Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 364 The duel between Guilliman and Yogg-Sothoth (subscribe)

More images emerged amidst the raging witchcraft flames.

Each image is not a real message, but an ancient metaphor.

One picture after another unfolded in front of Abaddon.

Symbolist fables and nightmares could not hide any truth from a man as ancient and cunning as he was.

He saw a giant in golden armor roaming the ruined field.

Groups of faceless figures marched in unison.

Their eyes were shining with brilliance, and their steps were firm, stepping over their fallen companions, and attacking the darkness.

The darkness nearby disappeared with the arrival of the faceless figures.

When the darkness faded, the rotting corpses were revealed.

Nothing can stop the Stone of the Empire and his legions.

Those rotting corpses represent the defeat of the Chaos Lord.

Those faceless figures are ignorant populace succumbing to a corrupt empire.

Another image showed Abaddon a group of men and women hunting in the dark jungle.

The leader was a giant like an ancient knight.

The power of that giant is so powerful that he can shatter all the darkness with his hand.

His fists can beat those monsters, can knock down those twisted trees. .

Faces covered with screams emerged from the darkness, screaming piercingly.

A strange hand with open claws stretched out in the dark jungle.

Those faces and arms looked like mummified corpses that had been decomposing for many years.

They try to drag those men and women into eternal darkness.

But he was chopped off by the blades wielded by those men and women, and forced back by the torches in their hands.

As the hunter moved forward, the entire dark forest wailed.

Even with the help of Yogg-Sothos, the Necrons under the Silent King's command inevitably failed.

There is also a picture about orcs.

Two giant orcs fought on a barren plain.

They all wore rough, savage crowns on their heads.

One knocked the other down, causing it to growl in pain.

Then the one who fell was beheaded.

The victor roared over the herd and crushed the other's crown.

Orcs also seem to be in unsolvable trouble.

The empire has the overall advantage.

The coalition forces collapsed across the board, and they were only one step away from the final defeat.

As long as Guilliman defeats the avatar of Yogg-Sothoth, the outcome is completely sealed.

Hearing the news that the empire was going to win from these pictures, Abaddon didn't show any anger, but smiled instead.

This is exactly what he needs.

The more weakened the cancerous legion is, the greater his confidence will be.

"Let me see what Guilliman is doing." Abaddon suppressed the joy in his heart and said.

Such a word brought disaster.

The flames exploded.

The suspended images all became fragmented.

There was a wailing of pain in the air, and those shadows lurking in the darkness were hurt by an invisible force.

Hugged in pain in the shadows of the room.

If it weren't for the various terrifying restrictions and runes imposed on the room, I'm afraid they would have escaped from this terrible place long ago.

The oracles standing in eight directions all screamed.

The fire of witchcraft burns in them as the price they pay for daring to peer into the unimaginable.

Abaddon raised Dracchanian and took a few steps back vigilantly.

The desperate wailing resounded through the secret room, filling his heart with uneasiness.

He stepped back to where the door was, banging his elbow on the unlocking rune on the door.

The first attempt only sparked.

Abaddon repeated the elbow movement again.

The door slammed upward with a heavy mechanical whine.

Several mages in black robes and his close bodyguards all rushed in.

"My lord." His personal guard asked, "What happened?"

Abaddon shook his head, he didn't know either.

He just wanted to check on Guilliman's situation, and as a result, such an accident occurred.

"Something interfered with the ritual," said a black magician. "The oracle's snooping has aroused a powerful self-defense, and he is blocking all observations of him. My lord, who have you looked at?"

Abaddon's face became ugly.

Guilliman's power grew stronger and stronger.

Before, he could observe his existence and determine his position through various means.

Now, you can't even observe it.

Guilliman's presence has severed all the threads of fate connected to him.

"Is it the son of the curse?" The black mage guessed who Abaddon wanted to spy on.

Aside from the gods and the one from the Legion of Cancer, only Guilliman, the Son of the Damned, has such power.

That guy was infinitely more terrifying than his father.

There is nothing surprising about being able to do such a thing.

Abaddon's silence made everyone look at each other, and they could all see the solemnity and fear that they only saw.

"He got stronger again, and as the empire got stronger, so did he."

"His power is almost the same as the former emperor, and it is only a matter of time before he surpasses the former emperor."

"Is a new god about to be born?"

"He's not a god, he's just a sad human monarch. It's powerful, but it's nothing special."

The Black Mages discussed the Children of the Damned in terrified voices.

The strength of the opponent has been approaching the gods more and more.

If you give the other party some more time, you can't imagine what kind of situation it will reach.

The mages' whispering was roughly interrupted by Abaddon.

He seized a black mage with the massive Claw of Horus and chopped him to pieces.

"I don't want to hear such words again." Abaddon said angrily: "Now find a way for me to find out where Guilliman is."

The mages looked fearful, they dared not contradict Abaddon's words.

They summoned demons, cleaned up the corpses of the oracle, and then repaired the runes in the secret room to ensure the restoration of their original functions.

The new oracle was soon sent over.

They were all psykers tortured to the point of collapse.

The black magicians used all kinds of cruel punishments to defeat each other's will, and dedicated their souls to chaos.

Then use various runes and spells to transform it into an oracle.

Oracles are able to read various messages from the etheric currents of the Warp.

And show that information in a metaphorical picture.

The mages quickly rebuilt the chamber.

The new octagon has also been tinkered with.

As the ritual began, the oracle's body twitched.

The strange witch fire burst into flames.

Abaddon wanted to continue asking about Guilliman's location.

But thinking of what happened just now, he stopped.

Guilliman was protected by those special forces.

It doesn't mean that all the people around him are protected.

Find an ordinary person who is following Guilliman, check his whereabouts, and indirectly determine Guilliman's whereabouts.

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