Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 420 The truth is only within the scope of the fist (for subscription)

"It still sounds pretty good."

Davin, who was sitting at the round table, nodded in agreement.

"This approach is very good. Simply increasing the rewards will definitely take advantage of those players. The introduction of the punishment system will make them fearful and afraid to work wholeheartedly. If this promotion mechanism is added, it will ensure that those players who abide by the rules can get regular rewards." By giving feedback to others, we can slowly guide them, let them spontaneously maintain the Civilian Protection Law, and give full play to their subjective energy.”

"But I have read some mission logs of this guy named Su Xiao. His motivation for joining the empire seems not so pure, and he has a strong personal utilitarianism."

Leeteuk offered his own dissenting opinion.

"No one is perfect, what we want to set up is just a model. So what if he has utilitarian thinking!! After running out, who can remember him after publicity. And we don't want to name him, just use so-and-so After ten or twenty years, no one will pay attention to him. There is no way now, as long as the publicity is in place and a real model emerges, we will carry forward this model."

Some things really come naturally.

Qiu Chen didn't know much about these bureaucratic methods before.

But after becoming the head of the intelligence team, he became more and more proficient in using these methods.

Under his insistence, the deliberative people finally passed the plan with Su Xiao as the propaganda mouth.

Of course, besides Su Xiao, several other empire players have also become targets of propaganda.

These players were named as the top ten outstanding players of the year in the Empire.

In addition to a personal interview, there are extra rewards.

It can be famous and rewarding.

Su Xiao, who had just returned to the rest space after completing the hunting mission, walked out of the teleportation area.

His task interface was lit up.

The pop-up interface told him that he accidentally got an interview task.

[This task is a special task, and only the ten outstanding players selected can activate this task. Please accept an interview from the Imperial Daily, and make a dialogue that matches your top ten outstanding players, and you will get ten divinity shards and a chance to draw a lottery. 】

Su Xiao looked at the prompts on the system interface.

My heart is like a hundred thousand mud horses galloping past.

Top ten outstanding players? ?

Imperial Daily Interview! !

Empire has this too! !

Su Xiao didn't know the twists and turns behind this mission.

But that didn't stop him from expressing shock.

He has always known that the empire is not the same as the reincarnation game.

But looking at it now, the difference is really astonishing.

However, the rewards given by this system are also generous enough.

After thinking about it, Su Xiao finally decided to take on this task.

Anyway, as long as you give rewards, everything is easy to discuss.

Isn't it just to say something nice and tout the empire! !

As long as the money is in place, it doesn't matter.

This task is to send money.

Sotek Group.

Masaki Keigo has been in the laboratory all this time.

In that huge basement, several giant stone statues stood there.

This is the stone statue he obtained with the help of the Eagle faction.

In the current human society, there are many hawks who respect human beings.

The ideology of these hawks is that the interests of humans must take precedence over the interests of other species.

Only when the interests of human beings are ensured can the interests of other races be considered.

This kind of thinking is in conflict with the freedom and equality advocated by Altman.

People like Altman more than these hawks.

Many civilians believe that these giants who shine with light when they appear will protect them forever.

These hawks have little support among the people, and their voices are not very loud.

But the power they wield cannot be underestimated.

Especially in the field of military, diplomacy and so on.

At the beginning, they also pursued the Kingdom of Light, the idealists of Ultraman.

It is believed that all races must live in harmony and build a beautiful universe.

These people are quickly slapped in the face by reality.

And from an idealist to a firm hawk.

Ultraman can assist humans to defeat those monsters.

But the aftermath after defeating the monster is the most important.

Remove a small number of monsters.

Many monsters that appear in the human world have their own races.

Monsters determined to do evil will naturally be executed.

The monsters that wreak havoc and then give up are the biggest trouble.

Every cosmic race has its own civilization and its own laws.

Human beings are not special among various races.

Under the order maintained by Ultraman headed by the Kingdom of Light.

Powerful cosmic races have stronger influence.

Weak races have no right to speak in the universe.

The existence of the right to speak is also the key to ensuring racial interests.

An alien travels to the human planet to retrieve a machine that was set down thousands of years ago.

Accidentally caused some damage and caused casualties, and was subdued by Ultraman when he was about to escape.

Injured humans will naturally demand that the alien be punished severely.

And the race to which this alien belongs will inevitably shelter the alien who made a mistake out of the consideration of civilization and unity.

The standards of the two parties are completely different.

The alien race thought it was just an accident and could give some compensation.

Humans are naturally unwilling. They died, but the other party didn't even apologize, just pay for something! !

Where is the dignity of that race! !

A life for a life.

Alien races certainly don't want to.

When they came here, human civilization had not yet appeared, and there were only a few small tribes at most.

The ghost knows that there will be a disaster that day, and these things that are not even the seeds of civilization will be wiped out.

For those civilizations where traveling in the star sea is as simple as eating and drinking water, if a race can't even go up to the starry sky, can it really be considered a civilization?

As long as the wealthy human beings are two generations rich, they can be stupid enough to say stupid things like why not eat minced meat.

How can a civilization that has existed for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years and can travel to the stars at will recognize a race that has not even entered the feudal era of slavery and has a lifespan of only a few decades as a civilization! !

Such an accident would cost one life, so who would dare to engage in scientific research.

If you agree to the demands of human beings, you will definitely cut off the way forward for civilization.

How could such a thing be allowed! !

Besides, human beings are so weak, they can die in just a few strokes, and they can only live for a few decades.

And they are often hundreds of thousands of years of life.

It is completely unreasonable to pay for one life.

If you lose, where is the dignity of the race?

Of course, those things were all sorted out reasonably in the end.

The perpetrator made a sincere apology, and the victim's family chose to forgive.

The universe has ushered in another day of peace.

When you really look into it, you will find that there are great differences between the various races.

Only by relying entirely on Ultraman's powerful strength can the superficial peace be barely maintained.

Humans without the ability to travel far, their homeland is like a young girl's boudoir in a dark alley.

Those alien races come and go when they want.

As long as the other party sincerely admits their mistakes, then human beings have to forgive them.

Otherwise, it is not peaceful enough, not true, good and beautiful enough.

Without sufficient reason and evidence, killing the lives of other cosmic races is very likely to be retaliated by the other party.

The order of the universe maintained by Ultraman does not allow invasion of the homes of other creatures.

Alien races can disguise scientific research accidents, emit cancerous light beams to the entire solar system, and induce human canceration.

Human society is torn apart by various methods such as providing funds and technology to the opposition hidden in it.

There are various means of retaliation.

What can human beings who want technology but no technology and force but no force use to resist these retaliations.

Does the Kingdom of Light have a solution to these acts of revenge! !

No! !

People's own scientific research laboratory exploded, this is an uncontrollable factor.

Is it wrong to realize that some humans have big dreams and want to support them?

Is Ultraman going to wipe them all out?

Will the Congress of Light as the adjudicator do that?

The answer is no.

How can the Kingdom of Light, which blatantly favors the interests of mankind, maintain the order of the universe? ?

Why do people believe in the equal world you advocate.

In the final analysis, human beings still have to be strong enough to have the right to speak.

In order to let those monsters enter the solar system, there are concerns.

This is why there are many hawks supporting Keigo Masaki.

They really need a group of force that can make human beings speak hard words.

With a fist as big as a casserole, people will sit down and reason calmly.

"Now there is an important item missing." Masaki Keigo looked at the running machine and smiled.

"What props?"

"A prop that can turn oneself into light and Ultraman." Masaki Keigo said.

PS: All positions are based on the characters in the book.

After thinking about it for a long time, I imagined an enlarged version of the international form of struggle from the peaceful order maintained by Ultraman.

The contradiction between human beings has become so intensified.

Transnational trials, extradition and other issues are very complicated.

If it was changed to a starry sky background, different races would be even more troublesome.

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