Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 431 I Think I Can Use 2/3 (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 431 I Think I Can Use It 23 (Subscribe)




The orc boys responded to their emperor.

Uruk was also one of the orc boys. He held a hack in one hand and patted his head with the other, and shouted.

Encouraged by the boss of Wufu, he excitedly rushed to the front.

While slashing and chopping, he took out a few stick mines from his waist and threw them among the bugs.

With a bang, the impact force from the explosion rose like a mushroom.

The bugs also all flew up.

The air was littered with bomb fragments and bug heads, arms and cicada wings.

"WAAAAAGH!!" Uruk shouted excitedly.

Seeing his movements, the other boys followed suit.

With their strong muscles, throwing stick mine is not difficult for them.

It can be easily thrown among those bugs.

Of course, sometimes it will be thrown in the wrong direction, blowing up its own people as well.

In the world of orcs, there is no concept of accurate head.

A real orc can only let Brother Mao Mao decide where to go and who to beat up.

Under the leadership of Uruk, the boys kept throwing stick mines.

Twist it, throw it away, and then it can be fried.

Looking at the blown arm on the opposite side, or listening to the sound of the explosion, are all exciting things for thieves.

Just a few well-thrown stick mines can liven up the atmosphere of the entire battlefield.

The sound of explosions is endless, there are the sounds of enemies crying and screaming, and there are also the cries of the toes of the fart being blown off.

The battlefield is full of cheerful atmosphere.

When those bugs rushed over, Uruk also rushed up.

Follow Ufo Boss to kill indiscriminately.

The weapons on Ufo Boss's armor kept firing, beams of beams and missiles flew out, shaking the entire city wall.

Tower-like flames soared into the sky, and countless buildings were destroyed and turned into ruins.

A series of plasma beams of tens of millions of degrees Celsius swept across.

Pieces of enemies are killed.

No matter what the realm is, they are treated equally in front of the plasma heat flow.

However, all the powerhouses of the Maymoth clan gathered on this city wall.

Even if one maymoth falls, there are still tens of thousands of maymoths.

The flames of war intensified.

Battles broke out everywhere on the vast city walls.

Thousands of maymoths danced their cicada wings and came from the sky.

The long swords in their hands are all filled with sword energy and supreme sword intent.

The Maymoth at the head, exuding a peerless demeanor, walks against the wind, and the two swords in his hands are unparalleled, capable of cutting through the world.

"It's him."

The compound eyes of the maymoths who have experienced painful casualties reveal hope.

That may moth is the strongest swordsman in the legend. He once suppressed the millions of troops of the thirteen countries with a single sword.

He single-handedly created the world-famous Beiming Sword Dao.

In recent years, Beiming Sword Dao has been the holy land most desired by swordsmen all over the world.

"Beiming swordsmanship, three thousand swordsmen, swear to the death." The Maymoth spoke lightly, revealing endless freedom and firm will to move forward.

"There is also the rumored saint who educated the world."

Endless chanting sounds, a Maymoth saint with a halo behind his back, exuding endless sacred aura also came surrounded by his disciples.

He carried the sun and the moon on his shoulders, held a scroll of supreme scriptures, and raised a lotus in one step.

The legendary saints came one after another.

Each of them has a terrifying vision and exudes a terrifying aura, which makes the heavens tremble and the sun and the moon tremble.

Between raising hands and throwing feet, Dao rhyme flows, and auspicious energy lingers.

Under the watchful eyes of the maymoths, those saints gathered together, their bodies blooming with endless brilliance.

The gathering of so many terrifying maymoth powerhouses caused time and space to collapse, the dao light was bright, and the weather was astonishing.

"If you want to pass this wall, you have to ask me if Beiming's sword is different."

The words spoken by that Beiming Sword Immortal were sonorous and powerful, with the law of the sword, fierce and unparalleled, and the words alone could cut the heart and soul.

But before he finished speaking, the whole thing was gone.

A beam of plasma light with a thickness of tens of kilometers passed over the city wall.

Cover all those saint-level and demigod-level maymoths.

After the light disappeared, the glazed wall surface exuded a terrifying white heat.

Those saints and sword immortals have disappeared without a trace, not even the bones are left, they have been completely wiped out.

The orc mechanics manipulating the Star Destroyer cheered.

They aimed at the next area, specifically at the glowing bugs.

Wherever it passed, everything was ashes, completely wiped away by the destructive energy, leaving no trace.

This scene made countless maymoth powerhouses despair.

They couldn't believe their eyes.

The scene just now happened for real! !

How can it be? ?

Those few just now are the strongest in the maymoth world.

Beiming Sword Immortal, enlightened Dao ancestor, everyone is said to have seen through the secrets of heaven, and they are only one step away from the gods.

Just wait until the great world comes, and you can become a god.

Now he was killed by the enemy all at once! !

How could such power exist! !

Such power cannot exist! !

This is simply not the power that living things can grasp! !

Those damn intruders, what are they coming from! !

Why is it so powerful??

On the one hand, there is emotional stupid denial, and on the other hand, it is the fear deep in reason.

Desperation involuntarily emerged in the hearts of every maymoth.

At the last moment, he was full of confidence, thinking that these saints would be able to turn the tide of the battle.

But the speed of light just now completely destroyed the hope in their hearts and brought endless despair.

"Where the emblem of the evil double-headed eagle goes, there is only destruction."

A mighty moth who was painstakingly studying the secrets of heaven murmured to himself, full of despair and madness.

The maymoth family is over.

Wherever Uruk and the others went, those bugs were also screaming in fright.

They no longer have the courage to fight Uruk and others.

The saint level is like an ant, and the demigod level is like a large ant, how can we fight like this! !

No matter how you fight, it is a dead end! !

The bugs turned and ran away, but Uruk would not give them a chance.

He came here just to win the favor of the Holy Emperor and Brother Mao Mao.

The only way to achieve this is to fight.

Get rid of all these little bugs.

He replaced the hacker, picked up the tutu, and rushed forward.

Pull the trigger once, and a few bugs are knocked out ahead.

Several bugs wanted to fight back, Uruk snorted coldly, smashed the opponent's head to pieces with a big chug, and knocked seven or eight bugs away with another shot.

A bug raised its long sword and pierced Uruk's body.

Although the worms' swords were long, they were too thin, and they didn't feel much when piercing Uruk's huge body.

He cursed secretly, picked up the bug with one hand, and hit the other person's face with his head desperately. After a few hits, the bug's head was smashed to pieces.

After solving the bugs in his hands, Uruk continued to charge with the boys.

Ulver was the center of the battle, and the maymoths could see that he was the leader of the invaders, but they could do nothing.

The thick armor and protective force field made all their attacks ineffective.

Even the Sword Immortal has no way to break through the thick defense.

In addition, there is a WAAAAGH force field on the surface of Wufo's body.

It is impossible to break through his defense.

Maymoths attempt to activate a defensive tower on a city wall.

As they poured their power into the tower, the tower was briefly activated.

Countless runes were lit up, exuding a palpitating aura.

God chains of order appeared near the tower and intertwined together.

But in the next second, the tower was shattered by Wufo's slap.

Countless mighty moths were attacked by backlash, vomited blood and died, all fell down, and were trampled into mud by the swarming orc boys. Even if they were lucky, the maymoths who wanted to escape would also be swarmed up The Orc Kid Slaughter.

The ramparts quickly turned into a one-sided massacre.

By the time the war ended, the pungent smell of blood had permeated every corner.

There are signs of destruction everywhere.

Those majestic buildings were also blown into ruins, and a large number of broken flesh and corpses were scattered.

Wufu didn't stop.

This is just the exterior wall.

The Dark Abyss Fortress is extremely huge, and it is a product left over from ancient civilizations.

Its size has to be calculated in astronomical units.

The civilization level of the maymoth race living in it is not high, only reaching the feudal era.

They live in the world left over from ancient civilizations and practice extraordinary powers.

After breaking through the outer wall, the orcs have to deal with the enemies inside before the mission is over.

Of course, this is not difficult.

It just takes some time.

Wufu moved his huge body.

Behind him, countless orc boys rushed to various places in the aircraft emitting black smoke.

This world, which is unimaginably huge to Maymoth, is just a galaxy for warming up in Ufo's eyes.

There are no powerful enemies in this world.

Those so-called saint-level and demigod-level powerhouses are weak.

The ability they possess is equivalent to that of a psionic boy.

It's just that many unnecessary rank titles have been divided.

But no matter how domineering those titles are, there is no way to change the objective facts.

Somewhere in the dark abyss fortress.

A magnificent sanctuary is located here.

The holy land covers a vast area and has stood for thousands of years.

Hundreds of surrounding countries respect this holy place.

Even those royal families are proud to be disciples of the Holy Land.

But now, Scarface and his orc boys have occupied this place.

The Santa Empire has been slaughtered.

The returning Northern King saw his parents and children killed and his subjects slaughtered, and took revenge with the remaining Northern Cavalry with a knife in his hand.

Of course, the ending doesn't make much difference.

The menacing, so-called invincible Northern Cavalry was overwhelmed by countless orcs.

The half-step saint, the pillar of the empire, and the talker of the rivers and lakes, the Northern King was slapped into a pulp by a slap on the face.

The entire Santa Empire was destroyed, and the imperial capital fell after only holding on for a day and a half.

The royal family and nobles were massacred.

The elderly, weak, women and children were not spared.

Scarface took his own orc kid to slaughter.

In the end, even this ancient holy land that stood for thousands of years was brutally murdered by him.

The maymoths practicing in the holy land were slaughtered.

The Holy Lord, who possessed the strength of the holy level, was submerged by the orc boy, his whole body was torn apart, his intestines flowed all over the ground, and he screamed for several hours before he died.

There are dead bodies everywhere.

The only survivor is the last hall at the core of the Holy Land.

The main hall is magnificent and covers a large area, almost the size of a small town.

Up to thousands of meters.

Standing in the ruins, it is particularly conspicuous.

The surviving maymoths hide inside.

The outside of the hall is protected by a shield formed by countless runes.

Those runes were intertwined together to form an impenetrable formation, firmly protecting the last palace.

Countless orcs are surrounding the final hall.

The trapped maymoth looked out from the main hall, and there were endless green tides overwhelming the sky and the sky, countless.

They are like a flat boat in a storm, ready to be swallowed up by this terrible green tide at any moment.

Orcs surrounded the final hall.

Keep firing, or use artillery to bombard the opponent's barrier.

Try to completely eliminate the enemy.

Every attack of the orcs would leave faint ripples on the shield intertwined with runes.

The maymoth powerhouses of the Holy Land gathered together to block the green tide all over the sky by activating a special stone tablet.

A maymoth with dry blood and dying wood sat on the highest seat in the hall.

It was he who presided over the formation that guarded the hall, so that those orcs did not attack.

The old maymoth exuded the aura of a holy powerhouse.

He is the foundation of the Holy Land, sleeping for thousands of years, only born to protect the Holy Land.

The withered body contained majestic power.

The shriveled skin was crystal clear, exuding a holy aura.

The old maymoth remained silent, sitting on the main seat, maintaining the formation wholeheartedly.

Countless women and children in the hall wept endlessly, and every maymoth showed despair.

The young Maymoth had a look of grief and indignation on his face.

Some disciples who had practiced in the Holy Land for a long time held weapons and were ready for a desperate battle.

Scarface looked at the tortoise shell-like formation from the outside. The orc boys attacked continuously but failed to make any breakthrough.

"Grandma, let those mechanic boys pull up my cannon." Scarface ruthlessly slapped his thigh, and was about to use the cannon he bought from Xiami some time ago.

After a while, a cannon with a muzzle as big as an orc boy's head was pulled over.

A few big fighters clattered with their hammers.

The blue light condensed from the muzzle, like a small blue sun, so bright that people couldn't open their eyes.

A moment later, with a bang, a blue beam shot out from the muzzle.

Hit the shield formed by the interweaving of countless runes.

After just a few breaths, the shield was broken, revealing a gap.

puff! puff!

The old Maymoth who was in charge of the formation in the main hall spat out a mouthful of blood.

The formation also shook.

The enemy poured in along the torn gap.

The sound of shouting and killing resounded through the last pure land.

Carnage broke out everywhere.

Women and children screamed.

The maymoth disciples in the Holy Land shouted one after another, rushed towards the enemy, and were knocked down, crushing their skulls.

The old maymoth with holy power opened his eyes.

It's run out of strength, it's exhausted

His cloudy eyes looked at the green enemies who appeared in front of the main gate of the main hall, especially the huge monster, showing despair.

Nothing can stop the behemoth.

The most outstanding disciple of the Holy Land was easily beaten into a disgusting lump of mud in front of the opponent's brute force.

The old maymoth raised his hand tremblingly, his fingertips gathered a little light.

That point of light is terrifying, and it contains endless dao rhyme.

It's a pity that the old maymoth failed to deliver the final blow in the end.

Its head hangs down weakly, and its body also turns into pieces of fly ash with embers.

The surviving maymoths who hid in the hall were slaughtered.

The majestic hall that stood for thousands of years became ruins.

Scarface Liao pulled out the stone tablet that contained mysterious power left behind by the ancient civilization.

This thing is as valuable as the scrap provided by shrimp.

He had to take this thing back and let the masters think about how to use it.

There are hundreds of big fighters following Scarface.

Macai is one of them.

His technique is very "superb".

Quite a few orc-kids have been brought back to life by his ingenuity.

An orc kid was stabbed in the arm by those bugs, and now he was being fixed on the blood-stained operating table. Makai held a chainsaw and was about to saw off the whole hand and replace it with an iron hand.

In order to avoid resistance, he had already smashed the orc boy's head several times to ensure that the guy would not wake up until the operation was over.

Some caught maymoths were kept in cages.

They looked in horror at the wounds that only needed to be bandaged to be fine, but were directly amputated by that lunatic guy.

After the hands were sawed off, sparking cables and tubes were inserted into the wounds, and the metal arms were attached.

A couple of grits with gas torches started fixing and welding that arm.

After completing the operation, Makai knocked out all the teeth of the orc boy as his reward, and threw the unlucky guy out.

After completing this transaction, Makai started to work again.

Some of the various steles and ancient civilization objects with mysterious power collected by Scarface Liao were handed over to him.

He is now studying how to use it.

He grabbed two mayflies from the iron cage, disemboweled them with ease, and then stopped the bleeding to ensure that they would not die.

Then remove the head shell and connect the nerve circuit.

After finishing all this, he randomly picked a few pieces of jade and asked the Grit to stuff them into the hands of the two unlucky bastards, and began to test.

One of the grits yanked the switch, and the powerful thud sent it flying.

The two maymoths trembled involuntarily, and the jade in their hands also shone brightly, and countless runes emerged from it.

"I've been thinking about this thing, and we can definitely use it." Makai looked at the messy symbols dancing on the broken screen.

Those symbols looked very chaotic, but Makai could see the way in them.

If a sage of the Mechanicus was here and saw these symbols, his head would be burnt out due to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

After observing for a while, Makai caught a fart and prepared to practice it.

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