Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 433 Kyushu's No. 1 Beauty XX 1/4 (for subscription)

Chapter 433 Kyushu's No. 1 Beauty XX 14 (for subscription)

Candles and braziers flickered around the strategy room.

The light emanating from it is reflected on the statues next to the wall, and the shadows left by the staff as they walked around.

The flickering statue looks a little gloomy.

They watch the conscientious servants of the emperor and urge them to work in this great cause with their eyes.

Cherubs fly through the air with a censer in their hands, prayer sounds come from built-in brass sounders, and hundreds of different hymns are sung in various beautiful melodies.

The scented smoke was stirred by the airflow brought up by them when they flew, forming vortices one by one.

The staff walked around the holographic projections one by one.

Pale or light green light reflected on their pale faces embedded with various mechanical prosthetics.

Discussion voices sounded from time to time, or a few orders were sent for the waiting machine servants to complete.

The Lord of Macragge sat on the former throne of his primarch father.

The throne is in the center of the strategy room, demonstrating its transcendent status.

Many parts of Calgar's body have undergone mechanical transformation.

The mechanical prosthetic eye cast by the most advanced technology of the empire exudes red light.

The strong and powerful body hides infinite power, and no one doubts whether he can easily destroy a world.

The light of the candle flames reflected on his face, which was as cold as granite.

The members of the war council under his command stood around the strategic table in front of the throne, discussing the strategic arrangements and army deployments of multiple battlefields.

The envoy representing the Battle Sisters, the General of the Astra Militarum, the envoy of the Adeptus Mechanicum, and the Psionic Librarian stood at the end of the table.

This is a war involving hundreds of millions of beings and many dimensions of time and space.

A huge world with abundant resources is just one of the nodes.

The fate of the individual is infinitely reduced, and it is not even worth mentioning.

Those mighty beings felt desperate for this, and their supreme mighty power, which was showing off their might, seemed extremely weak in the face of an unimaginable war.

Those idiots are like praying mantises in front of the rolling traffic. They have developed muscles with sharp lines and terrifying outlines, but they will still be crushed mercilessly.

Calgar took Anvil's data report.

With the opening of the empire's interstellar war, the cooperation between the Eldar and humans has become closer.

The Eldar are a psionic technology race.

Human beings are currently powerful, but from the perspective of spiritual evolution, they are actually inferior to the spirit race.

The empire has a systematic understanding of the subspace, but it is still lacking in practice. Unlike the Eldar, they can manipulate psionic energy to do things for themselves as they like.

Psionic energy is just a name for the use of subspace energy.

It can also be called ghost energy, dao rhyme, qi, aura, magic and so on.

No matter what the name is, it will not change its idealistic nature.

The power of psionic energy depends on the subspace energy that an individual can call, which can also be called ether.

As we all know, there is a veil between reality and the Warp.

The Veil is the boundary that separates reality from the Warp.

If there is no curtain, then the real universe will be mixed with the subspace from the moment it is born.

It is precisely because of the existence of the curtain that the real universe can become a real existence.

All extraordinary methods, including witchcraft, magic, and practice.

They all have to wear down the veil, so that the energy of the warp can flow into reality, and those extraordinary abilities can work.

When this veil is strong, the laws of physics will be perfect, and it will be very difficult for people to use the subspace energy.

The influence of warp energy on the real universe will be weakened.

Among the heavens, some civilized races call this world the Dharma-ending Age.

When the veil is weakened, the laws of physics will be distorted by the warp, and it will be very easy for people to use the energy of the warp.

The influence of subspace energy on the real universe will be strengthened.

Some races call it Mythic Revival.

When Abaddon destroyed Cadia and let the big rift run through the galaxy, in fact, to some extent, it can also be said to be a mythical era.

The number of psychics has increased, and any cat or dog you can find can awaken psychic talents.

Unleashing a few bolts of lightning and flames is as simple as eating and drinking.

The immortal inanimate can walk in the real world without any cost.

Is such an age not the age of myth to the ignorant? ?

If you are ambitious, you can directly shout that I am up to you, find out those witchcraft spells and the titles of those gods from those mythological books, and then you can get a response through mysterious rituals, and embark on the path of the extraordinary.

Those legends are not groundless.

If you never forget it, there must be echoes from the subspace.

Calga glanced at the report and accepted the dozens of pages of information.

"It is indeed a big trouble for those guys to control psionic energy at will, and the speed of conquering the universe will be slowed down by at least sixty percent." A mechanical sage said based on the results predicted by the data model: "Too slow speed will definitely slow down Attracting the concern of the Holy Emperor, we have received most of the military support from the empire, if we can't produce enough results, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

The words of the mechanical sage made Calgar feel a little pressure.

To entrust this task to him, rather than to other Primarchs, is a testament to the importance of the Holy Emperor.

As long as he is not an idiot, he can use the resources at hand to get the honor of being the first to conquer the universe.

Such an honor is enough for the historians of the empire to publish several history books about him.

His deeds are estimated to be sung by various colleges in the empire.

When learning his historical chapters, those imperial students probably have to write seven or eight hundred words of insights.

But all this is not without cost.

It depends on whether he can successfully conquer Universe 04.

If he failed, what appeared in the history books of the empire would be records about his arrogance and lack of merit.

"We have to stop this etheric wind." Calgar said: "Enhance the curtain of reality and subspace, making it more difficult for those creatures to mobilize subspace energy."

"If the lord needs it, maybe you can allow me to introduce some of my latest research results." The mechanical sage Regula stood up, and the sound of mechanical gears turning came from his bloated mechanical body.

Gone are his legs, replaced by wormlike mechanical limbs powered by pistons.

The mechanical tentacles slid out of Regula's body, connecting to the humming servo skull suspended in the air.

When he wanted to speak, the voice would come from those servo skulls.

Calgar disliked Regula's approach.

The appearance of making sounds through the sound generator built into the throat in the past is much more pleasing to the eye than it is now.

"What research results?" Calgar asked.

"That is the restraint device for the use of extraordinary abilities. After studying the death zone of exorcism, I have made improvements to it, which can greatly weaken the etheric wind, and can also ensure the minimum needs of creatures for subspace."

Any intelligent being with a soul has a need for the warp.

The soul needs to be nourished by the warp in order to grow.

There is only one race known to the Empire so far that can completely get rid of the Warp, and that is the Necrons.

The question is whether the Necrons are a race at all.

Necrons are echoes of the past, and they are truly soulless.

Even if they are completely isolated from the subspace, it will not affect them.

The exorcism dead zone they built can make a certain range of subspace dead silent, turning the turbulent etheric ocean into a pool of stagnant water.

Even demons can't be active within the scope of the Exorcism Death Zone.

Any supernatural means cannot be used in the Exorcism Death Zone.

However, this method will affect human beings, and even any creature with a soul.

It will cause life to gradually fall into the desperate pain of losing consciousness, until it falls into a state of fugue, and finally suffers irreversible soul death, leaving a soul without flesh and blood.

Regula conducted research on various devices in the exorcism death zone, and learned the technical knowledge required for the entire plan from the mouth of the star god-the void dragon.

Exorcism's Death Zone works through a massive array of Blackrock Spires.

Black stone is a very special material, the positive electrode can strengthen the subspace, and the negative electrode can suppress the subspace.

The obelisk made of black stone can emit Geller waves through some means, that is, the energy that makes up Geller's force field.

Geller's force field is an important barrier for Imperial ships to safely pass through the warp.

Gellebo can be used to repair the Veil, making it difficult for those so-called transcendent to leverage the power of the Warp.

It makes the spells that can be used at will become extremely difficult to use.

This is also the principle of the equipment most commonly used by the empire to suppress extraordinary people.

But such an approach will also harm the users of the empire.

People can't sit around those devices for long without drying up their souls.

Regula improves on this premise.

While being able to suppress the subspace to the greatest extent, it can also ensure the survival of normal creatures without any interference.

He also took a name that is in line with the three views of indigenous creatures - the end of the Dharma era.

As the name suggests, after turning on this device, it will curb the etheric winds in the real universe and strengthen the barrier, so that those with psionic talents cannot sense the subspace and cannot use psionic energy.

Using such a device, all the worlds in the entire universe can be brought back to the feudal era.

No matter how strong the cultivation base of those native creatures is, it won't help. If they can't move the subspace, then they won't be able to use those extraordinary powers.

"Building such a ring device can control the wind of the ether within ten thousand light-years, and repair the curtain of reality and subspace." Rui Gu stretched out a mechanical arm, on the holographic projection on the strategy table Showing his scientific research results, "This thing will not affect ordinary people. Of course, in order to ensure that the psykers of the empire can still function. I also reserved a back door so that the psykers of the empire can pass through A special device to release psionic energy."

"Those enemies without exclusive devices will find it difficult to mobilize the energy of the warp, and they will no longer be able to perform witchcraft and magic."

Calgar looked at the ring device in the holographic projection.

It was a gigantic celestial-scale creation.

Consists of an inner ring and an outer ring.

The diameter of the outer ring is 60,000 kilometers, which is larger than the diameter of a planet.

Thirty to fifty kilometers thick and more than one hundred kilometers wide.

It can be regarded as a small world.

There are six giant spokes in the middle that connect to the inner ring in the center and act as energy conductors.

Once activated, it can form a Geller resonance with the Warp, reinforcing the veil of reality and illusion.

Calgar was lost in thought for a moment.

Building such a giant structure is not difficult for the current empire.

The empire's space particle excavator can extinguish a star in its prime, then dismember it, and obtain various precious materials through directional fusion reactions.

The extinguished stars will be swallowed up bit by bit by the empire's mining forces.

Through specific smelters, a large number of materials needed by the empire are extracted.

Giant mining ships can slice through entire planets, and countless brooder mining machines will be sent out to use their mechanical prosthetics to collect those precious minerals.

Other elements will be mined by giant machines and sent directly to the furnace factory, where they will be melted, sorted, and recast. After everything is completed, thousands of meters of giant metal pipelines will transport the materials that have completed the initial processing to the transport ship. Send to the specified Forge World.

All the elements of the planet will be completely devoured, even the air and water will be collected and sent to the agricultural world or the hive world.

The Empire eats more thoroughly and cleanly than the Tyranids.

Tyrann will at least leave bare rocks, and the empire will cut and recycle the rocks, and use them to build battleships or other void buildings.

Seeing Calgar's wavering, Regula continued to introduce his plan.

"There is another advantage of building the Age of Doomsday. It will resonate with other similar devices. The more equipment, the more territories that can be controlled, and the stronger the increase. In the end, it will even form an unbreakable imprisonment, allowing subspace It is difficult to interfere. At that time, all myths and legends will become the past and history, and universe 04 will become the fortress and fortress of the empire against the gods of chaos."

This sentence made Calgar completely moved.

Before he came, the Holy Emperor said bluntly that he would leave a retreat for the Empire in Universe 04.

Obviously, there is such a plan.

"Then do that." Calgar said: "Build Universe 04 into a fortress that cannot be disturbed by the subspace and is used to fight against Chaos creatures."

The mechanical sage - Regula smiled.

Imagine what an achievement it would be to build such a fortress yourself.

The eyes of the other colleagues are afraid that their eyes will widen! !

Regula couldn't wait to see the reverence and self-deprecation in their stupid mechanical eyes.

They will know who is the best and most qualified to stand in the hall of truth.

With Calgar's authorization, the next thing is much simpler.

Regula returned to his mechanical ark.

The sages who were in the same camp as him were busy adjusting various equipment or supervising the work of slave labor.

There are various theoretical schools within Mechanicum.

Kaur, Sigma, Keren, and Proy are all leaders of their respective factions.

Regula is also the leader of one of the factions.

All sages compete for the divine emperor's favor.

Who will step into the hall of truth of the God of Myriad Opportunities is an unresolved matter.

Every sage leader feels entitled to that.

Regula was no exception, and he gained a great deal of fame by improving his Titans and fighters.

But if you want to overwhelm the sages of other factions by relying on this, it's not enough.

This time the Dharma-ending era will make those sages feel inferior.

The empire will truly gain a fortress universe that will not be disturbed by chaos.

This is an unimaginable progress in fighting against chaos.

The passage of the Mechanical Ark was filled with mist.

Humming filters were pouring carbon dioxide and argon into the channels, simulating the air of a foundry world.

Regula greedily snatched the air through the filter, every breath, every breath seemed to be baptized by the god of all possibilities - the holy emperor.

The hard-working machine soul maintains the temperature changes in every area of ​​the mechanical ark.

This room was filled with the scorching heat of the forge, while that room remained suitably cool.

Regula went straight back to his laboratory.

Several sages are busy doing tests there, digging out more secrets from those indigenous creatures.

"You will be punished one day. When my master leaves the customs, he will definitely kill you all. He is the strongest land immortal in Kyushu, and the only one in the world who is at the fifteenth level."

Shouting towards Regula was an indigenous creature belonging to the humanoid orc clan.

These indigenous creatures are not much different from humans in appearance.

Has two hairy legs and a palm with only three fingers. .

The head is somewhat similar to that of a wild boar, the skin is hard and black, and the whole body is covered with bristles.

The fangs of the mouth were as white as jade, and looked cold.

Regula and others called this race Amunro.

The Amunro they had captured was the leader of a rebellion against the Empire.

The other party tried to lead a raid on the research team of the empire, but was finally captured and brought back to the Mechanical Ark.

This Amonro is known as the most beautiful Amonro in Kyushu, and it is also one of the top ten most powerful talents in Kyushu. It comes from a holy place called Yaochi.

There are countless suitors.

If it weren't for the fact that the road to immortality was broken, everyone would have the aptitude to become an immortal.

Regula didn't care about Amonro's crazy shouting, it was just a bunch of damn aliens, there was nothing to care about.

Such threats are useless to him.

Regula walked straight to the high platform, and many sages spontaneously stopped their work and looked at him.

"The people of Calgary have agreed to the Dharma-Ending Era plan and will complete the relevant test reports as soon as possible. After the review, we will start the project."

He told many sages the results of this meeting through binary codes.

"Praise the God of all opportunities."

"Praise the Holy Emperor."

The sages issued binary expressions to express their inner joy.

The Dharma-ending Era plan will be the key to their victory over other factions.

After pausing for a moment, Regula said again: "Let's use the Amonro family as the experimental samples first, to test the power of the magical device, and see if we can completely cut off the possibility of them using psychic power."

PS: Let me tell you here that the levels of those races are determined by themselves, and they are what they like to say. This has nothing to do with the combat power of the empire. The setting of universe 04 is the ruins left over from extraordinary civilizations. Many races can’t even go to space. They say they are gods and saints. That’s their own values, and it has nothing to do with the combat power in this book. The empire called Guilliman omniscient and omnipotent, but Guilliman is not omniscient and omnipotent. I hope everyone can distinguish.

The empire's benchmark is the real extraordinary civilization, and this will not be written until the six or seven level technology is unlocked.

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