Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 367 The duel between Guilliman and Yogg-Sothoth 8 (subscription)

Guilliman managed to restore calm to his generals by skilful means.

Sit back at the strategy table and calmly ponder the questions he raised.

"In my humble opinion, it's better to mobilize the corps and stop them head-on." A general with a scar on his face said.

Following his words, statically bright lines danced in the air.

The projection interface suspended in front of everyone has also changed.

The positions of the empire's many troops and enemies are marked in different colors.

Statistically, the Empire has an absolute advantage over its enemies.

The green region occupies the vast majority of the Milky Way.

Only a few red areas gather around the Eye of Terror.

After a while, those red areas will also disappear.

The entire galaxy will be unified.

In their hands the holy deeds of the Empire will be accomplished.

Just thinking of this matter, everyone's hearts are full of pride and joy.

"The empire currently has an absolute advantage in military strength and firepower. The enemy will not be our opponent. It is not a problem to hold on for three days." The general added.

"With all due respect, such a strategy is simply irresponsible to those imperial soldiers who are loyal to His Majesty and the Empire." A mechanical sage said, "We must not waste their lives and loyalty to do something meaningless sacrifice."

He participated in this military meeting on behalf of Mechanicus, and provided some technical answers to these generals.

"What's your opinion?" the general asked, with a hint of questioning in his words.

"It's not a good opinion, it's just the best result calculated based on the information I have and the tactical operation module. We should make full use of the advanced technology of the empire." The sage said: "The power struggle among the orcs is extremely fierce. Yes, and they have terrible exclusivity, we just need to send that orc warlord and his subordinates to the killing star quietly, and hide it from the cancerous army for three days. It is not difficult, and it can even be said to be more than enough. Orcs will never let other forces interfere with their WAAAAAAAGH duel."

"Their loyalty is to the orc emperor, but who the orc emperor is is not the most important thing to them, they only care about how to be more WAAAAAGH, whether it is against the empire or against the enemy of the empire, those orcs Never cared."

Someone raised a question, "Send an orc warlord and an orc army to the Killing Star quietly. Is there any difference between this behavior and gathering an army to directly fight a blocking battle?"

"Please allow me to give you a little reminder. The empire has the technology to build small universes. At present, several small universes have been identified as breeding bases for orcs. Time has been accelerated. Orcs are breeding at an unprecedented speed." Sage Another interface was opened, and a large number of photos taken at the small universe control base appeared in front of the generals.

The small universe shown has been occupied by orcs bred by the empire.

They are divided into clans and fight wildly in the breeding grounds humans have built for them.

The nature of being a biological warfare weapon is fully revealed.

The tyranny revealed by the red eyes made them like a never-ending berserk war machine, frenzied and excited in a deafening WAAAAAGH.

The orcs bred by the empire are stronger, fiercer and more brutal than those wild orcs

It may be due to the absence of external stimuli.

The weapons of the orcs maintained the level of primitive tribal civilization, fighting with stone-polished weapons.

Of course, the degree of tragedy is no less than that of holding a power sword.

"It's not easy to transport these big guys." A general said: "They will definitely dismantle our ships. Even if we let them drive the warships back, they will be discovered by the enemy as soon as possible. It will be alarming."

"The function of the small universe is not only to create a space that is independent of the background of the universe and can be controlled by us independently. In view of the special structure of time and space, it also has another strategic use that can be played, that is, to quietly send a message to someone." The entrance and exit of the small universe can be moved, we only need to change the coordinates of the exit of the small universe to the killing star. In this way, we can release these orcs to the killing star silently." The biological sage points Open a data screen, which is the screen of the calculation simulation.

"If the small universe can really achieve this level and deploy troops quietly on the battlefield, it will really be a big killer." Andre said in a low voice, "Used in some special battlefield environments, Unexpected effects can be achieved.”

"Can it be used in the battle to capture the Cadia fortress?" A general asked, "If it is possible, the empire can completely bypass their outer defenses and directly attack their rear."

The sage shook his head, and the face made of mechanical gears hummed slightly, and there was a little regret in the mechanical voice. "This kind of technology is not stable so far, and it can only be activated at a position far away from the gravitational zone of the galaxy. The more dangerous point is that the cancerous legion has some monsters with the ability to control space, and they will be keenly aware of abnormalities. The space structure, at that time, as long as there is a slight disturbance, the entrance to the small universe will be destroyed."

Erkas spoke at this time, with doubts in his tone. "In other words, the small universe technology applied to the killing star is just a tentative experiment. This is war, not a small matter. This is related to the overall strategy of the empire, not the time for you Mechanics to experiment with new technologies .”

"After many experiments with this technology, the Adeptus Mechanicus has a lot of confidence. What's more, the orcs have not mastered too powerful space technology, not to mention that the ones who come out of the small universe are their own race, and they have a great chance of success." .If we can complete the replacement plan without alerting the Cancer Legion and other enemies of the Empire, it will play a vital role in the decisive battle on the battlefield of Cadia. Imagine that when the armies of both sides are assembled, the orcs suddenly What a blow it would be to the enemy to turn against the enemy."

The Mechanic Sage opens an interface, which contains curves and models drawn with data.

"Prior to this, we have gone through careful calculations and simulations, and the success rate has reached 98%. This is a technology that is timeless for the empire. If it can be perfected, the war will undergo earth-shaking changes. .Imagine, when the imperial outpost fleet determines the enemy's space-time coordinates, it can send a large number of troops to the past through the small universe. What kind of concept is this for the empire. This means that the empire will have a stronger military With the ability to launch, the speed of conquering the universe will be greatly improved."

"There is another more important use. As long as we install an anti-subspace force field in the small universe to block prying from the subspace, the gods will not be able to see where our army is, and they will not know where the army will be sent. At this point, the fabric of fate they tout will appear as uncertain black dots."

"Sounds really good." Just as Guilliman was about to continue, another voice sounded, telling him a new news, the evolution of the orc warlord was completed.

Guilliman stood up.

The huge body casts a huge shadow on the strategy table.

"Perfect this plan and fill in those details and flaws that I haven't noticed. I hope to see a complete plan sent to my personal database before I come back. Now, your majesty has to leave for the time being."

After leaving these words, Guilliman turned and walked towards the door.

The Nether Dragon crouching on the bookshelf spread its wings, soared in the air, and landed precisely on Guilliman's broad shoulders.

He was tired of being with those mortals.

Those shallow minds cannot comprehend his existence that has lived for hundreds of millions of years.

Only when he was with Guilliman did he have anything to say.

Several imperial guards and personal guards stood outside the door.

When Guilliman came out, they followed quickly, serving as the guard of honor for each other.

Take the elevator down to the designated floor, and then take the high-speed moving suspension vehicle to the place where the WAAAAGH device is located.

Selego and the many Eldar seers have arrived.

Sicarius, Valano and several Chapter Masters also stood beside them.

When Guilliman arrived, they all bowed and saluted.

It wasn't until Guilliman signaled to them that they don't need to be polite, that they could straighten up.

Guilliman stood on a high platform overlooking the installation.

There are a large number of servo skulls in the distance, and the thinker drone is shuttling back and forth among the huge mechanical equipment. The installed mechanical arms and scanners are inspecting and maintaining those equipment to ensure that they can be normal according to Guilliman's will running.

The sound of mechanical gears turning was mixed with the hiss of hydraulic steam, and the electromagnetic sound of force field device disengaging.

A heavy and huge mechanical arm stretched down from the ceiling, dismantling the safety lock used to protect the energy pool.

A stream of white steam spewed out from the energy pool, tumbling and flowing like a surging fountain.

Moments later, the steam was sucked away by the hissing vents.

The steam dissipated, and Ufo, the orc warlord who sank into the energy pool, appeared in front of everyone.

It becomes larger and more powerful than when it entered.

Tall and majestic, like a terrifying ancient behemoth.

The ferocious white fangs are slightly curved, full of savage primitive power.

It was hard to imagine what kind of creature could have survived the full blow of that gnarled muscle.

When the eyes were opened, those ruby ​​eyes exuded terrible tyranny and cunning cruelty.

The biological weapon of the Old One has been perfectly evolved in the hands of Guilliman, making up for the last incomplete part.

The only thing that remains the same is that the space between the two legs, which are thick enough to easily crush heavy tanks, is still empty and smooth.

Several technicians standing on the floating workbench and examining the data of the orc warlord couldn't help thinking how amazing it would be if the orcs didn't reproduce asexually.

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