Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 480 The Big Rout (Subscription)

Chapter 480 The Big Rout (Subscription)

Any creature who dares to stand in the way of the Holy Emperor has no choice but to die.

Opal and many battle-brothers of the Argent Skulls seized the short-lived gaps in the great formations that defended the city walls.

Successfully completed the space-time teleportation and landed on the city wall.

There are many Chapters who have attempted this, but in the end they are the ones who receive the honor.

Spatial teleportation requires target parameters in order to teleport without error.

Otherwise, it will be easily teleported to the wall or other places.

In such a short period of time, even the divine brain cannot calculate the disturbed space-time parameters.

Many Primaris warbands can only use random parameters to gamble on successful teleportation.

The Argent Skulls are the lucky ones.

Opal, the Chapter Leader standing on the city wall, smiled.

"This will be a memorable battle for the Silver Skull, and we will achieve victory in this battle." Opal roared in the communication.

The other silver-skull warriors were also extremely excited, venting their joy through battle roars.

Even in such a dangerous situation, what they think about is not whether they will die in battle, but whether such honor will allow them to stand on Terra's Hero Square.

To be able to enter the realm of the Holy Emperor with no regrets in the heart after death.

"For the Holy Emperor."

The roar of battle was endless, echoing in the communication channel.

They raise their weapons, unleash their abilities, and slash at the nearest enemy.

Opal led the charge, wearing a heavy suit of the latest model Primaris Terminator armor.

His huge body made him look like a rampaging heavy tank.

Those alien spirits hit him like water.

He swung his weapon with incredible speed.

His weapon only phantoms in the air after the enemy dies.

The purpose of Opal is very clear, that is, the generator of the alien shield closest to them.

That is, those aliens claiming to be the formations.

The large formation is an advanced way of using psionic energy.

The aliens used the power of these large formations to pry the subspace, interweaving them into shields.

To be honest, such a shield is very powerful.

Even the empire's world-killing weapons can stop it.

A terrifying light flashed across Opal's body, and a bird-like alien screamed at him.

The whole body is emitting light, and when fighting, there are still voices echoing in the void, and those weird flashes.

These things are exactly like those warp demons.

But they can move freely in the real universe, and they can also build civilization.

This is a little different from the devil.

It's hard to say, Opal and the officials of the Tribunal had chatted during a mission.

Warp demons will also build civilizations.

The trial court has clear records.

Several civilizations were founded by inanimate beings who broke away from the Warp.

There are also some collected relics that are sealed in some higher-level secret prisons of the Inquisition.

While slaughtering these aliens, Opal compares the difference between them and the demons.

That is no difference.

When a demon comes out, it will be shrouded in light.

They are also shrouded in light.

Daemons can easily leverage the power of the Warp.

They can also leverage the power of the Warp with ease.

There will be eerie whispers when the demon comes out.

When they come out, there will be strange sounds in the air.

The alien flew towards Opal with light.

After Opal avoided the opponent's attack, he directly chopped off the opponent's head, and the disgusting body fell to the ground.

Even the blood is flowing with a strange brilliance.

The brilliance of the corpse has not faded for a long time.

"Profane thing." Opal said disgustedly in his heart.

Other battle brothers are also fighting hard.

The contemplators built into the armor and the detectors released located the target for them.

A tower of unholy, twisted radiance carved with profane runes.

"Hurry up." Opal yelled, "Brothers, follow me, Mulla, Tirian, cover us."

A combat brother was shrouded in light and knocked over by a strange shape emitting terrifying spiritual energy.

Other aliens swarmed up together.

Stab that battle-brother's armor with their monstrous, radiant weapons.

Those weapons all carry psionic power, even if the armor has an anti-subspace force field attached to it, it won't help.

Water puts out fire.

But pouring a spoonful of water into an active volcano will not extinguish the volcano.

It just evaporates the water.

The anti-subspace force field also has a limit, and if it exceeds the limit, it will be overloaded.

The intensive attacks of the aliens finally cracked the battle brother's armor.

With a mournful roar, his limbs were dismantled.

There are also battle brothers who were bombarded with high-intensity psionic energy at close range when they were slaughtering aliens, and their heads were blown off directly.

The terrifying psionic energy even distorted time and space, making it impossible to repair it with nano-robots, and fell down directly.

Battle brothers fell one by one, but the fighting passion of the silver skull warriors became more and more intense.

Death is not the end, but the place of honor.

Opal strides forward in all kinds of strange brilliance and fighting battlefields.

The heavy iron boots crushed the enemy's heads and remains.

They are getting closer and closer to their goal.

Already able to see the profane runes and evil radiance on that tower.

Mysterious whispers echoed in the air, full of ominous and strange.

A terrifying radiance carried his personal guard away, and the explosion of the armor's anti-warp space force field colliding with the terrifying psionic energy was deafening.

It's like blasting a crack in time and space.

When the radiance faded, the battle brother fell.

Only his boots and the arm gripping the ax remained where they were.

There was a strange shape holding a strange long sword, the evil runes on it flowed with various brilliance, the evil reverberation was particularly strong around him, and various blasphemous lotuses appeared under his feet.

Those evil visions appeared behind him.

The alien killed a warrior with a silver skull with a single sword, splitting him even his battle armor.

But in the next second, the alien's head was chopped off.

The bright red blood gushed out like a fountain, splashing all around.

Opal turned the anger in his heart into strength.

"Accelerate." Opal shouted: "For the sake of the Holy Emperor, we are fearless."

Some of the recruits of the Silver Skull Chapter come from the home planet-Savia, and some are selected from the children born on the Celestial-class battleship.

There is no difference between the two, and they enjoy the same treatment.

This practice is not unusual.

Many groups will use it.

As the empire expanded, expeditions away from home became the norm.

If you stay on the battleship for a long time, it is easy to lose the original inheritance, culture and spirit of the battle group.

Don't underestimate these things, the army of the empire has been in a state of war for a long time.

Even if they are not fatally injured, they will suffer from soul depletion, become insensitive, and even become bloodthirsty, showing various war syndromes.

These symbolic things can heal them spiritually and make up for the lack of faith in the Holy Emperor.

Symbol is a very important concept in subspace, possessing very mysterious power.

If used skillfully, it can be a good way to help fighters avoid damage from demons, psykers or phantoms of practitioners, and can also gain a certain amount of psionic resistance.

In order to make up for this, each chapter will regularly absorb those qualified fighters from the home planet to protect their heritage and beliefs.

Attigenus, who is the first company commander, is an original cast warrior who was born on his mother planet.

The former company commander was ambushed in an encounter, and was killed by the time reinforcements arrived.

The brilliant and beloved Attigenus thus became a company commander.

He was protecting Chapter Master Opal's flank with his battle-brothers.

He's a burly warrior with four Primaris upgrades.

The steel-coloured power armor bears the marks and wear of long service.

Even if it has completed four generations of upgrades, it is equipped with the most advanced weapons of the empire.

Primaris warriors aren't invulnerable either.

Those with superpowers can still pierce their armor, decapitate them, and destroy any means of their resurrection.

The only thing that is reassuring is that the Holy Emperor will take their souls away and put them to sleep in his divine kingdom until the time is right to wake them up again.

Attigenus has a metal patch on his face.

In one battle, he killed enough aliens, but half of his face was shattered, and he was contaminated with those filthy powers. He had to give up stimulating therapy to regenerate it, and replaced it with blessed sacred mechanical parts.

Adrenaline pumped through his body, and his roar came from the visor on his visor.

A longsword flashing with an arc swung in his hand.

His speed is very fast, not only the speed, but also the impact on time.

The original warriors of the empire will not practice those powerful treasures like the creatures of this universe.

Destroying the world is the business of the Navy.

Long-range strikes and blanket bombing are artillery.

What they have to do is to solve the melee kill.

All abilities possessed and all weapons used are for this goal.

A horrified alien was beheaded by him.

The head of the alien is similar to the head of the dragon slaughtered by St. George in ancient mythology.

The hands are claws covered with scales.

Those eyes were vertical pupils, and when his head was cut off, the yellow-brown pupils gradually became dilated.

Headless corpses fell to the ground.

Perhaps, he has not adapted to such a simple war.

Swing the sword, chop on the head and die.

No bullshit, no time for fancy spells.

Only the simplest and purest way of killing.

The opponent's soul is shattered by the soulless character in the weapon.

If one thinks that immortal-level powerhouses will fight for a long time, or recover immediately after being killed, then they are thinking too much.

The Soulless trait shatters their souls, rendering their resurrection methods useless.

Even if the soul can be reunited, it will be after many years.

By that time, the Empire had long since conquered the universe.

Even if they are resurrected, it doesn't make any sense.

To a certain extent, the means possessed by these immortal practitioners are even more exaggerated than those of demons.

Rebirth from a drop of blood, immortality, the sky is hard to reap, and the earth is hard to bury.

Due to the reality anchor point, if the practitioner's soul power is not exhausted.

The other party will continue to use the power of the subspace to distort the laws of reality and rebirth.

An arm being chopped off, a head being chopped off is a trivial matter.

As long as the power of the warp can still be leveraged, those cut off limbs can continue to grow back.

The sword in Attigenus' hands has various conceptual abilities. As long as the real body is destroyed, its soul projection will also be destroyed.

It can also instantly cause the death of a fairy-level powerhouse, preventing him from being reborn with a drop of blood, nor can he return because of the thoughts of the worldly creatures.

The battle broke out on the city wall, and it was extremely tragic.

The appearance of the Primordial Warriors caught many of the wall guards by surprise.

They couldn't imagine how these guys appeared.

Just like that, it appeared on the city wall.

The Palace Master of Beihan Immortal Palace and the heads of several other forces were startled by the sudden battle for a few seconds.

A few seconds is a short time.

In Immortal World, this is not a fatal flaw.

In ordinary martial arts, it takes a lot of time just to speak harshly.

Especially these Immortal King-level powerhouses, they must have fought for thousands of years.

It is necessary to slowly exhaust the opponent's mind and soul in order to win the final victory.

Even if it is an ordinary fairy level, the fairy king has to consume it slowly, at most it will consume it faster.

But those demons are different.

By the time these palace masters and leader came back to their senses, those immortal experts on that section of the city wall were about to be killed.

Killed with one blow, there was no time to release any Taoism, and it was gone.

The time is as short as a few milliseconds.

There is no resurrection, no rebirth from a broken limb.

Just like a creature without cultivation, being killed is being killed.

A rare fright appeared in the bright eyes of the Palace Master of Beihan Immortal Palace.

He watched those guys chop off the heads of those immortal-level powerhouses with their swords shining with arcs.

Pierce their chests, tear their bodies apart.

The bright red fairy blood just dripped on the black city wall, forming a pool of fluorescent blood within a few breaths.

If those practitioners in the lower realm saw this scene, they would definitely go crazy.

Such precious fairy blood was wasted like this.

A strong man in the immortal way saw the opponent's knife and ax coming, and subconsciously waved his hand to block it.

He wanted to block the opponent's blow by relying on Liuli King Kong's immortal body.

As a result, the whole body was cut open just like cutting tofu.

The whole process is extremely smooth.

Blood and intestines came out together.

Seeing this scene, the Palace Master of Beihan Immortal Palace also felt a little scared, this death is too fast.

The cruelest side of war is displayed in front of this immortal king-level powerhouse.

No matter what kind of stories they had, what kind of sacrifices they made, and what kind of achievements they achieved, they were nothing more than individuals who sacrificed at will in war.

Which immortal level powerhouse didn't spend a long time growing up and fighting to become an immortal powerhouse.

But it took less than a second to kill them and destroy everything they had fought for.

This is war.

"Kill!" The half-step Daluo-level headmaster of the Extreme Desire Dao Sect burst into anger, and roared: "Defend the fairy world, kill, fellow Taoists."

His whole body was shrouded in immortal light, radiant incomparably, and there was a halo shrouded behind his back, and divine power poured out overwhelmingly, like a god, with endless divine light blooming all over his body, making it impossible to look directly at him.

Holding the top-grade fairy artifact that has been nourished for an unknown number of years, he rushed towards those demons.

I saw a demon holding up that weird weapon.

A flame flashed.

The head teacher who was desperate for Tao died, there was no shocking battle, and there was no tragic battle to the death.

His head exploded directly, and the body shrouded in divine light was torn apart by the huge impact like a rag doll.

Death came so quickly that all the visions around him hadn't faded away.

Still shrouded in a sacred and peaceful halo.

The Palace Master of Beihan Immortal Palace lost all courage in his heart when he saw a strong man who was only one step away from being promoted to Immortal King being killed like this.

"Hurry up, let's go together, we can't let them go." The owner of Beihan Immortal Palace shouted, "Kill the enemy for the Immortal Realm."

He didn't dare to go up, so he could only put on a show and let the other immortal experts go to die.

There is no way to escape.

The palace lord of the majestic Immortal Palace, the big man covering the sky with one hand in Beihan Immortal Territory, escaped before the battle, who would take him seriously at that time.

At that time, it will really become a laughing stock.

There was a bang.

The high tower, which was the node of the formation, fell down with a loud noise.

The city walls shook.

The large formation covering the city wall flickered a few times, and then burst into a strong light.

There was a chaotic atmosphere in one area, and the runes intertwined in the sky flickered a few times before disappearing.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, the strong men in charge of the formation immediately took remedial measures.

The speed of those demons was also very fast, and the intensive attacks directly bombarded that place.

Just persisting for a moment, several rays of light penetrated there, causing a series of big explosions.

It spread to another high tower, causing the overlapping formation to become chaotic again.

The gap was enlarged a little bit.

There were more flashes of light in the air, and those demons in heavy armor appeared one after another on the city wall of Beihantianguan.

An immortal king-level powerhouse brought many immortal powerhouses up to try to stop it.

They were slaughtered within minutes.

The Immortal King-level powerhouse beheaded more than a dozen powerful enemies in a row, but in the end he was beheaded because he was outnumbered.

Even the head was cut off.

The blood of the Immortal King splashed across the sky.

A generation of supreme celestial arrogance, only the mournful roar resounded, extremely desolate.

Another fairy king who had made friends with the deceased waved a battle flag, wrapped the corpse of the deceased, and left through the void.

It was obvious that Immortal Qi took his body back to Beihan Immortal Territory to warn the police and ask for help.

The Immortal King shed blood, only the Zhanqi shrouded corpse can return.

The fierce battle between the two sides for Tianguan made the palace owner of Beihan Immortal Palace tremble with fear.

He no longer cared about his own reputation and the power of Asgard.

"I lost." He yelled, and quickly rushed into the distance.

It was too tragic, he couldn't bear it, he wanted to go back to find the ancestor.

An Immortal King rank, the leader of the Immortal Palace who is the number one force in the Northern Cold Immortal Territory, took the lead in escaping.

It made many strong men who had the guts to fight to the death panic.

Some clever ones took a few steps back, and then ran away with a whoosh.

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