Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 383 I'm sorry, I voted (for subscription)

The entire circular parliament hall echoed with the roar of Mr. Patin.

Senator Patin, who was gripping the railing of the podium with both hands, felt deeply powerless.

Have the brains of the main combat faction been used by them to make soup to replenish their brains! !

How can you do such a low-intelligence, such a thing without a moral bottom line.

But any normal person understands the consequences of beheading an envoy.

Even if there is a war, it won't block the road to the final peace talks! !

Many congressmen of the main combat faction are no longer as unruly as before.

There was horror on everyone's face.

The commander of Durin died in battle, the border is in a hurry, and the anger of the empire has risen.

It will inevitably bring about an unimaginable war, far from what they imagined before, it is just a local war that can control risks.

No one dared to refute MP Patin's angry accusations.

The entire venue was eerily quiet.

"We shouldn't focus all our energy on this. Mistakes have already been made, so there's no need to delve into it." The head of the council eased the depressed mood in the venue, "The most important thing right now is how to solve the threat posed by the empire. They War has been declared, and we must respond, or fear will overwhelm the Wotan Alliance."

"Then there is only a full-scale war." Another congressman said: "We must not be caught without a fight. The alliance should enter a state of war."

"That will only anger them." A member of the peace faction said: "The death of Commander Durin is a lesson. We can no longer be arrogant, and we should send someone to make peace immediately. If they want to pursue the envoy's death, then we Just assist them in the investigation and hand over the murderer, I believe that as long as there is enough compensation, the empire will calm down."

When it came to the death of the imperial envoy, the peace faction member swept across the seats where the peace faction members were sitting with meaningful eyes.

There is no one who is not a human being who can get into the position of a member of parliament.

It is natural to think that these guys must be secretly doing something to promote the war.

The ancients said it well, if there is a profit of 10%, people will be eager; if there is a profit of 20%, people will dare to take risks; With a 100% profit, the law is no longer sacred and inviolable. With a 300% profit, those people dare to put a noose around their necks.

Such a thing as killing an envoy does not seem to be unimaginable to this group of lunatics.

The words of the peace faction members made the originally silent venue noisy.

The main battle faction all boiled at once.

Isn't this going to take their lives to appease the anger of the empire! !

It's okay to scold a few words.

Use their lives and interests to appease the wrath of the empire.

What a joke.

Even if the cute little girl of the League, who weighs no more than a hundred, is trampled to death by the two-meter-tall Empire, whose arms can run a train and whose muscles are like snakes and pythons, they will not take out their own interests, let alone Take your own life to appease the wrath of the empire.

The proposal of the main combat faction is simply a betrayal of the alliance.

"Extremely shameless, as a member of the alliance, but thinking of betraying your compatriots, seeking peace."

"You are a betrayal, a naked betrayal, a betrayal of the alliance and the people of the alliance."

"It is a blasphemy to have someone like you standing here who betrays your fellow countrymen."

"If you want to fight, then fight, and you will never compromise with that damned empire."

"They are demons, ghosts from hell, how can we feed those ghosts with our own compatriots."

"No member of the Union will approve of this humiliation."

The congressmen were raging, their eyes burst into flames.

All of them are so righteous and awe-inspiring, with high morals.

They condemned each other on the honor of the Alliance, the glory and the happiness of their people.

It's as if the congressman who proposed to quell the empire's anger and hand over the murderer is a cowardly, ungrateful, wolf-hearted, fatherless, despicable and shameless person who betrayed the alliance and the people.

They completely forgot that if they hadn't killed the envoys, they wouldn't have incurred the wrath of the empire.

But now, the other party just wants to ease the struggle between the two superpowers, strive for a little peace, and avoid the large-scale casualties caused by the war.

The scene became more and more out of control.

Those representatives flushed and emotional.

The chairman of the council could only keep yelling to be quiet, but it didn't have much effect.

The meeting could only be forced to end early.

A few hours later, the alliance meeting was able to reconvene.

After many private talks and exchanges of interests, they finally reached a new war plan.

The forces of all parties in the alliance will unite to resist the invasion of the empire.

At the same time, we will also find ways to fight for peace.

Use war to promote peace and strive for a less excessive peace agreement.

Reinforcements from the Empire are coming fast.

The first reinforcements were led by Seth of the Flesh Tearers Chapter, a sub-chapter of the Blood Angels.

Seth is no longer Chapter Master of the Flesh Tearers.

He handed over the duties to another Flesh Tearer warrior, while he himself erased all honor and went on a crusade of redemption.

The Flesh Tearer warrior had resisted the pressure and urged him several times to obey Dante's words and devote himself to Guilliman's great cause.

Seth hated the Flesh Tearer warrior at first.

Thinking of him as a potential traitor, seduced by Guilliman's rhetoric.

Seth didn't realize how wrong he was until he followed Dante to encircle Magnus and witnessed the battle where Sanguinius appeared.

After Guilliman became the Holy Emperor in Taijiki, Seth handed over the position of regiment commander to the Flesh Tearer warrior.

The other party has a purer loyalty.

Able to lead the Flesh Tearer better.

A stubborn guy like him who almost betrayed the empire is no longer qualified to lead the Flesh Tearer.

After witnessing Guilliman's enthronement on Terra, Seth led a company far from the heart of the Empire on a crusade for his crimes.

For a time, Seth saw Holy Emperor Guilliman as a traitor who would usurp his father's throne.

Consider yourself a sober loyalist.

The ending is so ironic.

Guilliman resurrected Sanguinius, summoned his Primarch brothers, and became Holy Emperor with the Emperor's blessing.

The more selfless Guilliman is, the more he regards saving humanity as the most important cause.

Seth felt more ashamed.

He committed a terrible crime of irreverence.

Use your own despicable mind to speculate on a great man with high moral character.

The requirements of the Flesh Tearers in Sanguinius have been fully upgraded.

Became the Primaris Chapter, serving the Holy Emperor.

These did not calm Seth's mind.

He knew he had to go on a crusade of redemption.

Only in this way can he redeem the mistakes he once committed.

At his request, the Ministry of Military Affairs allowed him to take his battle brothers to the Andromeda Nebula to conquer the unredeemed worlds for the Holy Emperor.

When he learned that the local human bloodline branch was not only unwilling to surrender, but also killed Karen Sage, a die-hard supporter of the Holy Emperor.

Seth took his fighting brothers and made an oath.

He would sacrifice a thousand worlds to the Holy Emperor, and then sacrifice the heads of those who killed the Karen sages to atone for his crimes.

Soon, he will conquer the first world.

Planet Rick 3.

In a frontier town in the Western Continent.

A Union army is stationed here, guarding an important mineral mining site.

Huge thunderclouds are rapidly accumulating in the southwest.

The weather in the town has also become sweltering and humid.

Wesker felt that the weather would definitely rain soon.

This is a good thing.

After coming to this ghost world, his only feeling is that there is too much dust, making everything dirty.

A roar came from the sky.

The formation of fighter planes flew across the sky, rattling the windows.

No one looked up, and everyone was used to such things.

News of the war traveled quickly.

Even the border town of Rick 3 got the news.

But Wesker and the others didn't take it to heart, the commanders should be the ones who should have the headache, not them.

And the war seems far away.

I heard that the nearest battlefield is four light years away.

It is difficult to give them a sense of urgency about war if they are in a class that does not communicate well.

They couldn't see the battleships approaching, or the Alliance ships crumbling to pieces.

When I looked up, I saw the blue sky, and there was no trace of war.

If it weren't for those reports that say it every day, who would think that there will be a war in a certain corner of the universe! !

Wesker doesn't care one iota about that empire.

He cares more about his salary.

According to some veterans, there seems to be some problems with the transportation of materials.

There were not enough equivalents, and there were problems with the distribution of war funds.

Instant messaging across time and space is difficult.

For this reason, it is impossible to use electronic money in the interstellar range.

That is prone to loopholes.

To this end, like the Empire, the Alliance will use a currency made of smart chips.

Every month the Union would send those different denominations of currency to the soldiers as their salaries.

Wesker then finds a way to deposit it in the bank that lent him money to repay the loan.

"Sorry, we are communicating. The problem is that the spaceship that transported the supplies was robbed, and the currency has not been delivered here. We cannot pay you wages." A logistics officer tried his best to appease the gathered soldiers, trying his best to make them They go back first.

"Fart, you must give it to us today."

"Yes, give us."

"Ma Dan, they are urging me to pay back the loan, hurry up."

The soldiers naturally did not do it.

They will never leave without money.

They go to war for money.

Now say no money, just kidding! !

Seeing the soldiers getting louder and fiercer.

Several consecutive gunshots silenced the crowd.

A man in an officer's uniform parted the rowdy soldiers and entered.

His eyes were full of anger, as if these soldiers were his enemies.

"What do you guys want to do!! Can't you wait a few days? You don't have any collective consciousness." The officer stretched out his hand and reprimanded the soldiers, "You are soldiers who defend your home and country, jumping up and down like this for a little money, What kind of words!! Are you worthy of your uniform!!"

"You must know how to sacrifice for the alliance, and you must give up your family to protect the alliance. Are you going to the battlefield for such a selfish purpose? Just for money? What about your ideals? What about your blood? Is your motivation to defend your homeland? Is it just for money? Go back to your station immediately, if I see anyone who dares to make trouble here again, I will immediately deal with it by military law."

After a series of beatings and scolding, many soldiers were too angry to speak, so they could only leave resentfully.

Wesker was very dissatisfied.

He goes to war for money.

Ideals and ambitions are the business of big business owners.

But seeing so many people dare not resist, Wesker didn't dare to be the first bird, so he could only hold back his anger and leave.

But on the way, he heard some veterans talking again.

"Damn it, that dog thief, he got the money himself, and just put on airs there. If he didn't get the money, he might be the one who yelled the loudest."

"Who said no, that bastard is here."

"Fight a war. If you win the battle and go back, maybe the house and land will be confiscated by the chamber of commerce. They will be auctioned off to repay the loan. I guess you still have to owe money to the chamber of commerce."

"Fuck me, I voted. As long as the alliance loses, the loan will be gone."

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