Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 496 Obedience and Destruction (Subscribe)

Survivors of the Land of Light and other Ultrastars are currently hiding in the Land of Sparks in the Z95 nebula.

This is a powerful Ultra force second only to the Kingdom of Light.

Possesses research on the power of Ultra.

It is also the place where Sero and many new-generation Ultraman believe that there are very few in the universe that can resist Beria and those dark forces.

The land of sparks in the Z95 nebula is a very mysterious place for the many worlds protected by Ultraman.

Many people don't even know that this kingdom exists.

People will always associate Ultraman with the Kingdom of Light.

Little do they know that the Kingdom of Light is only the most powerful of the Ultraman forces, not all of them.

There is no clear governing body between Ultraman, but a loose alliance model.

Of course, those who can control the power of Ultra don't pay much attention to false fame.

Even now with the popularity of the power of Ultra, the requirements for xinxing no longer require a strong willpower and a kind heart like the original planet like the earth.

But the power of Ultra will still subtly make the human body become kind, indifferent to fame and fortune.

That's why when they are outside, many Ultraman will acquiesce to those ignorant people who regard themselves as part of the Kingdom of Light.

Because they don't care about these false names, they just perform their guardian duties.

After fleeing to the Land of Sparks, Sai Luo still remained pessimistic.

The power of darkness is too strong.

The kingdom of light has fallen, and now we can only see if the kingdom of sparks can resist the wave of darkness.

If not, then there is really no hope at all.

Several leaders of the Kingdom of Sparks are already discussing how to resist the dark tide.

Sai Luo sincerely hopes that the Land of Sparks can have some means to resist that terrible dark wave.

The defense system of the planet where the Land of Sparks is located is very complete.

They not only used the power of Ultraman, but also the power of various technologies.

Warships, fighter planes, and various types of destructive weapons will also be used in the battle against monsters.

Even developed a mech as a supplement to Ultraman's combat power.

The planet is surrounded by three orbital rings.

Each orbital ring is very huge, with a diameter reaching tens of thousands of kilometers, enclosing the planet in it.

Standing on the ground, one can see orbital rings spinning in the sky dotted with glow.

In the land of sparks, all kinds of towering buildings can be seen everywhere, like mountains, stretching across the land.

Unlike Kingdom of Light, which uses crystals to build buildings.

The buildings in the Kingdom of Sparks are basically made of metal and special rocks, which are very strong.

Various transport ships shuttled among those buildings.

On the orbital port in the starry sky, there are also huge warships.

They are all combined with the latest technology of the country of sparks, possessing terrifying power, capable of easily destroying a world or those terrifying monsters.

The combined force of Ultraman and battleship is very powerful, second only to the Kingdom of Light among the many Ultra stars.


A muffled voice rang in the ear of Sai Luo, who was still in a human body.

The Kingdom of Sparks is different from the Kingdom of Light.

They don't have the plasma spark tower to provide a steady stream of power, and they can't support the consumption on the planet.

When active on the surface of the planet, they will maintain the form of a human body.

It doesn't become Ultraman.

Sai Luo turned his head and looked over, and found that it was Ultraman Zaas.

Zaas has performed missions in many worlds.

The relationship with Shiro is also considered good.

Had a mission together.

"Zaias." Sai Luo stood up, put away the plasma spark tower, and put it into his Ultra space.

This is a special space that Ultramans have, and they can store things there.

It is limited to dead objects and cannot store living people.

Unless it is to let the other party fall asleep and fall into a state of suspended animation.

"There is a message from the detection station on the outskirts that the enemy is coming." Zaas said in a low voice, "You have to continue your journey."

Shiro froze for a moment when he heard this.


"Yes, the scale of the enemy is very large. Even the high priest admits that this time is the largest wave of darkness in history. The leader is still the Ultra Killer. They are menacing. The Kingdom of Sparks cannot stop them. You must Leave with the Plasma Spark Tower, once this thing falls into the hands of the enemy, the consequences will be disastrous, and it is very likely that it will be distorted into the Dark Spark Tower and become the foundation for the dark forces to rule the universe."

"Then what do you do?" Sailo said.

"This is another thing I need from you, Sai Luo. The high priest is going to let some of the children leave the country of sparks, and the transport ship that can jump is ready. They need your protection, Sai Luo. And we will stay Come down and fight till the end."

Hearing this, Shiro showed a bit of bitterness.

Z95 Nebula is already the strongest Ultra force besides the Kingdom of Light.

If even they can't stop the wave of darkness, is this universe really going to be ruled by darkness?

Where can they escape?

"Where else can I go?" Sai Luo said bitterly: "Many Ultrastars have fallen, and the Kingdom of Sparks is already the most powerful one. If even you can't stop them, What hope is there in this universe? Why don’t you just fight to the death here.”

There was a flicker in the air, and an old man emerged from the air under the protection of two guards wearing combat uniforms.

He was wearing a white robe of the kind unique to classical Greece, with some simple pattern decorations on the white robe.

He is tall and straight, with steady steps, and there is a quiet and solemn breath between his brows.

The wrinkled skin shows that he has been baptized by the years.

The thick, smooth and long beard and hair have turned white, but the eyes are still firm and powerful, full of spirit, deep and wise.

Holding an elaborately carved long staff, he has an amiable demeanor.

"The messenger of the kingdom of light." The old man bowed slightly, "I am the high priest of the kingdom of sparks."

"High priest." Sai Luo's tone was very respectful.

Sai Luo used to be young and energetic, often with a hot head and doing all kinds of stupid things.

But after the Kingdom of Light was destroyed, Sai Luo suddenly matured.

Learned to use the way of his father's generation to deal with various things, and became an existence he didn't want to be.

But this is reality.

Even Ultraman is just an insignificant dust in the vast universe.

Just relying on a kind heart will not solve any problems.

"Ott Killer has brought a group of monsters here, and it is expected to enter the main star defense circle of the Kingdom of Sparks in a week." The high priest said: "Many powerful monsters have united, and there are four more monsters. Evil generals, demon king beasts and other terrifying evil existences. It is impossible for the Kingdom of Sparks to defeat those guys."

"Then we really have no hope at all?" Sai Luo asked urgently: "Will this universe really be shrouded in darkness?"

The high priest shook his head, "I don't know, but I know that this universe will not be shrouded in darkness, and light will never disappear. I got a small amount of information from the prophecy that the wave of darkness will eventually be blocked and dispelled, a savior will save this endangered universe."

"Savior? Is there really a savior?" Sai Luo, who was in a human body, showed a puzzled expression.

The high priest nodded.

"Yes, a savior."

"Then where is he? I'll go find him." Sai Luo asked eagerly.

"I can't see it." The high priest sighed, "I can only see a sun piercing the darkness and shining light on all the planets in this universe. will be liberated, and the universe will be completely reborn. Countless Ultraman stand in the galaxy, like an army."

"Ultraman army? That's impossible. How could kind-hearted Ultraman form an army?" Sai Luo said in disbelief. If it weren't for the respected status of the other party, he would have questioned the other party.

"This is a prophecy, I'm just explaining what I can see." The high priest said: "I don't know why those Ultraman formed an army, maybe it has something to do with that savior. Anyway, it is always possible to force back the darkness." A good thing. Leave here, Messenger of the Kingdom of Light, keep your useful body. When the savior appears, it is your chance to join the battlefield, Zaas and Ultraman will follow you and leave."

"No, High Priest. I said that I would stay and protect the Kingdom of Sparks." Zaas said, "As the human body of Ultraman, how can I leave my homeland and leave alone? That violates It has broken my guardian heart."

"It doesn't make any sense to stay." The high priest said: "The fall of the Kingdom of Sparks is already an unavoidable thing. Everyone who stays here is just fighting so that you can escape further. Instead of meaninglessly Rather than sacrificing, it is better to live and wait for a counterattack against the darkness in the future."

"The heart of guardianship allows you to guard the hope and the future, instead of letting you die meaninglessly. You can defeat one monster, but can you defeat ten, one hundred, one thousand? Do you know the power of darkness? How many demon gods and evil generals are there in the tide?"

"Relying on blood bravery to the last moment of this battle, do you think that is an act of a hero? No, that is an act of a coward. Those who seek death, they just don't want to bear the heavier responsibilities when they are alive. Zaas, you are an Ultraman, you are destined to endure the suffering and pain that ordinary people cannot bear. You have to live, bear the pain of the destruction of your hometown, the pain of relatives and friends fighting to let you leave, and live in the Fighting back in the future makes all the sacrifices worthwhile."

Zaas blushed at what the high priest said.

If you stay any longer, even if you die in battle, you will be regarded as a coward.

"There is no way to find the savior, so what can we do? Can we just keep running and running?" Sai Luo asked, "What if the so-called savior never shows up? Do we have to wait forever, Don't you dare to fight back against them until you die?"

"The enemy's power is too strong." The high priest said: "If you want to fight against them, you have to find the four Ultramans in the legend. King of Ultra, Ultraman Regedo, Ultraman Noah Man, Saiga Ultraman. According to legend, once the four mysterious Ultraman gather, they can burst out with powerful strength enough to reverse the crisis of the universe. You can also find ways to become the ultimate Ultraman to enhance your own strength .”

The birth of Ultraman not only requires a kind and firm heart, but also a very strict requirement, that is, to have an Ultraman factor.

It is also equivalent to the genetic factor of the super ancient warrior in Dagu's body.

Without genetic factors, no matter how kind you are, there is no way to become an Ultraman.

It's like no matter how good the cultivation talent is, if you don't have spiritual roots, you can only become a mortal.

The power of Ultra awakened by different Ultra factors is also different.

These Ultra powers are very mysterious and can be fused together to form a stronger Ultra power.

The Cosmic Guard of the Kingdom of Light and the Ultra brothers merged together to form a new Ultraman when they fought against Beria.

This Ultraman exploded with power no less than that of Ultra's father, blocking Beria and the dark army, giving Sai Luo and others a chance to escape.

The ultimate Ultraman is to fuse the power of multiple Ultramans to obtain a super Ultraman.

Of course, this kind of fusion requires ancient relics, or special connections between different Ultramans. In short, certain special conditions need to be met to complete the fusion.

When Sai Luo heard the words of the high priest, he could only nod his head.

But he also knows that finding the mysterious four abstruse and merging the ultimate Ultraman is a very difficult task with little hope.

It was just the hope given by the High Priest in order not to make him despair.

The mysterious four abstruses appear like ghosts and ghosts, and they appear on their own initiative every time they meet.

Sometimes, facing an unimaginably powerful enemy, they would suddenly appear, grant strength, and leave quietly after victory.

Sai Luo has lived for so long, and the number of times he has seen the mysterious Siao can be described as very few.

Even the active King of Ultra is a dragon who sees his head but does not see his end.

After being injured in the battle with Beria, he returned to King Planet, allowing the entire planet to enter the dimensional space, to heal his injuries.

The power of the ultimate Ultraman is extremely terrifying, even if it is against the mysterious four Austrians, it can not be defeated.

The monster army is also easy to kill with every move.

It is completely different from ordinary Ultraman.

This kind of fusion is very difficult and requires many external conditions, which can only be achieved when they are met.

"Either surrender? Or die."

This is the warning every human colony has received.

A letter bearing wax clay of a double-headed eagle was delivered to those in power.

There is nothing in it, just this sentence.

Earth demands that they give up all resistance and become subjects of the Empire unconditionally.

This is a very arrogant move.

Masaki Keigo has become the spokesperson of the empire in this universe.

Sculptures of Guilliman stand in every city.

All owe their allegiance to the mysterious Lord of the Empire.

Those guys who dared to slander and ridicule were eventually sent to the factory and became slave laborers who only knew how to work.

Freedom of speech no longer exists.

Absolute dictatorship hangs over everyone's heart like a haze.

Other colonies also have human bodies of Ultraman.

Gaia, Agulu, Triga, Zeta, etc.

They all guard a planet.

But in the face of the Ott army with more than a hundred people controlled by the empire, their existence also seemed lonely.

Many colonies fell into despair.

Being ruled by a dictatorial empire is already an inevitable thing.

Earth's Imperial Branch Agency.

Camilla is as sexy as ever in the witch's robe.

Hard work pays off, with her strong and fierce methods.

She has gained the attention and trust of the sages of Sigma, and the newly born and incorporated Ultraman has become her subordinate.

Hundreds of Ultraman bowed their heads to her, giving her the illusion of going back 30 million years ago.

With these Ultraman, who can be her enemy in this universe.

The only pity is that these guys are too loyal to the empire.

There is no way to turn them into your own private army.

But it was a good start.

It is one step closer to sitting on an equal footing with the emperor of the empire and proud of the universe.

She walked into the gate of the branch organization with her two most capable younger brothers, and walked along the corridor to the conference room.

Workers come and go along the way.

The walls glow with the glow of various screens.

The screen displays various parts of the earth and the solar system, as well as some images simulating the movement of celestial bodies.

"According to me, those guys shouldn't be given a chance. It would be great if the army directly suppressed the border. Hundreds of Ultraman raids will definitely make their butts piss off." Hitler stood on the right side of Camilla, using The sinister voice said: "Let the empire's double-headed eagle flag be planted on those ruins, think about it, what a beautiful picture it is."

"That's right, big sister, you have to bring it up to them, let's have a big fight." Dalam also said, "It's just a waste of time to go on like this. To waste time is to disrespect the will of the Holy Emperor."

"Don't say that name, idiot." Camilla lowered her voice and said, "Do you want to attract punishment?"

Durham's body trembled, and he looked around cautiously. He was relieved when he saw that no one was paying attention to him.

"Stop talking nonsense, you two, I have my own plans." Camilla said in a low voice: "The times have changed, fighting and killing is just the behavior of reckless people, we have to learn to play politics."

When entering the conference room, Ju Jianhui, Masaki Keigo and others were already inside.

They are sitting in different positions.

In addition to this, there were also some emissaries from other colonies.

They're here to discuss the threat letter.

Some news media reporters stood aside, recording the content of the meeting.

And broadcast live in real time.

"Are you planning to launch a human civil war?" A messenger rebuked loudly: "Do you still think this is the Middle Ages? It's so barbaric and vulgar."

"We just don't want to start a civil war, so we are sitting here." Ju Jianhui said indifferently: "Otherwise, what passed would not be a threat letter, but the Ultraman army."

"Either obey or be destroyed by you. What is the difference between such a declaration and war?" Another envoy said dissatisfiedly: "If we want us to join the empire, we have conditions. First, the empire does not allow any form of interference with us." In terms of internal affairs, each colony has independent financial power, currency power, and military. Second, the empire needs to unconditionally give us any advanced technical assistance we need. Third, the empire needs to unconditionally guarantee that each colony can have parliamentarians, participate in To the highest-level meeting of the empire. Fourth, the empire needs to unconditionally guarantee the safety of each colony. No.


Masaki Keigo interrupted that guy to continue speaking, stood up and looked at the envoy who dared to propose such outrageous conditions, and scanned those nodding guys.

"Are you dreaming? Do you really think that the empire will ask you to join? How dare you put forward such outrageous conditions."

"We don't need any dictators." A man was filled with righteous indignation, justice, and powerfully said: "If you are willing to rule that empire, then let that empire rule, but we are not willing. Your only choice is to either Accept our terms, or get out of here. If we really want to go to war, then we will unite against you. Even if it is destruction, we will not hesitate."

Masaki Keigo looked at that guy with a cruel smile.

He took out a pulse laser pistol casually.

"I also give you a choice, either I will kill you, and then let Ultraman kill the high-ranking officials of each colony, destroy all the factories, and then you surrender. Or you can surrender peacefully now, and let humans complete the real Unite."

"Yes, kill them, I like blood flowing into rivers." Hitler, who was next to Camilla, lowered his excited voice.

Masaki Keigo's words and actions aroused the anger of many envoys.

"Do you think such a threat can make us give in? Tell you, even if we shed the last drop of blood, we will never compromise."

"Yes, you don't want to be able to rule us, just dream."

"Give me liberty or give me death."

"Fight to the last moment."

"Masaki Keigo, you are a dog of the empire, just bark, no one will be afraid of you."

Masaki Keigo just wanted to say something more.

Two officials in uniform hurried in, with stern faces, and whispered in the ears of Masaki Keigo and Jujian Hui.

This made the expressions of the two of them change slightly.

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