Warhead Pet Hamster

Chapter 58: Conscious exchanger

Shu Xiaohui, who is carrying Chen Cheng’s pocket, waved his paws in anger, which is so deceiving too much!

The semi-mechanical beasts used for resource development can devour the destruction of their planet, and the Tat military's weapons attack. Isn't that going to destroy everything on the planet?

The mouse ball was too intense, and it was almost planted from the pocket, and the small claws were hanging from the pocket.

Chen Chengyi reached out and held the mouse ball and sent him back into his pocket.

Professor Wei looked at the little hamster who was licking his **** and re-drilled into his pocket. The eyes behind the lens flashed a light.

From the perspective of the zebra, this little hamster seems to have tremendous power.

So many war pets don't forget about this little hamster, perhaps because of these energies, animals often have more sensitive feelings than people, and these war pets instinct to find ways to improve their abilities.

Perhaps they can try to let the little hamster control the honeycomb energy network...

Just before he asked for an offer, Chen Chengyi said with a cold voice, "Professor Wei is better not to hit his idea!"

"Not necessarily dangerous, why not try? Little hamster sucks..."

Chen Chengzhen directly interrupted Professor Wei’s words and categorically refused. “No! I have other methods.”

He won't let his mouse ball face the danger of uncertainty.

Shu Xiaohui looked at Chen Cheng’s tight chin with his pockets. What are these two people talking about?

Professor Wei helped his glasses and said after a while, "The most important thing now is to find enough stones to provide to the honeycomb energy network. However, this neighborhood is almost drilled by Liao Shu’s pangolin. I got these three stones."

"How did you find a stone?"

Professor Wei turned out a general indicator of a pocket watch. "On this, unfortunately the accuracy is very poor."

Chen Chengyi took the indicator and looked at it. He turned to look at Li Hui who was next to him and threw the indicator to him. "You bring all the speed abilities and the soil abilities. Go find it."

"Yes, the leader!" Li Hui took the indicator and burst into the lab.

"I will bring someone to come tomorrow, there should be ways to strengthen the accuracy." Chen Chengyi turned and went outside.

"Wait," Professor Wei called him, raised his hand and threw a small box. "This is what you wanted before."

Chen Chengyi raised his hand and caught it. When he opened it, there were two small rings inside, one that seemed to fit his fingers, and the other that was too small to be much bigger than the millet.

"This is the consciousness exchanger you want. As a compensation before, I will design it for you when I come back from outside the city," Professor Wei said. "But you still have a lot to thank Xiao Pengpeng, no child's spiritual difference." Can bless, I can't really do it."

Chen Chengyi picked up the big one and put it on his finger, and then pinched the very small thing. Chen Chengyi’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly. “What should he do when he becomes a human?”

Professor Wei snorted and touched his chin. "This is a problem. This thing is not flexible. It should be worn on his claws. Once he suddenly becomes a human, it is estimated that this ring can break his finger. ""


Upon hearing this, Shu Xiaohui licked his paws and looked at Professor Wei with a black eyeball in his pocket.

Chen Chengyi saw Professor Wei's eyes. The palm began to gather metal, and the small grain-sized ring was embedded in a small soft metal. This metal blessed his ability and could be deformed at will. When Shu Xiaohui turned, he would not Limited by the ring, the ring will become larger as the stretch.

Chen Cheng knead into the style he needed, and he also micro-carved the fine lines on it. Then, he squeezed Xiao Xiaohui's small claws. After watching it for a while, he solemnly put on him.

This is only temporary, and he will definitely make this little thing better in the future.

Shu Xiaohui looked at the little finger ring on the paw, and the whole mouse was 懵X.

Chen Chengzhen’s aesthetic nature is not to be suspicious, just...

- How did they suddenly put on the ring? !

This idea is very strong, so the small ring naturally stimulates its function, and it is quite responsible to send this to Chen Chengyi's side.

Therefore, one person and one mouse heard the sentence very clearly, the sound of milk and milk that is synchronized with Shu Xiaohui's consciousness.

Shu Xiaohui was a spurt, and when he stretched out another paw, he squatted down the ring.

- What is this awkward thing, is his voice so milky? It’s just a three-year-old doll! No, no, you have to let the Frankenstein adjust and adjust.

This sentence is of course clearly passed to Chen Chengyi.

Chen Cheng's eyebrows moved slightly, and the ring of the subject side slightly adjusted Shu Xiaohui's ring setting.

Shu Xiaohui naturally does not know, he is still very strongly rejecting this ring, pink little claws are trying to pick up the ring.

- How is this thing picked up?

So Chen Chengyi heard the voice of Shu Xiaohui...

I also heard the sputum of the mouse ball petrified...

- He is a hamster, not a slut! fall! This is not called the consciousness exchanger. Is this called a voice changer? !

This sentence is finally normal, it is exactly the same voice as his own voice, Shu Xiaohui is relieved.

I don’t know at all that this very upright metamorphosis has just met my special abnormal needs.

However, tonight is destined to be an unsettled night. In the middle of the night, Professor Wei received information from the Tate people from the Honeycomb Energy Network.

When Chen Chengyi and Shu Xiaohui came to the lab with Peng Xiaolei in the morning, Professor Wei had almost completed the crack and formed a video on the terminal.

Professor Wei saw Chen Chengyu coming in and took the lens and rubbed his eyes.

Shu Xiaohui looked at the person who had not slept for a night. The little paw stepped on Chen Cheng’s chest. “Professor Wei seems to be very tired. Do you want him to rest?”

Chen Chengyi responded with a small voice and walked over with Peng Xiaolei. "Professor, go to rest."

Professor Wei shook his head.

Peng Xiaolei looked at Professor Wei's face, wrinkled his brow, and the light green light flashed on the small palm, leaning against Professor Wei's arm.

After a while, seeing that Professor Wei’s face and spirit were obviously better, Peng Xiaolei laughed and said, “The leader, the professor, I went to Peng Peng.”

Professor Wei watched Peng Xiaolei jump to the east of the laboratory and opened the door into the room there, where he specially gave Peng Peng a small laboratory for him.

“What is Professor Wei saying?” Chen Chengyu asked.

Professor Wei turned his head and started the display of the terminal. The information of the cracked Tate was revealed.

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