
Chapter 293: Return to the battlefield (2)

Word count: 5195 Update Time: 2013-01-03 20: 01: 00

A green curved wind blade silently swept past the head of a living corpse. The live corpse first stopped moving, and then a faint line of blood appeared on its head. The blood vein expanded, cracking into countless fine threads of flesh, causing the living corpse to split evenly from the middle of its nose. The head was split in half, and the living corpse fell to the ground without a sound, revealing a tall and straight figure behind it.

His short silver hair stood up straight, and his resolute face had a beard. His face was so deep that it made him look like a rock standing in the middle of a snowstorm. No matter how fast the snow was, it couldn’t leave a mark on the rock. Wukachev, a level five wind user, had dozens of blue wind blades floating around his sturdy body.

As if strolling through his own garden, the wind blades that surrounded him constantly shot out. Every time a wind blade shot out, a living corpse would be killed. Then, under the replenishment of energy, the wind blade would appear again. By relying on this skill, Wukchev had walked all the way from the edge of the battlefield, harvesting the lives of over a hundred zombies. Behind him, there were two third level Fighting Domain experts and seven slave warriors. They were in charge of increasing the number of Russian battle results.

“Chief, it’s about time to go back.”

In the blink of an eye, he had killed two more living corpses. Then, the voice of Robin, the member of the team, came through the communication channel.

“Got it, get ready to leave…” Suddenly, as if he had sensed something, he looked towards the distant ruins to his left.

A hundred meters away in the ruins, a three-storey building suddenly collapsed. Fragments of the wall fell with a rumble, and in the falling rocks, a tall figure suddenly rushed out. It was a butcher, holding a one-handed battle-axe in each hand.

Halfway through his journey, the butcher was greeted by five machine guns. The dense barrage of bullets exploded into a cloud of blood, but the butcher crossed his arms and shielded his head and chest with his axe, completely ignoring the rest of the attack.

Behind the butcher, there were more figures, and more living corpses.

Hookchev’s team was on the southwest edge of the battlefield, and the living corpses pouring in from the southwest were clearly a new force. Seeing this scene, Hookchev was stunned. However, the butcher’s approach did not leave him in a daze. With a thought, the wind blades on Hookchev’s body shot out in an instant, slicing towards the butcher from all kinds of unbelievable angles.

The butcher charged into the wind blades, and every single wind blade passed by, leaving a bone-deep wound on the butcher’s body. However, the butcher relied on his terrifying defensive power to resist the attack. Just as he was about to force his way into Hukchev, Robin and another Fighting Domain expert inserted themselves into the battlefield and stopped the butcher.

This was the usual tactic used by Wukichev’s team. When facing strong enemies, Robin and the other two Fighting Domain experts would intercept them.

A clump of green energy rolled and rolled in both of Wukachev’s hands. When a huge green wind blade about two meters long was released from his hands, both of them were able to dodge to the sides. The huge green wind blade hit the butcher directly. The butcher’s tall body was sent flying by the wind blade. In midair, the wind blade exploded, forming countless small wind blades that flew around recklessly.

When the butcher fell back to the ground, a terrible wound rose from his right shoulder to the left side of his stomach, ripping him in half. Following that, countless fine bloodstains appeared on the butcher’s body, and the areas that had been cut by the small wind blades immediately cracked open. With a loud crash, the butcher was reduced to a pile of mincemeat. Only his head was still intact.

Blades of Rage, advanced version of the basic skill, Wind Blade. The energy required to condense hundreds or even more wind blades was concentrated into large wind blades. When hitting the enemy, apart from the first powerful slash, the huge wind blade would explode, and the small wind blades would slash the target in all directions under the effect of the explosion.

It could be said that in the instant that the Blade of Rage struck, the butcher had already decided to die.

But after unleashing the Blades of Anger, Hookchev felt a little weak. In front of him, a large number of living corpses had already rushed over.

“Retreat!” At the same time, he moved his hands backwards, and a dozen or so wind blades shot out, slashing horizontally towards the group of corpses at the very front.

Although it was a retreat, the team didn’t immediately turn around and run. Two of Robin’s guards came to the side of Hookchev, while the servants behind them shielded them with firepower. When Hookchev and the other two retreated a certain distance, the Russians would release all kinds of wind blades and wind guns to stop the corpse, giving the slave soldiers time to retreat. Not long after withdrawing in this kind of trapezoidal fashion, several strange figures suddenly emerged from the mass of living corpses.

They were still living corpses without a doubt, but these living corpses were completely naked, and they only covered their lower bodies with camouflage. These living corpses were extremely thin, and their bodies were as skinny as skin and bones. But their stomachs were large, like the fabled hungry ghosts of pregnant women. Even so, it was impossible to slow the speed of these living corpses.

Skinny Corpse used both hands and feet to rush across the ground like a wild beast. They constantly changed their trajectory, causing the attacks of the slave warriors to miss one after another. Even Hookchev’s wind blades were having a hard time hitting them, but the scrawny corpse’s target was not the slave soldiers. They flashed past the soldiers and pounced on Hookchev and the other two.

“F * ck!” Robin shouted and rushed towards two of the corpses.

The other guard did not want to be outdone, so he roared and pounced on the other corpses, shouting at Hookchev, “Leader, don’t worry about us! There’s something strange about these things.”

In a flash, Hookchev sent out six wind blades, forcing away one of the skinny corpses that was pouncing towards him. Robin and his guards had already started fighting with the thin corpse. The thin corpse’s fighting style was very strange. It was neither like the butcher with his great strength nor like the Ripper who used speed and sharp claws to win. The corpses that he had seen from the end were a pack of mad dogs, and the sight of them clutching Robin and biting him made Hookchev’s heart palpitate.

He turned around and left.

In the Annihilation Hammer’s team concept, as long as the captain doesn’t die, the team will exist forever. Whether it was a low-level guardian or an ordinary slave soldier, they were all cannon fodder that could be sacrificed at any time for the captain. Of course, according to their status, the captain had to pay them varying amounts of pension after sacrifice.

Hookchev did not know that the fragility of these corpses was not only terrifying. At the same time that he turned around to run away, several tentacles suddenly appeared from the thin corpses that were hugging Robin and the other two.

These tentacles had no other use, their only function was to bind the scrawny body tightly to the target.

Robin’s hands and feet were tightly bound by these few wet tentacles, and he could feel the temperature of the thin corpse at the side of his body rising.


Two explosions rang out behind him, and the Russian looked back and saw two balls of fire. Just as Hookchev was trying to figure out how this sudden explosion had happened, a scrawny corpse fell on him from the right and knocked the big Russian to the ground.

Wurkechev’s reaction was extremely fast. Immediately, a dozen or so wind blades sliced through the thin corpse’s body. Skinny corpse’s flesh and blood splattered everywhere. However, it was still crazily shrieking as it tightly held onto Hukchev, unwilling to let go. At the same time, another scrawny corpse rushed over, wrapping itself around this person’s body from his head and companions.

After catching him, the two thin corpses had long tentacles growing out of their backs at the same time, and flying around him were those who had the ability to wrap around themselves. After finishing all this, the thin corpse’s round belly actually had a red blush on it.

Huxchev, wrapped in the living corpse, realized with horror that this was a phenomenon in which biological energy was soaring. In the blink of an eye, the red light that shone from the belly of the living corpse was dazzling. In the end, the bright light suddenly exploded inside the living corpse’s stomach.

As a result, the few of them who were at the entrance of Lemour’s cave suddenly heard a loud sound from afar. The red light from the explosion shot up into the sky and turned into a fiery cloud in the air before slowly spreading out.

On Commander Avenot’s tactical board, the symbol representing team Hookchev dimmed.

The Wind Speaker squadron had all been wiped out!

It would be half an hour before they entered Remt, but not everyone entered the base. Avenot directed the damaged tanks from the main cannon into the base, and the engineers with the army worked with Remter to repair the tanks as best they could. Those intact artillery tanks were stationed on the ground, and with the help of Asgard’s soldiers, a new line of defense was being constructed on the ground at the entrance of the base.

The bombardment of the artillery tanks and the intense shooting of the heavy artillery Land Cruisers prevented the attacks of the living corpses, while the soldiers set up makeshift fortifications. Under the suppressive firepower of Asgard, Remter’s new line of defense was taking shape and stabilizing.

Zero and the other members of Doomhammer entered Remus, returning to this familiar underground city, Zero lamented in his heart. Remter’s size surprised Zero, who had just left Z7. But now, the city was filled with only uneasiness and chaos.

Strangely, as the car headed toward the Union Hall, Zero saw people coming and going through the city. Whether it was the soldiers or the citizens, they were all armed. It could be seen that at this very moment, Remter was a common soldier.

Hundreds of temporary tents had already been set up in the main square of the union hall. Remter’s original hospital could not accommodate all the wounded soldiers, so with Sean’s permission, temporary treatment facilities were set up in the main square.

After Remter was besieged, Theon did not pursue a desperate strategy. Instead, he supported the initiative to disrupt the sight of the living corpses with flexible but short-lived tactics, allowing Remter’s engineers to leave the city and blow up several buildings that sheltered the tactical platform. To that end, Remter had lost three hundred civilians, as well as a number of soldiers. As for the injured, they numbered in the hundreds, but as long as they were lightly injured, both civilians and soldiers would insist on guarding their posts. Only those who were severely injured and unable to move would be placed in these medical tents in the square.

When the vehicle reached the square, it became impassable. A dozen members of Doomhammer, including Avenot, jumped down from the vehicle. They crossed the square under Avenot and met Theon and other union representatives at the entrance to the Union Hall.

“I’m glad you’re here, Mr. Avenot!” Shane said enthusiastically, reaching out his hand and clasping Avenot’s hand tightly.

Sean was thinner than he was a few days ago, and he seemed to have suffered some injuries. Although he was in good spirits, his face was almost drained of blood. It seemed like the position of the union president was not that comfortable.

After a few brief questions about the current situation, Avenot said simply, “Mr. Sheehan, the situation with Remus does not look as optimistic as we thought. Now I need to plan a new operation with the officers, so we need an undisturbed conference room. ”

“No problem, please follow me.” Theon winked at Pera, and when she understood, she retreated immediately to arrange the place, while Theon led the Asgard officers into the hall of the union.

When Sean recognized Zero, the union president was stunned for a moment and then happily walked over: “Zero, you’re Zero! “Good kid, you really didn’t die.”

With the indifference of zero, he felt warmth in his heart when he heard Sean’s words. He nodded and smiled, “Mr. Sean, it’s great to see you again.”

Sean nodded back. If it wasn’t for the emergency, he would have given Zero a strong hug already. However, Shane just said, “It seems that you have had a wonderful experience. Let’s talk about it when this is over.”

With regards to his request, Zero naturally agreed.

Moments later, they arrived at a meeting room. The room was normally used for meetings of members of the Rem Secret Service, but it was now available for use as a temporary strategy room for Asgard. Avenot led Theon and the others out of the meeting room and slammed the door shut. The only ones left in the meeting room were the members of Doomhammer and twenty officers from the mixed unit.

“Well, gentlemen, I think we need to talk.” Avenot walked to the podium, his expression grave. “Not long ago, I lost a respected colleague. Wukachev, a level five wind descent esper, but he and his team’s Wind Speaker is already a thing of the past. ”

There was a slight stir in the room, and those who knew Hookchev knew that the silent Russian man was not to be trifled with. Although Wind Speaker’s team wasn’t a formidable team, it was still very reasonable. Seven slave warriors, two Fighting Domain guards, and Hookchev himself allowed the Wind Speaker to adapt to the needs of most of the battlefields.

If it were not for Avenot’s words, the people in the room would not have believed that the Whisperer had been buried in a seemingly uncomplicated clean-up operation.

“Sir, can you elaborate a bit?”

A blonde woman with a ponytail raised her hand and asked. She had a European face, blond hair and blue eyes, and wore the uniform of Doomhammer.

As one of the rarer females in Doomhammer, Zero knew her name. [Agatha] (Rank 6), a powerhouse with Sensory Perception Domain. Job: Insignia. Possessing certain spatial exploration abilities, as well as mind hints and other aspects of the skill, belonged to the auxiliary type.

But Agatha had a terrible ability, known as “Touch Implications.” Once touched by her hand, even those who were at a higher level than her would fall into her trap. He could see terrible things, or he could commit suicide. This ability was almost Agatha’s permanent one, so she wore gloves that were as black as her uniform for years.

This ability was also the origin of Agatha’s professional name, and it also became Agatha’s curse, causing this beautiful woman to not even dare to take the initiative to approach her.

At Agatha’s question, Avignon nodded. With a gesture, the aide turned off the power in the conference room and left the room in total darkness. Then, a hologram appeared above the podium. It was a hologram created by the projection function on Avenot’s tactical board.

After a short time of reading the document, a scene appeared on the hologram. That was the image of the outskirts of Remus. Avenot’s tactical board was connected to the monitor that had just been set up outside the base. Now they could see a live image of Remus on the ground.

In the hologram, the battle continued. Asgard’s tanks were in a half moon formation in front of Remus’ entrance. The cannons on the tanks continuously bombarded the tank, forming a powerful firepower barrier that forced the living Bobo Corpse to retreat.

However, this tactic could not be sustained. After all, the ammunition brought by the army from Asgard was not enough to sustain the bombardment of artillery tanks throughout the day. However, under the cover of the tanks, the first fortifications had already begun to take shape. It provided a safe shooting position for the soldiers, and when it was complete, the soldiers were able to set up an infantry landmine phalanx and more traps in front of them to slow and disintegrate the attacks of the living corpses.

If there were no mishaps, under such tactics, before three o’clock, all the zombies surrounding Remus would be annihilated.

However, the endless stream of living corpses from the southwest, as well as the new species among the living corpses, made everyone realize that a battle to clean up would very likely develop into a tug of war.

After Avenot had used a few commands on the tactical board, the holographic screen froze. Following which, a new zombie with a thin body and a round belly was called out. The living corpse in the hologram quickly turned into a three-dimensional model, and a list of its preliminary analysis appeared on the hologram.

“As you have seen, this type of living corpse, not to mention us, I’m afraid that there is not a single record of them in the entire continent.” With a flick of his finger, the living corpse on the hologram also followed suit.

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On the back of the 3D model, a few small dots quickly appeared, and then a tentacle appeared. At this moment, a normal human model appeared in front of the living corpse model. Under Avenot’s orders, the simulation of an attack by a living corpse appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

In the light screen, the living corpse jumped onto the human body. After it used the tentacles on its back to tie itself up with humans, the biological energy data in its round belly kept increasing until it reached a terrifying energy unit. When the value broke through the critical point, both the living corpse and human model were smashed to smithereens at the same time!

Looking at the screen, Avenot said quietly, “This is the new style of attack for living corpses. What do you guys think of?”

In the quiet meeting room, Zero’s indifferent voice rang out. “A biological bomb.”

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