Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 455 The Master's Task (for Subscription)

The warp is constantly roaring, berserk and chaotic.

The furious storm tore apart the old and broken veil of fate and lies, peeled off the shell of reality, poured endless waves of ether, and completely destroyed everything.

Ethereal and hideous beings send their wolves into the void, conveying their desires to mortal life.

Wandering from star to star with their shifting tentacles, dragging those miserable souls into abysses where there is no light.

Reality trembles under a violence that can shatter time, converging with the Supreme through unstable rifts.

Reason is ignited by the evil fire, and the fire traverses the sea of ​​stars, reaching the end of the doomsday.

This is where reality and fiction meet.

A mixture of nightmare and reality.

Nothing is impossible here.

Those horrible things have even broken people's illusions about routine and rationality.

Eye of Fear.

A place where the physical universe and the warp meet.

From the perspective of ordinary people, the huge vortex of dense stars that the Empire has named the Eye of Terror is, as its name suggests, a fierce and glowing eye, shining in the vast galaxy.

Set like a wicked jewel in the northwestern part of the galaxy.

This simple cognition is already all for many people.

Even in the empire that is now open, the history and lore of the Eye of Terror are classified as high-level archives.

Only those who have completed professional studies and passed soul certification can browse the contents.

In many of the universes the Empire has set foot in, few races and civilizations are aware of the reality of another realm, or Warp for short.

They either see the Warp as a chaotic realm inhabited by elven monsters and demons, or they see it as the stuff of myth and legend.

Some extraordinary civilizations are more rational and regard it as the source of elements, aura, or various supernatural powers.

But no matter what, no creature would deny the horror of the subspace.

It is like the ocean, if you know how to use the weather and currents, it can take you to your destination quickly.

But if you don't know anything about it, you think you can conquer it.

There is only one end.

That is to be directly swallowed and crushed by the terrifying storm.

The subspace and the real universe were originally in peace, each in its own domain.

Until the fall of the Eldar race led to an unprecedented crisis.

Their indulgence, carnival and other extreme emotions are like blood in the subspace.

The abominable evil god came upon smelling it.

The evil god tore out a wound in reality, causing the turbulent subspace ocean to enter the real universe along the wound, making it fester, and turning it into a paradise for demons and a hell for real creatures.

The Eye of Terror has existed since the time of the Eldar Fall, and the fierce storm is terrifying.

So far, it has not weakened in the slightest.

There are countless evil worlds, overrun by Chaos Daemons and traitor legions.

Each of them is a sworn enemy of the Empire.

What sets the Eye of Terror's tumbling twisted storm apart from other cosmic storms is that it's bigger, much bigger, and capable of tearing everything apart.

Navigators must observe the channel 24 hours a day and pay attention to those weird ocean currents.

Look at all crises.

Avoid starships being thrown on an unpredictable course by the raging, terrifying warp storm.

Many navigator families are secretive about the Eye of Terror, and they will steer their ships hundreds of light years away to avoid falling into that terrible hell.

Any guy who is arrogant and thinks that he can pass through the Eye of Fear will end up disappearing.

The news that came back in the end was full of despair and fear.

The Eye of Terror is a cancer of the real universe.

When Abaddon broke through the stronghold world of Cadia, the cancer spread.

And now, the spreading cancer has shrunk as Cadia is reclaimed.

But it's as dangerous as ever.

Will devour those who dare to despise it.

At this moment, there is a fleet that looks dilapidated and has the imperial double-headed eagle emblem on the hull sailing in it.

The leading battleship has a large number of turrets, induction towers and laser energy reflection devices on its surface.

It looked like a bloated, patched, fat man with all kinds of scars.

Inside the heavily armored hull, little Fulgrim gazed at the hologram.

Wearing armor, willing to return to the embrace of the empire, and eager to wash away their grievances, warriors stood like statues around the hall.

They wore full body armor and helmets, and the red light of the eyepieces came from behind.

Only the slight vibrating sound of the servo.

Showing that they were living creatures and not actual sculptures.

A sticker with the oath written on it was glued to the top of the armor.

The road to salvation is long and difficult, with no end in sight.

They use the oath to tell themselves over and over again that they need to persevere until the day when their duties end.

Little Fulgrim remained silent, examining what the detection instruments and the navigator saw.

The ship looks shabby, but has a lot of good stuff.

Guilliman, through some cryptic channel or some deliberate coincidence, threw some available equipment at them.

Make sure they are better able to perform tasks.

Weaken the forces of Chaos.

The detection devices used by the fleet are far more advanced than those used by the Chaos Traitors.

It can clearly use the subspace or some unexplainable principle to observe all the details in the distance of tens or hundreds of light years nearby.

On one glowing planet after another, the strangest, most perverted minds manifested themselves before little Fulgrim's watchful eye.

Little Fulgrim picked his target.

Another world will be redeemed.

In the name of Emperor Guilliman, in the name of the Redeemer.

Young Fulgrim saw a world covered in twisting, roaring factories.

Those factories are running in a weird way.

It's as if they are breathing.

The factories seemed to be made of metal and stone, a city-sized monstrosity of brass and steel.

Their pipes, towering into the sky, belch thick black smoke and flames into the eternal night that envelops the whole world.

Those factories reshaped the bones of the planet.

The filth of the warp seeps from every crack in metal atoms, from every pore in stone.

The entire world has been taken over by traitors and demons, reshaped by their will.

A holy baptism is needed to cleanse those damned enemies and transform the whole world.

Heavy footsteps and dull servo sounds came.

Zahariel walked over from the gate and stood next to little Fulgrim.

Besides him there was an Alpha Kasar in black armor, and Aram the Emperor's Children Loyalist.

They scattered around the holographic table.

A faint glow reflected their helmet visors.

From the perspective of the general trend, the eternal battle is a war between the empire and chaos.

If you look at it locally, you will know that this war is actually chaotic.

Some people don't want to swear allegiance to a decaying empire, or to the gods.

They fight for what they believe in.

There are also some who, after realizing the horror of the gods, want to return to the side of the empire, but they are not accepted and can only be reduced to the Lost Warband.

Many warbands have fought against both the Empire and Chaos over long periods of time.

Of course, the fate of many warbands is inevitable corruption, but there are still many strong-minded people active between the Empire and Chaos.

Little Fulgrim's subordinates are all these people.

He promised these people that when they died fighting, they would be accepted by the Holy Emperor and wash away all past mistakes.

Of course, they cannot enjoy the honor of life.

It's just an effort towards redemption after death.

A few loyal wizards of the Thousand Sons used their visions to see the dead warriors being ushered into the world of light that symbolized Guilliman, and this promise was fully confirmed.

Many lost warriors came from all directions to join little Fulgrim, seeking salvation after death.

They had been with Chaos and had seen the true nature of the Chaos Gods.

In the company of the gods, death is the beginning of despair and torment.

Entering the realm of the gods is not a good thing.

Of course, in the eyes of some people who can't see the truth, the realm of the gods is a beautiful and peaceful paradise.

However, that is just an illusion.

Countless souls have been buried in the Gardens of Nurgle and the Crystal Labyrinth.

They are either food for the demons or slaves.

There is no so-called salvation in the subspace, and there is no so-called paradise.

In the realm of eternity, there is only pain and despair.

"This is the world where warbands live." Little Fulgrim said, pointing to a light spot in the holographic projection: "I recognized the emblems of several warbands from the database of the empire, Lord of Flawless, Extinct Beast , the Crackers, it was clear that when Abaddon fell and Lion led the Imperial Army to sweep across the Eye of Terror, these warbands were forced to unite and seek to survive."

These battle gangs are extremely famous.

Has launched a series of plunder against the empire.

Created a large number of killings.

The act of massacring the entire planet alone has been carried out more than a dozen times in official records.

The official records should only record the reported reports.

In the era when Guilliman hadn't recovered, the communication between the galaxies was very slow, and many planets were slaughtered by the enemy, and Terra didn't know it.

"Then we will exterminate them," Zahariel said. "As we have done before."

Little Fulgrim nodded, "Exactly, exterminating these traitors is the best way for us to seek salvation."

"I can't help but stain my sword with some blood." Cassar's weird voice came from under the grille of the helmet.

Little Fulgrim was a little uncertain about the members of the Alpha Legion.

Some evidence suggests that one of the Gemini Primarchs chose loyalty and the other chose betrayal.

Alpharius is a psychopath who has always believed in a strong man who deserves to survive and protect the empire.

As a result, his sons are constantly being tested to test the loyalists of the empire.

From the blood game that is still prevalent in the imperial army so far, to the action of stealing Dorne's defense map before the siege of Terra, and when the siege of Terra was just about to start, he withdrew with his legion.

These actions make the betrayal of the Alpha Legion full of mysteries.

They intentionally kept traitors in equal numbers as loyalists.

Don't want the Empire to win, and don't want Chaos to win.

It can be said that the contribution of the Alpha Legion is indispensable for the eternal battle that has been stalemate for thousands of years.

They can be said to be the least damaged in the great rebellion.

It's basically a downwind game.

Withdrew right away.

Little Fulgrim didn't intend to see whether the alphas were loyal or not.

No matter how malicious the opponent's heart is, as long as the opponent's sword swings at the enemy you want to kill.

"Those factories have built a large number of artillery, which should be used to target other predators, but they will still pose a threat to us." Zahariel looked at the image screen on the holographic podium of the target planet, marked with a lot of red Point, all defensive measures. "We can no longer drop near those factories, enemy fire will tear our ships apart."

Zahariel flicked the hologram again.

Several huge ships appeared on the image screen.

Static light beams outline the details of those giant battleships.

All are full of traces of corruption, twisted flesh and blood, weird tentacles, and eyes full of endless malice embedded in the bow.

They are unholy amalgams of metal and warp spirits.

Half metal, half demon.

Like an ancient monster emerging from a nightmare.

The sticky tentacles of the ancient Terra giant squid and the primitive savagery of the deep-sea predators, coupled with the scientific and technological achievements of human beings, combined with some incomprehensible inhuman wisdom.

Thick, sinuous tentacles stretched out in all directions, each capable of reeling up a strike cruiser.

The serrated fangs are so sharp that they can easily bite through anything in the world.

"They also have void defense power." Zahariel pointed to those weird ships and said, "These are all things we need to pay attention to."

"We'll crush them," said little Fulgrim. "Go and get your men ready."

The fleet organized by little Fulgrim looks tattered, but its maneuverability is not bad.

With the intentional help of the empire, their ships obtained a lot of good things, even if they looked ugly, they couldn't hide their powerful performance and firepower.

When the order to fight is given.

All the fleets began to rush towards the target in unison.

The Chaos ships turned and shot at Fulgrim's fleet.

The first round of missiles hit.

Small destroyers escorting battleships and strike cruisers fired anti-missile weapons to intercept them.

The void emitting a strange light immediately produced a series of small-scale explosions.

Then the sound of explosions became the continuous accompaniment of the fleet's march.

Several torpedoes penetrated the fire intercepting net.

The kinetic energy of their high-speed movement is even more dangerous than the ammunition they carry.

But the torpedo exploded on the void shield when it was still a few hundred meters away from the entire body.

Void shields flickered, diverting massive destructive energies into the Warp.

Like Fulgrim watched the battle, not too worried.

Such a long-distance exchange of fire is never decisive or particularly damaging.

The main tactical sphere shows his fleet formation piercing the enemy's defenses.

He typed a few commands on the operation interface to adjust the fleet's position.

The raid plan is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Soon, the distance between the two sides was shortened.

It was even possible to see the engine lights of enemy ships through the hanging windows, and the ships of the forces of chaos had already launched a battle line to intercept Fulgrim's fleet.

With Primarch-level intelligence and stratagem, he observes the enemy's disposition, looking for weak spots in the enemy's defenses.

He could see that behind the enemy there should be a war lord conducting overall command.

Do your best to organize these unruly ships.

Chaos forces always like to fight on their own, resisting any unified command.

Even under the command of a war lord, they will not be very obedient.

Lack of coordination with each other.

Little Fulgrim casually used Jaghatai's maneuvering strategy.

The fleet was divided into two, and the other half of the ships went around from below.

This is an ancient cavalry tactic, which was carried forward by Chagatai.

By enticing the enemy head-on, outflanking and outflanking, dividing and annihilating them.

Dense shells and torpedoes flew out continuously, blocking the maneuvering space of the fleets of both sides.

Many times, the torpedoes and shells fired are not intended to kill the enemy.

It is to block the enemy's retreat and force the enemy to enter his desired position.

Void warfare is more complex than ground warfare.

The steering of multiple dimensions makes the starship more flexible. Without certain capabilities, it is difficult to command a large-scale naval battle.

Both sides were traveling at high speed, and the bow guns were constantly firing.

Brilliant spears of light shot out one after another.

Every time it is launched, the hull will tremble.

Soon, they can see each other clearly.

Enemy ships grow from tiny blobs to model size.

Those ships continued to grow and swell as the fleet advanced at high speed.

In the void, this perspective creates visual deception.

When observing from the observation port equipped with optical mirrors, those enemy ships seemed to be about to directly collide with their own ships, but the size of the enemy continued to increase.

Visually, the angle of impact of the bow changes from a flat and sharp scalpel to a huge and thick cliff.

Until the sensor towers and weapon turrets lined up above are clearly visible, they are still tens of kilometers away from each other.

They passed each other in a violent but brief cross-bombardment.

Both sides unleashed a barrage of lasers and live ammunition, creating a storm of destruction.

A brighter light was produced, indicating that a ship had been hit, disabled by an explosion in its reactor.

When the light faded and the oracle became clear, Fulgrim the Younger's fleet left a flaming cruiser behind and moved on.

The call of the ship's personnel continued to sound on the communication channel.

They seal off the blast deck, stop the air from leaking, and organize related personnel to carry out repairs.

Some of the crew were sucked outside by the leaking air and died within seconds.

Little Fulgrim didn't show any mood swings about this.

When they chose this path, they already knew exactly what the end awaited them.

Dying in battle is a reward.

Souls will return to the arms of the Holy Emperor, instead of wandering alone in the Warp, hunted or held as pathetic demon slaves.

Enemy casualties were even more tragic.

The core of their combat power is a battleship and three strike cruisers.

But now the two cruisers have been severely damaged.

One engine failed, veered off course, and torn to shreds by the other fleet.

Another ship ignited a raging fire, and with the silent flames rising, the ship disintegrated silently.

The battleship also caught fire, but it was quickly extinguished and turned around to prepare for a new round of shooting.

But the first round of firefights has already decided their outcome.

Although the fleet in the hands of little Fulgrim is not as good as the regular fleet of the empire, it is still slightly better than the ships of the Chaos side.

The final fate of the battleship that turned around was nothing but torn apart.

The traitors were annihilated, and the fleeing cruisers were caught up by the faster smaller destroyers, who focused their fire on them.

Only burning wreckage remained in the void.

Little Fulgrim's fleet sailed through the debris field, heading for the target world.

Defensive lasers and orbital missiles from the planet's surface exploded in the stratosphere as Little Fulgrim's fleet turned into planetary orbit.

"It is time, my companions, to cast down the wrath of punishment. This will be another prize we offer to the Holy Emperor."

Little Fulgrim's voice echoed over the com channel.

Landing shuttles and orbital airborne capsules flew out of the battleship one after another, falling towards the target world like meteorites.

The imperial double-headed eagle emblem engraved on the pod announces to the enemy that punishment has come.

"Abadon is a complete fool."

In a hall full of blasphemous marks, sits a throne made of the bones of the victims.

On the throne, a colossal figure in purple armor riddled with bone spurs and with human heads and skin hanging from it let out an angry growl.

"He brought Guilliman back to life and screwed everything up. Made himself a prisoner on Terra. Made the Eye of Terror no longer safe."

The angry voice echoed in the hall, and the Chaos Space Marine stood silently, not daring to make any sound, for fear that he would become the target of the opponent's anger.

The cultists and mutants stopped whispering.

In those suspended iron cages, the captives also lowered their screams to low howls of pain.

There is only the painful sound of the dark machine when it is operating and the broken and garbled codes reported by the brainless machine servant.

"Master Aidolon." The bloated body of a priest of dark technology, embedded with many mechanical prosthetic limbs, trembled. "The void fleet has lost its news. The enemy has approached low-earth orbit, and an orbital strike will soon be launched."

Eidolon was one of the earliest warriors of the Third Legion, the Emperor's Children, and one of the eleven Lord Commanders of the Legion.

Born on Terra, he was the most distinguished Lord Commander of the Emperor's Children Legion.

Once known as the paragon of the Emperor's Children Legion.

Was the first Space Marine to lead an entire company within the Legion.

The Emperor's Children suffered some mishaps in their early development, making them far smaller than the other Legions.

When Fulgrim was retrieved, the Emperor's Children Legion numbered a mere two hundred battle-brothers

The early Emperor's Children were incorporated into the Luna Wolves, learning how to fight and increasing their numbers in various ways until they could fight independently.

Eidolon was also the first Noise Warrior to be implanted with alien organs.

Able to unleash terrifying sound waves that tear enemies down to their most primitive elements.

This ability appeared for the first time in the world of Isstvan III, and was questioned by the loyalist Taviz.

Tarvitz refused to undergo similar modifications on his own body, and was regarded as a target that needed to be eliminated, and was thrown into the battle of Canticle City.

Eidolon committed a terrible crime on Isstvan III.

When he broke through the line of Loyalists, he massacred the wounded.

Especially those Emperor's Sons of the Loyalty faction were tortured and killed by him.

He also played a major role in the Landing Massacre, producing a string of horrific, bloody, and horrific killings.

Afterwards, he also appeared during the Siege of Terra, where he wrought a string of carnage.

After the Horus Heresy, he and many traitors fled into the Eye of Terror and launched the eternal war.

Eidolon's crimes are too numerous to list.

He once thought that he would win with the victory of the gods, but now, the punishment of the empire has come.

The other party has absolutely no possibility of letting him go.

"They want to kill us, but it won't be that simple." Aidolon said, "Let Queen Silaire be the first to attack, and let those idiots know that this world is not something they can invade at will."

Queen Silaire is a succubus, masquerade dancer.

Once the most favored dancer and first handmaiden, she was also a succubus of multiple genders.

Succubus seduce not only men, but also women, so they are perfect and match all the characteristics that men and women desire.

In the Eternal Great Game, Tzeentch tricked Slaanesh into war with Khorne.

And Slaanesh has no chance of winning the war.

In the end, he was defeated and lost face.

Seeing the gloomy mood of his master, Silaire entertained him with dances of the most vivacity and splendor.

Slaanesh was not a little happy, but thought it was a mockery of him.

Denounce Silaire as a traitor.

Slaanesh cursed the masquerade to keep dancing, banishing her from her realm.

Silaire is forced to dance for eternity and finds a way to seek forgiveness from her master.

Aidolon formed an alliance with the other party in a world, became the other party's concubine, and got the support of the masquerade dancers, becoming a famous force in the Eye of Terror.

It's a pity that under the blow of the human empire, today's Aidolon has lost its former glory.

I can only huddle on such a planet, recuperate, and pray that the empire will not solve the Eye of Terror so quickly.

Unfortunately, the gods he believed in did not favor him.

Fate had brought young Fulgrim here to be his punisher.

This is undoubtedly an extremely ironic joke.

A clone of his genetic father became his executioner.

The hatch of the airborne cabin was blasted open, hitting the ground heavily.

Kasar and other team members rushed out of the cabin together, and rushed towards the enemy with Little Fulgrim as the center.

Above them, Thunderhawk and other old models of Imperial fighter jets were flying across the sky, leaving behind white air waves.

All kinds of titans eliminated by the empire were also thrown onto the battlefield.

Manipulated by those knight families who have fallen into darkness and are willing to follow little Fulgrim to seek redemption.

Some dark priests who were captured or sincerely surrendered were responsible for the maintenance of these titans.

Heavy tanks and vehicles were also dropped from the air.

All from obsolete armaments of the Empire.

Through some secret means, Guilliman handed it over to Fulgrim the Younger, ensuring his military strength.

Under the command of young Fulgrim, a large army attacked the target.

A huge fortress lay ahead of them.

Armored troops roared across the eerie, squirming plains of flesh.

The air is filled with suffocating exhaust fumes.

In the middle of the battle formation, little Fulgrim sat on a Land Raider, directing the direction of progress.

Zahariel is also in the battle.

Even if the gas emitted by the engine passes through the helmet rebreather, it is difficult to completely eliminate the smell.

But he didn't feel disgusted, but excited.

It made him feel like he was back on the Great Crusade.

This is how they charged at the enemy before.

The earth shook.

Countless demons flapped their wings and rushed towards them.

"Kill them all." Little Fulgrim yelled, "For our lost salvation, for the honor we once craved."

Zahariel kept pulling the trigger, and the bolter continued to roar, and the spout of bullets slammed into the waves of demons, making them scream.

Other fighters also opened fire after the enemy came within optimal range.

Tanks, gunboats, etc. all roared. Beams of beams and cannonballs trailing flames fell in the endless waves.

The bomb blasted the warp-shaped flesh.

Lasers incinerate the wreckage.

Demons did not retreat like living creatures.

They rushed over like a wave, and then turned into broken corpses.

Zahariel slammed through a man's twenty-eight centimeters, and a woman's proud twin peaks.

Then a bomb blast reduced it to shattered wreckage.

Kassar, too, was fighting hard, his bolter constantly pumping.

Amidst the sound of explosive bombs, his battle roar was also clearly visible.

"Humanity lasts forever."

His battle brother also roared.

The sound of fighting resounded everywhere.

Little Fulgrim is unstoppable, and the long sword forged with arcane secrets in his hand cuts the enemy in two with unimaginable silkiness.

Finishing off those leaping demons with a single blow, the blade split the monster's skull in half.

A terrifying demon was after him.

It was clad in scarlet hide and armor, and a single sharp horn grew from its forehead.

The jaw opened in fury, revealing those terrible fangs.

A warrior longing for redemption was pierced by its black-flaming sword, and a warrior with a shattered skull and flattened helmet was crushed underfoot.

"A despicable replica!!" The demon showed a mocking look.

Little Fulgrim was silent, but charged at him.

After howling, the demon also rushed over.

The opponent's body was extremely huge, and when the huge hoof hit the ground, the ground trembled slightly.

After reaching a certain distance, little Fulgrim jumped forward.

After dodging the opponent's sharp sword burning with black flames, he stabbed the sword in his hand into the enemy's body.

The demon's body dissolves in its cries of pain.

Little Fulgrim spat at the other party before the other party died completely, which was regarded as a response to the humiliation just now.

"Tear them apart," cried little Fulgrim. "This world will be our conquest to the Holy Emperor, our sacrifice for redemption."

All heavy tanks and vehicles obeyed his orders.

A sudden volley broke through the demon's defenses.

Opened the way to the Bastion Factory.

Little Fulgrim took the lead and rushed to the front.

"For the lost honor, for the redemption after death."

His sword carries the will of a lost man longing for redemption, bringing punishment to all demons and traitors who stand in his way.

His sword was as fast as a ray of light.

In an instant, the abominations of various shapes, twisted, hoofed feet, and long necks were cut open, and all of them were reduced to ashes.

At the entrance of the fortress, the demon leader - Queen Silare sits here.

It has a face that charms all living beings.

The upper body is naked, with only a pitiful amount of fabric, covering the three proud, snow-white peaks.

The proud mountain swayed with its movements.

The strong and powerful body has a pair of arms and a pair of tentacles.

Its purple-haired head has a pair of white horns, which are worn like a crown on its head.

Those slender legs showed a gradual light purple color, which was very gorgeous.

The bare skin shone with the brilliance of gemstones. Exudes a greasy fragrance.

That demon is a distorted interpretation of the word beauty, so beautiful that it makes people sick.

It will kill all humans who dare to approach.

The movements of beheading human beings are graceful enough to make even the Eldar feel ashamed.

A warrior who rushed forward was cut through the defense by its sword, and then cut off limbs with extremely fast and precise movements.

Yin Hong's body just fell in front of the demon.

The other party even licked the blood on the sword, and a perverted smile appeared on his terrifyingly handsome face.

Little Fulgrim walked towards him.

The hideous scar was like a centipede lying on his angry face.

"Replica, what a pity, if it wasn't for the mission of the master, I wouldn't even want to kill you." Queen Silaire watched the other party approaching, showing a mocking look.

"Go to hell." Little Fulgrim roared angrily.

Queen Silaire struck, swift as a viper.

The blade with a vicious curse stabbed towards little Fulgrim's body.

It moves very gracefully, as if it is dancing.

Little Fulgrim blocked the opponent's blow with the sword in his hand.

The brutal strength made the force field device attached to the long sword groan.

After the little Fulgrim forced the opponent back with a sword, he took out his bolt gun, fired fifty rounds of the bombs, and then rushed forward again.

This action exposed the other party's flaws. The long sword in his hand pierced the filthy flesh and blood of the other party, making him make a happy sound, and even trembled, as if this action brought him indescribable pleasure.

"Master's task, so exciting, so happy."

"Disgusting." Little Fulgrim made an evaluation, and punched the opponent violently, knocking his disgusting body back.

He waved his long sword and continued to charge forward.

The long sword pierced into the butter like a hot iron rod, and the sizzling sound echoed in my ears.

Little Fulgrim violently split the opponent's body in two.

Queen Silaire collapsed in a shriek of excitement, a convulsed corpse.

Under the leadership of little Fulgrim, Zahariel and others rushed inside.

Kasar cheered and celebrated that they would bring yet another prize to the Holy Emperor.

May He forgive our ignorance and folly.

May he guide the souls of the dead into his kingdom.

May He shield us from those horrors.

The death of the demon leader is not the end of the battle.

They've won enough, but not nearly enough.

The signs of desecration deep within the fortress are horrific.

Skulls and rotting corpses are everywhere.

The floor and walls were black with blood and foul-smelling.

There are paintings of various unknown liquids all over the walls.

Biological tissue can be seen everywhere, wriggling, as if alive.

Strange ghosts are floating around, making painful sounds.

Hanging from hooks and chains, the bodies of many writhed in agony, crying to them for redemption.

They have to finish those guys with bombs.

Only because those crying things are no longer alive.

It's just that the soul is imprisoned in the body that has long been corrupted, and is tortured day and night.

Killing them is a kind of redemption.

The holy emperor's emissary will bring the souls of those suffering back to the holy kingdom of the dead, so that they can rest in peace.

The resistance inside the fort was equally fierce.

The mutants and monsters rushed out of the corridor and were smashed to pieces.

Killing broke out at every corner.

Until they killed every enemy alive.

Little Fulgrim went all the way, and finally arrived in front of a huge gate.

Blasphemy was carved on the gate.

Bright red blood slowly flowed down from the pattern on the gate, as if it was oozing blood.

A fighter found the gate's controller and pulled it down.

With an unbearable creaking sound, the heavy door slowly opened.

It sounded more like a distant wail of pain than a whine of machine components that were in disrepair.

Behind the gates hung more corpses, and even behind the gates were pinned writhing, still-tormenting, headless bodies.

That blood oozed from them.

A gilded hall appeared before little Fulgrim.

Huge enough to hold a company of Space Marines.

The profanity scenes inside are even more astonishing.

A group of mortals who have lost their minds are naked, and they are having sex frantically in various indescribable ways, making all kinds of filthy sounds.

There are some whips with iron thorns, whipping while having sex, squirming in the blood, making all kinds of joyful sounds that make the scalp tingle,

Some are wriggling on the sharp bed of nails, letting the sharp nails scratch their own flesh and blood, and seeing the white bones.

Some were placed on dirty operating tables, dismembered and stitched back together.

No one is in pain, everyone is so happy and excited.

Through this act of lust, sacrifice to the god of darkness and gain the blessing of Slaanesh.

Little Fulgrim instinctively felt disgusted.

What a terrifying and horrifying scene that was.

Not even the most insane lunatic could have imagined such a horrible scene.

From the dais surrounded by the sacrificial crowd, the Emperor's Children, swollen with tentacles and twisted horns, watched them with hatred.

Aidolon on the throne looked at the face that was exactly the same as his genetic father, and involuntarily let out a painful questioning sound.

"Why? Why did you kill us like this? Father."

"I am not your father, but I can send you to meet him." Little Fulgrim said.

Five thousand and one chapters, 10,000 words count as two chapters, and today only one chapter is owed, which is eleven chapters.

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