Warhead Pet Hamster

Chapter 35: The sink is a big problem

Chen Chengyi came back after bathing and found that the mouse corps had no shadow. I saw a circle inside the mansion. It was that the mouse once again fell into the spherical bath and fell asleep. This time it was lying on its back, four small ones. The small pink claws are shortened short.

Chen Chengyi reached out and took him out. The soft, small scorpion stretched out his nose, his eyes screamed hard, and the sound came out of his voice and fell asleep again.

Chen Chengxuan gently rubbed his little belly and went to the balcony.

This is already in the middle of the night, and it is quiet all around.

After waiting for half an hour, Chen Chengyi regretted holding the mouse ball back.

It seems that there is only one change in the day.

Chen Chengyi found out a ceramic tea bowl, poured the liquid mouse ball into the tea bowl after sleeping, and then placed the tea bowl on the side of the pillow. Chen Cheng was lying on the bed straight.

When Shu Xiaohui woke up, the sky outside was already bright. He yawned at the edge of the tea bowl and looked up at the half-fruit Chen Chengzhen's standard sleeping position.

Shu Xiaohui turned out from the tea bowl and landed on the floor along the bed. He looked around and locked the mirror on the side of the sink.

In the words, for a long time, he really didn't know what he was growing up.

So Shu Xiaohui slid quickly along the wall and ran to the sink.

Shu Xiaohui looked up at the head and saw the angle between the sink platform and the wall.

Shu Xiaohui looked down at the slightly sharp nails on his four claws and grabbed the wall and slammed it up.

It's really unexpectedly stable, and the soft little body is just like the one that sticks to the corner of the wall.

Shu Xiaohui suddenly inflated, and the small eyes are particularly sharp and particularly cold.

I feel that I am really a special mouse! Just a small waist and a gun on the back.

After climbing to the same height as the sink, Shu Xiaohui's flexible waist was turned, the front paws were loose, and the back paws were forced to fall on the edge of the sink.

At this height, I still can't see the mirror...

Shu Xiaohui turned his head and aimed at the stainless steel faucet.

The walls have climbed up, what a flat faucet is.

Shu Xiaohui climbed up with his claws, but climbed to the middle of the small claws and did not step on it. He fell off the faucet and landed in the ceramic sink below.

Of course, there is no water inside, and Shu Xiaohui, who has good flexibility, has not been injured.

However, there is a sad situation.

Shu Xiaohui's claws climbed hard and climbed. However, this sink was a little different from the wall. It was very hard and very smooth.

The claws of a mouse can't hold it!

Therefore, Shu Xiaohui, who is sadly reminded, will slide down every time he is about to climb to the pool.

Even if his little claws turned into almost a residual image, it was difficult to rush to the edge of the pool.

After many countless hard sprints and countless slips, Shu Xiaohui finally... I heard Chen Chengzhen’s sullen smile in the chest.

Shu Xiaohui group was at the bottom of the sink, and the little claws licked his face, feeling that he was really stupid.

Just as Chen Chengyi reached out and prepared to fish the frustrated mouse ball, I did not expect that Shu Xiaohui in the pool suddenly refused, and slid out from his hand.

At the same time, Shu Xiaohui’s head was like a lightning bolt. A small paw swung, and immediately he threw out a pile of corn kernels, and Shu Xiaohui climbed out along the corn hill.

Standing on the top of the corn kernel, Shu Xiaohui looked up at the person inside the mirror (crossed out) the rat.

Well, stretching the claws and licking the hair, the hair color is still very good.

Then, Shu Xiaohui still quietly touched the soft meat on her stomach...


Chen Chengyi touched the head of Shu Xiaohui gently, and led the metal to Shu Xiaohui to make a sightseeing platform next to the mirror. A rotating escalator was fixed under the sightseeing platform and extended to the ground.

The sightseeing platform was small and exquisite, and Shu Xiaohui even saw patterns on the railings, all of which were melon seeds.

Chen Chengyi reached out and put the glutinous rice dumplings on the corn granitic hill into the sightseeing platform.

Shu Xiaohui, who was in the sightseeing platform, looked at the mirror with a railing, so Chen Chengzhen got out of such a complicated sightseeing platform, just because he could come up with a mirror.

Shu Xiaohui has a belly in his stomach, metamorphosis, what else do you have? !

...but the little heart can't stand the beat, but it's still very moving!

Shu Xiaohui took the mirror and recovered it. He stretched his claws and pointed to the other side. "Hey?"

Here, give a slide?

Chen Chengyi nodded and pulled out a five or six-ring slide from the other side of the viewing platform.

The rat squad rushed over and slid down from the slide, rushing to the table where the mansion was placed.

Chen Chengyi brushed his face and brushed his teeth. Put Shu Xiaohui into the small ceramic bed in the small cage, fixed the cage on the belt, took Shu Xiaohui to the canteen of the military camp for breakfast, and then went to find Peng Xiaolei, ready to bring the little girl. Go play with Peng Peng.

When he was out of the cafeteria, the guard at the canteen door of the canteen suddenly stopped him. "Chen Captain!"

Chen Chengyi stood still, looking at his face, his eyebrows shrank, "Xiao Xu? What happened?"

Xu Jiangwen took a breath, "Chen Captain, we are here."

Shu Xiaohui didn't know this person, and honestly held the French fries in the cafeteria in the cage.

Chen Chengzhen followed Xu Jiangwen to the tree not far from the canteen. Xu Jiangwen stood and took a deep breath and looked at Chen Chengzhen seriously. "Chen Captain, I have to say something, when are you going to take over? The work of the commander?"

Shu Xiaohui's action on the French fries stopped, and the ears were seen through the gaps in the cage. Which is the commander?

Chen Chengyan’s eyes were cold and he stared at Xu Jiangwen. “What do you mean?”

Xu Jiangwen shook his head. "Chen Captain, I can't say too much, but this must be considered."

Once the news that the commander can't hold it up, the new city will probably be more chaotic. This is hard to come because Chen Chengyi is back, and those talents are a bit scrupulous.

Moreover, he came to Chen Chengyi alone, and has violated the command of the commander to a certain extent. To say more, it is a leak of military secrets.

"I understand, you go back first. After a while, I will go to see the commander."

Xu Jiangwen nodded and quickly left.

Chen Chengzhen stood silent under the tree for a while, slightly tightened his jaw, and suddenly said, "Zhan Wei, no matter what you hear, know what you are, keep your mouth!"

At this time, Zhan Wei held his black bat named Lost and licked his ears.

He is naturally not going to talk about such a big thing, he is also principled.

Zhan Wei pulled the lost batwing. "The commander is very sick. I don't know what will be revealed after the news is released. I will lose what I want, and I will be able to collect the news."

Shu Xiaohui put the last fries in his mouth and stood up, "Hey?"

The owner of the little black bat, is it going to overhear?

After Chen Chengzhen warned Zhan Wei, he said, "Almost."

Shu Xiaohui thought of the bat that only wanted to throw him down. After the small claws shook, he rubbed his face hard, "Hey?"

Is it happening? Can I help?

Chen Chengyi turned and went outside. "When I saw the commander, I knew the situation. I went to Peng Xiaolei and sent him to Pengpeng. We went to see the commander."

Shu Xiaohui nodded, and the mood of one person and one mouse at a time was a bit heavy.

Peng Peng, the child, does not know how long it will last.

Peng Xiaolei attended the school life in the military camp. After eating this meal, she saw Chen Chengyi far away. The little girl was very happy. She ran with a few children.

Shu Xiaohui looked at a few children who smiled and smiled, and the mood was better.

"Chen Captain!" Peng Xiaolei stood in front of them.

Chen Chengyi nodded and said, "Xiao Lei, I want to ask you a favor."

Peng Xiaolei looked nervously at Shu Xiaohui. "Is it a mouse that is not comfortable?"

Chen Chengyi shook his head, skipped Peng Peng’s abilities and the information of the Tate people, and said Peng Peng’s physical condition. After listening to Peng Xiaolei’s face, he’s worried. “He’s so poor, I’ll go with you. Look!"

One person and one mouse looked at Peng Xiaolei and arranged several children to go to the classroom in front, then turned around and said to them, "Go."

It looks like an adult.

Along the way, Peng Xiaolei frowned and Chen Chengqi patted her head. "Don't frown, the child is not so pessimistic."


How do I suddenly feel that Peng Xiaolei seems to have something to look at us?

Peng Xiaolei held a small metal bottle hanging in her neck and smiled. "Well, he will be fine!"

When the two of them arrived at the laboratory, Chen Chengyi and several guards greeted each other and pushed the door into the laboratory.

In the laboratory, Professor Wei was still sitting on the rest chair, his eyes were free, and he seemed to sleep.

“Hey?” Professor Wei will not be thinking?

I did not expect Chen Chengyi really nodded.

Shu Xiaohui was refreshed with cognition, "Hey!"

Chen Chengzhen took Peng Xiaolei directly into the lounge. Inside Peng Peng was asleep in bed, a small skinny skinny, and a white monk, Peng Xiaolei could not help but hold his mouth and cried.

After a while, Peng Xiaolei sucked his nose and looked up at Chen Chengyi. "Chen Captain, I have not said anything."

She took the metal vial that Chen Chengzhen gave him from the neck. "My and Xiaomi's abilities are healing."



The surprise came too fast, and no one responded.

Professor Wei, who is like a soul, stood at the door and his voice suddenly inserted. "He is now suffering from multiple organ failure. Can you still save?"

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