Warhead Pet Hamster

Chapter 73: Mouse ball response

Shu Xiaohui glared at Chen Chengyi's pocket, and looked at the production line of the first-class warship that had been made by Professor Wei.

It is estimated that it will not take long for the warships used by their abilities fighters to be built. It is only three days after he left.

However, Chen Chengyi has arranged for the warriors except for the offensive abilities. All the abilities help the construction of Professor Wei.

At this time, Professor Wei was busy in the engine production room. When Chen Chengyi came in, Professor Wei waved them to come over quickly.

One person and one mouse walked to the front, Professor Wei saw the mouse ball in the face of Chen Chengyi's pocket, and he felt a sigh of anger, thinking of his family's zebra slightly larger than the mouse ball.

I always thought that his little zebra liked the spherical fish tank.

When he was locked up, he was very careful to protect the spherical fish tank.

It turned out that he was always wrong...

Shu Xiaohui was shocked by Professor Wei’s slightly lost eyes.

How can the Frankenstein have this expression, is there a big problem in the production process?

Chen Chengzhen stood in front of Professor Wei, "Professor Wei?"

Professor Wei returned to God and first apologized to the zebras that were hundreds of kilometers away and hundreds of nautical miles away.

At this time, following the migratory sea turtle, a fish that shuttled through the ocean current stopped.

The fins swayed subconsciously, watching the colorful fish in the ocean stream, suddenly fascinating.

Then, one of the oceans was drilled, and the tail of the donkey swam back towards the original island.

Professor Wei licked his nose and pushed his glasses. He looked at this person and said, "The Honeycomb Energy Network has obtained the first news about the Tate warships. You have come to see it."

Chen Chengyi stepped up and in the past, Professor Wei made a terminal for the honeycomb energy network here.

Professor Wei generally controls the terminal display, saying, "After the production line of the battleship is completed, I will carry out the next step of research on the portable honeycomb energy network terminal, which should enable everyone to connect to the honeycomb energy network and change us. The original way of communication."

After Professor Wei finished, he opened the information of the Tate fleet obtained by the Honeycomb Energy Network.

On the terminal display, the Tate fleet has been docked on the satellites of their planet, the moon.

The construction of temporary bases began in the largest crater of the moon, and their flag was inserted at the highest point of the crater.

Looking at the three triangles and three diamond-shaped flags that the Tate overlap, it can be disgusting to put a mouse ball.

Shu Xiaohui got out of Chen Chengzhen’s pocket and stood on Chen Cheng’s shoulder. He waved his little angrily and said, “That is our moon!”

These shameless aliens!

Chen Cheng looked at the buildings, and there was an uncontrollable suffocation in his eyes. He reached out to adjust the picture on the terminal display and carefully watched the formation of the Tate fleet.

Professor Wei said, "At present, we have no problem in defending them. The number of stones that Li Hui sent people is not enough, but it is enough to make the honeycomb energy network into a defensive state. They don't want to enter a warship. But if they want to expel them, they still It takes some time."

Shu Xiaohui slightly licked the **** and looked at Chen Cheng's... ears.

"What does Professor Wei mean, is the battleship production line not already built?"

At this time, in the door next to the door, Peng Peng’s children ran in.

Sitting on the shoulder of Chen Chengyi, Shu Xiaohui saw that Xiao Pengpeng’s styling almost fell from Chen Cheng’s shoulder.

He grabbed Chen Cheng's ear and said with distress, "I shouldn't have put Xiaopeng Peng here, and this has become a replica of Frankenstein."

At this point, they saw that they were one child and one child, and they smiled at them with their necks up.

However, Xiao Pengpeng wore a well-fitted white coat and wore the same pair of glasses from Professor Wei on the nose, but there was no lens on it.

Peng Peng said that there is a frame for pushing the glasses and said, "Little brother, we want to use stone as an energy stone."

Professor Wei nodded. "The problem is that the number of stones is currently limited. On the one hand, it is necessary to supply the defense system of the honeycomb energy network. On the one hand, it is for you to eat and improve the combat power of all fighters. So, now I will consider whether or not to use the original. The blocked nuclear plant was restarted."

Professor Wei did not mention that Shu Xiaohui had forgotten the nuclear factory.

At the beginning of the Tate's exotic animals swept the world, in order to prevent nuclear weapons from being destroyed by the destruction of nuclear weapons, all the governments in power at that time blocked the nuclear factories in their jurisdiction. If they want to open again, they may face leakage. danger.

However, where to use nuclear energy now.

Shu Xiaohui proudly raised her small chest, opened her hind paws, stood up firmly, and the sharp little eyes chose an empty position, casually and thought that the heroic waved short paws.

Then, with a bang, a huge stone fell on the ground.

The hind paw of a mouse ball stood moving, and the front paw subconsciously caught Chen Cheng’s ear.

Uh... Fortunately, he only got a part of it. Fortunately, this workshop is on the first floor. They are not on the second floor.

Otherwise, if he collapses, it will be big.

Chen Cheng squinted at the handsome mouse ball, reached out and licked him and stood up - the small eggs that were exposed.

Shu Xiaohui’s paw was shot on Chen Cheng’s finger, don’t touch it!

At the same time, Professor Wei stood on the spot.

This energy stone has a few tons of weight...

After a few seconds of sluggishness, Professor Wei turned around, and the bright gaze looked at Chen Xiaozhen’s little hamster who was busy hiding his little mouse ball on his shoulder. He suddenly touched the scalpel inside the white coat. .

The idea of ​​trying to make this little hamster clear is getting stronger.

This little hamster is not a soft meat, and every cell in the body can be used as a lucky star!

Shu Xiaohui was shocked, and suddenly got into the collar of Chen Chengyi’s collar, and the small head that was hidden under Chen’s neck. “I knew that this Frankenstein always wanted to dissect me! ”

Peng Peng’s children were shocked and he never saw Professor Wei like this.

If you choose between Professor Wei and his younger brother, he must choose a little brother!

Therefore, the child immediately took off his glasses and blocked them in front of Chen Chengyi and Shu Xiaohui. The black-painted eyes stared at Professor Wei.

That posture, as long as Professor Wei takes a step forward, he will definitely attack!

Shu Xiaohui said with the eyes of Chen Ba, and Chen Chengxi said, "Fortunately, Xiao Pengpeng has no black near the Zhu!"


Chen Chengyi looked at Professor Wei.

Professor Wei returned to God and immediately put away the scalpel and placed it in the white coat pocket.

Just a professional instinct!

Looking at the child in a defensive state, Professor Wei feels that if he does not close it up, the child will turn him into a cerebral palsy.

Professor Wei turned to look at the little hamster hiding in the neck of Chen Chengzhen. "Are you going out to find the energy stone vein?"

A mouse scouted out his head and nodded.

Professor Wei carefully looked at the stone and sighed. "It’s all here, the little hamster can come and eat when he wants to eat."

When Chen Chengzhen is very busy, the little hamster will run over and eat it. He will probably take a chance to study the little hamster. The kind that does not move the knife.

Shu Xiaohui directly saw Professor Wei's plan, and the little black eyes turned.

There are more stones in his space, and there are more underseas.

Even if it is not, he will never run alone to eat stones here!

With this large piece of energy stone, Professor Wei does not have to worry about the power of the warship engine.

When this person is ready to leave and let Professor Wei concentrate on the battleship, the terminal of the Honeycomb Energy Network flashes red light.

Professor Wei slightly frowned his brow, turned from the stone and looked at the terminal. "It is the Tate who passed the news."

Shu Xiaohui drilled Chen Chengyi's collar and looked at the terminal of the honeycomb energy network. These shameless green skin monsters are what they want to do.

Professor Wei started the information transcriber, and after several adjustments, he was able to quickly transcribe the Tate information.

I saw the Tate who claimed to be the diplomat of the last green scale on the screen.

"The third planet of the TY star system, please put away your defense network, let my family's search and rescue ship enter, otherwise, my family will force into the expensive star. The remains of my royal family are very sacred, my family will be retrieved Any move that hinders my family from retrieving the will is in violation of the dignity of our people. Our family will respond with war and hope that the stars will know!"

A mouse ball has been disgusting with their entry into the moon. This shows that the Tate people are also shameless to say that for the ghosts of the royal body to fight, it is almost mad, and the black eyes must be congested. .

Said so grandiose, righteous, not for their reasons for plundering resources!

The mouse ball is so mad, not to mention that the former special squad chief instructor who is more bloody, Chen Cheng, who is now the world leader, has a strong suffocation in the eyes that makes Xiao Pengpeng next to him unconscious. The ability to activate the abilities of the violent people and rats.

Chen Chengyi looked down at the child and reached out and rubbed his head.

After the mouse ball calmed down, the paw stepped on Chen Cheng's chest and said, "Do you ask Professor Wei to reply to them?"

Chen Chengzhen looked at Professor Wei, "Can you respond?"

Professor Wei nodded. "Yes, what do you want to respond to? Text or video?"

Chen Chengyi reached out and touched Shu Xiaohui.

Shu Xiaohui bit his small teeth, and the small claws licked Chen Cheng's collar and said to Chen Chengyi.

When Chen Chengyi heard Shu Xiaohui’s words, he slightly touched his mouth and said to Professor Wei, “Text.”

Professor Wei nodded, adjusted the procedure, and then gave Chen Chengyi a position.

Chen Chengyi walked over and typed a word on it. "Okay."

Professor Wei glanced at him and couldn't help but pick up his eyebrows. It was too incisive and too appropriate.

It fully demonstrates their shame and contempt for the various behaviors of the Tate, as well as the disdain for the Tat’s so-called forced entry and war.

I saw a word on the screen of the hive terminal followed by an exclamation mark.


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