Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 380 The Wotan Alliance Executive Who Cries Like a Grit (Subscribe)

Stay on the imperial side.

Su Xiao was forced to make various disguises.

Try to look like a good person.

But he knew very well that he was not a good person.

He only wants to work for his own benefit.

There is no lofty ideal of self-sacrifice.

He suppressed himself, just to gain the trust of the empire.

On the battlefield, he no longer wants to hide the twisted desire in his heart.

Only the screaming of the other party can release his suppressed heart.

He longs to be strong, longs to be a master.

Become a person who is so high that even God looks up to him.

This is why he is so willing to work so hard in the reincarnation game.

He hated those few imperial players who gave up on Sacrifice Island.

I can't wait to find them and kill them again.

Abandoning him, Su Xiao, is the stupidest and worst thing in this world.

must be punished.

But for his own future planning, he endured the hatred in his heart and temporarily put that matter behind him.

Secretly accumulating power, only for the future blockbuster.

As the saying goes, three years in Hedong and three years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty.

One day, he, Su Xiao, will rule the world and make all those who have harmed and bullied him pay the price.

The female player that Su Xiao was eyeing had a hot body.

Underneath is a vest that accentuates the curves of the front and back.

Wearing a windbreaker outside.

A head of lean and capable white hair.

With a stern face and no smile at all, she looked like an iceberg beauty.

She holds a spear in one hand and a silver-white pistol in the other, looking heroic.

Information about the props in the other party's hands automatically appeared in Su Xiao's eyes.

After betraying the reincarnation game and joining the empire, he also got a new system.

Empire player system.

He took the task from there and checked his attributes and props.

Most importantly, the Empire player system also provides scouting functions.

According to the strength of the target, you can get the information of the target by spending different amounts of salvation points, which is a very good function.

Su Xiao is naturally not the kind of person who saves a small amount of money and misses a big deal.

This is a high-level player battle, and if you are not careful, you will be killed by the opponent.

It is unnecessary to save a little money and let yourself fall into the crisis by mistake.

The system's detection ability is activated.

In a short time, the other party's information appeared in his eyes.

Reincarnation game player information table.

Player Name: Kaze Nao.

Gender: Female.

SSS level player, awakening talent: danger intuition (things that are dangerous to you within 100 kilometers will be marked)

The left-hand weapon is a replica of the SSS-level prop - the Gun of Eternity - Gungnir, which possesses extraordinary power.

Once thrown, it will burst into bright light that pierces the sky.

There is a certain probability to activate special effects.

Special effect 1: must hit, no matter where the enemy is hiding, the thrown spear can hit the opponent's vitals.

(Throwing to the left, but killing the enemy on the right is not impossible)

Special Effect 2: Piercing through everything, even if the enemy is wearing a mythical suit, the spear will ignore its defense and penetrate the target.

(Ignore defense 100%, no matter how thick you wear it, it's useless.)

Right-hand weapon: SSS-level item-Desert Eagle, a pistol with low recoil and great power.

If the blood bar is bright, it may die at the muzzle of the Desert Eagle.

There is a certain probability of activating special effects.

Special effect 1: Unlimited bullets, the magazine is made of special materials, and the bullets will be replenished every time you shoot.

(Science? Conservation of mass? Sorry, that thing is dead, your choice! Host.)

Special Effect 2: Headshot, the effect will be triggered once the fired bullet hits the head.

(Headshots, always a favorite of the shooting masters. Watch those idiots' heads bloom like flowers.)

Special effect 3: Blood sucking, the bullet that hits the enemy will return a certain amount of life to the host.

(As long as there are enough people around you, you are immortal.)

Special effect 4: 100% of the bullets are caught empty-handed. Once the fired bullet triggers this effect, the target will give up what they are doing and run out to catch the bullet.

(I obviously ran away, why did I come back all of a sudden.)

The two SSS-level props also touched a certain rule ability.

All are good things.

The female player also has a suit that adds defense and recovery, as well as talents.

If you change the game, it means that the six gods are fully equipped.

Su Xiao quickly absorbed the information.

Showing a ferocious smile.

Get rid of this guy, the harvest is absolutely amazing.

He quickly rushed to the female player, and the ancient sword that had been stained with the blood of many players became more and more strange.

The more those players are killed, the more terrifying the ancient sword becomes.

There seems to be a terrible will in the blade, which is slowly awakening in the constant killing.

Su Xiao is paying more and more attention to this killer weapon, which is the key to changing his life against the sky.

The power of this ancient sword is not only able to cut through time and space, it must have even more terrifying power.

The problem is that right now he is still too weak.

There is no way to channel all the power out of it.

But he is full of confidence.

One day, he will succeed.

He will completely control this ancient sword and make it his own.

Su Xiao is extremely fast.

A long distance is covered in just a few breaths.

When he got close to a certain range, he kicked his feet violently, jumped up, flew away, and slashed at the opponent with swords in both hands.

That female player had just beheaded a player belonging to the empire, and she just wanted to pick up her own spoils.

Her keen sense of danger made her immediately aware of Su Xiao's sneak attack.

He reacted without even turning his head.

A light shield shining with strange brilliance appeared in front of Su Xiao.

Use the ancient sword in your hand to slash.

There was a sound like breaking glass.

The light shield couldn't last for a second, and it was shattered by Su Xiao's slash.

The ancient bronze sword sliced ​​across the opponent's body.

There was a bang, and bursts of smoke appeared from the two-part body.

The female player had disappeared, and a puppet that had been cut in two fell from where she was standing.

"Stand-in props." Su Xiao jumped back, holding the ancient sword and carefully looking around.

SSS-level players have a strong life-saving ability.

I don't know how many hole cards I have in my hand.

Caution is the boat.

"Traitor." A scolding came from above, Su Xiao was startled, and hid to the side.

The replica of Gungnir, the Gun of Eternity, was stabbed where he was just now.

If the reaction was slow, his head would have to be pierced through like a skewer.

Su Xiao activated a prop in his hand, jumping on the bear's ladder.

This prop can create invisible stairs in the air, allowing players to walk on the ground.

Su Xiao suddenly rushed to the sky.

After a certain amount of time, he flipped and jumped again, holding the ancient sword and slashing at the female player holding the spear again.


With a gunshot, the bullet instantly penetrated Su Xiao's shoulder who was in the air.

The female player was fierce and ruthless, she retreated to avoid Su Xiao's slash, and shot at the same time.

Su Xiao threw out a protective prop to block the opponent's bullets.

There is no gap in the battle between advanced players.

Once a war starts, one must fall.

Surrender and admit defeat may not be possible.

The speed is too fast.

Before he finished shouting, he might be killed.

After going through multiple dungeons, advanced players' fighting awareness and reserve props are extremely amazing.

Shot quickly and ruthlessly, without the slightest hesitation.

The female player threw a replica of the gun of eternity - Gungnir into the air, and a meteor streaked across the sky in an instant.

The spear pierced towards Su Xiao's heart.

Even if he used props to dodge several times, it would not help to keep the distance.

Gunnir of Eternity - Gungnir's replica activates the sure-hit feature.

Su Xiao, who realized that he was unavoidable, threw out two precious rules-like props.

This is a high-level series item he exchanged from the empire.

King Bunny.

This prop can divert the enemy's attack target, the more the target hates oppression, the better the effect.

Rabbit farmer.

This prop can divert the target of the enemy's attack, and the more the target hates the target that resists oppression, the better the effect will be.

He spent a lot of money to exchange these two items from the so-called empire.

Rules props are much more precious than other props.

Acting on the rules, it has mysterious and unpredictable power.

It will not change due to the player's subjective will.

Such props are definitely not something humans can create.

Su Xiao suspected that there might be a group of gods behind the empire.

Can come up with such regular props.

If there is no god who can be equal to the creator behind the reincarnation game, he will not believe it at all.

Bunny Farmer played a role.

The Eternal Gun-Gungnir replica shifted direction and stabbed at the bulky Farmer Bunny doll.

It was obvious that the female player hated those who opposed her terribly.

After destroying the opponent's must-hit feature, Su Xiao casually recalled two doll props, and as soon as he held them, several mirrors formed in the air.

Then he slashed into the air with the ancient sword in his hand, and jumped into the crack of space with a single leap.

The female player retracted her spear, just about to find Su Xiao's location.

Several Su Xiaos jumped out of several mirrors in the air.

The intuition of danger immediately gave an early warning. With a wave of the spear in the female player's hand, all the illusions were broken. Su Xiao was also transformed into one, and blood dripped instantly, staining his clothes red.

However, he also seized the opportunity. With a wave of the ancient sword in his hand, he cut off the female player's arm with one blow.

White as jade, the flawless jade hand was cut off just like that.

The bright red blood splashed in the air, reflecting a strange red radiance under the sunlight.

The pain of the severed hand made the female player howl, and staggered back.

Su Xiao suddenly poured a bottle of potion, which slowed down the bleeding.

Looking at the painful female player who was pouring potions on her broken arm, she showed a distorted smile.

Only a licking dog like boiling sheep and sheep will feel sorry for the fragrance and cherish the jade.

A hunk like him has never been able to kill flowers with his hands.

Lick the dog for nothing in the end.

But the macho will reap everything and ascend to the highest position.

The props flashed brightly, and the ancient sword in his hand swung out again.

The female player in severe pain received an early warning of danger, but she couldn't react.

Another bright red surface appeared, and the severe pain almost made her eyes go black.

The other arm was also chopped off.

The severe pain made her exhale involuntarily, and she was unable to keep floating in the air, and fell to the ground.

The female player has a handsome appearance, with exquisite facial features, a straight nose, thick and slender eyelashes, and skin like snow.

The figure is even more powerful.

The pair of beautiful legs under the cloak are long and slender, white as jade, very dazzling.

If you touch those countless licking dogs a few times, you will be able to smile at Jiuquan, and this life will not be in vain.

Now that both arms have been cut off, the pained expression appears on that handsome face.

If it is taken as a photo and spread, I don't know how many hearts will be broken.

There was no expression of pity on Su Xiao's face, but he just held the ancient sword in his hand tightly.

The blood from the tip of the sword trickled down.

"Why did you betray us?" The female player's eyes showed questioning and anger. She glared at Su Xiao, wondering why the other party left them and chose to join those hateful intruders.

This is their hometown, where they were born and raised.

Do these guys just like to help the bad guys and help those goddamn invaders take their homeland?

Su Xiao didn't answer, the smile on the corner of his mouth had already told the female player the answer.

There was a flash of light.

Su Xiao has already changed his position.

The female player's head also slipped off the slender neck and fell into the dust.

The beautiful flower-like body also fell down.

She was once so beautiful that thousands of males were mad and obsessed with it, but now she fell into the dirty soil.

Su Xiao picked up the props dropped by the opponent, and then rushed to another player.

The death of the female player was quickly forgotten by him.

The dead are doomed to be forgotten.

No matter how beautiful she was, she was going to be an ugly skeleton in the end.

Raise the field of vision all the way up, and you will find that the players occupy a large area on the battlefield.

Many advanced players use the props of range attack and try their best to attack the opponent's enemy.

Mountains and seas were moved, flames burned the sea, meteorites fell from the sky, etc. All kinds of terrifying forbidden techniques and props were released.

For a while, landslides and ground cracked, rivers were dried up, and there were terrible explosions everywhere.

The fight between the two sides became more and more tragic.

Once turned the ground into a purgatory on earth.

Imperial ships hover in high-altitude orbit.

Scan and block the entire world.

Seal the space and block the use space of space props.

Make sure that no reincarnation player can escape their grasp.

In the strategic room of the ship, several high-level fighters of the empire surrounded the huge holographic projection, discussing the war between players in low voices.

They have no intention of intervening in this war.

The exchange system developed by the empire is to stimulate players to fight against the reincarnation game.

Several sages are even evaluating the combat effectiveness of the players belonging to the empire in order to better arrange the next mission for them.

They are all currency in the hands of the Holy Emperor. Although they are a little inferior, they must be used to the best of their ability and cannot be wasted at will.

"No organization, no discipline." Looking at the image of the fighting on the surface, an imperial military commander couldn't help shaking his head. If the imperial troops went up, the artillery salvo would be enough to maim the opponent.

"They are players, not regular troops." Another commander interrupted his colleagues, "The cost of sending a legion across the universe is too high, and they cannot be used in such insignificant battles."

With the expansion of the battlefield, the troops sent by the Empire to Universe 03 are somewhat stretched.

Even though the inter-universe tunnel has been operating day and night, transporting the drawn imperial legion to universe 03, but facing the huge battlefield, it is still a bit far away and cannot quench the thirst.

For this reason, vigorously developing the local indigenous army and recruiting players has naturally become the consensus of the high-level empire.

It's just that the player's hip pull still makes many military commanders complain.

Players have no sense of teamwork and no sense of honor. Only pure interests can make them fight.

Such a force can be used for guerrilla warfare, but if it is used as a frontal force, it will undoubtedly lose.

That is to say, the purifier corps controlled by the living saint-Asakashi Yin can barely act as a frontal force.

The other players are basically used as third-rate roles to destroy other players.

The only advantage is that it is cheap and there is no need to deal with aftermath.

Su Xiao didn't know what the imperial commanders on the ship thought of them.

He is still slaughtering those reincarnation game players.

Players of reincarnation games are defeated very quickly.

If he moves slowly, he may be robbed of his head.

Some reincarnation players want to surrender to the empire.

Su Xiao and others ignored it.

Killing is a head, and it is a waste of points.

If the other party surrenders, there will be one more person who will share the cake.

The slaughter was fast.

The reincarnated players fell one after another, with unwillingness and despair.

Their bodies were just scattered among the ruins of the battlefield.

The cities of this world have been shattered and destroyed by wars between players.

There are beacon fires emitting black smoke and scorched earth soaked in blood.

At the end of the fight, only a few high-level reincarnation players with special skills remained.

But they were besieged by players several times their own.

Failure is also a matter of time.


A reincarnation player let out a roar, the deafening sound made people almost deaf.

With a roar, black hard fur grew from the player's body surface.

The madness and savagery of animal nature appeared in those clear eyes.

The fingers became thick and long, covered with hair, and sharp claws protruded from them, shining coldly.

Four slender and sharp fangs were exposed, and stinky saliva flowed.

The body also swelled up, three to four meters high, extremely oppressive.

Su Xiao, who was in the distance, saw the player who turned into a wolf, and his heart sank.

"Werewolf blood, at least high-level."

Exchanging bloodlines is the most cost-effective choice for players.

As long as they have the blood of werewolves, vampires, or some other mess, players will be able to gain a powerful life recovery ability, and some special abilities will be added.

Vampire blood can allow players to enhance their physical fitness in the dark.

Mermaid blood allows players to breathe freely in the water, and can also summon aquatic creatures to assist in combat.

The blood of Medusa allows players to have a certain degree of poison resistance, and can also petrify flesh and blood creatures with the help of eyes.

Dragonborn blood can allow players to learn dragon roar, and can also have scale protection and breathe dragon breath.

As the level increases, bloodline owners can also master various incredible racial abilities.

No need to study, no need to painstakingly study, just exchange for such a bloodline, you can master those powers.

No one can resist such a temptation.

The reason why Su Xiao hasn't redeemed yet is because he upgraded too fast and didn't save enough points.

After this war is over, he will also exchange for a bloodline to strengthen himself.

The berserk werewolf showed a tyrannical side.

An imperial player who didn't have time to escape was grabbed by a werewolf and smashed his protective props.

The one was even grabbed by two wolf claws, with a sudden force, accompanied by a frightening tearing sound, the player's body was torn into pieces.

Blood splattered, and there were wreckage and broken arms everywhere.

This bloody scene made other empire players turn pale with fright.

As long as he saw the werewolf turn his head to look at him, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

A crazy werewolf is something easy to deal with.

It is said that high-level werewolves and high-level vampires have almost god-like power.

That SSS-level player gave up his reason and became a berserk werewolf, even if he didn't reach that point, it was almost the same.

After tearing apart several players in a row, the werewolf roared up to the sky again, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye spread out, shattering the dilapidated buildings around.

However, at this moment, a player with a strong light shining all over his body and a pair of light wings behind him descended from the sky, and punched the berserk werewolf to the ground.

Su Xiao frowned, and her keen mind immediately recognized the other party's identity.

A high-level player belonging to the empire, owner of the angel blood, Adler.

Different from himself, Adler is a player who really surrendered to the empire.

Desire to establish an order that is friendly to common people.

This is also the reason why he exchanged for the blood of the angel.

I just thought of becoming an angel to redeem those miserable people.

Su Xiao only had two words to comment on his actions, what an idiot.

Just take care of yourself, and you still want to save the world, not a big idiot! !

The berserk werewolf got up again and roared at Adler.

Waving his sharp claws, he rushed up again.

Those crimson pupils were full of tyranny and killing.

Adler's speed is very agile, coupled with the blessing of angel wings, he has super fast speed and the ability to fly.

Dodging continuously, avoiding the attack of the berserk werewolf.

The move failed, making the mad werewolf more and more angry, howling continuously, like crazy.

Another attack failed, and the berserk werewolf watched the player fly into the sky and jumped up, grabbed the opponent's ankle, and yanked downward.

The two bloodline players fell to the ground at the same time, and fought to the flesh.

Adler clenched his fists and slammed at the opponent, causing the berserk werewolf to howl continuously.

However, the other party did not intend to let go of him at all, but instead attacked and bit more violently.

The werewolf's sharp claws were poisonous, and with an easy swipe, even with the blood of an angel, it was difficult to stop the terrifying sharp claws.

Several horrible wounds appeared on Adler's body instantly, flowing with rotten black and foul-smelling blood.

Wolf's poison is invading his body.

What was even more frightening was the werewolf's fangs. After seizing the opportunity, the werewolf bit Adler's throat, trying to tear off his windpipe.

This frantic blow made Adler scream.

If it weren't for the strength of the angel's blood, he would have died with the blow of the werewolf.

Su Xiao found an opportunity.

He threw the ancient sword in his hand.

I saw a flash of sword light, and the berserk werewolf was pierced through.

Adler took the opportunity to escape from the other party's control, covering the wound on his neck, looking in a panic.

At this time, the empire players who realized the opportunity took action one after another, throwing out various props, and blasting the berserk werewolf into pieces.

The crazed werewolf's killing prompt sounded on the interface of the empire system.

At this time, the war also came to an end.

That crazy werewolf was the last reincarnation player.

A beam of light piercing the sky emerged.

They won this world for the empire, as long as they choose to enter the beam of light, they can leave this battlefield and return to the rest area.

The bruised Adler expressed his thanks to Su Xiao.

If it wasn't for the opponent's sword, I'm afraid he would have died in the hands of that werewolf.

Su Xiao didn't care about that.

He didn't take the shot to save people, but simply to share the kill reward.

Su Xiao checked the reward this time.

The loss was not small, but the gains were equally astonishing, tens of millions of points were obtained just for the points.

Enough to exchange for a powerful bloodline.

At that time, I will also gain stronger strength.

After entering the beam of light, Su Xiao felt his eyes go dark, as if he was out of time, and all senses disappeared.

He's used to it.

【Recycling process in progress】

[Player number 14521021154 has entered the designated stasis cabin. 】

[Player number 1102402072 has entered the designated stasis cabin. 】

[Player number 756214520165 has entered the designated stasis cabin. 】

[Player number 4254032154 has entered the designated stasis cabin. 】

The teleportation deck lights up one after another.

Those players who walked into the beam of light immediately entered the delayed state and were sent to each designated dormancy cabin.

When the destination is reached, the imperial personnel will release the delay force field and send them down.

Except for special missions, players will not be allowed to move freely on the ship to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Several mechanical priests stood on a towering giant platform, operating the data screen in front of them.

The machine servant integrated with the mechanical circuit continuously broadcasts the players who walked into the beam of light, reminding them of their status.

The platform is located in the center of the circular room, and the walls of the room are densely inlaid with sleeping pods.

Huge energy pipes are laid out in the gaps between the dormant cabins, and occasionally there will be sharp howling sounds.

Heavy cables form a complicated network of wires in the room.

The suspended servo skull buzzed and passed at high speed, and the green light beam released scanned the status of each dormant cabin.

All the people lying in the dormant cabin are players.

Their state stopped at the moment they walked into the beam of light.

Even the blood from the wound on his body stopped there.

They were put into a hibernation pod, waiting for Imperial ships to bring them back.

All players are recycled.

Remove those players who are already dead.

Of course, the genetic data and souls of dead players will be recovered.

If someone is willing to pay the price to resurrect the dead, the empire will not be stingy with the resources of a clone.

When Su Xiao opened his eyes again, he was already standing on a huge platform.

All kinds of tall and magnificent buildings towered in front of him.

Standing in front of those buildings, individuals appear very small.

Various high-tech flying objects or exotic birds and beasts, mysterious props, etc. shuttle back and forth between buildings.

They have returned to the rest area.

It's like this every time, as long as you walk into the beam of light and open your eyes, you will reach your destination.

The time elapsed in it is also different.

Some are seconds, others are days.

Su Xiao didn't know the difference between these times.

Some players with special abilities know about it, but they also keep secret about it and refuse to disclose any information.

Su Xiao looked up, but he could only see a gray area, and could not see the outside scene.

Some say that there are protective shields above them, blocking their vision.

This place is numbered by the empire as rest area 6130, and it is specially provided for frontline players.

Players who have completed the mission can complete reinforcement and training here.

Su Xiao moved his muscles and bones and felt the pain.

The hidden injuries caused by the props are still aching.

He walked to a sculpture next to the platform.

In the information interface that pops up, choose to receive treatment.

A ray of light appeared from the void.

It immediately refreshed him.

Now that I have earned points, I don't feel bad about spending them.

"The official treatment is cool." Su Xiao secretly thought.

After finishing the treatment, he opened the exchange page again and entered his needs.

He has always wanted to exchange blood, this time he can't let it go.

There are many bloodlines in the empire.

There are countless things to see.

After careful consideration, Su Xiao made a decision.

He wants to exchange for the blood of Zeus from the Olympus god system.

It is said that this bloodline contains a trace of divinity, with the majesty of the king, and the affinity of the element of thunder and lightning. When it grows to the later stage, it is very powerful and can become a god.

After confirming the exchange, only a fraction of the points Su Xiao had accumulated with great difficulty remained.

A strong light flashed, and Su Xiao suddenly felt a majestic force surging in his body.

Raging like a vast ocean, washing every cell and every inch of his bone marrow.

If he mastered the method of inner vision, he would see tiny thunderbolts leaping in his flesh and blood, merging with the strange curse lines obtained by the sacrifice island before, becoming a special thunderbolt with the power of a dark curse.

The curse he suffered on the Sacrifice Island was forced back into his body with props to avoid being too conspicuous.

That thing has become one of his killing moves.

Once you encounter an unimaginable enemy, you will release those curses, and exchange the price of your own corruption for the opportunity to injure the opponent.

The blood of the king of gods combined with his hole cards produced a wonderful reaction in which 1+1 was greater than 2.

This is also Su Xiao's opportunity, so terrifying that it transformed into the blood of Dark Zeus.

Both his eyes were shining with black electric light, and a terrifying aura of king was looming.

Su Xiao closed his eyes, feeling the power.

He is one step closer to his goal.

After absorbing this power, Su Xiao opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

That majestic building made him as small as an ant.

I don't know what kind of existence can build such a world.

Witnessing these magnificent miracles, Su Xiao's strong heart became more and more firm.

He will definitely go to the end.

At that time, both the reincarnation game and the so-called empire will surrender at his feet.

Andromeda Nebula.

For two branches of human civilization scattered among the stars.

Peace was once within reach.

All it takes is a little compromise from both sides.

However, with the demise of the envoys.

Peace was also completely killed.

The two sides have entered a state of immortality.

One side believes that it must unify humanity.

The other side sees itself as defending the homeland.

This is how the flames of war were ignited.

The Karen sage who led the mission to explore the Andromeda Nebula is dead.

The Explorers Chapter took over the local tasks, changing the original exploration tasks to conquest and revenge.

The cause stems from the previous "peace talks."

After waiting for a while, Karen Sage received a reply from the Wotan Alliance.

"We sincerely hope to achieve peace." The ambassador from Thorian sent a message to the empire with sincere words: "Humanity's lines have been lost for a long time, and it would be a blessing if they can be unified."

The other party's response was very enthusiastic, and all of them revealed their desire to form an alliance with the empire.

Keren decided to hold a grand meeting to speak frankly about the Empire and the Wotan Alliance.

Strive for a peaceful alliance.

The meeting between the two parties was set in a bustling world.

The Imperial diplomatic envoys go with a large imperial diplomatic corps.

Keren was among them.

The sincerity shown by the Wotan Alliance is quite sufficient.

Declared willingness to share the knowledge of the core of the ancestors with the empire.

Before leaving the Milky Way, the ancestors of the Wotan Alliance packed a database that recorded all the technologies of the Golden Age of Humanity.

They suffered far less than those in the galaxy thought.

It also retains a lot of technology.

Even if Ironmen and Stonemen are not used on a large scale, their technological level is still very high.

Keren reckons the Wotan Alliance's cutting-edge technology is comparable to that of the Necrons.

If the other party is willing to share knowledge and form an alliance through peaceful means, it is undoubtedly a blessing.

It can save the empire a lot of unnecessary troubles, and it can also make his reputation higher.

The plan for the empire to conquer Andromeda and go outside the galaxy is also smoother.

As a great sage, Karen was still confused and vigilant, and did not fully trust the other party.

He has no intention of giving up force.

However, he still underestimated the blackness of the Wotan Alliance.

Playing with technology and exploring, he is a professional.

But if he is playing tricks, scheming, and scheming, he is absolutely inferior to those old fritters who are struggling in the political arena.

The detectors deployed by the opponent on the outskirts of the nebula had already detected the location of his celestial-class warship, and learned that the imperial army was gathering towards the Andromeda nebula.

The so-called peace talks are nothing more than a complete lie, used to paralyze the empire.

During the peace talks, Keren received information that a large fleet had appeared near the Imperial Construction outpost and launched an attack on them.

"Is there any misunderstanding? Why did you send the fleet into the range of the empire's base?" Karen asked the other party to explain.

Who would have thought that the ambassador, who had greeted him with a smile before, took a step back and took out a pistol.

The trigger was pulled in full view.

Great Sage-Kron's head was blown to pieces.

The Union soldiers who had been prepared for a long time also began to shoot wildly, slaughtering members of the envoy.

"You evil ghosts, all go back to that hell." The envoy shouted: "You still want to form an alliance with us, you dirty beasts, the lackeys of the evil gods, you only deserve death. Tell you Dog Emperor, the Wotan Alliance will never surrender."

The third company commander of the Explorers, who was in charge of protecting Karen, led his men to defend the few surviving diplomatic members. They fought a bloody road and fled after capturing a small ship.

On the side of the Celestial-class battleship, a fierce battle also broke out.

The Wotan Alliance has comprehensively assessed the strength of the empire.

It is believed that the empire has struggled in the galaxy for so long, has been in war for many years, and is bewitched by evil gods. Even if you open a meditator computer, you still have to sing carols and apply sesame oil to soothe your soul.

Stupid and ignorant, no different from those superstitious fools in ancient times.

Such an empire would not only develop new technologies, but also ensure that the previous technologies would not regress.

It is impossible to be their opponent.

Over the years, although the Wotan Alliance has made slow technological progress, it has also made real progress.

It is not easy to hang and beat the empire, and it is something that can be easily grasped.

Even if the empire had the backing of the evil gods, it would be difficult to defeat the Wotan Alliance in a cross-regional battle.

They dispatched a magnificent fleet, planning to unplug the Empire's base in the Andromeda Nebula.

Soon, however, they are being taught how to be human.

Ships of the Empire generally have time-rewinding devices.

Even if they were caught off guard and were activated by the Wotan Alliance and were smashed to pieces, they would recover after flashes of flashes.

The person in charge of commanding this raid is the senior commander of the Wotan Alliance and a famous general from the Cronus military group-Durin.

He is also a dwarf.

Known for his outstanding military command talent.

Commanded many alliance wars against other alien civilizations.

Excellent record.

I thought that this time a sneak attack in the name of peace talks must be a sure thing.

Unplug the empire's base in the Andromeda Nebula, and build a line of defense to block the long-distance marching imperial army.

Suppress those lackeys of evil gods in the galaxy.

The plan was perfect.

The empire must have been violently beaten all the way, crying for their father and mother to go back to find their evil master.

However, not long after the war started, Du Lin had the idea of ​​killing the evaluation department.

The technology of the empire is far from as simple as the alliance imagined.

What they investigated before should only be civilian exploration spacecraft and military warships, which are completely two concepts.

The alliance's fleet did indeed achieve good results in the beginning.

The ships with double-headed eagles didn't react at all.

The Alliance ships blew up the enemy ships in one wave after another.

However, the strange things are just the beginning.

After flashes of light, the ships that should have been shattered returned to their original appearance.

The wreckage scattered across the starry sky also disappeared.

Durin watched as a battleship disintegrated in a silent explosion, flames lighting the dark void.

But in the next second, the flying fragments flowed back, and the flames also returned along the original path.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the destroyed battleship reverted back to the way it was before it was destroyed, as if the reverse button had been pressed.

"I think those idiots in council made a stupid decision and we're all screwed."

Du Lin said to his deputy.

Looking out through the porthole next to the two of them.

It can be found that those weird imperial ships have assembled and launched a counterattack against the alliance army.

ps: The title is a preview, and the crying content is still in the next few chapters.

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