Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 37 Another Madness 3/4

Chapter 37 Another Madness 34

Hearing Guilliman's words, the bishops stood in a row humbly, ready to listen to the Primarch's lecture.

They were of noble status, but at this moment they were like elementary school students, with a respectful and apprehensive attitude, for fear of offending the Primarch again.

They knew very well that once the primarch thought they were really heretics, they would never show mercy.

"My father is a true god, there is no doubt about that. He doesn't need people's beliefs, but people need to believe in him, be enlightened by him, and want to walk with him. That's what makes him unique. Those who The evil gods need faith, but the great emperor is a true god, and he doesn't need it."

"We can't use fear to spread His glory. If we hurt those who don't believe in Him, and use harsh punishment and abuse to intimidate those who believe in the Emperor, then what is the difference between us and traitors?"

"The believers of evil gods always like to use force to achieve their goals, and use killing to scare those ignorant people, because those gods are hypocritical gods, and only hypocritical gods need such means, and every normal person would not choose Those evil gods, they can only use fear to threaten those people and force them to believe in those evil gods."

"The emperor loves every human being, regardless of belief or not, he will give blessings. This is the embodiment of his kindness and fraternity, and it is also the expression of him as a true god."

"We believe in the Emperor in order to walk with the Emperor, not because we are superior. We feel fulfilled by our faith, that the Emperor is with us, not because our faith makes us superior."

"He is kind and fraternal, he is tolerant and patient, he never rejects every soul who desires to be redeemed, he silently examines those believers who want to walk with him, and brings those noble souls recognized by him into his immortal country."

"Tell me, why do you believe in Him? Is it because of His fraternity and selflessness, or His kindness and wisdom, or is it because of His superiority? Or for your own selfish desires?"

Guilliman looked at the bishops in front of him, his tone was sometimes passionate, sometimes angry, and finally turned into confusion and doubt.

His words shook the bishops and struck their ignorant hearts.

Of course, such rhetoric was not created by Guilliman.

It was a renegade Primarch, created by Lorgar.

Lorgar is the founder of the Emperor's Faith.

Guilliman didn't like this guy, but for the sake of learning humbly, he still communicated with Lorgar.

What he said to the bishop now is just a modification of Lorgar's words.

I have to say that Wen Chaogong is cool.

Several bishops were extremely shocked by Guilliman's preaching.

A Primarch who had once been with the Emperor, whose faith was so pure that they dwarfed each other.

Guilliman had contact with the Emperor, and with those who created the rudiments of the State Church.

The first saint of the empire, the narrator of the Great Crusade, Kyle, was inspired by the emperor when Horus rebelled, demonstrated the emperor's divine power, and founded the Emperor's Salvation Society. This organization was the prototype of the state religion.

The bishops had no doubts about Guilliman's words.

Some bishops were even told to cry.

Weep for my sins, for my ignorance.

What a crime they are to twist the Emperor's will, yet claim to be His followers.

"My lord, we never knew such a thing."

A bishop knelt tremblingly on the ground, kissing Guilliman's steel boots, begging for forgiveness.

"I don't blame you, because you are just being fooled. My father has been asleep for too long, he can't communicate with you, and his strong will is enough to burn your souls. Those heretics took advantage of the window They entered the empire and lurked into the empire. They twisted my father's will and fooled the humans he loved. This is an unforgivable crime. As the only spokesperson of the emperor in the world, I solemnly ask you if you are willing to follow me to change the Distorted state religion, to eliminate those latent heresies??"

Guilliman's voice was full of authority, and he looked at the bishops, waiting for their answer.

"We are willing to sacrifice all adults."

"As long as I can get your forgiveness."

"Bring us back to the glory of the Emperor, and guide us on the right path."

The bishops all knelt before Guilliman, vowing to work with him to destroy those infuriating heresies that twisted the Emperor's will.

Guilliman, who possesses the Sword of the Emperor and is recognized by the Living Saint Celestine, is the most legitimate spokesman for the Emperor.

To veto and question Guilliman would undoubtedly shake the foundation of the Holy Emperor's belief.

No matter what the reason, the bishops had no choice, as long as they refused, Guilliman would immediately declare them heretics and execute them directly.

"Abolish those tortures, and re-examine those who are abused. If they are traitors to Chaos, put them to death, if not, let them go. Remember, my father was kind and fraternal. He is like It is like the great Holy Father who loves every human being unselfishly. Any evil deeds performed in His name must be heresies bewitched by chaos."

Guilliman said in a deep voice, "In the name of the emperor, those people are doing horrible things that believers of evil gods would do. Such behavior cannot be forgiven. They have blasphemed the glory of the emperor, understand?"

"Understood, my lord, we will go to review immediately."

"We won't spare any heretics."

Guilliman fooled the Bishop of Espandor, which was not a difficult task for a Primarch.

When the Emperor created them, he endowed them with powerful charisma.

This allows them to easily persuade those who disagree.

The bishops walked out of the church, and they loudly announced that Planet Espandor would re-examine every believer and cleanse those lurking minions of chaos.

This was undoubtedly a huge disturbance. Under the orders of the bishops, the planet Espandor began a mighty review.

Some of those who had been convicted of heresy were executed directly, and some were released on the spot.

The poor people who were released came out of the iron cage tremblingly one by one.

They couldn't believe that they could survive that terrible hell.

The torture of those fanatics caused great pain in their bodies and souls, causing them to lose hope for a while and fall into the abyss of despair.

They expressed their gratitude to the benevolent Guilliman.

It was the arrival of the other party that allowed them to be saved.

At the same time, some fanatics who proved their beliefs by abusing heresies were pulled out by the cathars and judged in public as minions of chaos.

"I am loyal to the Emperor, I am loyal." A woman tied to a pillar with scriptures engraved on her scalp growled hysterically.

"Then why are you going to torture and kill those poor people?" the pastor questioned the woman in front of him. In her mansion, more than a hundred servants were tortured and killed, and skulls filled every corner of the mansion.

Some were even plated with gold and placed in glass cases as treasures.

The reason why these servants were tortured and killed was basically that they were not devout enough to the emperor.

"The Emperor Almighty appointed me to purify them of their sins," the woman cried. "All I do is the Emperor's will."

"Absurd, the Emperor is so benevolent, how could He allow the believers to commit such terrible crimes, you are the minions of Chaos, you perform those evil deeds, let the glory of the Emperor be distorted, you will be sentenced to death, traitor, You have betrayed the Emperor."

"No, I am loyal." The woman shouted in despair, "It is the Primarch, he is the heretic."

"Execute her." Hearing the woman accuse the primarch of heresy, the priest directly ordered the cathars to do it.

The pillars tied to the woman emit heat, and the temperature rises rapidly.

"No." The woman realized what was about to happen, shouted, and she struggled hard, trying to get rid of the chains on her body.

Flames spewed out, and screams rang out.

By the time the flames subsided, the woman had become charred, emitting a stench.

Cheers erupted from the crowd as they executed a minion of Chaos, defending the glory of the Emperor.

"The next one." The priest in charge of the trial slammed the skull-shaped hammer desperately, and shouted hoarsely amidst the waves of voices.

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