And he was lucky himself.

During the X experiment, he just led the soldiers out for field special training, not in DIDU star.

To escape.

It's just

The relationship between general Leon and his highness seven has never been very good.

It's not that they hate each other, but they are similar in age, talented and capable. No matter what they do, they will be compared by others.

The so-called king does not see the king.

It's probably their relationship.

They know each other, but they don't communicate.

Dongjinlin was also very clear about his relationship with Leon. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "did general Leon say what it was for?"

Soldier, "the general just said that his subordinates must invite you over."

Leon is not a rash person. I'm afraid there's really something important in such a hurry.

Dongjinlin said hello to Luo Yunran, "I'll go there. Don't stay here any more. I'll have someone send you back now."

This is Ryan's house. It's not safe.

Luo Yunran waved his hand. "I'm fine. I'll stay and see if there's any other clue here."

"No!" dongjinlin called the adjutant and said to Luo Yunran, "if you need anything, tell him to do it at any time."

The adjutant immediately stood at attention and saluted, "yes!"

"Your Highness, the airship is waiting for you outside!" the soldiers of the first group army obviously waited in a hurry.

Luo Yunran nodded, "OK, you go. I'll go back with the adjutant right away."

Dongjinlin was relieved. He called several people and left Ryan's house.

Luo Yunran asked people to take away the East Palace in the kitchen. After thinking about it, she brought Ling xiaodai with her.

At least in her impression, Ling mubai still cares about her sister.

Their brother and sister's parents died early, and they have always been dependent on each other.

And Ling mubai did find Ling xiaodai before. It can be seen that Ling xiaodai is very important in his mind.

The old king waited and waited on the door panel.

From the initial high mental tension, to later more and more numb and tired, almost accidentally fell asleep.

He hit his head on the door panel and woke him up with pain.

The old king listened to the door for a while, and then called several times, "Lin Ryan?"

He shouted several times, but no one answered.

It's terribly quiet outside.

The old king was surprised!

It can't be... Something's wrong?

He subconsciously wanted to hide. On second thought, No.

He has to hurry to escape. If he hides here, he will be found sooner or later.

This is absolutely impossible.

I gently unscrewed the door handle and suddenly found a man standing outside!

The old king was so frightened that he closed the door immediately!

But one hand got stuck in the crack of the door first and pulled the door out vigorously.

The old king watched the fingers get red and swollen by the door, but the man outside didn't even shout, and still pulled the door out vigorously!

The old king trembled, and his hand suddenly missed him. The door was opened by the man outside.

Ryan stood outside with a cup of coffee in his hand and smiled at the old king. "Father, have a cup of coffee."

The old king swallowed his saliva nervously and waved his hand, "no... no, I should almost go back."

"I'm sorry, father, you can't go back now." Ryan leaned aside. "You see, I'm surrounded here. I'm under the surveillance of others. I can't leave without authorization."

Through Ryan, the old king really saw several soldiers walking around outside.

The old king fell to the ground and couldn't believe it. "No! No! Lin said he would let me go back! He said!"

"Then I don't know," Ryan said, saying there was nothing he could do. "Anyway, we can't go out now."

"I'm looking for Lin! I'm looking for him!" the old king grabbed Ryan. "Come on! Please contact Lin for me!"

"I can't do that. Father, do it yourself."

The old king hurried to find his light brain and dialed linyst's name.

But there was no response at all.

Ryan suddenly patted his head. "Oh, I forgot to tell you that all signals in this place are blocked and can't get in touch with the outside world."

The old king's legs softened.

Ryan held him, sent him back to the house and handed him the coffee. "Father, don't worry. Have a cup of coffee first. Lin will certainly come. When he comes, just tell him. After all, he is your son. There's no reason to lock you up."

The old king thought about it and thought it was right.

Yeah, he didn't do anything illegal.

Ryan did everything wrong. It has nothing to do with him.

Lin wants to settle the account, just ask Ryan.

He won't stop.

He must not stop!

As long as it can calm Lin down.

The cup of coffee in his hand became his only source of warmth. The old king unconsciously hugged the cup and drank it.

Ryan's backlit eyes slowly spilled a dark look.


"Report! Your highness seven has arrived!"

Several people in the conference room immediately stood up and said, "please bring people in."


Dongjinlin quickly came in, but there was some accident.

Almost all the heavyweights of the Empire were gathered in this room.

From the marshal to the general of the 124567 group army, they are all here.

With him, all seven group armies are complete.

"Lin! Come and sit down!" the marshal greeted him warmly and asked someone to bring a cup of coffee.

I don't know if it's because there was a sign for the front car today. When dongjinlin saw the coffee, he didn't feel very good. He was subconsciously vigilant.

"The big man is different. The last one arrives and everyone is waiting for him." a discordant voice spilled out a sarcasm.

The man turned his head and threw an unfriendly look at the East Jinlin. It was Leon of the first group army.

The others became nervous for a moment and looked anxiously at Dong Jinlin and Li Ang.

"Cough!" the marshal coughed and greeted Dong Jinlin as if nothing had happened. "Come and sit down and ask you to come. In fact, there is an important matter to discuss with you."

Dongjinlin sat down and was separated from Li Ang.

He looked at the marshal and listened carefully, as if he had never paid attention to Leon from beginning to end.

Leon took a breath and had a very bad attitude.

The marshal continued, "well, after the X experiment, there was a large loss of talents in our empire. It's no secret. I got reliable news. The alliance is ready to move about this, so we can't wait to die. We must take action."

With that, the marshal suddenly turned and looked at Dongjin Lin, "Lin, you have to set an example."

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