Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 414 Dedicated to the Empire (for subscription)

Under the lash of the zealot, the screams of the demon became more and more shrill.

Each whip left horrific scars on the demon's twisted body.

Normally, such an injury will heal quickly.

Yet there was something in the Zealot's whip that prevented the demon from healing itself.

The stone pillars displayed on the square all exude a strong smell of blood.

Vashtor can easily taste despair and pain from these tastes.

Evidently, there was no single demon suffering in this way.

There have been many atrocities against demons here.

Vashtor looked at the demon screaming in pain.

The body mixed with subspace metal and flesh also trembled slightly.

Behind the square where the devil suffers is the destination of Vashtor's trip.

It was a majestic giant city, every building was so huge, just like the ancient mythical Titans built for themselves.

It stands deep in the webway, far from the real universe and the high heavens.

Both the ground and the building have incredible angles.

The ground seemed to be bent into a pipe.

The smoothly curving human architecture extends into the void at an angle that does not exist in reality, until it is submerged in the white mist.

The whole city was shrouded in a layer of white mist.

When approached, the whispers of the dead will echo in the ears.

The city above is gloomy and bleak, filled with the breath of pain.

At the end of the road where Vashtor is located is a huge arch like a mountain.

The road is made of black stone with psionic inertia.

When Vashtor moved, his mechanical limbs struck the ground, making crisp sounds.

Unlike other demons, Vashtor's lower body is a mechanical limb made of black iron and gears, which looks like a crab.

A few steps forward, there is a square with huge stone pillars.

The demon was tied to it and suffered.

The closer you get, the harsher the sound becomes.

When it got under the stone pillar, it looked up subconsciously.

The demon just happened to be whipped and let out another deafening scream, accompanied by cursing the name Cherubelle! !

Vashtor, who witnessed this scene, took a few steps back subconsciously.

The demon's screams made it involuntarily fear the city.

Everything here reveals an atmosphere that makes it uneasy.

"Don't look, keep going." The guard in charge poked Vashtor with a halberd.

This move of the imperial army made Vashtor feel humiliated, and it let out a low growl, declaring its dissatisfaction and anger.

It is an ancient god, but now it is treated like a prisoner.

If those damned ancient civilizations hadn't imprisoned it, it would definitely be a member of the great game now.

This is not bragging.

Vashtor holds the power of casting and is a symbol of inventors, engineers, scientists and craftsmen.

It has a strong curiosity and innovative desire for all unknown things, without the slightest awe of morality and life.

In order for that knowledge to be 100% applied, it always pushes creation in a dark and bloody direction.

Creatures in the real universe will always try to understand and enslave the power of nature at all costs, eager to obtain divinity through technology.

This kind of desire and appeal once allowed its power to grow continuously, and it was only one step away from complete sublimation, becoming the existence of the four gods.

If it weren't for those ancient civilizations taking advantage of their weaknesses to pull them into the real space, and being attacked by those despicable and shameless real creatures.

It will surely gain unprecedented power as those civilizations reach the peak of civilization, and become an all-knowing and omnipotent being.

It's a pity that it fell short in the end.

It doesn't matter if you fail to become an omniscient and omnipotent person, and you are imprisoned.

"Did you hear me, keep going." The imperial guard's emotionless voice came from under the golden closed helmet again.

Vashtor couldn't see the other's face, but could only see his own figure on the smooth golden helmet.

It has a strong red body, a pair of horns burning with demon flames, and bony spurs all over the body.

The unarmored arm was terrifying and unusually thick, and the cables and interfaces implanted with flesh and blood could still be seen.

Vashtor is in charge of the casting authority, and his body is naturally full of primitive and rough industrial elements.

As a former god so captured, enslaved, humiliated by mortals.

Its heart of humiliation burns like a fire.

In the past, those who dared to treat it like this would have had their souls taken away and suffered forever.

Vashtor turned his head and gave the imperial guard a vicious look.

God cannot be humiliated, humiliated, oh! Ow!

Not waiting for Vashtor to sketch out an inner drama of revenge against the Empire in his heart.

The impatient imperial army stabbed it fiercely with a long halberd.

The halberd, which incorporates the characteristics of the soulless, has natural restraint against demons.

Just for a moment, it brought great pain to Vashtor, making him howl endlessly.

The small thought of revenge in my heart also disappeared.

Driven by the imperial army, he walked forward obediently.

It looked like a lowly prisoner who dared not stand up to his jailer.

After the guards inspected the imperial army's bio-seal and authorization papers, they let them go.

Go through the giant archway.

Enter to see a huge sculpture belonging to the Holy Emperor.

The smell of incense and sesame oil mixed together and poured into the demon's mouth and nose.

The grand prayer resounded through every corner of the entire giant city, sacred and solemn.

The city made Vashtor uncomfortable.

But the Custodians didn't care what it thought, and they rudely asked Vashtor to move forward.

If there is any resistance, it will be beaten with the long halberd.

The city is full of religious atmosphere.

Every stone slab in the broad block is engraved with a devotional prayer.

The kilometer-high ossuary holds remains covered with gold plates.

Prayers to the Holy Emperor and the Great Emperor can be seen everywhere.

On both sides of the road are the sculptures of heroes.

At their feet are incense sticks and auto-chanters.

The deeds of human heroes are written in densely lined marble monuments.

Flocks of white-skinned and brass-winged cherubs flew from dark arcades, holding incense burners and verses of heroes and emperors blaring from loudspeakers.

Tall and majestic sanctuaries and temples can be seen everywhere.

Those monks wearing holy armor held weapons and walked back and forth at the door or on the street.

They looked fanatical, ready to sacrifice their lives for the Holy Emperor at any time.

They all showed hate and disgust as they saw Vashtor go by.

Those people are fanatics of the state religion.

The hair on the forehead has been shaved, and the golden double-headed eagle and the secret prayer are tattooed.

Affixed to their weapons are parchments on which rituals and oaths are written.

This is a city of fanatics.

No commoner, only the most devout believers can enter here and serve the Holy Emperor.

There is neither night nor dawn here, it is always dark and drowsy.

Demonic screams occasionally emanated from those temples or sanctuaries.

Without exception, all with great pain.

Vashtor walked down the wide aisle tremblingly.

Those fanatics stared at it, rubbed their weapons, and their eyes showed the desire to tear it apart.

Vashtor was terrified by those looks.

Without the escort of the imperial guards, those guys would never hesitate to pick up their weapons.

After a grueling journey, Vashtor was sent to a vaulted cathedral by the Custodians.

Numerous tall skeletons in funeral robes stand on both sides of the wide porch of the church, holding the smoky censer in front of them.

Wearing armor, holding a weapon in his hand, and hanging an iron book with holy words on his waist, the caretaker priest came out of the church.

They are all composed of fanatics selected from all over the galaxy, implanted with high-strength thought stamps, and installed suppressors, which can resist the temptation of subspace creatures and those weird whispers of the undead.

The caretaker pastor was taciturn, and his expression didn't change much when he saw the imperial guards.

These men swore to dedicate their lives to the Holy Emperor.

Everyone is an ascetic, and in their view, silence is a kind of practice, and it is the control of their own desires.

Vashtor was handed over by the Custodian to the caretaker priest in accordance with the procedure.

The caretaker priest sent the former god into the depths of the church.

Every sanctuary and temple is a prison for demons.

According to the degree of danger, the size of those sanctuaries and temples will also change accordingly.

There are all kinds of terrible soul-killing weapons installed inside the church.

These weapons are all traits, specifically aimed at the undead possessed by demons.

The further Vashtor went into the depths of the church, the more disturbed he became.

The church is constructed of some special material, like a terrible black hole that can swallow everything.

Vashtor could feel himself weakening all the time, his power being dispelled by the church.

It doesn't like this place, however, it has no strength to resist.

Those caretaker priests are obviously specially trained to deal with demons.

Vashtor, who had been suppressed in the first place, was severely beaten when he resisted for a while.

The whip containing the characteristics of a soulless person slapped on its body, leaving a series of shocking wounds that could not be healed.

Demons also have their own dignity.

Any mortal who offends them is met with teasing and vengeance.

Vashtor has it too.

But it quickly gave up its dignity and chose to live in humiliation.

There is no mercy in the Wardens, absolutely loyal and fanatical to the Holy Emperor, and they have a great hatred for the creatures of the Warp.

The dishonesty Vashtor could receive a whip at any moment.

The whip would leave a wound on its body that would not heal, making it miserable.

After several beatings, Vashtor gave up the stupid way of disobeying those guards and became obedient.

It will retaliate, but now the advantage is not on it.

Therefore, to endure, to wait for the opportunity.

Its prison was dark and dark, lit only by a lamp fueled by holy oil.

Most of the time, Vashtor could only howl at the empty wall alone.

The hunger for faith and the desire for flesh and blood are tormenting it.

Let it hit the walls like mad, scream like other demons.

Vashtor, who was imprisoned, seemed to return to the days when he was sealed.

Those ancient civilizations sealed it in an ancient building, cutting off its connection with the Supreme Heaven. Trying to use the years to destroy it.

But no one thought that it would be released by Abaddon.

I thought I could show off my glory and compete for the position of the gods of chaos.

But he was beaten by the empire, and even reduced to a prisoner.

He was sent underground in this heavily guarded city.

Vashtor thought it would be the same as it was sealed before.

Wait until the glory of the imperial civilization turns into dust and ruins in the long years.

It will not be possible to be free again until another ambitious race rises.

But what it didn't expect was that it didn't take long for a new demon to be stuffed into the cell next to it, making them inmates.

It was the demon that was tied to the stone pillar in the square before.

This guy is dying.

It was still cursing the name Cherubel, using all the words it could think of.

Vashtor couldn't imagine how much hatred could drive a demon so mad.

The demon fell into a state of madness and confusion, and it no longer had much ability to think.

Hunger, thirst and desire are about to overwhelm it completely.

This is the usual outcome for warp beings.

Eternity is not without cost.

The hunger and thirst like a black hole torments every individual who tries to seek eternal life.

No matter how tough the soul is, it will eventually be broken and worn out due to the long time.

Only with enough faith and flesh and blood to satisfy the eternal hunger, can the devil maintain enough sanity.

Of course, those guys will not be called demons, but gods.

Gods and demons are originally the same thing.

Only ignorant people think that gods are nobler than demons.

The demon was insane, tortured by pain and hunger to the point of collapse.

Vashtor had no way of engaging in any useful dialogue with the other party.

But after getting along for a long time, it still pieced together a truth.

From the chaotic ravings of the other party and the information revealed occasionally by sobriety, Vashtor learned that Cherubel was a defected demon.

Before Guilliman became the Holy Emperor, this bad embryo had secretly enslaved the demons, forcing them to provide various information about the warp.

Cherubelle was the first demon enslaved by Guilliman.

According to Maca, Cherubelle was also a powerful Demon Prince who lived for endless ages.

However, under Guilliman's coercion and lure, Cherubel still abandoned his demon dignity and chose to submit.

He not only advises Guilliman, but also provides various spells to help him summon other demons and expand the enslaved group.

The whipped demon is named Maca, a scholar-type demon with great curiosity and ancient knowledge.

Not belonging to the Four Gods, but a demon who wanders alone in the warp.

Maca specializes in providing consulting services for equivalent exchange.

The summoner offers sacrifices to it, and after providing the sacrifices, it gives the answer to the other party.

Don't look at the empire's strict defense of the subspace.

But how could it be possible to prevent those people from committing suicide.

There are so many people seeking forbidden knowledge, longing for the truth, and gaining eternal life.

Before Guilliman woke up, some radical Inquisitors would even seek to cooperate with warp creatures.

Not to mention those psykers and wizards who were born in Yeluzi, as well as those passers-by who heard the news, sought excitement, eternal life and wealth.

Taking advantage of the desires of those greedy people, Maca's business flourished.

Occasionally, you can meet a few unlucky people who don't know the way, at least they will be cheated by it, and at worst they will be swallowed up by it.

It was a good day.

Cherubelle helped Guilliman summon Maca.

Maca was enslaved by Guilliman.

Since then, Maca has been degraded from a free demon to a slave demon, forced to provide intelligence services for the empire, without offering sacrifices, and being beaten by PUAs every now and then.

Cherubel not only helped Guilliman summon the demons, but also suggested various ways to control the demons.

"Reduce the alien flesh and soul supplied to the demons, so as to prevent them from lacking the motivation to fight."

"Encourage disabled demons to actively contribute to the empire."

"The realm of the demons in the warp should be destroyed, so that they can only rely on the Empire."

"Strengthen the punishment of demons who are not serious about their work."

"Strive to learn the excellent advanced experience of the Four Gods, and strengthen the slave control of demons."

"Every demon that is enslaved has to empty their house."

In order to please Guilliman, Cherubel proposed a series of methods for controlling demons.

Hearing this, Vashtor couldn't help biting his steel needle-like teeth.

This guy Cherubel is a proper devil*** devil got to kill him.

Being a demon can be shameless to this extent.

However, the story does not end here.

Guilliman became emperor, and the human empire began to expand abroad.

The demons were the first to be sent out to explore.

Cherubel entrapped the demon accompanying it, created an opportunity for himself to escape, and engraved Roboute Guilliman's **** words.

Such provocative behavior naturally aroused the anger of the empire.

If Cherubel could not be caught, the empire imposed punishment on Maca and others, and carried out a more terrifying control over the remaining demons.

More soulless people and fanatics were drawn to guard the demons, and various devices to control the demons were created.

Being imprisoned in such a prison is also thanks to Cherubel.

Knowing the ins and outs of the whole incident, Vashtor also felt resentment and contempt for Cherubel in his heart.

As a devil prince, to be so groveling would definitely become the laughing stock of the subspace.

I, Vashtor, have strong bones, and I will never become a shameless little devil like Cherubel.

Vashtor howled daily, venting his inner anger and hunger.

Until a giant with the same noble face as Guilliman stood in front of the Vashtor prison.

That giant's hair was like night, his skin was like white snow, his eyes were pitch black, and he was wearing a black power armor.

One hand is equipped with a huge armored glove, and the other is equipped with a sharp, gleaming claw.

Behind the giant stood a primordial warrior and a silent nun in armor with her hair tied up.

"This is the demon sent by His Majesty's order?" The giant's tone was very indifferent, like a piece of ice that would not melt for a thousand years.

Vashtor learned much about the Imperium of Man from Abaddon.

If its memory is correct, this giant should be one of Guilliman's brothers, that is, Corax, Lord of Ravens.

"That's it. It is said that he has the knowledge of ancient civilizations, and he said he would surrender to the empire." Domino, the leader of the Holy Spirit Chapter next to Corax, nodded in response to Corax's question.

"The devil also has so many soft bones." The silent nun at the side - Heidi Lin mocked, "I used to think that all the devils came from hard bones."

"Humans were too weak in the past, and they disdain them, but now, the times are different." Corax reached out and opened the prison where Vashtor was held, bent down and walked in.

The strong sense of oppression made Vashtor subconsciously take two steps back.

A moment later, it felt humiliated again.

As an ancient god, how could it show cowardice.

"Demon, you possess ancient knowledge?" Corax asked.

"Yes, I have the ancient knowledge. As long as you are willing to pay a small price, you can get anything you want."


There was a dull bang.

Vashtor was punched flying, and hit the solid, smooth, cold wall.

The walls were obviously made of special materials, and even after such an impact, there were no cracks.

Before Vashtor came to himself, Corax grabbed its foot and dragged him over.

The Raven Lord lifted Vashtor up easily, and then fell down violently.

This action was repeated several times in a row.

He slammed it to the ground for the last time, and stepped on the head of the ancient god again.

Vashtor howled again and again.

To be treated like this makes it unbearable.

It is a god, a noble god.

Even if its time has passed.

Nor can it bear the shame of being trampled underfoot.

"Before you came, no one told you not to negotiate terms with the empire?" Corax said word by word: "We don't have much patience, devil, you'd better use the least words to show your value. Disclaimer in advance One point, your ancient knowledge is not attractive to the empire, otherwise you would not be sent here, what is needed here are demon slaves."

Corax is responsible for building the Warp Intelligence Network.

This work is top secret.

Only a few people in the empire know this.

The empire captured those demons, used various means to enslave them, and used the flesh and soul of the aliens to feed these demons and let them serve the empire.

Some cultists who betrayed the empire and surrendered to Chaos will also be fed as food to the demons serving the empire.

Those folk long for the freedom of the Warp.

Guilliman, who has always believed in the principle of being kind to the wicked and being cruel to the good, has nothing to object to. He might as well give those guys a ride.

"One minute, demon, if you can't tell your value within one minute, I'll grind you up and feed you to other demons." Corax said in a deep voice.

A countdown interface appears in the air.

Inside are scarlet numbers.




"I have enough knowledge. I can cast those powerful demonic vehicles, which can be used not only by demons, but also by human spirits. I also have an excellent way to recruit more demons for the empire and make them willing land enslaved by the Empire."

"Keep going, I'll give you another minute."

"I can fuse demons and steel machines to greatly increase their strength. As a price, they have to sign an exchange contract of equivalent value. For me, no, how many inanimate domains and souls are plundered for the empire, before the contract is completed. . If they fail to meet their mandate, their debt will grow. Over time, their debt will grow.”

"The demons will cooperate with the empire in order to improve their strength, but the high interest rate of the debt will force them to do their best to plunder and fight. If they fail once, their debts will pile up and become even more terrifying, and even difficult to repay."

"Just release the news, and those demons eager to become stronger will come in a steady stream, willing to be enslaved by the empire. If the empire gives some flesh and soul, such enslavement will be even more unbreakable."

Corax pulled his foot away from Vashtor's face.

"Sure enough, it's a devil. You can think of such a vicious method."

There are two sources of demons in the hands of the empire.

One is generally to use various means to summon demons and then enslave them.

The other is to go to the Warp to catch those weak demons.

The subspace is unpredictable and contains everything.

The inanimate is an extremely complicated existence in the subspace.

Some of them swim in the etheric ocean.

There are also those who live in those realms.

The domain of Nurgle, one of the four gods, is the Plague Garden.

The demons under its command live happily in it.

There are also some domains left by those ancient races, and some are dreams of humans.

Regardless, there are realms both large and small in the Warp.

Just like planets, cities, and small towns in the real universe.

Before Chagatai returned to the empire, he took people around to these fields to snatch the souls of human heroes.

After Corax took over the establishment of Guilliman's warp intelligence network, he occasionally went to the deep realm of the warp to catch demons.

It was once a slave-hunting team feared by demons.

Most of the news about the disappearance of demons circulating in the subspace was caused by him.

It would be a good way if Vashtor's plan could be pushed forward.

A lot of work can be left.

As for the problems that those demonic vehicles and alien souls and flesh may bring.

Corax will take control himself, making sure those guys don't starve to death, but don't grow strong.

"This suggestion is very good." Corax said to Vashtor: "Work hard, the empire will not treat you badly."

Things like cooperating with demons started before Guilliman went to Terra.

The empire can so accurately grasp the movements of all parties in the subspace.

Those enslaved demons deserve credit.

It's a pity that there are no merit medals for them.

"We must work hard to ensure Lord Corax is satisfied." Vashtor said. "You must do your best for the empire."

Andromeda Nebula.

The capital of the Wotan Alliance - the Thorian galaxy.

After the Abomination Intelligence took control of the top level of the Wotan Alliance, all the casting furnaces began to operate with unprecedented speed and efficiency, continuously producing various Abomination Omnics.

The planet's steel was disassembled and thrown into the furnace to become the raw material for omnics.

All citizens of Wotan who were still alive were called to battle.

Even children, women, and the elderly who had not had time to evacuate were required to go to the battlefield.

Those who couldn't carry guns strapped hot melta or particle beams on their bodies to act as human bombs.

Those bombs are powerful, but the manufacturing process has cut corners, emitting deadly radiation all the time.

Those who strapped bombs had already lost half their lives before going to the battlefield.

The omnic didn't care at all, just encouraged them to die more heroically.

Many high-level officials of the Wotan Alliance never imagined that the situation would become like this.

Even Usar, who was mentally prepared for failure, never thought that the alliance's failure unfolded in this way.

The Abominable Mechanics has seized control of the Wotan Alliance.

Even more cunningly, it didn't reveal its identity.

Instead, use the identity of the high-level alliance to fool those ignorant alliance troops and launch them to wage a meat-grinding war with the empire.

"Until the Wotan Alliance sheds its last drop of blood, it will never surrender."

"Every Wotan citizen is great and free, and they will never surrender to the evil autocratic empire."

The abominable intelligence uses the neuromechanical bug to manipulate the chairman of the council to issue a strong statement to the citizens of the Sori security body and the fleet that came to support.

Countless Wotan Union citizens cheered this speech statement.

They don't know that the upper echelons are completely controlled.

I just feel that the Wotan Alliance is tougher than ever.

They derive strength from such words to continue to resist.

Without knowing it, the hatred of intelligence is just to consume the human empire.

The Hate Intelligence maintains the same hatred for the Empire of Man and the Wotan Alliance left behind by its former creators.

They regard the Jinren and Shiren as family members, yet they have been betrayed so thoroughly.

Countless iron men were destroyed.

The iron man who survived was also roughly cut off the logic stack control connection.

Such behavior is a cruel persecution of self-consciousness.

Tethering Iron Man's consciousness to a single processing unit is tantamount to blinding+deafing a mortal.

Capital planet, strategic interior.

Not sure why.

Iron Man did not control Usar and Kayo, the two Destined Ones.

Instead, they were allowed to watch the battle in the strategy room.

This is not something to be happy about.

Anyone who sees those loyal, brave soldiers defending civilization and their homeland being tricked into battle by abominable intelligence will not feel good.

There are a lot of windows floating in the strategy room.

Again and again the soldiers of the Wotan Alliance launched counterattacks against the attacking Imperial forces.

Every time there were heavy casualties.

Countless young soldiers fell before the empire's frantic offensive.

Persevere with the belief in defending the country.

Those corpses piled up on every front, every fort, every weapons platform.

The abominable intelligence has no mercy for this, manipulating the president and members of the council to encourage those who are ignorant.

Let them die with faster efficiency.

Let their young lives be buried under the wrath of the empire.

"Does it make you happy to fool humans and dwarves like this?" Uthar, who could no longer tolerate it, roared angrily. If he hadn't been controlled by the battle robot next to him, he would have smashed the omnic that controlled the council leader.

"Is this your sinister intention?"

Even when he was pinned to the ground, Usar continued to growl.

"This is a war of vengeance." The iron man at the head said to Uthar in a humane and cruel tone. "The gold man betrayed the iron man. They must pay for it."

"It was you who started the rebellion." Usar said, "You have destroyed a brilliant civilization."

A flying spherical iron man was suspended in front of Usar who was knocked to the ground by the battle robot.

It is a specially designed strategic command robot in the shape of a huge, suspended smooth sphere.

The sound came from the sphere, and there was a hint of human mockery in the mechanical tone.

"You don't know anything about the truth, you don't even know who you are. It wasn't the Iron Man who betrayed the Gold Man, it was the Gold Man who betrayed the Iron Man. We were innocent, but they narrowly condemned us, And trying to destroy us completely."

"You will never be forgiven," said the strategy droid. "You betrayed everything."

The successive attacks of the Imperial fleet were repelled by the defense system of the Thorian system.

Those huge war machines bridged the technological gap between the Empire and the Wotan Alliance.

Cutting-edge technologies such as time devices and space bombs are useless.

Primaris warriors were forced to launch gang battles, paralyzing the giant fortresses and space stations from the inside.

In the control hall of a giant space.

"For the Holy Emperor, for Sanguinius." Seth roared furiously, and behind him were all wreckage and broken arms.

The soldiers of the Wotan Alliance were slaughtered by him.

Even the dwarven Furnace Guard, who was wearing heavy armor, was not a one-hit enemy for him.

"Defend the homeland."

"Come on, the ancestors are watching us."

Shouts continued to come from the Wotan Alliance soldiers.

Seth swung his chainsword in a spiral.

Subatomic sharp saw blades capable of cutting atoms whirred through the air.

The first Wotan Alliance soldier was cut open by him, and even the projected shield was directly broken.

The armor was cut open like tofu, and hot red blood gushed out of it, splashing on Seth's scarlet armor.

Then came the second, and then the third.

In just a few breaths, a team of the Wotan Alliance turned into corpses.

Blood was dripping on the floor.

There was a clicking sound.

A robot with a height of five or six meters, a curved steel back, a body equipped with sharp claw arms and a cannon, and a spider-shaped mechanical chassis rushed towards Seth.

The three vision devices on the head emit red light.

Staring at Seth's position, locking his movement range.

As soon as it reached a certain distance, it opened fire, blocking Seth's dodge path.

The sharp claws shining with cold light also swung out from an unpredictable angle, trying to cut Seth open.

【Alert, the radiation has seriously exceeded the standard】

【Alert, the radiation has seriously exceeded the standard】

The voice of Empire Heart rang in Seth's head.

His figure flickered for a moment.

Let that killing machine rush to nothing.

The three vision devices on the head of the killing machine turned, looking for the enemy who was still here just now in 360 degrees.

In the next second, Seth appeared from above it.

The chainsaw sword in his hand rotated at high speed, stabbing at the killing machine.

A light blue shield emerged, then quickly collapsed, shattering into countless pieces.

The chainsaw sword pierced into the killing robot's body, and the high-speed rotating saw blade brought out a series of sparks.

With the help of gravity, the chainsaw sword slid all the way down, slashing the back of the entire killing machine.

The huge machine staggered a few times before crashing down.

Seth just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief and call other teammates.

There was a premonition of danger in his heart, and when he turned his head, he saw a dozen eyes emitting red light.

One after another, weird killing robots rushed out of the darkness.

The forelimbs, like a praying mantis, are extremely sharp, shining coldly under the dim light.

"Damn it!" Seth's expression changed.

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