Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 534 Sacred Bloodline (Subscribe)

As a living saint, Asakami Shion also participated in the battle to break into the Sackett Fortress.

The Purifier Legion is all players who are absolutely loyal to the empire.

The number of player legions is not small.

But Purifiers are special.

Only the strongest and most devout Imperial players can join this legion.

The player's combat ability has been tested by many parties.

They generally like props and genetic enhancements. They are very powerful and have the ability to destroy the world.

The contribution in some battlefields behind enemy lines is no less than that of the elite star army troops of the empire.

Not every civilization is as comprehensive as an empire.

Simultaneously develop reality technology and warp sorcery.

Many civilizations can only follow one of these paths.

The military units of the current Empire are complex.

In addition to the old organizational system of the empire, the imperial army, the original cast warriors, the astral army, the silent nuns, the fighting nuns, the imperial navy and other units, there are other cosmic supplementary legions.

Universe 04 has begun to export resources.

Among them is the massive population.

The corps recruited from this universe tends to subspace in style.

The style of practice in universe 04 was not completely banned, but a brand new ecology was born by combining the technology of the empire.

When some worlds promote basic education, they also promote spiritual practice.

In that case, a lot of investment in infrastructure can be reduced and the physical fitness of the local indigenous people can be enhanced.

In consideration of the diversity of civilizations, the empire did not explicitly prohibit low-level cultivation, but did not allow the citizens of the empire without authorization to become practitioners above the immortal rank.

The pollution above the fairy ranks is very serious, if left unchecked, there is a high possibility of major problems.

The corps recruited from Universe 04 generally have certain extraordinary abilities and are good at using the power of subspace.

There are two types of legions established in the 03rd universe. One is selected into the Imperial Starfield Army after professional training and becomes the main force on the frontal battlefield. The other is to screen through the copy of the empire, obtain props and enhancements, and become a group of empire players.

The two focuses on different directions, and there is not much comparison.

The group of empire players is also somewhat different.

Players trained in the empire-occupied area have accepted the empire's ideas and concepts since childhood, and have a high degree of loyalty to the empire.

There are also some players who defected from the reincarnation game.

Most of these players retain the brutal nature of reincarnation games, thinking that they are in a cooperative relationship with the empire, and their loyalty is not high.

They don't value human life, and they don't care about casualties.

In order to survive, betrayal and deception are commonplace.

Because their growth environment is the kind of world where everything is inferior, and only players are high.

Those in the Purifier Legion are quite different.

At the beginning, the empire had just entered this world, and its foundation was unstable.

Qiuchen pretends to be a magic stick and promotes the religion of salvation.

Promote the Holy Emperor as a savior to expand the influence of the empire and build a foundation.

It was this approach that allowed the empire to gain the first followers of universe 03 and open up the situation.

The purifiers are composed of salvationist fanatics headed by Shion Asakami.

The propaganda work of the Salvation Church was later taken over by the State Church, and military units such as the Purifier Legion were also regarded as subordinate units of the State Church.

The main ship of the Purifier Legion is a huge Ark of the Cult.

Along the ship's spine, statues of the ship's marble and gold gaze out at the stars.

The majestic cathedrals are embedded in the hull of the ship, every moment spreading the holy word to the void and the warp.

Battlements lined the walls of these cathedrals, dozens of smaller churches and tallest towers were adorned with piles of weapon emplacements, black muzzles pointing into the void in the name of the Holy Emperor, capable of destroying a world.

The Cult's Ark is a temple of zealots, awe-inspiring in size and with a brutality that blends military and religious.

It is not so much a space battleship as a fortress city for prayer and war.

The bow is made into a huge metal eagle's head, made of precious high-density metal, polished to a silvery luster.

The eagle's head was frozen by the silent cold, and its cold eyes stared straight into the void.

Asakami Shion stood by the porthole, her vision was enhanced to see through the vast starry sky.

The enemy is right in front of them, a massive fortress made of a thousand worlds.

Those worlds have been reshaped by the power of the gods in the reincarnation game, making them somewhat unreal.

Some worlds become black skulls, whole continents smile like lips.

And some of the world's peaks turned into teeth, making hungry noises.

That sound doesn't travel in the void, but in the warp.

Those of weak minds who hear that sound have nightmares of being swallowed up by those worlds, and there their souls suffer forever.

A variety of colors swim on the huge fortress structure, stirring up waves of ripples.

The outline of the fort has incredible changes.

Those constructs expanded, contracted, bent and straightened at non-existent, impossible angles, as if through multiple dimensions.

They are the embodiment of malevolence, the breakdown of reason and the materialization of nightmares.

A lot of crew members don't look at those things, it would do harm.

Asakami Shion is protected by divine power, looking directly at the structures born from the combination of illusion and reality will not cause her any harm.

Staring at the distant fortress, there was a faint smile on his delicate and flawless face.

She got her wish, in a way.

That day, in the study of the Holy Emperor.

Her bold move made the sacred, noble, and emperor who ruled thousands of worlds show the embarrassment and appearance that only a little virgin would have.

She looked rather embarrassed as she picked up the dress with her thick palms and wrapped it around her flawless body.

"You shouldn't be like this." The Holy Emperor said this, not even daring to look directly at her.

That appearance did not in any way weaken Asakami Shion's absolute belief in the Holy Emperor.

From the shocked and bewildered actions of the other party, she caught a glimpse of humanity.

Under the holy and noble shell, the Holy Emperor hides the purest humanity.

He is the most perfect combination of God and man, and the bearer of all human hopes.

Asakami Shion was rejected, but she still got what she wanted.

Coitus is not necessarily required to conceive a divine offspring.

Faith is the most powerful force in human beings.

It generates faith for those who believe and hope for those who despair.

Faith can move subspace and change reality.

How many subjects does the empire have?



No one knows the exact number.

The only thing that is certain is that the number of people born and killed by the Empire at every moment far exceeds the total population known in the past.

There are such a terrifying number of souls, and they all believe in the same thing devoutly.

What kind of situation will this produce? ?

This force is enough to distort all laws of reality.

Whether it is the rules of physics, or illusory concepts such as fate and time.

This power can easily change them.

People hope that the Holy Emperor can guide them forever.

The godly soul is the source of the power of the Holy Emperor, who is rooted in mankind and rules the entire empire.

But He cannot control the longings of those who are lost.

No matter which universe humans are in, before the arrival of the empire, they lived with a mentality of fear.

Whether it is universe 03, the conquered universe 04, the foggy universe that is being transformed, etc.

In those universes, humans were kept in captivity like domestic animals.

In times of darkness, people glimpsed a glimmer of light.

They will stop at nothing to get this ray of light.

It is not up to the Holy Emperor whether he wants an heir or not.

Infinite believers want him to have children, so he must have children.

The belief of all beings is like a flood, destined to engulf everything.

People's desires echoed in the Warp, eventually materializing.

Shion Asakami is pregnant, and conceived with the sacred blood as a virgin.

As described in various cosmic myths.

[God sent His own son to mankind, and a virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and the Holy Spirit will come to this world through the flesh and blood of the pious. 】

Myths are never groundless, they are just echoes of stories from the past.

If it weren't for the timely order of the high-level empire to block the news, this news would be enough to make the entire empire boil.

The virgin conceived the holy spirit, which would surely add to the divine legend of the holy emperor.

"If you want a child, then keep him. But you must not tell the outside world, I will not have an heir." Said the Holy Emperor.

Asakashi Shion didn't understand what the Holy Emperor said at the end, but she only thought it was a test.

She has to raise and take care of the child alone until the child can share his father's worries.

Footsteps came.

Gerdwo came over.

"Captain, it is estimated that there are still five minutes to contact the enemy."

Asakami Shion nodded, and gently stroked her flat belly with her slender and white fingers like beautiful jade.

"Be ready to fight, we will bring salvation in His name."

In the vast void, imperial ships leaped out of the subspace in an endless stream.

The huge number makes every high-level player and creature of the reincarnation game afraid of it.

Russ stood on the bridge of a Celestial-class battleship, gazing through the navigation screen at the eerie, terrifying fortress of a thousand worlds.

They cut across the void, forming an impenetrable wall even to the highest heavens.

The servitors connected with countless cables sounded the alarm.

The gravitational readings are disordered, and the spatial structure of the real universe is distorted beyond common sense.

Ruth walked to the observation window and looked at the terrifying fortress with his own naked eyes.

Twisted light, battlements of eyes and tentacles, towers of rage and curses.

Ugly flames blazed across those twisted worlds.

As Imperial ships appeared nearby, horns sounded from the fortress, announcing the arrival of war.

Sound cannot travel in a vacuum.

But people did hear the horn, right next to their ears.

The laws of reality are being trampled on, like a newlywed daughter-in-law meeting a thirty-year-old magician.

The sound shook the hull and rumbled through the corridors and the central control room.

Deep, dark, like coming from the abyss.

The barrier opens automatically.

The ships of the Church burst out with the light of faith, and the vast hymn rose against the horns.

Those terrified soldiers were no longer afraid.

"The Holy Emperor is equal to me."

"The Holy Emperor is equal to me."

Cheers sounded from every ship.

The cry and the piety in their hearts made them fearless of powerful enemies.

When approaching a certain distance, the ships of the empire opened fire in unison.

The fire control system synchronized the turrets, ensuring that every shot hit the wall at the same time.

When everything was ready, Ruth gave the order to fire.

The flames ignited the void.

Countless ships unleashed weapons that had been prepared.

Two-way foils, black hole missiles, antimatter torpedoes, disintegrating particle beams, gravitational collapse, atomic cracking bombs, annihilation beams, conventional weapons and conceptual weapons are all released in one go.

The power of these weapons is enough to completely erase a large area of ​​time and space, and even the background data will be completely erased.

Intensive artillery fire hit the fort.

But he was completely absorbed by that layer of weird and beautiful brilliance.

Ripples were stirred up, but the defense of the fortress was not broken.

"All of them have been transferred to the subspace." A mechanical sage checked the returned data and reported to Ruthhui: "I have never seen this kind of defense method, with a 100% transfer rate. My lord, there is no long-range strike. Useless."

Ruth didn't answer, he already knew the result.

Long-range artillery fire is rarely the key to victory.

The reincarnation game has existed for a long time, and if there is no way to suppress the bottom of the box, there is no way to maintain it for so long.

It would be foolish to underestimate such a civilization.

"Let all the troops prepare for the landing operation." Ruth said, "This time, I'm going to bite that idiot's throat."

According to the information collected by the intelligence team, the guy who injured Ruth was hiding in the fortress.

Winning this fortress and getting rid of the opponent is Ruth's biggest wish at this time.

Clovis and his battle brothers were the first to complete the landing.

No defense is perfect.

The reincarnation game is good at using the subspace, transferring all the long-range artillery fire of the empire to the etheric ocean, then its defense against teleportation will be poor.

You only need to find a suitable frequency to deceive the protective shield and transmit it successfully.

Their landing place is perfect.

Located near a group of alien players.

Its accuracy is comparable to using an industrial electric drill to complete a heart operation.

With flashes of light, they appear in front of the enemy.

When the other party saw them, they showed a brief shock.

It may be that he did not expect that the empire would land in such a simple and rude manner.

They thought there would be a tug of war.

Alien players rarely appeared in previous wars, and even many behind-the-scenes controllers were mostly humanoid.

It may be that the various forces within the reincarnation game have reached some kind of temporary agreement.

Players of other races began to support the battlefield here.

This is not good news.

If all races unite, the pressure on the empire will increase dramatically.

Clovis didn't hesitate. He swung the black sword in his hand and directly blasted the nearest alien player.

The opponent took out several weird props with tentacles, and was killed before he could use them.

They are pathetic cannon fodder whose sole purpose is to slow the advance of the Empire.

"Kill them all," Clovis yelled.

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