the target of the purge.

However, out of jealousy that Tarwiz was supported by the loyalists and his inner weakness of wanting to live, he chose to betray the loyalists who were hit by the virus bomb.

A group of loyalists who fought hard were slaughtered.

Relying on the betrayal of the planet Isstvan III, Lucius jumped to the top of the Emperor's Children.

And in the days that followed, he continued to use his own martial arts to murder loyalists.

And use various means to torture and humiliate those loyal who fall into his hands.

At that time, Lucius was very inflated, thinking that he was unparalleled in swordsmanship and was the number one person under the Primarch.

Until he met Sharokin of the Nineteenth Legion-Raven Guard.

Lucius was severely beaten by Sharokin, leaving symmetrical wounds on both sides of his face, and two hearts were pierced.

For some unknown reason, he was blessed by the gods.

Even if you die, you can come back to life.

For this reason Sha Luojin failed to kill him completely.

Just letting him lie down for a while, the corpse was resurrected again.

Lucius fought in many battles during the Horus Heresy.

He was active in even the greatest of Terra's wars, committing unimaginable crimes.

During the siege of Terra, he and many of the Emperor's Children tortured those civilians who did not have time to escape to the palace to accept the protection of the Emperor and his loyal Primarch.

They created a brutal feast of massacres and torture.

For example, tie heavy objects to the captive's legs and let him sit on sharpened stakes.

The heavy object will drag the living person down a little bit, and the spikes will pierce the opponent's body, crush those stomachs, and then pierce them out from the mouth and nose.

The most terrifying thing is that those people were still alive during the whole process.

They'll scream all day, making fun of the Emperor's Children.

In addition, they will also inject the target with potions that increase nerve sensitivity and peel the skin with extremely exquisite skills to ensure that the target can live long enough and the screams they make are harsh enough.

All the cruel skills that humans can think of and the cruel skills that humans can't imagine are brought into full play in their hands.

When the Battle of Terra was over, the soldiers who went to clean up fainted from terror at the sight of all the horrors the Emperor's Children had wrought.

Lucius is the leader of these brutal acts.

After the Horus Rebellion, Lucius did not restrain himself, but became more and more crazy.

Carnage and horrific art were created in different worlds one after another.

The number of people who died at his hands is inexhaustible.

Every city he visited was shrouded in endless terror.

Those blasphemous and horrible works made of flesh and blood can be seen everywhere.

Dead bodies and minced flesh filled the sewers of those cities.

Its pungent smell of blood and corpses enveloped the entire planet.

"Those things are in the past, father." Lucius yelled, "You can't punish me for those crimes, you can't do that."

"We all have to atone for our past crimes." Fulgrim's clone looked at Lucius and said every word.

The eyes of flesh and blood and the eyes of mechatronics stared at the Immortal at the same time.

While meeting Guilliman, he attempted suicide and lost an eye.

That's why Guilliman gave him a chance.

If he can clean up the traitors who are still wandering outside, then his clone has a slight chance of being redeemed.

It is undoubtedly unfair to attribute the fault of the main body to the replica.

However, this was the best ending for him.

Whoever inherits Fulgrim's memory will be pained by the terrible crimes committed.

Fulgrim's crimes are unforgivable.

Those innocents who died tragically at the hands of the Emperor's Children suffered unimaginable torture, and it is difficult for human language to describe the slightest bit of it.

Fear and despair appeared on Lucius' face.

If there is a mirror, then he must feel very familiar.

This expression often appeared in front of his abusive opponent in the past.

boom! boom!

The sound of explosive bombs sounded.

The Chaos Warriors could no longer bear the oppression of the clones.

They screamed in terror and pulled the triggers of their bolters.

At this moment, several Emperor's Children bearing the emblem of the God of Chaos rushed out from the corridors on both sides.

They shot at the clone desperately, trying to save Lucius.

Fulgrim's clone pulled up.

He has the same power as the main body.

Every move has a transcendent might.

No one can compete with him.

A Chaos Warrior was knocked into the air, smashing into the ship's hull, leaving it twisted and dented.

He fought with impeccable perfection.

The dozen or so Chaos Warriors were surrounded and slaughtered by him alone.

Spin, jump, just like death is dancing.

First the arm of one traitor was cut off, and then the head of another traitor was cut off.

The Fulgrim clone leapt back from a ferocious thrust, gracefully kicking the sword out of its attacker's hand.

Slightly squatting down and then swung the sword sharply upwards, the attacker's internal organs were scattered all over the ground.

Another group of warriors entered from behind the Fulgrim clone.

They are allies of the clones.

The same group of poor people who once betrayed the Emperor in ignorance, but longed for loyalty and honor.

They also opened fire, pouring out their wrath on the traitorous Emperor's Children.

"Father, why are you killing each other like this!!" Lucius got up and shouted in despair.

"We have no honor to speak of, only redemption." The clone said compassionately: "Chaos will surely perish, accept this fate."

Lucius wants to stop the clone massacre.

But even he couldn't stop a Primarch's blow.

No one knows how that madman Fabius did it.

He reproduced the Emperor's greatest masterpieces.

He was sent flying again, smashing a profane statue.

Two Chaos Warriors were dismembered in front of him, blood and entrails spurting out across the deck.

In the melee, more and more Emperor's Children traitors came from all directions.

Two more Hell Beasts joined the battlefield.

Fulgrim's clones have no fear in the face of such terrifying warp creations.

He is full of fighting spirit, and together with his many companions, he launches an attack on the enemy.

After those companions turned their backs on the empire, they realized that chaos was a worse existence than the empire.

They longed to return to the empire, but they had already been included in the list of traitors.

He can only wander in the empire and chaos until he dies alone.

Some people fell under the bomb attack of the hell beast.

The armor that had been in disrepair for a long time was directly shattered by the terrible explosive bomb, and even the flesh and blood inside it was also shattered.

But as long as there was breath, they kept on shooting until their heads were knocked off and blown to pieces.

There is no honor in their sacrifice.

The Emperor's eyes will not be on them again.

Nor will the double eagle be draped over their cursed bodies.

But they are happy, this is a redemption for the past, this is the only way to rest their painful souls.

The Fulgrim clone swung the unremarkable weapon at the Emperor's Children.

To atone for the crimes of the ontology.

To atone for the crimes of the Emperor's Children.

He must fight with all his might until he falls.

The hellbeast was pierced by the molten beam, and the cursed soul inside was also blasted to ashes.

The end of Lucius has also come.

The continuous blows made his arm numb.

The clone's final blow sent him staggering a few steps before dropping to his knees.

The ornate sword was shattered.

His demon whip was also cut off.

The clone beheaded Lucius.

The headless corpse fell to the ground, twitching unconsciously.

Red and rancid blood spurted out.

The hideous and terrifying head rolled on the ground.

The remaining Emperor's Children were also cut down.

Put an end to their sinful life.

The clone stared at the head of Lucius, whose eyes were not closed.

There is no joy in my heart, only sorrow.

There was no honor for him in such a fight.

Just making amends for a horrible crime committed in the past.

Even if those crimes were not committed by himself, but by the main body.

It still tortured him.

He turned to look at the other companions, and the same was true on their faces.

As redeemers, they no longer rejoice in their victory.

This kind of battle is just to make up for his past mistakes, what face is there to fight for honor for himself.

"May your soul rest in peace." A warrior grabbed the hand of his badly wounded companion and whispered a prayer for him.

They dared not hope any longer to pray to the Emperor and now the Emperor of the Imperium.

A sinful soul does not deserve to enter that holy resting place.

"May He forgive me." The seriously injured soldier shed tears, "I regret for my ignorance and ignorance."

After leaving such a sentence, the soldier died.

The clone stared at the warrior who died dying for forgiveness.

The grief in my heart became more and more intense.

They are destined to meet such an ending.

Bearing eternal guilt, fighting to the death.

"My lord, where should we go now?" A companion walked to the side of the clone and asked, "Lucius has been executed, who is our next target?"

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