Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 457 The Invincible Nagash Has Been Down Again 1/2 (Subscribe)

Chapter 457 The Invincible Nagash Has Been Down Again 12 (Subscribe)

Valyrian looked resolute.

Nothing, no power, could stop him from bringing his Creator back to Terra.

Miaoying stopped talking, her beautiful jewel-like eyes reflected the bustling Weijing night scene.

Weijing can definitely be said to be the most prosperous city in Cathay.

Even though it was late at night, the streets of Weijing were still full of people coming and going.

All the shops that open along the way are hung with various lanterns.

A large number of candlesticks or some illuminated five-element plates purchased at high prices are placed in the store to ensure that customers can see clearly.

The hawkers on the gourmet street kept shouting, and the aroma of all kinds of barbecue, pancakes, and steamed buns wafted for miles, making mouth water.

In the roadside shops, you can buy silk, glassware, spices, medicinal materials, and even the creations of various yin and yang masters, Si Tianjian and other supernatural beings.

Various juggling performers are beating gongs and drums.

Loudly hawking the money for a money market, and the lack of money for a personal game, showing off your skills in front of many audiences.

Fire breathing, juggling, street magic and more.

Valyrian also looked at the prosperous Weijing, who could create such a city in an era of backward technology, and its ruler's skills were by no means comparable to those of the nobles he had come into contact with before.

Dragon Emperor is not from this world.

According to the modern theory, he should be an alien, or more fashionable, he should be a time traveler.

The Dragon Emperor came earlier than the Old Sage.

But he has always been very careful to hide his tracks to avoid disaster.

It wasn't until the Old Sage appeared, transformed the world, and after humans appeared, that he transformed into a human and summoned those tribes to gather by his side.

When the star gate collapsed and chaos came, he organized people to build the long wall of Cathay, using magic, high walls and terracotta warriors to keep Chaos out, and established Cathay.

Although he is the king of a country, he is not as vulgar and intriguing as ordinary nobles.

He has no attachment to worldly power.

Immerse yourself in the highest heaven, trying to absorb more power so that you can fight against the chaotic evil.

Dragon Emperor is not keen on female sex.

He has only one wife, and that is Yue Hou.

Yuehou is gentle and kind, with a handsome appearance, and there is no bloody drama about the harem competing for favor.

Valyrian is a scholar.

Many kings from ancient times to the present have ruined their rule because they were nostalgic for beauty.

Although there were several princes and princesses, they were still in harmony with each other and did not fight for power.

The Dragon Emperor and the Moon Queen possess the immortal body of the Dragon God.

They are not like kings, but more like mentors and guardians of the Cathaan people.

The two had conceived nine sons, two of which were missing, and one died in the Longjiang River in the north of Cathay, which caused the river to have the strange ability to sweep away souls, and formed the northern line of defense with the Changyuan of Cathay.

There is a missing dragon son who is said to have been killed by Mieshi Shenxuan.

The remaining five dragon sons are guarding various parts of Zhendan.

The overall situation of Zhendan is not bad. Under the management of Dragon Emperor and Yuehou, it is very prosperous.

But there are also big problems. The bureaucracy is complicated, the political struggle is very fierce, the class is solidified, and ordinary people are basically destined to be ordinary people.

Dragon Emperor and Yue Hou didn't have much opinion on joining the empire.

They are not willing to talk about their own affairs in another world.

The only thing that can be known is that the world where the Dragon Emperor lived before has been eroded by chaos, and the clansmen were either killed or taken captive, and only a few dragon clans were able to escape.

Dragon Emperor and Moon Queen finally came to this world after going through a lot of hardships.

They are very afraid of chaos.

Get ready for the ultimate early on.

All these years they have been building treasure ships and scouting other worlds.

If Cathay falls, he will take some of the people away with the treasure fleet.

Valyrian had carefully considered that if he stood in the position of the dragon emperor, he could not do better than him.

Some uninformed people will think that the reason why Cathay is prosperous is because they have no strong enemies in their position, so they can maintain prosperity.

This conclusion is extremely absurd.

To the north of Cathay is the wasteland of chaos, facing the invasion of chaotic humans, a large number of barbarians will come from the prairie every once in a while.

In addition to the barbarians who believed in the gods, there were also forces such as the Hobgoblin Khanate on the prairie.

The Hobgoblin Khanate can be said to be the largest and strongest greenskin faction in the world.

There are terrible rumors that the giant wolf cavalry is invincible.

To the west is the Mourning Mountains, the Dimensional Desert, and the Meteorite Mouth, where the Ogre Kingdom is located.

To the south lies a mystical jungle, home to the lost city of the Old Ones.

To the east is the sea, and the pirate-infested Nibon is on the opposite side of the sea. Every once in a while, dark elves and Nibon warriors will gather as pirates to go ashore to plunder.

The danger facing Cathay is no less than that of Western countries.

But they still established a prosperous country, most of which are due to the Dragon Emperor's credit.

Centralization frees them from internal friction and allows them to concentrate on dealing with various threats.

Compared with the electors of Western countries, the political struggle between countries is much better.

Dragon Emperor and Yue Hou did not have much objection to joining the Human Empire and accepting the rule of the Holy Emperor.

Valyrian even saw that they might be expecting something.

It seems that ruling such a country is not a success for them, but a burden.

Maybe it's really a burden.

Only those who are greedy and selfish think that being in a high position is a successful thing.

Those who cherish benevolence and righteousness and the common people see the infinite responsibility that is enough to overwhelm themselves.

A hovering warship bearing the emblem of an imperial double-headed eagle sails above the clouds.

The dancing light on the rune reflected on those thick clouds.

Fix stood at the bow and looked out at the sea of ​​clouds, above which was a spotless, velvety black night sky.

If you look up, you can see two moons embedded in the dark night sky, as well as shining stars.

Some astrology practitioners believe that everything in the world is connected.

The changes of the stars in the sky will also affect the fate of the world.

Fix didn't understand astrology, he just stood on the forecastle deck and watched the rolling clouds.

He has very good eyesight and needs only a small amount of light to see clearly.

During this time, their team has been running around.

In addition to killing the remaining forces of the Skaven Empire, they also raided those opponents, captured the leaders, and disintegrated their resistance to the Empire.

The many cults of Chaos have recently found a new outlet for propaganda.

They presented themselves as righteous fighters against the invaders, tricking those ignorant mortals into arms against the Empire.

Those terrible demons and minions of evil gods have transformed into fearless warriors against the human empire.

I have to say this is a very ironic thing.

What's even more ironic is that many people still follow this routine.

It seems that as long as the country is involved, anything those demons have done is worthy of forgiveness.

No matter how terrible crimes are committed, they are allowed.

Some even glorify the terrible deeds of those demons in the past.

Fix and the others had to run around to execute those who deceived the public.

Heavy footsteps came.

The stocky Gotrek came out of the cabin in civilian clothes.

"Damn it, that guy Theresa must have cheated. I lost all my money to him."

Fix glanced at Gotrek.

"I've told you many times that your card skills are not as good as Theresa's. He can always figure out what cards are left and choose an ending that has an advantage for him."

"Are you saying I'm too stupid?"

Gotrek was a little dissatisfied.

Fix evaluated the possibility that the other party might transfer his anger to himself, and decisively chose not to speak anymore.

"It's really annoying, I will find a way to win all my money back. His poker skills are very good, but I can compare him to other things." Gotrek stood by the side of the boat, revealing in his tone A hint of cunning rarely seen among dwarves.

Fix didn't answer the call, leaving Gotrek talking to himself, immersed in the high-altitude scenery, and trying to complete his poem.

He took an adventure with Gotrek before, and a large part of the reason was that he wanted to finish his poem among the adventurers.

Fix studied at Adolf University, before the glory of the Holy Emperor shone on this world.

Adolph University is definitely the best university in the world.

The things taught in it can only be learned by the upper class.

Fix completed his fencing and studies there, but unfortunately he did not get his diploma.

The reason was that he badly injured a classmate in a duel, and just like that, he was expelled from Adolf University.

"Today is not a good day for wind." Udi's voice sounded.

He wears a uniform emblazoned with the Imperial double-headed eagle, with a sword slung from his waist.

"Tonight is a night of mystery. The second moon made of dimensional stones will weaken the curtain of reality and illusion, allowing those evil forces to become rampant."

Udi walked up to Fix and Gotrek, looked up at the sky, his pupils reflected the brilliance of the double moons.

The empire has already probed the size and structure of the entire world.

This world is surrounded by two moons.

One of the moons is made of Warpstone, the one the Ratmen have been trying to pull down.

The two moons constitute a wonderful celestial gravitational field coupled with the special boost of the dimensional stone.

Whenever the three celestial bodies form a certain balance, it weakens the veil of reality and illusion.

The energy of the subspace is poured out, causing a mysterious night with frequent occurrence of strange phenomena.

On this night, people often hide in their houses and pray for the protection of the gods they believe in.

Beastmen, Chaos monsters, evil spirits and all kinds of weird and unusual dirty things will become extremely active.

"Let them come out, I don't mind, anyone who comes is welcome." Gotrek waved his fist, wanting to use his ax to find some unlucky people to strike, let them know how to provoke Gotrek Uncle's fate.

Fix looked at Gotrek, who was looking for the unlucky guy after losing money, shook his head, and looked at Udi.

"What is our mission this time?"

"Thanquoro, the most notorious Gray Prophet who hunted down the Ratmen." Udi said casually, "The Ratman Council has been completely destroyed by us, and most of the Ratman clans have fallen into division and infighting. To resist the siege and massacre of humans, it only takes time for us to completely solve the hidden danger of the ratmen. But we learned from some captives that the gray prophets headed by Thanquoro tried to use a huge sacrifice Let the avatar of the Horned Rat descend."

"It's impossible for them to do it, and the price to be paid for the incarnation of a Chaos God is unimaginable." Fix shook his head and said: "If it can be realized, the Ratmen have done that before, there is no need to wait until now. "

"It's true that they can't afford the price of sacrifice, but the intelligence says that they have reached an agreement with the oldest and most evil necromancer - Nagash. As long as they release him, the other party will help them. The wise man of the empire The author has evaluated this information, and the curtain in this world is not strong. If some boosts can be obtained, there is a certain probability that the Ratmen can make the incarnation of the Horned Rat descend."

"The arrival of an incarnation of a Chaos God will cause huge damage to the laws of the real world, and even cause the entire world to disintegrate. We have to stop them."

"Nagash." Gotrek repeated the name Udi had mentioned.

Dwarves have a long lifespan, but Gotrek is not a dwarf keen to learn.

His brain is full of muscles.

It was too difficult for him to get to know a guy who had been dead for an unknown amount of time.

Fix had heard something about it.

When the Sigmar Empire was just established, a terrible undead crisis broke out.

The guy who started this crisis was none other than Nagash.

The fledgling empire came only a short distance from collapse.

Sigmar the Great led the human army to kill Nagash's undead army.

In the final battle, Sigma raised his hammer and directly opened Nagash.

Nagash was repulsed.

Emperor Sigmar was also left with irreparable wounds, never able to regain his former power.

It is said that the reason why Emperor Sigmar left quietly was because of that decisive battle. He needed to find his peak strength and fight against the prophesied end.

Fix just wanted to ask something more.

Udy spoke first.

"Go put on your armor and pick up your weapons, we're almost there." Udi pointed to the horizon.

A black, glowing green pyramid is suspended at the end of the horizon.

Even if the distance is far away, you can feel the evil and terrifying breath.

What they are about to face is that the strongest necromancer in human history, the writer of the nine volumes of Nagash, once ruled the entire world with his own power, enslaving vampires, kings of fear, undead and many other terrifying units.

Relying on the eight winds of magic, he has a little understanding of the nature of the gods, but he is not the lord of the dead who has gone crazy.

If he hadn't encountered a backstab, Nagash would most likely have become a Chaos God with unlimited potential.

Thirteen chapters owed

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