Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 438 Battle of the Heavens (Subscribe)

The void is burning.

Some people will think that this is a metaphor, using exaggerated vocabulary to form a battlefield.

But those narrators who stayed at the forefront of the battlefield didn't think so.

For they have seen with their own eyes that the void does indeed burn.

Strange witchfires poured out of the warp, burning the shell of reality.

The evil light filled the air, outlining a series of terrifying scenes.

The cold space was invaded by indescribable things, countless tentacles bigger than planets protruded from the etheric ocean, and countless crying souls screamed on the surface of the tentacles.

If you get close to those tentacles, you can see desperate faces and weird bodies wriggling.

They scream, longing for a redemption that will never come.

The real world and the unreal world have been mixed together.

The huge red eyeball like the moon emerged in the boiling subspace ocean, carrying indescribably terrifying malice and madness.

Nameless horrors with vicious fangs the length of continents.

The majestic mountains are nothing but their hairs and tumors.

The wings that can cover the stars spread out and curl up in the void.

The turbid and foul-smelling mucus flowing from the tongue that can engulf the entire star rots and grows again in a very short period of time.

It is difficult for any words to describe the evil that boils and turns into real individuals.

This is the battlefield between humans and monitors.

A true battle of the heavens.

Unleashed by two powerful forces that wield unimaginable power.

Celestial-class warships were torn apart by unimaginable mighty force.

The tight protective force field was paralyzed, and the protective wall made of plastic steel and high-density alloy was torn apart like paper.

The broken wreckage was scattered in the void, and countless corpses were mixed in it.

The war between humans and the Overseers has torn the very fabric of the universe.

Destroyed something crucial for good, leaving the universe shattered.

The warp emerges here through the war between the two, like a ravenous piranha smelling blood.

Countless workers are working hard to save the property of the empire.

Maintenance machinery poured out in batches, welding and sealing those depressurized tunnels.

Countless wreckages float in the void, including human beings and enemies.

Death is as simple and random as breathing.

The power of the Monitor Legion far exceeds those of the so-called superheroes.

So far, the Empire has not gathered enough information about this universe.

The controller behind the scenes of this universe is still ignorant.

Every powerful civilization knows how to protect itself.

The same goes for those powerful individuals.

They will hide the records of their civilization behind the universe, so that intruders cannot read everything about them.

Terra adopted a Christian name for the enemy and named it the Supreme God.

It is said that the use of this name was approved by the Holy Emperor himself.

Many people think this is just a symbol and metaphor.

Even the people of the Expeditionary Corps thought so.

When conquering the parallel universe, it is not known how many gods were killed by the sharp blade of the imperial army.

Those gods formed by human dreams and beliefs have only two fates, either submit to the rule of the Holy Emperor and offer eternal loyalty to him, or be killed and their heads hang in the palace where they live.

Adopting this name makes sense.

In the Bible, God always calls those who believe in Himself lambs, and priests call themselves God's shepherds.

This is a very wonderful metaphor.

It is also very appropriate if it is used in this universe.

The Lamb of God always blames all difficulties on his own lack of piety.

He believes that suffering is the will of God, and he only needs to endure silently, so that his soul can be purified and finally enter heaven.

The same is true for this universe, the Supreme God keeps all the parallel universes in captivity.

Those souls were traumatized by man-made afflictions and then sent into the mouth of the Most High God.

Like a lamb in the sheepfold, docile.

When the railing is broken, they will even actively plug the gap to prevent other lambs from escaping.

Isn't that what those superheroes do? ?

Sanguinius stood on the bridge of a shattered Celestial-class battleship that was just about to crack.

View the battlefield through countless screens, assessing the occurrence of each battle.

The flames of war start between reality and fiction.

The minions of the Supreme God possess extraordinary psionic powers.

Sanguinius estimated that its power should not be weaker than the Four Gods.

In fact, such a metaphor is meaningless, it is just for people to intuitively understand the strength of the enemy.

The great enemy of the Empire is Chaos.

Even if the Four Gods are eliminated and Chaos is not eliminated, new Four Gods will appear.

As the saying goes, when one of the four gods falls, there will be tens of thousands of four gods standing up.

It does not matter how strong or weak the Supreme God is.

Sanguinius only needs to know that it is the enemy of the empire.

He didn't know whether the Supreme God cared about this battle that broke out at the edge of the universe.

Maybe it noticed and saw it as a game and a game.

It is also possible that it is too busy fighting other unimaginable beings to care about these things at all.

Even if human beings took away the entire universe, they only took away a breeding ground.

Who knows how many farms it has?

The Legions of the Overseers are able to drive those massive behemoths into battle, made of matter both real and imaginary.

The size of those behemoths is beyond imagination.

Use astronomical units to calculate their size.

Just like the giant wolf and tengu in myths and legends, they can easily devour the moon and the sun.

Those behemoths are just that big.

Everyone who sees it will feel that they rely on devouring planets to survive.

Eat a planet as a snack when you're hungry.

When Sanguinius saw those terrifying behemoths, his mind was filled with images of those behemoths holding the planet and gnawing on it.

It's hard to imagine anything that could feed those giant beasts without eating the planet.

The laws of reality can no longer impose any restrictions on such giant beasts.

The empire assembled ten Celestial-class battleships, as well as tens of thousands of battleships and countless small battleships such as cruisers.

The wreckage fragments scattered in the void are basically empires.

As far as the eye can see, there are all wreckage.

stretches for millions of kilometers.

After those giant beasts were killed, their corpses would turn into countless ashes in the void, not even a single bone remained.

Just like that, it disappeared into the dark and boundless air.

Only the wreckage of the Imperial ships remained here, writhed and rolled by the furious aether, some washed into the depths of the warp, trapped there forever.

Sanguinius was not much surprised by these eerie scenes.

Ten thousand years ago, when he, Lion, and Guilliman learned that the Emperor had not fallen and Terra was still there, they set sail from Macragge, preparing to cross the warp storm and head for the Empire Terra.

That journey had taught him the horrors of the Warp.

To stop them, the gods of the warp created some incredible and massive structures along the way.

The sheer size of those structures is astonishing.

Both the height and length of a wall need to be measured in light-years.

The demon turrets made of brass, flames, and steel are all over it, and the scale is magnificent, comparable to a world.

The mere existence of such a thing is enough to make one despair.

If it weren't for those structures, they would need an anchor to exist in reality.

The impossible must be attached to the real.

Through the anchor point, the materials that gather the subspace are transmitted, and then transformed into real substances that can exist stably.

It is always a mistake to define the subspace with the impossible, and there are endless possibilities in the vast ether ocean.

The information of each team surfaced in front of Sanguinius.

The red dots of their avatars manifest within the complex of the Watcher's fortresses, advancing steadily.

The radiance shone on that noble face that inspired countless people of the empire.

White wings spread out behind his back.

His presence is hope.

It is the redemption that mankind longs for.

He is his brother's war angel, the enforcer of the divine emperor's will to destroy.

"In the name of my brother, this place must belong to the empire." Sanguinius reached out and pointed at the strange fortress.

He will bring destruction upon those loathsome enemies.

The Emperor's vision was shattered once, and there is no way they will let that happen again.

Any enemy who stops humans will be overwhelmed by endless anger.

Primaris warriors kept coming to that eerie fortress.

In bursts of transmitted flashes, he ran towards death fearlessly.

"This world is disgusting." Clayto, the leader of the Absolution Chapter, stepped out of the flash and looked at the strange buildings in the distance. The hazy glow and fog shrouded the majesty, extending to an incredible angle. building.

"It's better to destroy it." Chirac, the think tank of the battle group, shrugged and said: "No matter what kind of enemy, we should give them death in the name of the Holy Emperor."

"The shock wave of time is coming to us. It is estimated that there are still thirty seconds left. We have to enter a defensive posture." The technical sergeant interrupted the conversation between the chapter leader and the think tank, and explained the crisis they were about to encounter in a simple and clear manner.

Cleto looked in the direction the tech sergeant pointed out.

A strange wave hit like a sea wave.

It was as if they were standing in the ocean.

Time Blaster is a unique defensive method of the Overwatch Army.

Released every once in a while.

The first Imperial troops to attempt a landing had no idea of ​​the enemy's methods of attack.

They were hit by the time wave unpreparedly, and turned into dust in less than one ten-thousandth of a second.

Their armor is mottled and rusted, as if it has been ravaged by thousands of years.

"Defensive posture." Cleto called his warriors together and activated the time field protection.

A translucent hood covers them.

Time shock waves are sweeping past their positions.

Time flows in a dislocated manner.

Colette and others found it difficult to adapt.

Humans are not pure time beings, and such an attack would cause them discomfort.

"It's getting more and more disgusting to me." Cleto didn't hide his inner disgust. After the first wave of attacks, he issued a new order, "Go forward and let our swords be stained with blood."

They had to run some distance to enter the fort.

The empire's teleportation device has no way to send such a huge army to a fortress protected by a time force field.

If you do that by force, it will only turn the soldiers of the empire into corpses or dust.

More and more teleportation flashes lit up around Cleto and the others.

More Primaris warriors stepped out of it.

They gathered in a wave of destruction and rushed towards the enemy's stronghold.

There are psychic behemoths that suddenly appear from rifts in the sky.

They have weird limbs and abilities.

The sharp claws can tear apart the armor and body of Primaris warriors.

Warriors would charge up and chop them to pieces, shouting the cry of the Holy Emperor.

Cleto and his comrades are one of them.

They rushed across a field of blood, screams and death.

The Watchers are powerful, but they are not as powerful as Cleto.

They have weapons capable of unleashing all kinds of great power.

Black holes, time, space, etc., everything is made into a weapon by them.

But those things couldn't kill the Primordial Warrior.

As long as they are careful enough, Primaris warriors can avoid those injuries.

When the technological level of both parties reaches a certain level, long-range attacks are ineffective.

The sea can submerge the land, but it cannot crush a smooth pebble.

The attack range of mass weapons is indeed very large.

But their lethality against individuals is very poor.

The means of warfare are always evolving.

From the stone tools of the primitive age, to the firearms of the industrial age, to the light spears of the space age, and now the regular weapons.

The weapons mastered by creatures are becoming more and more powerful, destroying the stars and the universe is no longer a delusion.

It stands to reason that wars should become more sophisticated, requiring fewer and fewer people to participate.

It is a pity that as the offensive methods are strengthened, the defensive methods are also constantly changing.

After entering the industrial age, human beings have mastered the means of ultra-long-range strikes regardless of line-of-sight, using various missiles to destroy the enemy remotely.

Large-scale battles became impractical.

One side assembled hundreds of thousands of tanks, and the other side controlled the missile bombing remotely, and overthrew the tank group directly and remotely.

Until the emergence of the void shield, all human beyond visual range long-range weapons were ineffective in front of the void shield.

The void shield can transfer all objects and energy exceeding a certain speed to the warp.

Human missiles and nuclear bombs are no longer a deadly threat.

The enhancement of interference means has also made ultra-long-range missiles lose their original power.

No matter how hard you blow, it's useless.

The advancement of science and technology has brought the war back to large-scale battles and close combat.

If it cannot be replaced with a systematic superhero, the empire can be wiped out with a single fire.

The more advanced the technology, the lesser the role of stragglers.

What is important in war is the productivity and scientific research capabilities behind both sides.

If you want to win the final victory, you have to compete and consume remotely.

But as long as they can walk into the starry sky, everyone has almost unlimited energy, nuclear fusion, plasma fusion, and various geothermal heat, etc.

Get the generator ready, open a shield, and the two sides will throw missiles from a long distance.

A more powerful one throws black holes, stars, or halos, etc.

As long as the technology of both sides is on the same level.

This kind of war will last for tens of thousands of years, and neither side will suffer any actual losses.

Or you can only use the most primitive method, which is close combat.

Depleting the enemy's vital strength is considered a victory in the war.

Cleto rushed into the enemy, his sword drawing a bright arc of shining metallic luster in the air.

The sharp blade pierced the body as smooth as glass, shattering it effortlessly.

Shards of radiant light flew in all directions amidst the screams of the soldiers of the Monitor Legion.

Those fragments hit his armor, making a slight impact sound, and were bounced away again.

The blade continued to slide in, and the subatomic level of the blade sliced ​​through the glass-like body and silicon-based bones, disemboweling the enemy.

With a desperate wail before death, a watcher was cut in two and fell to the ground.

Clayto shook off the silver metallic blood on the sword, and rushed to the next enemy.

He was running, charging at the forefront, rushing into the Watcher's line of defense like a hurricane.

The heavily armored body soared into the air with unimaginable dexterity and agility, killing again and again.

His Librarian roared, bolter in one hand, mace in the other.

The bullets of the bolter are loaded with an annihilating substance specially designed to restrain the watchers, which can bring them fatal damage.

The scepter shines with the brilliance of the subspace, and in this realm where illusion and reality combine, spiritual power has been greatly increased.

A series of berserk thunders shot out from the void, hitting those screaming enemies, causing their bodies to ignite strange flames.

Primaris warriors who fight in the name of the Holy Emperor are so fierce.

Unstoppable, they tore through the enemy's defenses with savagery and brutality.

Some fighters fell, hit by enemy weapons and turned into grains of sand within a few breaths.

But no one is saddened by this, but cheered up.

Death is the most wonderful reward for the loyal.

Meaning they enter the arms of the Holy Emperor with honor and praise.

The realm of the dead established by the Holy Emperor has been confirmed and officially recognized by the Librarians of countless Chapters.

Every fallen warrior is ushered into the realm of the Holy Emperor.

People no longer need to fear the nothingness brought about by death.

For mankind, this is a just war.

The victory of the Empire was as unstoppable as the rising sun on Cleto's home world.

One day, they will lift the throne of the Holy Emperor to the star that all living beings will look up to, and make him the true Lord of the Heavens.

When the war to capture the fort entered its most tragic climax.

Sanguinius waved his immaculate white wings.

He fell from the sky with his glorious bodyguard and threw himself into the fiercest battlefield.

The appearance of Sanguinius made the soldiers cheer even more frantically.

He came down from the sky like a war angel, with fury and thunder of unspeakable terror.

The huge impact even set off an explosion, causing countless cracks to appear on the silicon crystallized ground.

He holds a spear like an ancient war god who is invincible.

"In the name of the Holy Emperor, kill."

His voice resounded throughout the fortress battlefield.

10,000 words today.

The question of combat power in this book is reiterated again, the competition is knowledge understanding and productivity.

Normally, the higher the level of war, the greater the damage caused, and melee combat does not exist.

However, the Warhammer world has defense technology, a hive world with shields, and can easily resist decades of orbital bombing.

Melee is just and reasonable.

All War Jump Gang.

The explosive bomb is stuffed with gunpowder and plugged into a black hole.

Don't force it, asking is because the author is not imaginative enough.

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