Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 411 The Destruction of the Wotan Alliance (Subscribe)

"This is war, and we have no choice." The representative of the Kronos military group shouted: "The Wotan Alliance has reached the brink of subjugation. If we are timid again, we will ruin the future of mankind. For Wotan Tanzania, for the sake of human beings, and for the homeland where we have survived for generations, it is time to make a choice."

"The ancestors created those weapons and told us to use them carefully, not to lead us to destruction, and don't use them. Those damned terrible monsters have invaded our world, and the future of this civilization is at stake. If we don't stand up and fight, we sinners."

Representatives of the Kronos military group shouted and showed some pictures and video clips to the crowd.

Those powerful giant warriors slaughtered the warriors of the Wotan Alliance like a smash.

Alliance warships are constantly being destroyed.

The dead are countless.

Empires are like entities born from nightmares.

Nothing can stop them.

All that passes is destruction and death.

"Look at these huge warriors. They were born purely for destruction. They are tall and strong, born for war, and good at destroying. They are the enemies we have been guarding against and are warned by countless classics. The one who conquers all things and kills the invincible Hugh's Chaos."

"We must not sit back and watch this great civilization be destroyed. My people, my compatriots, it is time to stand up and resist. The territory controlled by the Wotan Alliance has fallen, and countless people have suffered from the ravages of the empire. If we If you keep the benevolence of a woman in your heart, the destruction of human civilization will only happen sooner or later.”

"We must not surrender to the tyrannical empire that represents chaos. If the flag of the empire flies in Thorian, it will be a barbaric trample on civilization." A representative of the Deep Rock Mining Guild spoke, "I support Kronor The speech of the representative of the Sri Lanka military group, it is time for us to unite, an unprecedented disaster has affected the entire human race."

"Do you know what using the sealed arsenal means?" said the representative of the Pan-Hyberian Alliance, "No matter which side wins, the Andromeda Nebula will only leave ruins. I am not advocating giving up resistance, but We should not have won this victory at the cost of self-destruction."

The Pan-Hyberian Alliance is responsible for the main shipping of the Wotan Alliance, and they are also the most pioneering group of people in the Wotan Alliance.

Many explorers come from this faction.

With an almost obsessive determination, they actively seek out new warp routes, trading partners, and mystical relics.

The foundries of the Pan-Hyberian Federation churned out a steady stream of fast and powerful spaceships.

They suffered terribly in the terrible war against the Empire.

Facing the almost desperate battle, they knew very well how big the gap between the Wotan Alliance and the Empire would be.

If there is no miracle, the failure of the Wotan Alliance is already a certainty.

Opening those sealed arsenals will only make the scale of the war bigger and bigger.

At that time, the entire Andromeda Nebula may be turned into real ruins.

Absolutely no one is willing to accept such an ending.

Moreover, they also have some information about the fallen planet.

The Empire is not a brutal chaos, they are restrained.

Some planets survived and reformed according to their ideas.

Representatives of the Pan-Hyperian Union weighed their words to avoid getting caught by their rivals.

Surrendering to the enemy in war is a shameful proposition.

Even though, the starting point is to protect the continuation of this civilization.

"Then should we surrender to the empire?" The representative of the Kronos military group shouted, with force, "Shall we surrender to Chaos, to that damned tyrant?"

"We have reached the most critical moment, and it is time to make our choice, to die with dignity or to live on our knees." The representative from the Ymir Enterprise Group said.

All the corporate forces of the Wotan Alliance are eager to master more ancestral cores and more databases.

That is their foundation and their hope for growth.

However, unlike other forces, the Ymir Enterprise Group pays more attention to scientific research and industry than other forces.

This conglomerate has specialists in various types of manufacturing.

Their sphere of influence is smaller than other forces.

Yet they have the most robust technology industries.

Possesses excellent force field technology capable of keeping void mining companies and colonies safe.

The well-built teleportation hub is the super-light speed technology that the Wotan Alliance relies heavily on.

High-end scanning instruments and communication components are also their patents.

"Should human civilization be destroyed for the sake of the so-called dignity? As long as you work hard to survive, you will always find a way." Another representative shouted: "We can no longer indulge the beast of war."

"The empire didn't destroy the planets they conquered, they are ruling those worlds, which means they don't want to get a piece of wasteland." Councilor Partin shouted: "We keep saying we want to defend this civilization, but in the end we poured out the fire of destruction Is it really right to do so on the heads of those innocent people?"

"The empire is still maintaining restraint. A rash war will tear us apart completely. Such an approach is definitely not a wise choice." A representative who supported Patin said: "The galaxy is certainly a dangerous place. But there is no obvious corruption in the human empire, they still maintain restraint, and rashly use those dangerous extermination weapons, which will only make the war out of control."

Controversy tore through parliament.

People who support peace still support controlling the scale of war and fighting for opportunities for peace talks.

Those who support the war are still the same, shouting for democracy and justice, and for the homeland to defeat all enemies.

Chaos spread across the many seats of parliament.

They shout with all their might, trying to convince others to come to terms with themselves.

But that is futile.

No one will be convinced.

Especially those members of parliament who are in high positions and hold power.

If there is no stubborn paranoia, it is absolutely impossible for them to get to this position.

Until the Speaker of the Council knocked on the table in front of him and raised his hand.

"That's it, my MPs."

The bickering in Parliament is over.

Everyone looked at the chairman of the council, waiting for his next speech.

"The debate is over, and now, as is our tradition, the vote must be taken by a majority of the members of Parliament. In order to avoid further futile arguments between us, I think it is time to vote, If the majority supports us, further discussions will take place. If not, there are many other things waiting for us. The empire will soon reach Thorion, and our destiny will also usher in a radical change."

"Let's start voting now." The president of the council announced loudly.

One by one, the MPs on the bench pressed their yes, no, abstain buttons.

Following their actions, the screen on the floating platform in the center of the rotunda also displayed the number of votes for this proposal.

War brings hatred.

People's short-sightedness will not disappear with the advancement of technology.

They only felt that the Empire wanted to completely destroy the Wotan Alliance.

Blame the cause of the war on imperial greed and hegemony.

They completely forgot the peace proposal put forward by the empire.

The hatred instigated by representatives of the Kronos military group unites them.

The votes in favor of lifting the ban on sealed weapons overwhelmed the peace proposals put forward by Patin and others.

The final result made Patin desperate.

The Wotan Alliance is heading towards the abyss of destruction.

Regardless of whether this war is won or not, the Wotan Alliance will be torn apart.

"This is not a war against aliens. You can use a thousand lies to whitewash this war, thinking it is defending your homeland, defending civilization, discrediting the empire, and describing it as a terrible chaotic minion. But you Don't forget one thing, they are human beings, our lost brethren in the galaxy."

Councilor Patin's eyes shed tears, not for himself, but for this war, for this war without victory.

"Unbanning those weapons will only lead to the destruction of the human race. Dignity cannot be obtained from a war that destroys each other."

Having said this, he bowed to his former colleagues, and when the seat was fixed somewhere in the wall of the rotunda, an exit opened, and he walked out of the hall along there.

When the war is over, how many people can still stand here.

It is not for nothing that the ancestors considered those weapons taboo.

They destroy everything.

After the results of lifting the ban came out, many congressmen sighed softly.

They left the Houses of Parliament.

I votes say it all.

People have to respect all decisions made in parliament.

Even if a democratically elected plan to let everyone die together, it can only swallow the bitter fruit.

The main combat faction headed by the representative of the Kronos military group showed a smile.

If the Empire wants to conquer the Alliance, let it come.

It will be smashed against the alliance's wall of destruction.

Those fearsome weapons could bridge the technological gap between the Alliance and the Empire.

Senator Pattin tried hard to suppress his emotions.

Walk in the wide, wide corridor with people coming and going.

Guards in uniform followed closely behind him.

Dirty political struggles abound in Thorion.

Even in the parliament building, there must be enough personal guards.

Don't trust the security guards the league sends here.

They will honestly tell the family members of each deceased that they have tried their best, but there is still no way to protect the victim and catch the assassin.

With a sincere attitude, you can't find any faults like you can't catch the murderer.

Private guards kept out experts, officials and soldiers who tried to talk to Senator Patin.

Even if the empire is about to hit Thorian, the bureaucratic thirst for power cannot be overwhelmed.

In order to be able to have a word or two with big figures like Patin who can participate in the parliament, or to get the names that these big figures signed casually in order to get rid of trouble.

They spend weeks, even months, waiting for someone important to pass by.

"Lord Patin."

A group of Heroic Furnace Guards in heavy armor stood in front of his team.

The guards of the heroic spirits are basically composed of dwarves, and they are controlled by Uthar, the Man of Destiny.

It is the most powerful force defending Thorian.

More ships are heading to the capital system of the Wotan Alliance.

Here they will fight the Empire for the final battle.

A desperate endgame.

In fact, many people know that they are bound to lose.

The Empire's technology is too rogue and sophisticated.

The Wotan Alliance is helpless about this.

A large number of troops who were dissatisfied with the Wotan Alliance defected, making the empire's momentum even more terrifying.

It was only a matter of time before Thorion fell.

Unless some miracle can happen.

"What's your business?" Patin asked, looking at the soldiers and the leading officer.

"Marshal hopes that you can go there." Heroic Spirit Furnace Guard said: "He is waiting for you at the Strategic Command."

"Do you invite people like this!!" Patin glanced at the Heroic Spirit Stove Guards surrounding his team, and said angrily: "You have already treated the laws of the alliance as air, and you are so brutally controlling a councilor. "

Patin's words aroused the attention of others.

They were all looking at Patin and the Heroic Spirit Furnace Guard, talking in low voices.

"The marshal wants you to come over, Mr. Patin. We are not disrespectful to invite you, but he is busy with affairs and cannot come in person. There are not many civilian staff around him. We can only do this."

Hearing this explanation, Councilor Patin's anger subsided a little.

Several legendary alliance generals died in battle.

The Imperial army pierced the heart of the Wotan League like a deadly arrow.

It was only one step away from taking its life.

The fall of Thorion would shatter the Wotan Alliance, and even if other regions were still fighting hard, their morale would collapse with the fall of the capital.

The Wotan Alliance has reached an unprecedented critical moment.

Man of Destiny-Usar is standing in the strategic command room.

The star map of the Thorian galaxy shaped by cold light is reflected in the eyelids.

He is the marshal and hero specially created by the core of the ancestors.

Some dwarves are born naturally, while others are produced by bio-machines called cloning tapestry.

This is to ensure the military strength and population of the Wotan Alliance.

The tapestry of cloning ensures the diversity of individuals in the next generation.

They generally have denser bones and muscles than non-clones.

There are also more red and white blood cells.

Gain great physical strength and toughness in this way.

At the same time, cloning tapestry will also give newborns some special abilities.

Such as enhanced response, infrared, vision, extreme environment resistance and so on.

The most special point is that the tapestry of cloning can also create psykers to some extent.

The Wotan Alliance possesses barrier technology.

These technologies make the projection of humans and dwarves in the warp very dim.

Even bleaker than the Tau of yore.

This is why they were able to live peacefully in the Andromeda Nebula for so long.

Demons don't notice them at all.

In order to protect the continuation of civilization, the core of the ancestors will create a leader with powerful abilities every once in a while, so as to ensure that the top leaders of the alliance will not lead to the destruction of the alliance due to their own corruption.

This is also the reason why the Wotan Alliance can continue under such a wonderful system.

This type of person is often referred to as a man of destiny.

The destiny of this generation is Usar.

When he was born, the furnace of the ancestral core cast a gorgeous energy blade for him without anyone controlling it.

That energy blade is also called the blade of the ancestors.

Uthar the Mandate of Destiny has achieved many outstanding results in the fight against the infestation.

Infestation is the name of a predatory race.

They are numerous and inexhaustible.

It will plunder all the resources of the planets along the way, leaving only empty and cold planets.

Every occurrence is a huge disaster, causing a large number of casualties, and requires the Wotan Alliance to deal with it with all its strength.

Man of Destiny - Usar is not satisfied with his achievements.

He has been longing for a complete solution to the pest plague.

If it wasn't for the invasion of the empire, he would probably still be fighting against those damn bugs at the edge of the Andromeda Nebula at this moment.

He couldn't figure out how, well, how could a human empire suddenly appear as a powerful enemy of the Wotan Alliance.

And in a very short period of time, the Wotan Alliance was almost collapsed.

Marshal Durin was killed in battle, and he was stuffed in a ship and sent back with the corpses of his personal guards.

It is undoubtedly a huge humiliation for the Wotan Alliance.

However, what is even more sad is that in this life-and-death war, which is about the survival of civilization, a large number of alliance soldiers chose to defect and became the accomplices and lackeys of the empire.

Usar, to be honest, did not have any confidence in winning this battle.

It's just that he can't show it, he needs to pretend.

He is the backbone of the defenders of the Thorian galaxy. If he is desperate for the battle situation, the defenders will inevitably collapse.

After sighing slightly in my heart.

Usar turned his attention back to his face.

A huge holographic projection occupies the central area of ​​the strategy room.

The star is compressed into a basketball-sized fireball, and the compressed planets orbit the star.

Surrounding the satellite are dots of light.

The asteroid belt around the star is indicated by a halo.

Projections flicker with spin, like galaxies spinning.

Make a crackling sound.

Technical staff of the Wotan Alliance. Walk around the large projector.

Overhaul maintains machinery.

Smaller holographic projectors and screens fill the remainder of the room.

Around each is a crowd of quietly working people.

Humans and dwarves in officers' uniforms chatted in low tones.

Occasionally a few people would yell out questions and get a quick response.

This is the heart of the Thaurian system.

The defense of the entire galaxy will appear here.

When Mr. Patin walked into the strategy room led by the Heroic Spirit Furnace Guard.

Uthar was standing next to the projection.

Pale projections of light reflected the face of his armor, reflecting the clan's emblem.

The Man of Destiny exudes a calm aura, like the tranquility in the eye of the storm.

"Master Destiny." Councilor Patin said, "Do you have anything to see me?"

"I heard that the councilors are going to activate the sealed taboo weapon arsenal. You are very opposed to this?" Usar said, "I want to know why!!"

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