Several people were surprised.

Especially the old king.

He just thought he was saved. Before he could run, he was suddenly cut off.

Suddenly I felt that the whole sky had collapsed.

"Old seven!" the old king took dongjinlin and burst into tears.

That posture, almost kneel down to show loyalty.

Dongjinlin took a deep breath. "Sorry, father, I'm afraid it's inconvenient for you to leave now."

Old king: it's all over your face!

Pointing to the room where the old king came out just now, dongjinlin said, "otherwise you can go and stay for a while and don't come out."

"OK!" the old king really didn't say a word of nonsense. He turned and ran away.

Quickly shut himself in the room!

The rest of the room quickly hid.

"Your Highness, I'm back!" Ling xiaodai came in from the outside with big and small bags.

Seeing Ryan squatting alone under the sofa, he didn't respond to her arrival.

I was nervous.

Leaving the big bag and small bag, Ling xiaodai quickly walked behind Ryan and hugged Ryan. "What's the matter, your highness? What's the matter?"

The door behind him closed with a bang.

Ling xiaodai looked back and saw dongjinlin in military uniform. She was startled!

For a moment, I didn't know whether to immediately lose Ryan, get rid of his relationship with Ryan, or hold Ryan and seek Ryan's shelter.

Dongjinlin walked straight towards them. "I've been waiting here for a long time. I have a few words to ask you."

Ling xiaodai has no chance to get rid of Ryan and can only choose the second way.

She hugged Ryan hard, and the whole person shrank behind Ryan like a quail, pulling Ryan's clothes for help, "Your Highness, help me!"

However, Ryan didn't respond at all. He was as if he had lost his soul. He was just sitting here with an empty shell.

This is inevitable.

Because Luo Yunran just hypnotized him, but he didn't give him instructions to end hypnosis.

So he is still in this confused wandering state.

"Your Highness!" Ling xiaodai, who couldn't get a response, was very worried.

But no matter how she pulled Ryan, Ryan just didn't respond.

Dongjinlin has sat down on the single sofa and made a "please" gesture to Ling xiaodai, "just a few words. If Miss Ling cooperates with me, I won't embarrass you. It will be over soon."

Ling xiaodai bit her lip.

Suddenly he got up and said, "well, I'll get you a cup of coffee!"

Then he ran away without waiting for dongjinlin to answer!

Ling xiaodai in the kitchen quickly asked the robot to brew two cups of coffee. As soon as she turned her hand over, she unscrewed the lid and poured the contents of the black bottle into one of them.

My brother said that as long as you give this to his highness seven, everything will be solved.

Ling xiaodai felt she had to do so now.

She was still thinking about how to find a chance to make an appointment with his highness Qi to meet alone.

However, now his highness Qi has come to the door by himself.

This also makes Ling xiaodai more clearly realize how dangerous her current situation is.

She had to do it at once!

After all this, she looked around warily.

Convinced that there was no one here but herself, she took a deep breath, sorted out her expression, took two cups of coffee and went out as if nothing had happened.

Dongjinlin still kept her sitting posture when she left without moving at all.

This made Ling xiaodai more relieved.

"Coffee, your highness Qi, please use it." Ling xiaodai leaned over and put the prepared flavored coffee in front of dongjinlin.

He took another cup and sat opposite.

Dongjinlin picked up his coffee cup and lowered his head.

The light cast neat and beautiful lines on his angular face.

Ling xiaodai's heart beats like a drum!

Hold your coffee cup tightly with both hands.

"Ling xiaodai," I don't want to, but dongjinlin didn't take a sip, so he put the coffee cup back, "I have a few things to ask you about your brother."

Ling xiaodai tightened her mind, lowered her eyes and dared not look at dongjinlin. "My brother doesn't talk to me much at ordinary times. As you all know, he is a talented scientist. As long as he is immersed in the experiment, he can forget about eating and sleeping, not to mention his family."

"I haven't asked what it is. Don't rush to deny it."

Ling xiaodai shook slightly and felt that she was still too anxious just now. She had to calm down a little more.

After understanding her thoughts, she nodded slowly, "OK, ask. If I can help you, I will help naturally. If I can't help, don't blame me."

"The previous x experiment was a plot your brother used to murder high spiritual people. Do you know this?" Dong Jinlin took up his coffee cup and blew it gently.

"What?" Ling xiaodai shouted.

Dong Jinlin's hand shook and his coffee poured out.

Ling xiaodai was confused for a moment!

"Buzz", a blank!

Are you OK?

Should it be all right?

What her brother asked her to put in her coffee won't be useless because it's splashed like this?

At this moment, Ling xiaodai could not wait to go back through time and space and beat herself a few times!

She should ask her brother for clarification!

What now?

"Ling xiaodai?" Dong Jinlin shouted.

Ling xiaodai suddenly recovered and shouted, "yes, I'm sorry."

Dongjinlin waved his hand, "in fact, I have always wondered about something. Your brother, why did he do this?"

Ling xiaodai's eyes twinkled, "I, I don't know..."

"Your brother has only one relative. If he keeps secrets from you, I don't think it's possible." dongjinlin shook off the coffee stain on his hand. "Ling xiaodai, I'm giving you a chance now. If you don't take the initiative to confess and find out later that this matter is actually related to you, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'll deal with you strictly."

Ling xiaodai nervously lowered her head and quickly drank a few cups of coffee. "I don't know, I really don't know, and... Brother, he has been working for the Empire. I think there must be some misunderstanding about this. He won't kill people."

"Can't kill people?" dongjinlin sneered. "Pop" put the coffee cup on the table. "Not long ago, I witnessed him trying to hurt people, being smashed by us, losing the enemy and fleeing the scene in panic. The purpose of all this is to recapture the system that absorbs other people's spiritual power in the X experiment."

Ling xiaodai shook her head. "I... I don't know! I really don't know!"

She fell off her coffee cup and ran out!

I was just stopped before I ran two steps.

"Do what! What do you want to do!" Ling xiaodai screamed and was forced back, with a nervous breakdown.

Adjutants and others formed a human wall, blocking Ling xiaodai's escape.

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