Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 373 Guilliman is a great liar, you must defeat him (please subscribe)

Marvell screamed in pain.

As the first-generation Captain Marvel, he already possessed superpowers that were almost divine.

After being cancerous and corrupted, he was blessed by Yogg-Sothoth, the all-knowing and omnipotent being.

It has the power to destroy stars and all living beings.

However, in front of a Primarch, he was so weak.

Nothing can be done.

It can't change the gods either.

For these demigods built for war, even if the gods descend in person, they will be in despair.

What's more, he's just a hero with superpowers and the blessing of Yogg-Sothoth.

There is a very cruel fact, there are not many people like Marvell in the warp space.

The time scale of a universe is extremely amazing, and countless civilizations will be bred.

After the ascension or destruction of those ancient civilizations, the survivors of those civilizations will enter the subspace to become members of those fallen monsters, or directly breed terrible monsters from the death of civilization.

Just as Ferrus' death gave birth to the Sapphire King, so the Emperor's death gave birth to the Dark Lord.

Every significant figure or civilization's death creates new Warp beings.

They all have great power.

How many of those wretched monsters Dorn had slain while roaming the Warp, fighting for the Emperor.

Marvell certainly had some strength, but how could he possibly be able to fight against the Primarch, who was born to kill the Chaos Gods.

His defeat was doomed.

"Stupid mortal." Marvell struggled to stand up from the rubble.

The distorted body continued to collapse and disintegrate.

Yogg-Sothoth's clone is dead.

They lose their anchor, and the concept of their existence becomes blurred.

His strength was also draining rapidly, making him weaker.

Don didn't respond to the other party immediately.

He is not in the habit of declaring his victory to the enemy, and he will not talk meaninglessly with the opponent.

Words are like swords. If you choose to attack, you must attack the opponent's weakness and the position you care about in order to cause the greatest damage.

His face was like a stern rock, and he held a war halberd that swam with an arc.

The rotten black blood that Marvell was pierced just now was still crackling on it.

Cracked into the most basic molecules by the force field.

The power of arcane surged crazily in the sword body, exuding bright brilliance.

A slight hum came from the energy core built into the halberd.

The energy device of the halberd is continuously supplying energy to the special runes carved on the surface of the halberd, making it capable of killing all living beings.

He walked towards his defeated opponent.

Respond to the other person's arrogance with the same sarcasm.

"Weak god, I, a mortal, didn't use any strength, and you, a waste, fell down."

When Marvell heard this, he broke his defense.

Can't help but scream angrily.

Try to stand up and continue to fight fiercely with each other.

But he couldn't do what he wanted.

After struggling several times in a row, he couldn't stand up.

With a sarcastic expression, Don swung the halberd in his hand.

The whistling blade swung towards Marvell's body.

He chopped off the opponent's head, and let his rotten blood spurt out from the incision in the neck.

Having dealt with his opponents, he rushed into the depths of the fortress with the soldiers gathered around him to rescue the Holy Emperor.

Realizing that he can no longer change the result, Abaddon is also very decisive.

He used the passage through which Vashtor and others had come, and fled the battlefield with his men.

After cutting down the last enemy and confirming that the Emperor of the Holy Empire was not in danger, Lord Cypher retreated into the infinite darkness and disappeared in the induction of Primaris warriors.

He still has his own mission to complete.

It is not yet time to atone for the Lord of Caliban.

It is time for him and the lion to fight side by side again when the final battle between humans and the gods begins.

Guilliman did nothing to stop Abaddon and Lord Cypher from leaving.

The damage Yogg Sotos had done to him was still affecting him.

Dawn stepped into the hall deep in the fortress, and the roar made those cancerous monsters completely lose their courage and fled to other places.

Their fate is doomed, no matter how they escape, it will be useless, and the warriors of the empire will never let them see the dawn of the second day.

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty,"

After confirming that there was no threat, the three Primaris warriors all looked at Guilliman.

The wound of the Holy Emperor has disappeared.

Even the damaged part of the armor has been completed.

If it weren't for the blood on the battle armor, no one would be able to see any problems.

"Keep this matter secret in advance, don't tell anyone." Guilliman said solemnly: "If the news of my injury spreads, it will definitely cause people's worries and unnecessary troubles in the empire."

Guilliman was well aware of his own importance.

Once the news of his injury spread, his next expedition would not be so smooth.

The reason officials did not object to his conquest was that they had never seen Guilliman defeated by anyone.

Guilliman has been victorious, victorious, victorious since he woke up until now.

Be it the Great Demon or the Traitor Primarch, in the hands of Guilliman, they are all chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow.

This image must not be changed, otherwise it will bring many variables.

The three Primaris warriors looked at each other and swore an oath to Guilliman.

They will never reveal what happened today, and even if they die, they will go to the grave with secrets.

Guilliman nodded before turning his attention to the approaching Dorn.

Donne's halberd was dripping with rotten blood, and he was the first to enter after beheading countless enemies along the way.

Other fighters also rushed in after him, shouting various slogans.

"Your Majesty." Dawn shouted from the door.

"My brother," said Guilliman, "it was a pleasure to see you rush in first."

Don looked around vigilantly, and asked, "Where's the culprit!!"

Hearing Dorn's question, Guilliman pointed to the fallen Horus.

The huge body just crouched there, without any breath.

The weapon in Abaddon's hands was no joke.

Nothing in this world is indestructible.

Even the avatar of Yogg Sothoth, one of the three pillar gods, would be killed as long as he had the right weapon.

Guilliman also secretly had a plan in his mind.

He must have more means to protect himself.

Make sure he can lead the empire until the empire has enough capabilities to deal with threats from all sides.

To be able to continue sailing into the future without his help can be said to be the end of his mission.

The plan for the return of the heroic spirit must be carried out as soon as possible.

To call back all the heroes in the history of the empire.

Whether it's through technology or sorcery, bring those guys back.

Death is not the end of the mission.

996 How can this blessing come to an end! !

Malcador, Loken, Taviz, Otik, Sigismund, these heroes who have fought for mankind and the empire to the last moment, are precious treasures for the human empire that is about to march towards the diversity of the heavens.

Yogg-Sothoth's blow showed Guilliman that he was not immortal.

As he himself has repeatedly emphasized to the world, he is not eternal, he will die.

As long as the enemy is strong enough and cunning enough, he will die, just like those ordinary people.

Yogg-Sothoth could hurt him now, and he'd be able to kill him later when he had a chance.

Without him, how would this empire, which was trying to reach the heavens, go on! !

He must leave enough wealth for the empire to ensure that they can resist all threats.

Even if one day, he is killed or has to leave the empire, people can continue to move towards the future they pursue.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, you have killed another rebellious enemy." Donne said respectfully.

Guilliman nodded.

"Send this guy's body to the laboratory, dissect it, and analyze the power of Yogg-Sothos. Arrange members of the Mechanicus to clean the entire planet."

As soon as the words fell, another voice came from His Majesty.

Ryan, who was fighting in blood, also strode in, the long sword in his hand soaked in blood.

A group of Primordial warriors followed behind him.

He cheered for himself when he entered the depths of the fortress and saw the Holy Emperor.

Guilliman also showed enthusiasm and joy for their arrival.

"You can come here, which means that the battle outside is over, and your achievements will be remembered by future generations. It is time to completely end the corruption of Cadia."

Under the urging of Guilliman, the Emperor's Sword re-released intense brilliance and flames.

He let everyone back away, and walked to the throne where Yogg-Sothos was cloned.

Flip the flaming blade over and thrust the blade into the throne.

As if the cotton wool was ignited, all the corruption around it also burned.

Creeping shadows screamed horribly.

Harsh and noisy, full of despair and pain.

There is pure purification power in that terrible flame, which will completely wipe out those shadow creatures.

The throne disintegrated and burned in the flames of the Emperor's Sword.

A beam of light was released from the Emperor's Sword, rushed out of the fortress, and shot into the transparent sky.

The terrifying giant eyes like mountains and the squirming tentacles composed of hundreds of millions of snakes collapsed.

The transparent sky also returned to its original appearance.

The real universe regained control of Cadia, expelled the power of the Warp, and restored the original laws of physics.

Witnessing the mighty power of the Holy Emperor, all the fighting people cheered.

Even Lion and Dorn were a little in awe of Guilliman's power.

Able to purify the world single-handedly, their brother is far more terrifying than they ever imagined.

The darkness was dispelled.

The strength of the remaining monsters has also been greatly reduced. They were not opponents in the first place, but they became the targets of massacre by the imperial troops.

After solving all this, Guilliman did not stay and continue to celebrate the victory with his soldiers.

He has to return to the Emperor Supreme.

As the supreme ruler, it is a luxury for him to conquest himself. There are many things in the empire waiting for him to deal with.

He can't stay on the battlefield all the time.

"The guy who came from across the universe has been expelled." Guilliman said: "The next thing will be left to you, Ryan, as my commander, I will leave it to you to recover the Eye of Terror. I, for the empire and for mankind, will completely solve this cosmic pustule, and let the gods go to hell."

"Dorn, you will also have a new mission to go to other universes to use your talents, build more outposts, and do the preliminary work for the empire's cross-universe expedition. And I may have to leave you again and return to Terrana Continue with my plan. We all have to prepare for the final battle, and when I go out again, I will send an important gift to mankind."

After commanding the two Primarch brothers, Guilliman returned to the Emperor Supreme.

Winning Cadia and reclaiming the Eye of Terror were not the most important things to him.

This time against Yogg Sotos, he made him understand his own limitations.

In the vast sky and endless ages, there has never been an immortal king, and there has never been an immortal existence.

His legend will end one day.

The suffering similar to the age of night should not befall human beings again.

Before he is completely terminated, he will find a safe path.

There has never been an immortal dynasty in the world, and a strong people will fight forever.

Will create their own legend.

All Guilliman had to do was pave the way for them.

Andromeda Nebula.

A strong light shone in a vast void, like a new star was born.

The space is twisting and breaking, and there is a crack that exudes a strange witch light.

A huge void fleet sailed out from the torn space rift.

"We have arrived at the place where the signal was sent." A navigator with white eyes stood up weakly, and said to the servant next to him: "Go and tell the sage Karen that we are here."

"No, I'm already here."

A mechanical sound came.

A huge shadow looms over the Navigator.

Several staff members turned around and saw a giant creation made up of gears, pistons, chips and data cables.

That gigantic creation is none other than the great sage-Kron, the foundry general of the former foundry world-Steel Ball Star, the legendary figure who developed the Empire's Divine Brain Matrix.

When Guilliman called people out of the galaxy, Keren devoted himself to the great cause of exploring beyond the empire.

His destination is the mature galaxy closest to the Milky Way - the Andromeda Galaxy.

The distance is about two million light-years.

Such a distance is beyond the imagination of a mortal mind.

Even if the ether of the subspace is used to give them the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, it also gives them the ability to survive in the cold void.

Nor can they imagine what a distance of 2 million light-years is.

In universe 02 of Raiders of the Empire, the length of a parallel universe is less than one-third of the distance between two galaxies.

Those people live in ignorance, being fooled by the breeders behind the scenes without knowing it.

Even the so-called superheroes are treated as captive food.

What they pursue is not freedom and detachment, but rather because of all kinds of justice.

They are proud of sacrificing the future of their race for the sake of justice, thinking they have done the right thing.

This is unimaginable for the empire.

Keren had heard a little.

He didn't pay much attention to it.

The enemies of the Empire are not the idiots who are kept in captivity and don't know it, but the enemies behind them.

Compared with those enemies, the empire is undoubtedly a weak side.

Only when the empire becomes stronger can it be qualified to negotiate and confront those guys, liberate the human race of the heavens, and create a real human empire.

It is also a matter of course for the development and colonization of extragalactic galaxies.

The social upbringing of the empire has become a consensus and accepted thing.

For this reason, the population of the empire is controllable.

It can reproduce enough population to colonize foreign countries at the fastest speed.

The Andromeda Nebula is a spiral nebula with a huge disk.

With a diameter of 220,000 light-years, it is larger than the Milky Way.

If dwarf galaxies such as the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are regarded as satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, and are not considered formal galaxies, then the Andromeda Nebula is the closest large galaxy to the Milky Way.

The Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way are both in the Local Group of galaxies.

With a diameter 1.6 times that of the Milky Way, it is the largest galaxy in the Local Group of galaxies.

Like the Milky Way, Andromeda also has its own satellite galaxies, and there are currently 14 known dwarf galaxies.

It can be said that mastering the Andromeda Nebula basically masters the Local Group of galaxies.

After mastering the local galaxy group, the empire will also leap to become an influential civilization in the universe.

Like other galaxies, the periphery of the Andromeda Nebula explored by the Empire also looks like a post-war ruin.

There are floating graveyards of battleships everywhere.

The huge cemeteries are surprising and frightening.

Everywhere there were dead bodies and wreckage.

There are a large number of corpses floating on the periphery of some stars, and the number is so large that it is jaw-dropping.

That war of civilizations that the Darkwatch speaks of destroys everything.

Many members of the exploration team believe that the Milky Way may already be the last paradise in this universe.

This is why the Chaos Gods gather in the galaxy.

They are not the only ones vying for the last inter-universe center in the galaxy.

Also because the galaxy is the last gathering place of life.

The Old Sages rebuilt the galaxy from the ruins. Although they were defeated and fled, they also provided a shelter for later races.

This theory was quickly shattered.

After multiple investigations, the huge exploration fleet captured a civilization signal coming from the central area of ​​Andromeda.

It represents that there are still civilizations remaining outside the galaxy.

Karen was wearing a crimson robe with the double-headed eagle representing the empire and the gear imprint of Mechanicum.

There is no flesh and blood on his face, and only a few wet parts inside the mechanical body mean that he has not broken through the bottom line of the Mechanicus.

Of course, only he himself knows whether he has made a breakthrough or not.

Whether those wetware are useful or not is unknown.

The complex mechanical devices on Karen's body fit together, and a pair of electronic prosthetic eyes radiated red light at the eye sockets.

The huge and bloated body is as high as six meters, and just standing in front of the staff will make them feel tremendous pressure.

The mechanical feet crawled quickly on the ground. It rattled, like a logging gun firing through a plastic-steel fender.

He stood in front of the navigator, and several data windows also appeared.

There's a ton of binary information and images flooding inside

It indicated that the signal they had explored before came from a fairly complete planet in the galaxy in front of them.

Every time he saw the wreckage of those worlds, Kron was struck by the scale of the civil wars of yesteryear.

Those ancient pioneers seem to have used all kinds of weapons that ordinary people can't imagine.

Rules, causal laws, mathematical laws, cosmological constants, and more.

Those terrible weapons destroyed the entire universe.

For example, collapse the entire space to two dimensions, and when the rules of the universe restore it, it will form a shattered cemetery with only death.

The planet will shatter when the dimension changes, losing its original structure.

So are those creatures.

At least blood can be seen in the war with the gods.

This terrible battle of civilizations can't even see the blood. When those creatures were killed, they were probably ignorant.

Those terrifying combatants resolutely carried out a sentence.

It's none of your business to kill you.

Karen was a little thankful that humans were not active in that era.

Otherwise, among the extinct races, there must be human names.

A mechanical priest with a steel face appeared in one of the message windows.

He stood in a huge, semicircular room.

The back is completely transparent.

Able to see the escorting battleship and the shattered galaxy.

"How's the situation? Intelligence chief." Keren asked as he reached out to connect a data cable to the back of his neck.

After authentication, a large amount of information entered Karen's brain along the data cable.

"Our arrival seems to have disturbed them. You see they are preparing for battle."

The mechanical priest sent another picture to Keren's database.

The satellite from which the signal came was flooded with electromagnetic signals.

Many shining artificial communication satellites are scattered all around, and interplanetary vehicles shuttle back and forth among them.

A large number of fighter planes circled the surface, and several giant warships were launching from the port.

They expressed fear and anxiety about the arrival of the imperial exploration team.

Karen's electronic prosthetic eye was rotating in the eye socket, and the high-precision visual mode allowed him to catch a trace of abnormality.

"Stormbird Fighter!"

He saw that the space fighters flying on that planet were indeed Stormbirds.

An ancient equipment that has been eliminated by the empire.

How could it appear here! !

It is impossible for Karen to mistake the Stormbird fighter. You must know that he used to be the foundry general of the steel ball star, and one of the production projects was a Nock-type Stormbird for the defense forces of the star area.

The technical priest in the information interface also showed a wry smile on his face made of machinery and piston devices.

"It is very likely that we have discovered humans who escaped from the dark age of technology. They have established civilizations far away from the galaxy. They are preparing for war. You have to make a decision as soon as possible, Mr. Sage."

Karen was silent for a moment before continuing to speak.

"Send them a message, leverage code standards that have been deprecated, and show them who we are."

"Yes, my lord," said the sage.

The communication went very smoothly.

The special planet that sends out the signal uses the communication of the STC standard signal.

After the Holy Emperor ascended the throne, the empire's dependence on STC has gradually declined.

All kinds of new technologies have transformed Imperial Industries, and it is no longer the previous model that relied heavily on STC.

But the communication program of STC standard is still kept in the database.

The same communication format made the other party stunned for a moment.

Then the two sides quickly established communication and exchanged ideas.

The haze of war did not dissipate.

The opponent's fighter jets are still parked in low-earth orbit, and the warships are also in a state of combat readiness that can be activated at any time.

After communication, the two sides reached a brief peace agreement, and the two sides met at the edge of the galaxy.

In order to promote the military power of the empire, Keren used his flagship as the platform for this meeting.

Karen actually has a celestial-class battleship, but it was placed next to the Andromeda Nebula for construction purposes.

The flagship he is using now is just a battleship.

After all, they don't know much about the extragalactic galaxies. If something goes wrong and the Celestial-class battleship is damaged outside, it will be an unimaginable loss for the empire.

His exploration work may also end in dismal.

In addition, the scale of the exploration team is not very large, and it would be a waste to bring a celestial body class warship.

In charge of protecting the Exploration Team, the Primordial Casting Group - the explorer's third company commander - Marrog and his combat brothers accompanied Karen and other Mechanicus members to meet the envoys.

A space fighter that resembled a Stormbird slowly docked on the boarding deck.

The music of the ceremony team also sounded and mixed with the roar of fighter jet engines.

The door of the fighter jet slowly opened with the hiss of the hydraulic pipeline.

Thirty warriors in the original model of the small Astartes armor stepped out of the warplane.

The weapons in their hands are also very similar to the bolters used by the Astartes.

Marrog and his battle-brothers glanced at each other, both in shock.

Human beings can be seen even millions of light years away from their homes.

In particular, they still use technology that is almost the same as before the empire.

Even more surprising things are still below.

A group of armored warriors even smaller than the smaller Astartes also stepped out of the Stormbird.

It's like Kinder funny eggs with full armor and short arms and short legs.

They also spread out, forming a guard at intervals.

A man holding a cane and wearing a red robe, who looked very aristocratic, came out under the escort of several guards.

Next to him was a dwarf with a beard and simple armor.

The faces of the two were vigilant and uneasy.

Obviously, they do not welcome these compatriots from afar.

The man sent the envoy up to Keren, trying to look gracious.

If he hadn't been so frightened, perhaps he would have had some grace.

But his trembling body made him look like a funny clown.

The man bowed his head slightly in front of Karen as a gesture.

"It's a great honor. Your Excellency is the great sage-Kelen?"

"Yes, sir." Karen said in the standard words of the other party.

Different languages ​​are nothing to a sage.

Super strong memory and computing power allow them to fully master each other's language within a few hours.

"I'm Las Akto from the Akt family."

After Lars Akto introduced himself, he pointed to the dwarf beside him.

"This is the iron foot from the Dan family. The two of us are authorized by the Wotan Alliance to meet with you."

Karen's electronic prosthetic eyes scanned the two of them, as if to cut open their flesh and blood, looking for all the secrets they hid in them.

A human, a demihuman, and an organization called the Wotan Alliance.

How big are they?

What is the population?

How many weapons and battleships?

How is the combat effectiveness?

Are you willing to submit to the rule of the Holy Emperor?

If not, which legion should be sent to complete such a long-distance expedition?

This is a war that spans more than two million light years, and the gods in the myth will despair at this distance.

"I come from the Human Empire, and I would like to extend my heartfelt greetings to you on behalf of the Holy Emperor." Karen made a mechanical voice from his throat, and one of his mechanical tentacles pointed to the explorer's third company commander-Marrog next to him, "This is the explorer Marrog, the third company commander of the Raiders, was protected by him and we were able to come here."

When Karen introduced the tall, giant-like Marrog, the faces of Ras Akto and Dan Ironfoot clearly showed fear.

"Please allow me to take the liberty to ask, where are you from? We have never seen human civilization outside the Wotan Alliance!!"

"Galaxy," Kron said, "from Terra, the sacred homeland of mankind."

As soon as these words came out, the fear on Las Akto's face was visible to the naked eye.

The body is trembling slightly.

It's like hearing something scary.

"Who are you?" The other party's performance made Karen feel endless confusion.

No matter how cruel the empire is, it probably won't be able to reach the Andromeda Nebula.

How could they hear their existence, these people are so frightened.

"Nothing!! He was just too excited." Dan Tiezu explained.

If there was no fear in Dan Ironfoot's tone, there would still be some credibility.

But now it seems that these guys must be hiding something.

They are afraid of their compatriots who have come out of the galaxy.

Keren hides his confusion about being himself.

The exchanges between the two sides did not last long.

Just exchange some information with each other.

The Wotan League is made up of humans and dwarves.

Is a powerful force in Andromeda.

It is said that there are some other alien races that are also thriving in places that have not been completely destroyed in Andromeda.

From the other party's description, the Wotan Alliance has no reason for the empire to go to war.

Dwarves aren't much of a problem.

They are the legal sub-races of the empire, and they are generally active in the empire as merchants and mercenaries.

Of course, the empire also has some policies and measures for sub-races.

Guilliman has carried out the gene modification project on them, and is constantly correcting the gene pools of various demihuman races, ensuring that their offspring will tend to be human, and avoid excessively deviating from the orthodox human gene pool.

Keren sent an invitation to the empire, asking the Wotan Alliance to become an extension of the empire's power in Andromeda.

However, they need the permission of the Alliance Council to make decisions.

The meeting ended after Keren expressed to them his vision of a peaceful coexistence between the two forces.

"They seem to be very afraid of us." Marrog said in a low voice after seeing the Stormbird set sail, "There must be something hidden in it that we don't understand."

"We will investigate clearly." Keren whispered: "The lighthouse communication device built on the edge of Andromeda is about to be completed. Soon, we will be able to communicate with Terra. If they are willing to surrender peacefully, then naturally It is the best thing, if not, then we can only call the imperial military support."

"An expedition spanning two million light years, I hope things don't develop like that." Marrog said: "Aliens and traitors alone have stained our sword blades with blood, and now we have to stain our lost compatriots." This is definitely not a good thing."

"We have no choice. The great cause of the Holy Emperor must not be hindered here. The humans in Andromeda are most likely just a branch scattered in the universe. If we continue to explore, we may find other things."


Empire of Human Origins.

The capital planet of the Empire.

The splendor and magnificence here is beyond imagination.

The vastness, grandeur, and amazing scale of the cities are even more amazing.

The cross-universe study group followed the guide to step into the Linlang Avenue section after section, walked up and down the endless stairs, browsed one magnificent square after another, and admired various magnificent buildings, music and art halls and libraries with a large number of classics.

There are many exquisite and elegant buildings near the palace. There are exquisite statues and fountains scattered on both sides of the road, and there are also modern works full of sound and light effects.

The ancient pointed windows are equipped with glass panels that adjust to the relationship and temperature of the outside world.

People only need to make gestures or issue commands to adjust the light everywhere and let the mechanical servants serve themselves.

There is happiness on everyone's face.

Each one has no worries about food and clothing.

It's as if they were born in this world just to be happy and happy.

Humanities, art, and technology are perfectly integrated.

"How happy it is to live in such a world!" Zatana sighed, this is the paradise that countless people have dreamed of.

Whether God exists or not is an unknown thing.

But the heaven created by the empire is real.

Constantine and others felt Zatanna's sentiments sympathetically.

Along the way, they have witnessed too many miracles.

All this was created by the Holy Emperor and the people of the empire.

Their world has no gods.

But it created a beautiful world that even God could not create.

The final point of the tour is the Astronomican Building, which is used to deal with the traitors of the empire.

The same grandeur and grandeur, the only difference is that it depicts various runes.

Those runes have terrible restraint.

Constantine could feel that his magical ability continued to weaken, the closer he got to the Astro Torch, the more so.

After walking into that magnificent building, Constantine's hairs stood on end.

He felt several extremely terrifying auras, and the owners of those auras could crush him with a single little finger.

There are horrible people beyond imagination.

Every breath is more terrifying and evil than those evil gods.

Just the feeling made him shudder.

It is hard to imagine that the empire imprisoned those terrifying creatures in this place.

Also treat them as a tour item.

"The empire has two Astronomical Torch buildings, one is the Astronomical Torch Memorial Hall used to commemorate the former emperor, which was transformed from the Astronomical Torch Tower that supported the empire for thousands of years, and the other is the Astronomical Torch building used to punish those traitors. Extract their pain and their souls, and keep the Astronomican shining."

The guide guides the crowd forward and introduces them.

The first thing that arrived was a huge prison cell. A bald giant with scriptures engraved all over his body was bound by chains. The siphon pipe implanted in his body was wriggling, sucking his pain and soul power to maintain star power. the existence of the torch.

The giant squirmed in pain, trying to make himself comfortable, but that was just a wish.

The terrible torture nearly broke his mind.

Guilliman wanted them to suffer for eternity to pay for their sins.

"Betrayal is the end." The guide said pointedly: "Any traitor who betrays the empire and mankind will be caught here, drained of life energy, tortured, and never freed."

"Will this be too cruel!!" A woman in the study group asked with horror.

"If you knew what crimes they committed, you wouldn't say that. Everyone here has the suffering and blood of at least tens of billions of innocent people on their hands. Slaughtering a planet is very important to these people. As far as the guy was concerned, it was the least of his horrific crimes."

What the guide said surprised Constantine that these guys were carrying so much blood and sin.

He stared at the giant covered in scriptures, guessing what a terrifying evil it was.

The other party was keenly aware of the arrival of someone, and realized that the other party was not a creature in this universe, but a creature brought by that lunatic Guilliman from other universes.

It is the right thing to use to promote one's own empire, to promote one's own expansion and expedition.

Those idiots will surely be fooled by Guilliman.

Guilliman was a cunning liar, and it was impossible for mortals to catch his lies.

The giant raised the face that was distorted in pain, and roared hoarsely.

"Stranger, listen to me, don't be fooled by that damned liar. Guilliman is a pathetic, shameless liar. He is cowardly and incompetent. He will only confuse his brothers and seize power."

"Recognize his face, foreigner. Stay away from him and resist his rule. Only in this way can you gain a future. Don't listen to his words. What he says are all lies, all lies."

"He even falsified my work and signed his own name."

The giant roared wildly, and the crazy expression shocked Constantine who had seen the big scene.

"What does he mean?" Constantine looked at the guide beside him.

"This guy said that the foundation of state religion - Holy Words is his masterpiece." The guide said disdainfully: "But all three-year-old children in the empire know that Holy Words were compiled by the Holy Emperor with painstaking efforts to praise his father - Greatness of the Emperor. The poor traitor wants to usurp not only his father's empire, but his brother's as well, shamelessly."

"That's not it," growled the giant. "That's a lie, a lie. Guilliman is a big liar, a big liar, and you're going to bring him down."

ps: I changed the Wotan Alliance to an extragalactic force.

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