
Luo Yunran swept around and commanded the crowd, "take away all the things that may become sharp weapons in this room, leaving only one day's amount of nutrients."

If such a thing has happened once, it must not happen again.


The crowd got busy quickly.

If you want to say what can become a sharp weapon, take a closer look, everything can be.

Finally, they almost emptied the whole rest cabin, leaving the marshal and the repair warehouse particularly conspicuous.

After soaking in the repair warehouse for nearly half an hour, the marshal also woke up.

The most top-level restorative agents are used here. Even if they are seriously injured and dying, lying down for a day and a night is enough.

Moreover, the marshal just lost too much blood.

Now the wound on his hand has healed long ago, but his face is still pale.

"Wake up?" Luo Yunran happened to see it at the moment when the marshal opened his eyes, and the two looked right at once.

The marshal wanted to avoid it for the first time, but hesitated, and immediately turned into an angry stare at Luo Yunran.

He opened his mouth.

I only saw bubbles popping up in the repair bin, and I couldn't hear a sound.

Luo Yunran's words immediately attracted the attention of others and looked here one after another.

"Are you awake?"

"Ah, I'm awake and my eyes are open."

"Just wake up. Otherwise, I'm afraid we'll all be held accountable today."

"Now I have to be held accountable. However, no one really died, so it should be OK."

Everyone talked and wanted to come and have a closer look at the marshal.

Luo Yunran stopped the man outside. "Marshal just woke up and needs to rest for a while. Let's go first."

The marshal was still spitting bubbles in the repair warehouse, but his expression became more and more ferocious.

Because he found that he could not lift a finger except his eyes and mouth!

There's something wrong with this repair fluid!

The marshal tried desperately to tell the people outside what had happened to him.

But no one listened to him.

They really left obediently!

These fools! Fool!

When the last person left, Luo Yunran turned back.

The previously innocent smile on his face disappeared.

"Look into my eyes," she said, gazing at the Marshal's frightened eyes.

The marshal wrapped in water blue liquid stared at her, but he gradually lost his focus and his eyes became trance.

A moment later, the cabin door of the rest cabin opened. Luo Yunran put his hands in his pockets and walked out calmly.

The people outside immediately greeted him.

"The marshal has gone to bed. You two watch him in one shift and call me whenever you need." Luo Yunran told the soldiers outside.

The soldiers stand at attention and salute at once!

Luo Yun nodded and left quickly.

Dongjinlin, who had just finished the meeting, got the news and was hurrying to the marshal. As a result, they met on the road.

Luo Yunran bumped into him, touched his nose and stepped back, "eh? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Dongjinlin grabbed her, "didn't you want to act alone!"

"It happened suddenly, but it's all right now." Luo Yunran stood up and said he was also innocent.

She really wanted to wait for dongjinlin.

But who knows, marshal suddenly committed suicide over there.

If the marshal really committed suicide, they really can't take off this shit basin.

Dongjinlin had a lot of words to teach her on the way. Now she is safe and sound, and she can't bear to scold.

He sighed and nodded, "well, you're okay, but never again! Is the marshal okay?"

Luo Yunran nodded and walked back with him. "It's all right for the time being. I'll tell you what happened later. Now there's a more important thing for you to do immediately."

Dongjinlin quickly caught up with her, "what's up?"

Luo Yunran turned a corner. There was a lot of space here.

She raised her left hand, nodded a few times, and immediately threw out a three-dimensional image of light and shadow.

The people in the image are Luo Yunran and marshal.

The two stood side by side. It seemed that the atmosphere was inexplicably friendly.

Luo Yunran spoke first and said, "Recently, there have been rumors in many places that general linyst of our third group army has kidnapped the marshal, which has caused great physical and mental damage to our general and the whole third group army. However, I have to stand here and explain to you that the news is false. What's the specific matter? Now please ask the marshal around me to explain it to you in person 。”

Luo Yunran "invited" the marshal and took the initiative to retreat to the side.

The marshal stepped forward, occupied the main picture, cleared his throat and spoke angrily, "I am here to strongly protest against the untrue news circulating in the outside world! The picture you see is not the true story of the matter. In fact, my 'hostage' is a play I had discussed with his Highness the seventh, because I was imprisoned by the generals of several other group armies! They want to force me to abdicate and take the position of Marshal, Master the military power of the whole empire! "

"I'm very sad! Many of them were supported by me. I treat them like my own children! But they did such things for power! Because the general of the third group army was Renault and linyst was temporarily replaced, they haven't had time to win Lin and the third group army."

"In order to get away, I can only find a way to send a message to Lin when they intend to win Lin and the third group army together. Fortunately, he is very clever and cooperated with me to play a perfect play, so that I can get away smoothly!"

"Here I want to say that linyst and the third group army are the real soldiers of the Empire! Citizens! Don't be deceived! Can those who ignore the whole empire for their own self-interest really bring a bright future to the Empire!"

"All imperial soldiers with conscience! If you see this, I hope you can unite to resist those unqualified generals! I will sincerely appreciate what you have done for the Empire!"

The picture disappears.

The marshal spoke impassively.

And it really achieved the goal that Luo Yunran said before to let the marshal stand with them.

Dongjinlin was stunned. "Did you do all this?"

Luo Yun dyed his chin. "I used hypnosis. Anyway, I definitely asked the marshal himself to shoot it with me. Even if they analyzed the video, they couldn't analyze any fake elements."

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