Luo Yunran was stunned and confused in his mind.

"What I said is true. I know you may be very disappointed with me." Ling mubai looked at the expression on Luo Yun's face. "Believe it or not, I really knew that the experiment was tampered with after the beginning of the experiment. I couldn't stop it when I wanted to stop it. Thank God, you woke up with your own strength."

"But his highness Qi is still in a wheelchair," Luo Yunran said.

She has calmed down.

Ling mubai naturally answered, "yes, because the experiment went wrong, otherwise you wouldn't wake up, would you?"

Suddenly, the light brain on his hand flickered, and Ling mubai connected the signal.

The figure of the assistant was projected, "doctor, an invitation was sent from above. In order to celebrate the awakening of the experimenters, a celebration banquet will be held at egret Palace at 8 o'clock tonight. Your majesty named you and praised you. Please attend on time."

Ling Mu nodded, "OK, I know."

"Well, doctor, you'd better hurry up. It's almost seven o'clock now." the assistant reminded again.

Although they are in DIDU star, they don't spend much time on the road, but after all, they attend formal occasions. It's the least polite to change clothes and make a shape.

"I'll be there right away." Ling mubai cut off the communication and glanced at Luo Yunran. "Luo Luo, I'll go out for a while. Remember what I just told you. Elder martial brother won't cheat you. Also, if someone else wants to check you, you refuse all of them. I've moved your authority. I don't need to go through other people's hands."

Luo Yunran remembered that when he just woke up, the assistant looked at him and wanted to dissect his eyes. He also had some hair.

"Please elder martial brother," said Luo Yunran.

Ling mubai smiled, waved his hand, turned and left.

Luo Yunran pokes the light brain, and a row of data brushes are reflected in front of her.

These data were even changing when Ling mubai examined her, and it was not until now that they gradually stabilized.

Luo Yunran's soaring mental power directly damaged the tester. Ling mubai didn't get accurate data. He said he would bring a machine and test it again.

Suddenly there was a click behind him.

Luo Yunran immediately put away the light screen. As soon as he turned around, a wheelchair quietly rowed into the room.


"How about my tie?" Prince Ryan looked left and right in the mirror.

A woman on the opposite side climbed up his collar with a thin, soft and white hand, opened his collar, straightened out the sapphire blue tie, and pulled it back.

A sweet smile hung on his palm face, like a jasmine in bud. "Your Highness is handsome. No matter which tie you wear, you must be the most handsome male guest tonight."

As soon as Ryan fished, the little woman screamed and directly hit Ryan's strong chest muscles.

The woman in the mirror only wore a wide bathrobe, her hair was scattered, wholesale pink, and several particularly ambiguous pink marks were left at the clavicle.

That face is Ling xiaodai, the most popular beauty planter in the Empire.

Ling family is one of the few large families that still have ancient noble blood. Coupled with Ling xiaodai's superb planting skills, many people flock to it.

You know, today's life is highly scientific and technological, but like humans, animals and plants have undergone great variation and evolution.

Like the ancient Earth Star period, the green fruits and vegetables everywhere have become luxuries here.

Ordinary people can't plant well at all. If they are not careful, they plant a pumpkin higher than a building. The root system can directly turn over more than a dozen traffic roads.

Only professional growers can grow fresh and sweet fruits and vegetables.

Ling xiaodai is such an existence. In addition, she has a good face and a good family background. Because her grandparents have made great contributions in rescuing the battlefield, she has become the fiancee of the seventh Prince since she was born.

Ling xiaodai's name is equal to "life winner".

This is known to girls all over the Empire.

However, no one can imagine that Ling xiaodai, the fiancee of the seventh prince, is now in the arms of the eldest prince.

Ryan stirred up a corner of his mouth and looked interested, "Oh, is he handsome than Lin?"

Ling xiaodai blushed and beat Ryan several punches in the chest, "Your Highness hates it ~"

Ryan grabbed her fist, bowed his head and kissed her!

When the two separated, they were panting. Ling xiaodai almost hung on Ryan and couldn't even stand.

Ryan didn't think it was ordinary enough. "Think about it? Really don't you come with me?"

Ling xiaodai shook her head and dared not look at Ryan. She was a little timid. "Still, I haven't dissolved my engagement with him after all..."

"Tut!" Ryan suddenly lost interest and dumped Ling xiaodai on the sofa. "Why don't you say that guy die directly? So many people are dead, but his life is hard! He woke up. It's intentional to make his highness unhappy!"

"Your Highness..." what did Ling xiaodai want to say.

Ryan had strode straight away. "It's too late. I have to go out. I'll see you next time."

After taking two steps, he suddenly folded back and supported Ling xiaodai on the sofa. "I heard you sent fruit to that guy?"

Ling xiaodai quickly explained, "don't get me wrong, your highness! My brother said he woke up and asked me to have a look. I just went. I --"

"What? I don't mean to blame you." Ryan chuckled. "I just want to ask you, did you forget to add something to the water you sent?"

Ling xiaodai didn't have time to answer.

Ryan frowned in an instant, "didn't you add? He was unconscious and couldn't eat before. I didn't let you stare. Now that he's awake, he should continue to eat. Good girl, don't let his highness down."

With a man's warm fingers rubbing Ling xiaodai's cheek, it was like the most intimate whisper in the world.

Ling xiaodai was dazzled and nodded her head, "my great highness, don't worry!"

Ryan smiled with satisfaction, kissed Ling xiaodai on the face, turned and left.

Out of the door, there was an adjutant waiting.

Seeing Ryan, he immediately placed his chest with one hand and bowed, "Your Highness."

"Well." Ryan walked forward lightly, "what's the father's reaction when he knows that guy wakes up?"

The adjutant immediately opened his head and replied respectfully, "Your Majesty sent condolences and invited his highness seven to attend the celebration banquet in egret palace tonight. His highness seven declined on the grounds of physical discomfort."

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