"Well, it's fun to seduce or flirt." Ryan was really interested, "Send me a copy. In addition, I want all the information about the female patient molested by Lin. what kind of great beauty is it? It has moved my cold brother? I always thought he would have to rely on gene replication technology to create a offspring in the future."

"Yes, your highness."

"Your Highness." suddenly the descendants shouted behind.

The tuxedo took the empty plate and left as if nothing had happened.

Ryan looked back and saw Ling mubai in a white suit with a wine glass in his hand. He smiled at him and came over.

"It's Dr. Ling," Ryan raised his glass. "So many imperial elites can wake up this time. Dr. Ling has made great contributions. My father praised you as the greatest and outstanding young talent in the Empire."

Ling mubai was embarrassed. "I just did what I should do. In fact, I rushed to your highness this time. I want to ask your Highness for help."

"Oh?" Ryan was interested for a moment. "Is there anything I can do to help Dr. Ling? Just say it."

Ling mubai is now the most outstanding scientist in the Empire. Ryan wants to win over people he can't win over. To put it bluntly, his contact with Ling xiaodai also means to make friends with Ling mubai.

But in the past, no matter how hard he tried, he had little effect.

Today, Ling mubai came to the door by himself. How could Ryan miss this opportunity?

Ling mubai pushed down his glasses. "Yes, I want to add an assistant, but our laboratory is the highest level in the Empire, and it is not easy to increase or decrease the staff, so I would like to ask your highness to do me a favor and say a word for me in your majesty."

Today's royal family has no real power, but its status is still there. The imperial King opened his mouth. How can it give face.

Ryan didn't think it was a big problem and promised, "it's a piece of cake. Who does Dr. Ling want as an assistant?"

"Well, I'll send a copy of the man's information to your highness later, so that your highness can be justified when he helps me speak." Ling mubai said.

Ryan raised his eyebrows and was surprised. "That's the best."

He thinks it's pleasant to deal with smart people. Look, he has considered all aspects for himself, so he doesn't completely sell face nonsense when he opens his mouth. He can always find one or two justifiable advantages from that person's data.

But it's right to pull hard at Dr. Ling's assistant post.

Their glasses collided happily in the air, making a clear sound.


"Dr. law!"

"Hello, doctor Luo!"

"Dr. law!"

From the moment Luo Yunran stepped into the gate of the Imperial military academy, such voices came one after another.

She had no expression, but nodded in response to everyone who kept the same smile arc.

The original uniform dress of the experimenter has been changed. Now she is wearing a neat and straight white coat, her long hair is tied into a neat horsetail, the wind is blowing under her feet, and she is full of professional, serious, calm and wise light.

She worked in the imperial hospital. She had left the post for a long time because she participated in the X experiment.

However, the Imperial military academy is a seven-year system, and many students still know her.

The pattern here is the same as two years ago. Luo Yunran went straight to the dean's office.

Knocked on the door.


Luo Yunran pushed the door in. "Dean, I'll come back and resume my post."

The man lying behind the desk raised his head. When Luo Yunran saw a face as tender as 16-year-old fresh meat, he was stunned.

The little fresh meat burst into tears and flew out from behind the desk and rubbed into Luo Yunran's arms, "ah! My dear Luo Luo! You're back at last! Thank God!"

Luo Yunran tried to resist nausea and pulled the man away. "When did you go for gene repair surgery? Is this too exaggerated?"

The dean in her memory is still the old man with white hair, gullies and heavy reading glasses two years ago.

However, with the development of science and technology, everyone can return the aging body to any previous age through gene repair.

But how can high-ranking people generally remain in their fifties.

Like the Dean, it is rare to directly change from grandpa to grandson.

If it were not for this man sitting in the dean's seat, hanging the dean's sign, and his voice and appearance were indeed similar to the dean.

Luo Yunran really can't recognize it.

"Oh, this is really a sad story, oh no! Accident!" after the dean of the little fresh meat was torn away, he covered his face and said sadly that when he went to have gene repair surgery, the other party accidentally set the parameter of 60 to 16 human tragedies.

And he came back from the operation and was ridiculed by the whole school.

And female students deliberately write love letters to tease him.

Luo Yunran looked at the tears and snot on his white coat and couldn't help it. He directly untied the button and took it off. He casually replied to the president's words, "I don't think they are teasing you, president. To tell the truth, you look very painful now. Just try the most popular one... Oh, yes, little milk dog!"

The Dean covered his face and cried louder, "listen to you, I'm more sure they absolutely laughed at me! Pure!"

When he was crying, he suddenly saw Luo Yun's move to take off his white coat. The Dean was a little embarrassed.

He called his own cleaning robot and said to Luo Yunran, "give the white coat to the robot."

All the steps of cleaning, drying and disinfection can be completed in a few minutes.

The robot comes to Luo Yunran's feet. Luo Yunran throws his white coat in.

Dean xiaoxianrou has stabilized his mood, pretended to be reserved, returned to his seat and opened his light brain, "Anyway, honey, it's really helpful for you to come back. I just like you, a doctor with excellent professional skills. Unlike those guys, I gossip behind my back all day. I'm so excited that I haven't slept all night when I hear you wake up. I'll go through the replication procedures for you."

The dean's mouth never stopped, and his fingers poked around on the light screen in front of him, "okay!"

Luo Yunran thanked him and smiled, "OK, when will I come back to work?"

"Oh, dear! It'd better be today!" the Dean was impatient.

Luo Yunran was surprised, "today?"

The Dean nodded, "yes, to tell you the truth, there is an operation today, which belongs to general Orlando of the second group army. I don't trust others to do it. Since you are back, of course you are!"

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