Huiwang said, "there should be no seven links. I remember the lake opened directly in this place."

The attendant said, "yes! It was impossible, but it rained heavily for ten days in the summer three years ago, which washed out the original embankment and connected with the outside!"

"Damn it!" Hui Wang kicked the stone carving at his feet. "Since such a thing happened, why didn't anyone tell me?"

His men were frightened, "things have happened for three years, and no accidents have happened, so we thought there was nothing, so we didn't report..."

The original embankment has been washed away, and it is not easy to pile it up again.

In addition, the regime of cangyun state has been unstable in the past two years. How can the superior have the leisure to care whether the embankment of an artificial lake has been washed away?

Luo Yunran asked, "where does the lake lead?"

The attendant hurriedly said, "it's hard to say. After going out from here, it's a pioneering waterway. Where can I go..."

"Find! If you don't know where people are, find all the corners for me!" Huiwang seems to be indifferent to anything, but in fact, he can't let his authority be challenged.

He arranged everything for Li RuRu's mother and son. Now one is dead and the other runs away right under his nose.

He has lived for decades and has never encountered such a thing!


The attendant crashed into the heavy rain with a group of people.

The boat on the lake was almost submerged in the rain. Luo Yunran looked at it and turned back.

Aware of her departure, Hui Wang turned back in surprise, "eh? How did you go?"

He hurriedly caught up with two steps, "this is an accident. Even if I turn over the whole imperial capital, I will never let anyone run away!"

"All accidents are inevitable." Luo Yun ran said faintly.

On one side of his head, he avoided a string of rain falling from the eaves.

Huiwang's reaction was half a beat slow. When he rushed over, it was just the time for the rain to fall. He was hit and blossomed all over his face.

"Sneeze!" Hui Wang blew his nose hard, hurried into the hospital and touched the water drops on his face, "that can't be so. They caught Dong Chengyi. There must be some purpose. We should take more precautions here."

Luo Yun dyed his chin. "I'll tell the Lord the first time I have any news."

"Listen to what you mean, you're not going to check this matter with me?" Hui Wang tilted his head.

Luo Yun ran said, "two pronged approach, maybe you can find clues faster."

She knew that Huiwang must have his own way, and so did they.

When King Hui was able to bury the line of the housekeeper of King Qin's house around the suspicious people of King Qin, we can see how tolerant his heart is.

After the East Jin Lin's accession to the throne, he did not allow Hui Wang to give him those eyeliners. First, it was the heart of an Hui Wang. Secondly, they had enough trust in Hui king, knowing that his ambition was not fighting for power and gain profits.

On their side, after the integration of Shenji camp and Jiexing building, they have a considerable scale.

Its industry has spread to more than a dozen countries in Yunchuan mainland in just half a year.

With the support of the state machinery, development is, of course, both rapid and formal.

Before that, dongjinlin said he would introduce Huiwang to the boss of the star picking building.

But after they won, Huiwang refused.

Think of it, smart Ruhui Wang, he should also consider the matter of picking the star building.

However, his character has always been good at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. After consideration, he thinks it's better for him to know something he doesn't know.

As soon as they entered the door, they met Dong Jinlin, who had changed his clothes. "Have you found him?"

The previous low-key black civilian clothes have been replaced. Now dongjinlin is dressed in ordinary attendants' clothes. He looks natural and youthful in a neat short fight. The fierceness revealed in his eyebrows makes him seem to be a famous Jianghu Xiake of a young man.

Huiwang couldn't help looking at dongjinlin for a few more eyes and secretly thought, do their servants' clothes look so good? Why hasn't he found out before?

He also replied, "I found it, but I didn't catch it. Luo Yunran said we should act separately."

"Aren't you hurt?" dongjinlin looked at them uneasily.

Luo Yunran shook his head and Huiwang said quickly, "no, we didn't have a head-on conflict with people. When we went, the people were gone."


Suddenly there was an urgent cry outside. Then a bodyguard ran in in the rain. When he saw dongjinlin, he had to kneel. He was fixed by dongjinlin's eyes, "what's up."

"The mission sent to Qingli country has returned. It will pass through the gate and arrive at the palace all the time!"

King Hui's eyes showed appreciation. It was raining heavily and he kept entering the palace immediately. It can be seen that this envoy was really interested in his task this time.

"I'll send someone to prepare the carriage. Go back. I'll stay and deal with Li RuRu's affairs." Huiwang immediately made arrangements.

Dongjinlin nodded, "be careful yourself."

Hui Wang smiled, "I see."

Seeing them off with a thick oilcloth umbrella, Huiwang turned back to the room where Dong Chengyi had lived before.


"My Lord! It's raining so hard that the wheels of the car are stuck in and can't go for a moment. You'd better come in and have a rest!"

The carriage of the mission was stuck in the mud. It had been working hard for a long time. The horse was whimpered, but it was impossible to pull the carriage out of the mud.

The envoy went out in person and tossed for a long time. He was drenched into a drowned chicken. The subordinates who were still in the car were very frightened.

The envoy wiped his face hard. The rain was so heavy that he could hardly see the faces of his predecessors.

The coachman also advised, "Sir, you'd better go and sit in the car first. We'll pull the car out after the rain stops!"

Seeing that the car could not move anyway, the envoy immediately made a decision, "give me a horse!"


"I said give me a horse, now!"

Frightened by the envoy's terrible expression, his men hurried to bring a horse.

The envoy had taken out a package from the car, tied it firmly to himself, took the reins, turned over and got on the horse, "drive!"

A horse can ride forever!

"My Lord!" the subordinates were worried.

The horse ran all the way into the gate of the imperial capital, and then into the palace gate.

When he could not ride, the envoy quickly turned over and dismounted and ran all the way.

Before the eunuch outside finished singing with a sharp voice, he stumbled in, took off his burden and raised his hands above his head. "Tell the emperor that this is what his Majesty the emperor of the green glass Kingdom asked his ministers to bring back and give it to the emperor! Please have a look!"

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