Warhead Pet Hamster

Chapter 49: Not a mouse gray

Bai Hongyi a group of people can hide behind a stone, the size of the stone can also block him alone.

Bai Hongyi's men have an abilities in the earth. A group of people, Bai Hongyi, are most afraid to bury them in the soil, so everyone else is hidden under the ground.

Bai Hongyi went down this scorpion, and the ground was just like a squirrel going out, and suddenly a lot of people and war pets were drilled.

There was a very awkward Shu Xiaohui hidden in Chen Cheng’s pocket, and he heard this groan. The scene was seen in his head. There were quite a lot of people, and there were many pets. They were all potatoes that were drilled in the soil. The color, which has not been hit, is all unbearable.

The first thing these people come up with is not to motivate the ability to attack, but to pant there...

After all, the soil is so transparent, they even have to breathe if they have abilities.

Shu Xiaohui's little paws squinted at Chen Cheng's pocket.

Um... This is Bai Hongyi and his ministers who want to dominate the new city and build an empire?

Shu Xiaohui suddenly understood why Chen Chengyi had never made any plans to deal with them, which could not be done at all...

Seeing his own hands are like this, Bai Hongyi almost didn't vomit blood, and screamed, "Not yet!"

Bai Hongyi’s men accumulate strength and attacked the past in the direction of the metal tower established by Chen Chengzhen.

At this time, Chen Chengyan’s eyes flashed through the mans, and he ordered it directly. “You don’t have to keep your hands and clean it up.”

A few words immediately let a group of soldiers who have endured for a long time of blood, and seeing these people are not pleasing to the eye!

People who meet Bai Hongyi on several occasions are rushing for materials, and when the beasts appear, they will never attack and slip the fastest.

Some of the soldiers guarded the people who were still building the towers, and the rest were rushing up.

The crowds of the pets that are crowded together are also screaming, and they are more excited than the previous pursuit of Shu Xiaohui.

The black bear who was crushed at the bottom of the bear's paw, climbed up and stared at the big gray mouse that vomited blood.

The **** bear saw himself vying for a long time, and the one that grabbed it was not the delicious food that was heart-wrenching. He snorted with anger and threw the gray mouse at the foot of Chen Chengzhen.

At the same time, Bai Hongyi, who had just gathered his abilities to take back the mouse, was like a heavy blow. He was flat on the ground, and his mouth was again overflowing with blood. His eyes looked fiercely for his position.

He was born to curb the blood that rushed to his throat, and he was not able to see his Chen Chengyi until now.

Shu Xiaohui looked at the gray mouse under Chen Cheng's foot, and then looked at Bai Hongyi, who was wandering there, for a while, looking up at Chen Chengyi, "Hey!"

Is this Bai Hongyi's war pet?

Chen Chengyi nodded while continuing to build the tower. The information that Zhan Wei gave him has already been noted.

Shu Xiaohui sighed, "Hey!"

Unfortunately, Professor Wei is not there, otherwise he can be revenge.

Professor Wei’s Frankenstein, if he was appointed, would avenge his family’s fish first.

Chen Chengyi was silent for a while, and turned slightly to look at the direction of the new city.

When Li Hui sent the small box to the past last night, Li Hui came back and reported that Professor Wei had already installed the device. It is possible to install it today, so that he can build the tower as soon as possible, so it is not bright today. I started working with people.

Shu Xiaohui looked at him in the sight of him, not far from a few battlefield cars swaying and coming over.

Shu Xiaohui was surprised, pointing his fingers to the other side, "Hey?"

Wouldn't this be Professor Wei coming over?

Chen Chengyi nodded slightly and glanced at the thousands of abilities that had been scrambling over there.

Shu Xiaohui licked his chin on his paw and said nervously, "Hey!"

Chen Chenghao, I don’t seem to have cleared Professor Wei’s black fog.

Therefore, there is a kind of melee over there, and nine out of ten will spread to the vehicle of Professor Wei who wandered over there.

Professor Wei may be unlucky again.

Chen Chengyi comforted, "Professor Wei will not have anything."

I saw that Chen Chengyi raised his hand slightly at this time, and several wires were shot at the ground, and the unlucky big gray mouse on the ground was firmly fixed to the ground.

Although most of Chen Cheng's abilities are controlling the gradual formation of metal towers, it is still very easy to control a few wires.

Bai Hongyi, who is struggling to call the comatose mouse, is like being stuck in the neck, his face is white, and he bites a big tooth for a long time. He can only live and say, "Do you stop!"

After a long fight, Bai Hongyi has already injured most of the time, and he has stopped.

A few of the battlefields were so swaying, the wheels of the track rolled over the ground after the melee, and drove straight to the tower that was about to be assembled.

Professor Wei pushed the door and got off the bus. Nothing else was noticed. Holding the small box that Chen Chengzhen sent last night, and hurriedly got off the bus, he was looking for Chen Chengyu to talk, but this just took two steps and saw the ground being Big gray mouse kidnapped by wire.

and many more.

What is this mouse?

Hemp eggs, it will not be a small hamster mutated?

Professor Wei’s shocked gaze looked at Chen Chengzhen. What did this person do to make such a soft and cute little hamster become like this? !

Chen Cheng’s mouth was pumping. “He’s not a mouse gray!”

At this time, a little hamster that was neglected stretched out his claws at the mouth of Chen Chengyi’s pocket. "Hey!"

At the same time, two voices were called to indicate existence.

Professor Wei saw the soft little thing, let out his breath, pushed his eyes and pointed the mouse on the ground. "What is this?"

Next to Li Hui, he smiled. "Professor Wei, that is Bai Hongyi's war pet."

Professor Wei stared at the gray mouse on the ground, silent for five seconds, suddenly throwing a small box in his hand and reaching out to grab Li Hui.

Then I said quite eagerly, "Li Hui is right, good warrior! Please, please go back to my lab and bring the aquarium to me! I will design a special weapon for you, what function do you want? What function is added for you!"

Li Hui did not say anything, and he waved it with the cat's teeth. He disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chen Chengyi looked at the small box that Professor Wei had thrown on the ground and blinked. "Professor Wei?"

Professor Wei forgot the small box. He turned and looked at the crowd there. When he saw Bai Hongyi, who swallowed his face, Professor Wei pushed his eyes. "White Emperor? Don't come innocent?"

What the hell?

White Emperor?

What is the name of this ghost?

Shu Xiaohui screamed at the small eyes, and refused to watch the wars around him. He watched the excitement intently. When he heard the name of Professor Wei, he almost fell off his pocket.

Chen Chengyi looked at Shu Xiaohui. "When Bai Hongyi confuses people, he uses this self-proclaimed."

Shu Xiaohui is silent, "..."

What is Bai Hongyi's wonderful brain?

But looking at the top of the cloud above his head, it is estimated that it will be bad.

At this time, Bai Hongyi, who was called Bai Di by Professor Wei, wiped the blood of his mouth, "Professor Wei."

Isn’t the military’s reliance on this person?

Bai Hongyi’s palm looms in the light, he can kill him at any time...if it’s not his war pets under the control of others!

Therefore, Bai Hongyi could not do anything at this time, and he could only endure that tone, and his face was distorted.

At this time, Li Hui, who took two minutes to and from the new city, arrived at a huge aquarium. The angels inside were gathered together.

Professor Wei smiled and let Li Hui put the aquarium in front of the mouse kidnapped by the wire, patiently communicating with his family.

The main idea is obvious. Was his house zebra not kidnapped by Bai Hongyi before, and now Bai Hongyi’s war pet is here, and Zebra wants to do anything!

However, the zebra was scared and nothing was said.

Professor Wei frowned and looked at the warriors of the warriors who were facing Shu Xiaohui. He said very solemnly, "Who's the pet is a cat? By my use, the reward is an exclusive weapon."

Then the three raccoon cats who had married Shu Xiaohui were sent by their masters...

Shu Xiaohui sympathetically looked at the big gray mouse that had just opened his eyes, and saw three raccoon cats sticking their claws across the wire of Chen Chengzhen on the head of the mouse.

Then, Professor Wei looked at the aquarium with a look.

One of the godfishes swimed out, approached Professor Wei, spit a bubble toward Professor Wei, and then sneaked into the bubble.

Professor Wei smiled and opened the lid of the aquarium. He fished the angelfish and held it in his hand.

Is this OK? !

Shu Xiaohui squinted and engaged in a half-day, Wei’s family’s pets were sulking.

At this time, Bai Hongyi felt the fear of his war pets and his face was even more ugly. He held his hand and looked at Chen Chengyi. "Chen Captain, Professor Wei, OK, you won, I will not ruin. Communication lines, you put my fighting pets."

Professor Wei stroked the zebra's bubble and looked at one of the battlefield vehicles, which was loaded with his newly researched device. He said, "Captain Chen, I have researched ways to dispel the synergy between people and war pets. ”

Shu Xiaohui glanced and turned to look at Chen Chengyi, "Hey?"

What does Professor Wei mean? Can you kill someone?

At this time, Chen Chengyi had already completed the construction of the entire metal tower and looked at the people of Bai Hongyi. When the commander asked him, he once said that he had to remove the roots.

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