Ryan suddenly said, "Oh ~ you say she, this is her own fishy smell. Your highness can't help it."

After all, he's an Orlando!

How could Ryan not mind at all?

"Your Highness." Ling mubai's eyes narrowed dangerously, "I think you haven't forgotten what I told you before?"

Ryan was an agitator and couldn't believe it. "Are you going to tear your face with me for a Luo Yunran? You know, we're on one side! What's good for you if you pull me into the water!"

He shot Ling xiaodai with a look in his eyes.

Ling xiaodai immediately stood up and held Ling mubai. "Brother, stop it, let's go back!"

Ling mubai broke away from her as soon as she shook her hand. "Luo Yunran must get it out for me! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to your highness! And this time, your highness seven colluded with the alliance. Do you think I don't know who did it behind my back? It's just that what your highness seven did has nothing to do with me, but your highness had better not touch my bottom line again!"

Ryan's face was as white as paper.

He did it, but he never thought he would be found out!

It's only been a long time. Collusion with the alliance has always been a big deal. Even if others find something wrong, that guy Lin has long died in prison because of "accident".

But this Ling mubai!

What the hell does he mean!

"Brother! Let's go back first! Your highness, he doesn't have so much power!" Ling xiaodai was afraid that things would make things worse.

She is the most difficult person in the middle.

Ling mubai shook his hand, "Xiao Dai, you go out. I'll talk to your highness alone."

"Brother!" how dare Ling xiaodai let them talk alone?

Ling mubai looked directly at Ryan.

Ryan knew he was still holding the handle in this hand, and he didn't dare to break his face with others.

He shook his head at Ling xiaodai and told the adjutant, "take Miss Ling down. I'll come in a few words with Dr. Ling. It won't take much time."

This is also a disguised reminder to the adjutant.

If they stay in this room for too long, the adjutant should be alert and must come in at once!

There was a tacit understanding that the adjutant had followed Ryan for many years.

Nodded and soon took Ling xiaodai out.

Ling xiaodai was taken outside and served with tea and snacks.

But her eyes could not help looking towards the door.

Time clearly didn't last long, but she felt suffering every second.

Others may not know, but she knows how terrible her brother is.

If your highness is too stubborn, the consequences may be very serious!

There was a slight click.

Ling xiaodai turned her head.

When they saw the door open, Ling mubai and Ryan came out one after another.


Luo Yunran was invited out by the staff with a very bad attitude.

Before stepping out of the gate, the staff member who had interrogated her before also mocked her in a strange way, "as long as they do something bad, they will be punished by the law sooner or later! How shameless are some people, eating the Empire, using the Empire, enjoying national resources, and colluding with foreign thieves to betray the Empire, bah! It's disgusting!"

Luo Yunran, who was already going out of the door, suddenly stopped, turned back and walked straight towards the crazy staff.

The staff is nervous! Suddenly he hurried back, "you! What are you doing!"

It's still in state organs. There are surveillance everywhere. Does she dare to attack state workers in broad daylight?

Luo Yun dyed his red lips, clasped the man's wrist and pulled the man's hand over.

The man was almost screaming. He wanted to break free and resist!

But the devil knows what happened. At that moment, his body couldn't resist at all, just like an ant trying to disobey an elephant!

Suddenly something was put in his hand.

Luo Yun ran lightly and said, "gum, your mouth stinks. I'll give you this one."

"You!" the staff will catch up.

Luo Yunran suddenly took a step forward. "What? Do public officials want to fight imperial citizens in broad daylight? There are surveillance around here."

The worker bit his teeth and retreated in frustration.

Luo Yunran finally glanced at him, turned around and strode out of the place that had been closed for more than 24 hours.

Ling mubai waited for her outside. As soon as he saw her appear, he immediately greeted her, "Lolo! Are you okay?"

Luo Yunran shook her head. "Fortunately, how did I get out?"

"You didn't do anything against the laws of the Empire. According to the regulations, you can be released on bail." Ling mubai avoided the important and took it lightly.

Luo Yunran also knows that he is innocent, but the problem is that those people clearly regard themselves as dongjinlin's accomplices in collaborating with the enemy and treason.

There was no mercy on her trial.

In this case, she may be released on bail easily?

"Well, you go back with me first," said Ling mubai, taking Luo Yun to his airship.

Luo Yunran staggered his hands. "No, I'll just go back to the military academy."

Ling mubai pushed down his glasses and looked serious. "You'd better stay with me. The military academy may not be able to protect you."

Luo Yunran smiled. "Didn't you just say I didn't break the law, so it's all right? In that case, it doesn't matter where I am."

Ling mubai hesitated and agreed, "well, since you insist on going back, I won't force you, but before that, you go back to the laboratory with me and I'll check you."

"Not for the time being. I have something important to do." Luo Yunran refused, turned around and stepped into the public airship, waved to Ling mubai, "I'll contact you when I'm finished. Bye, senior brother."

"Lolo!" Ling mubai wanted to chase.

The public airship over there has flown away.

He pressed his temple hard, "Imperial Academy..."


Since the mountain doesn't come, I'll go.

Luo Yunran didn't directly return to the Imperial military academy by taking a public airship, but turned back after one stop.

She asked to visit dongjinlin.

Not surprisingly, it was rejected.

She went to the place where the third group army landed. It was isolated and heavily guarded outside. Ordinary people were not allowed to approach it at all.

She didn't know why those people believed that dongjinlin had colluded with the alliance.

So wandering outside can't find anything. She turned back to the military academy.

When the Dean heard that she was coming back, he hurried to meet her.

When he saw Luo Yunran, he almost cried, "Oh! Dear Dr. Luo! Great, you came back safely! I knew you would be fine!"

Luo Yunran strode into the dean's office with one hand against the dean who tried to rub his tears and snot on her. "Dean, lend me your light brain."

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